

After making sure all my prisoners and hidden prisoner were all secured I took a nice cool shower and put some medicine for burns on my hands along with some bandages. My wand would have been destroyed had I not used my elder wand to repair it.

After changing and grabbing some lunch I gave bella the antidote for the potion and she woke up and proceeded to freak out on everyone.

"You know I'm literally a kind of special agent right and my jurisdiction outstrips that of a 17 year old girl correct?" I say holding up my badge. This stopped her babbling. "I could have detained you or simply shot you as I have the license to do both if your trying to interfere in my mission."

She seemed to have the impression that I would have given her special rights like Edward and Jacob do. This would be the wrong assumption. I only like her because she provides free entertainment and the girls enjoy the drama. They encourage me to cause trouble so they can watch it in their spare time.

"You wouldn't?" She says both worried and questioningly.

"I fed you a potion didn't I? Besides you would have just gotten in the way." I state.

"But everything was fine they didn't even have to fight?" She tried to reason.

I hold up my hands covered in bandages.

"I basically rained down hellfire and obliterated a vampire soul and you think it was fine. That clearing is basically molten dirt at this point in time. And they indeed only had to fight two of them. But just because there's a gunfight going on at your local bank doesn't mean the police are going to let bystanders go and look for fun." I point out the obvious. "That would have been your only purpose. Too look for fun or be a distraction. So shhhhhh. And before you get into the, but you're a human aswell. Let me point out I'm a fully trained and certified human and I'm actually supposed to be there."

I hit her with the ole logic.

Before she can say anything else or weedle out any counter arguments I head off to my trunk for some chatting. Leaving her just staring at me in anger.

The newborn vampires are still fucked from the massive dosages of sleeping potion they devoured so they can wait for a bit.

Making my way into my lab where I kept pettigrew was a chained up blonde looking at me in fury. She is actually shorter than Alice at a whopping 4"8. So tiny. I feel some of her mental abilities try to attack me. She is kind of a legilimens natural aswell instead of reading minds she attacks them causing illusions of pain. Neat trick.

"Jane is it? Well it seems you really have no idea about some of the laws of the magical world. Did you know that any type of mental attack or distribution of mind altering potion or drug on a lord of an most ancient and noble house is frowned upon deeply. So deeply that it gives me rights over said persons life. I could by law take you as a slave or kill you and the family that stands behind you freely and you being a vampire means you actually have less rights to defend yourself." I say sitting down on the operation bed and smiling.

She continues to glare at me.

"Now that would be a tragic waste of potential if I just killed you off. I'm actually in need of a secretary you see. There are a few options in front of me." I push one of the rolling tables I keep my surgical tools on toward her cell.

I start placing bottles of liquids on the table along with a golden chalice. Behind those bottle are smaller brighter vials.

"You see in the magical world we have quite a few magical potions. I know it sounds unbelievable right? Magic and potions? Wow. Now there are a few potions who are illegal to use on lord or heirs of houses. However regular people or muggleborns or even magical creatures for instance I could mind fuck you so hard with drugs and chemicals and I'd only have to pay a fine for muggleborns. Your free game." I say with a sinister smile.

She starts to look at me and the bottles more seriously.

"One of those potions is veritaserum the truth potion. It makes you speak the truth and I could ask you literally everything from your mothers name to how many people you've killed and you'd just mindlessly blurt it out. This can be used to get secrets from most lords provided they don't have a family ring that prevents it." I show off my fancy ring before I pop a special syringe into the small vial and pull it out.

"Did you know vampires hearts still actually beat it's just incredibly slowly. So slowly that most drugs and the like don't really effect them. But magical potions are fucking magical." With that I plunge the syringe of potion right into her chest cavity. These are special enhanced syringes nasty stuff.

She gasps in shock as I inject the potion.

"Now tell me your name." I sit down and wait.

"Jane." She chokes out.

"Who were your partners."

"Demetri and Felix."

"Have you ever heard of any magical communities?"

"Yes in passing."

"How long have you been a vampire."

"1200 years."

"And you never learned it's not good to lie to authority figures, shame, what do you think of the magical authorities and their laws." I ask.

"You are just food you have no authority over the volturi." She hisses out.

"Ooh spicy." I clap happily. "So why are you here?"

"We are trying to recruit some of the Cullen vampires and are hoping they will slip up or be killed off so we can take the ones we want." She says.

"See it's so much better to speak the truth." I say happily.