
Heir of Depravity

*Warning: Restricted Content* Nikolai is the last born of his seven brothers, and the only one left behind when his father, the king of Rodakrov, went mad. Six years later, the king dies and Nikolai, at just fifteen, must take the throne for himself. But succession is never that easy. Soon after his inauguration, his eldest brother appears before him, demanding that he cede power to the oldest of their shared bloodline... forgetting that the brother he was commanding was a child of a mad king, raised in the deepest pools of insanity. An heir to depravity itself. And depravity does not take orders. It does not follow the law of man or kingdom. It knows not the meaning of mercy. A single drop within an ocean, and the entire ocean is blighted. **The romance included within this story is slow burn, and it is neither linear nor simple. You've been warned! Also, LGBT elements are included throughout :) ** Find me on Discord: https://discord.gg/PuEFyDQKmZ

OfficialHiggins · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
82 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Madman's Gambit - Part 25

I eyed Lada.

"Do you?" I hummed, eyes roving over her clavicle, partially exposed by her woolen dress. She hated dresses.

"Ugly is the most obnoxious person I've ever encountered, and I haven't even had the ill-luck to speak to him yet."

Her skin was not the fairest I've seen, by far, but her veins were shallow and rich blue. When she was impassioned by something – be it excitement or anger – her right jugular made itself known, as if her facial expressions were not testament enough to her emotion.

I flicked my gaze up to her bright hazel eyes, glaring at me with tenacity.

"And yet?" I prompted.

She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"And yet… you should not."

Then the damned alchemist got to her. Despite her acuity, she was easily swayed by him. She put an unprecedented amount of faith into his 'knowledge'. For her, getting over the fact that he was a Summerland priest was streamlined by his deep comprehension of the sciences.