
The Blissful Su Yingxue

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Éditeur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At this moment, Young Master Qin couldn't help but swear.

"F*ck, who the f*ck said she's a concubine? Her background is beyond our league, okay?"

Young Master Qin glared at his retarded buddy beside him.

No background?

Not worthy?

It's me who's not worthy.

How could he beat this background?

"No wonder she can resist all these temptations. No wonder she never spared a glance to those tycoons who tried to lure her with money. It turns out her family is so powerful. Who dares to mess with her?"

Young Master Qin looked at Su Yingxue's back as she sat below the stage, feeling as if a huge wave rose in his heart.

"Young Master Qin, can I take back what I said before?" A young master said in a daze.

"What did you say?"

"I said I wanted to steal your woman."

"Hehe, I don't mind. I can't get her anyway." Young Master Qin laughed bitterly.

Su Yingxue was also extremely shocked.

From her conversation with Second Uncle Du earlier, she had known that her great-grandfather was Second Uncle Du's Grand Master, and Second Uncle Du would be greeting her great grandfather with great respect.

But she wasn't prepared to see this scene.

Su Yingxue turned her head to look at her great-grandfather.

It turned out that he had been telling the truth from the moment he met her, but she had never believed him.

She had no idea that her great-grandfather had such a high position.

"Xiaoxue, your Uncle Du is old. Help him up."

Su Ze spoke from the second floor after Second Master Du knelt there for a long time.

Su Yingxue came back to her senses and run up to the stage.

Then, she helped Second Master Du up and even massaged his knees.

Second Master Du smiled in relief. "I'm fine."

At this moment, Su Ze said in a deep voice, "My great-granddaughter is my only family now. I returned to the human world only for her. Don't disappoint me again."

Second Master Du bowed and nodded. "Yes, yes, yes."

"Let's go, good child. Let's go home."

Su Ze said to Su Yingxue.

She ran down from the stage to Su Ze's side and left the theatre with her arm loop around his.

Young Master Qin, who was standing in the corridor, hurriedly ran away as if he was afraid to be silenced for discovering this great secret.

Chen Hao went over and helped Second Master Du into the car.

He sent the chauffeur away and personally drove Second Master Du back.

Second Master Du looked at Chen Hao and knew what he was thinking.

"Do you think it's not worth it?"

Chen Hao nodded. "I just feel that Su family doesn't deserve you respect. Second Master, I know you're loyal but you are the only elder left in the current four great families. If people saw you kneeling...". '

"What you want to say that the current Su family is not worthy to be compared to the Du family." Second Master Du snorted. "You're right that the current Su family is ordinary, but you have to remember something." Second Master Du's eyes became sharp. "In the past, the Su family was not a noble family, either. But with him around, Su family could have everything they wanted.

"Look at Su Yingxue now. She has nothing and is just an ordinary woman. But so long as she says it, Grand Master can get her everything she wants."

Second Master Du looked at Chen Hao and said word by word, "Let me tell you. The Du family, or rather, the entire Jiangbei, is just a small part of the mortal world that Grand Master once entered. It's nothing in his eyes. In the Jiangbei area, Du Yuesheng might be a big figure, but you have to know that in any other places outside the Jiangbei area, Grand Master's words also count.

"Cough, cough, cough. Du Yuesheng is just the one of Grand Master's followers."

Chen Hao was driving. When he heard this, his hands shook and the car almost flipped over.


The next day.

After Su Yingxue woke up in the morning, she saw that Chen Hao was busy settling the new maidservants downstairs.

There were five of them.

They were here to take care of Su Ze.

Two of them were around twenty-five years old, the same age as those servants who had taken care of the old man in his era.

Obviously, Chen Hao had put lots of thoughts into this matter.

As soon as they arrived, the two maids went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone in the villa.

"Good morning, little sister," Chen Hao smiled and greeted Su Yingxue.

Being called "Little sister" by him, Su Yingxue feel very uncomfortable.

Chen Hao was almost 50 years old. It was a little awkward for Su Yingxue to call him brother.

But there was nothing she could do. Ever since she confirmed her relationship with Second Master Du yesterday, Chen Hao had become her brother.

Today, they would go to the Du family's house for dinner. Second Uncle Du had already arranged for all the children of the Du family to go home. He planned to introduce Su Yingxue to them.

This dinner was unavoidable.

"Good morning, brother Chen."

At the dining table, Chen Meiling had already taken her seat.

"Good morning, Meiling."

"Good morning, Little..."Chen Meiling was about say Little Xue, but seeing her father's glared, she said instead, "Auntie."



Su Yingxue spat out the milk she had drank, caught off guard by Chen Meiling calling her auntie.

She wiped her mouth and grinned as she hugged Chen Meiling. "I'm so happy."

Chen Meiling roll her eyes. She picked up a piece of bread and stuffed it into Su Yingxue's mouth. "Stop it. Hurry up and eat!"

The two maids brought breakfast upstairs to Su Ze's room.

However, Su Ze pushed the door open and said to them, "Take it downstairs. I'll eat with the others."

The maids nodded and took the breakfast back downstairs.

When Su Ze went downstairs, the other three people in the dining room stood up immediately.

After yesterday's incident, Su Ze's status had become a little different.

Chen Hao pulled out the chair for Su Ze when he came over.

"Sir, Second Master told two maids yesterday that these were your favorite dishes in the past. Second Master specially asked me to come over and bring these dishes over to you," Chen Hao stood by Su Ze's side and said with a smile.