

The King and the Princess stared at Samael's direction, feeling the obvious change in the surrounding that Samael caused.

This was a common phenomenon, when children would have their very first cultivation session they would attract a large amount of Profound Energy creating a scene such as this. Many of the large clans loved to compare the phenomenon caused by their clansmen just to brag about it. In the cultivation world, they thought that the larger the scale of the phenomenon the more talented a person is. This was brought upon a thought that because are so talented that the heavens herald their coming to the cultivation world.

But never have the king and the princess ever witnessed a phenomenon as large as this...

It was like Samael was the eye of a coming storm, the energy coming from all directions converges on him like a storm. But they didn't know what is actually happening to Samael.

He had no control over the essences converging around him, he was submerged deep within his subconscious, focused on the chants and mysteries of the two supreme arts. Samael didn't even know that his body has been encased in Ice!

Back at the royal courtyard, The Princess and the King continued to observe the surrounding when a messenger came.

"Your Majesty, Princess."

"Speak." The King said. The messenger panted for a while before saying "News from the western guards, they said that the Heir of the Clyde Family is bringing with him a group of guards and is coming here."

"Julian? What is he coming here for? There's still two more days till our appointment!" The Princess was surprised, she blushed for a while thinking how her fiancee couldn't bare to see her after a long time. But her blush turned into frown when she heard.

"They say that rumors about the Princess' new friend reached the young master."

Things finally clicked in for the Princess. She had her hand on head, feeling the headache coming. She sighed " And now he's here to 'check' if the rumors were true or not"

The king sighed too and said. "Lina, go check on Samael, make sure no conflict happens between the two of them." Heaven's know what could happen if they got off the wrong start.

"Yes, father." She naturally knew that things she needed to do and she hurried to Samael's room. It didn't take her long enough to arrive before Samael's doorstep.

Knock! Knock!

Princess Lina knocked on the door but there was no answer, she thought that Samael must still be in cultivation and with the near arrival of her fiancee she needed to inform him about it lest a problem occur. With no choice but to intrude on him, the princess was going to open the the door.

"Cold!" Placing her hands on the door knob, she was surprised because of the cold metal. The princess then covered her hand with energy essence, protecting her from the cold. She twisted the knob but it wouldn't turn so she nudge it and...


The knob broke, the princess, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, threw the broken knob aside. She backed off a bit before rushing towards the door like a blur, delivering a kick and literally kicking the door open.

She walked in to see the whole room covered in ice and there was frost mist in the entire room making it hard for her to see.

"Damn, what kind of cultivation art is he training?" The Princess grumbled.

She waved her hand and a sword appeared, once again her Profound Energy rose and coursed through her body and into her sword. She stabbed the sword on the floor and a gust of wind came gushing out from it, the force of the wind blew open the windows and flushed out the frosty mist.

"What the..." Finally, she saw the contents of the room clearly. Though the bed, table, and chairs were all still frozen, she was able to see a black pillar of ice.

She had seen many cultivators who uses the Ice element but never had she seen or heard any hard that could produce black Ice.

"What is this?" Lina walked towards it and circled it once, inspecting it. As a cultivator, she could feel the intense energy fluctuations happening inside the pillar of ice. She had an inkling, placing her hand on and the ice, wiping its surface. Though it was dim inside, she could still make out that familiar features.

"Samael!" She gasped.

Princess Lina doesn't know what mysterious art he was practicing but her worry for him took over and she roused her energy essence, intending to break the Ice.

"Ha!" The princess threw a kick at the Ice pillar.

The frozen black pillar shattered and Samael's body, who still had frost on his skin fell to the floor. Princess Lina approached his body but when she was about to touch him. Black Lightning suddenly flickered out from his body, this made Princess Lina back off. She felt the strength of that mysterious black lightning, she felt danger.

The Princess didn't want to get shocked again so she kept her distance and shouted. "Samael! Samael! Wake up you brat!"

"Who are you to call me 'brat'?!" suddenly Samael groaned and answered back.

"Wai- what? Princess? What are you doing here?" Slowly, Samael was roused awake. "Ughh" Samael hugged himself as he shivered, he took a look around and saw his frozen room, then he saw the fragments of black ice.

"What I am doing here? I'm here cause your life is possibly in danger." The Princess walked up to him and offered a hand to help him stand up.

"My life? In danger? What do you me- Uh!" Samael was about to ask her how his life was in danger when suddenly pain registered in his stomach area.

It was like everything was in slow motion...he felt an outside force coming in contact with his stomach and he felt the wind coming from his back as he was flung outside.


The rustling of grass could be heard as his body rolled above them.

"Samael!" The Princess screamed. She saw a figure suddenly come in between her and Samael.

"Samael huh? So that's his name..." It was just now that she recognized this person. "Julian!"

It was her Fiancee...

"You have reached the pinnacle of the Early stage Foundation Building realm?" She gasped in surprise at her Fiancee's strength. But he didn't reply and she only saw a blur as he moved, "Julian!" she shouted.

She was worried, her fiancee had the strength of a pinnacle of the Elementary Spiritual root realm cultivation and it was definitely not something a freshly starting cultivator could handle! She was afraid that he might kill Samael!

Julian, her Fiancee saw the things that happened right from when the Princess held Samael's hand to help him up. This is where he imploded and just dashed in to separate Samael and the Princess with his fist. But he didn't use his Early stage Foundation Building realm strength, he just used his cultivation to boost his physical body's speed so both Samael and the Princess only saw a blur.

He dashed over the window into the courtyard, he heard the princess' screaming voice and felt even angrier as he thought that she was concerned for this mysterious young man. Julian needed to vent and he thought, why not let this kid feel the brunt of his anger?

But just as he stepped onto the ground he saw a black light and the next thing knew his face was forced to face right. Turns out, he was punched and it was only then that he saw who punched him and it was none other than Samael!