
Heavenly System: Why Cultivate If I Have A System?

[Connection restored with a new Host.] [Due to the new connection, the Player's level has been reset to Level 1.] After being suddenly disconnected, Will, who was about to reach Level 1.000, woke up in the body of Su Login, a young failure who had no talent for cultivation. There was a problem there, Will was arrogant and would never bow his head to anyone, he couldn't allow his lack of cultivation talent to make him a victim of the Geniuses and Immortals. Although his cultivation didn't have a future, the System had accompanied him to that world, allowing him to advance in Level. Could this, coupled with his experience as a 'Player', allow him to be a peer even with an Immortal? Without understanding much about the common sense of that world, Su Login decided that he would evolve and return to the apex. His goal? Power! He wanted to become the strongest in the world! And anyone who got in his way should simply be eliminated. *** NekoYasha's discord server: https://discord.gg/eWf7xeum94 Note: The frequency of chapter releases will depend on audience interaction. Comment and favorite the novel to support the author.

NekoYasha · Oriental
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30 Chs

Finding A Prey To Complete The Daily Quest

Su Login had no interest in killing innocent people.

But even if he was a ruthless killer, there was the problem that all the participants in the Peach Tree Trial were stronger than him.

Considering the complexity of that Daily Quest, he would certainly receive a lot of XP, so he couldn't ignore it.

If he advanced a Level, he would unlock the Forge System.

In a worst-case scenario, maybe I could kill some cultivator who was having problems with the Magical Beasts, should I try to go near the place where I removed the seal?

It was a bit of a tricky situation, but he decided to move while he thought, he might be lucky enough to find some seriously injured cultivators there.

The young people were already entering a deeper part of the forest, soon some of them would start to disappear or give up. 

Su Login didn't know exactly what the Peach Tree Trial was, because up until that moment he hadn't seen anything different in the forest, everyone was just exploring without knowing what to do.


In the afternoon.

Su Login climbed down from the tree in a clearing and drank some water.

He was very grateful to get the Sly Forest Disguise, no one had noticed him since the beginning of the Trial.

Just as he was about to get up and go back to the tree, he heard the sound of voices. Two people were approaching, probably also wanting water.

The young man hid behind a rock, perhaps there would be an opportunity to complete his Daily Quest.

A young man and a young woman were approaching. The young woman was holding the young man's arm and had a happy expression as she talked to him. They were probably a couple.

Their robe looked like Su Login's, which he wasn't wearing at the moment, as he was using his Training Set to move quickly. Both people had red bows on their heads.

Su Login noticed that those ribbons, bows or cloth bracelets that cultivators wore revealed their hierarchical level in the sect.

He was about to leave, it would be problematic if they were two very strong cultivators, but he stopped when he noticed the presence of a Wooden Horned Squirrel staring at the couple.

The young man and woman hadn't seen that Magical Beast, they were being careless, although the presence of a squirrel near the lake was strange.

The squirrel was preparing to throw its Wooden Horn in their direction.

Su Login had no reason to get involved, but he thought it would be a waste for someone to be killed by such a squirrel. 

That Magical Beast always aimed for the head, even if the cultivator was strong, he could die if he was distracted. 

Maybe I could have an advantage if I left them in my debt.

He could just shout from the back and warn them, so he wouldn't have to reveal his presence, but if he was going to move anyway, it was better to leave the two cultivators in his debt, something that could be useful in the Peach Tree Trial.

Of course, he wouldn't do the same thing if it was Dong Bai who was there.

Su Login threw a stone from there with the Aeromancer's Will. The stone flew at an impressive speed and hit the unsuspecting squirrel square in the head.

[You killed 'Wooden Horned Squirrel'.]

[You received 10 XP.]

['Karma System' has been unlocked.]

[You received 50 Karma Points.]

Su Login raised an eyebrow. A System unlocked by his actions was news to him.

But he needed to check it out later, as the young woman was a little confused when she heard the Wooden Horned Squirrel's squeal before it died.

Su Login cleared his throat and slowly stepped out from behind the rock. He was a little annoyed because his communication was still not good.

"You can't get distracted here, even a weak Magical Beast can be dangerous."

Su Login's voice came out a little low because of the white mask. His presence naturally startled the couple.

"I'm sorry to cause you this inconvenience, senior, and thank you for helping us." The young man bowed respectfully.

"Yes, thank you very much, senior."

Luckily, Su Login wasn't wearing his robe, so they didn't know which Hall of the sect he belonged to. Although that part of the forest was in the South Hall, some senior brothers like Dai Yuzui could wander through it.

"I don't need any thanks, just remember that I saved you when I need a favor from you."

The two young men didn't complain, and Su Login ran off into the forest, disappearing; it would be problematic to spend too much time there.

The two cultivators looked at his figure, they decided that they would walk more carefully so as not to run a risk like that again.

"Who is this senior? I've never heard of anyone wearing a fox mask in the sect."

"Could it be that he's an outside guest who's been asked to stay on as an inspector at the Peach Tree Trial? I felt a bit of pressure from him and I couldn't determine his cultivation level, maybe he's already an Immortal."

"Yes, it's really strange that he shows the level of a non-cultivator. What an interesting senior…"


I think I've made a good impression, but for now, it's best not to draw too much attention to myself, it will be problematic if they start hunting me down thinking I'm an Immortal.

They might even suspect that I'm the person using the dark arts, or I could be targeted by that person.

Su Login was sitting on the branch of an oak tree; he decided to follow the couple he had saved near the lake.

At that moment, the young man, who was called Feng Tiao, and the young woman, who was called Chun Feng, were resting.

Su Login took advantage of that break to check his new System. 

He opened the Karma System and what appeared was a screen with his total Karma Points and a menu with items that could be bought with those points.

The cheapest item on the menu cost 150 Karma Points and was a Body Strengthening Pill.

It's interesting, but it'll be a problem if I have to do good deeds to get Karma Points, and it'll be even worse if I lose points for doing bad deeds.

Su Login let out a long sigh and ignored it for the moment, it was a System he had unlocked without much effort, so that was a good thing.

He opened his Status screen:


[Su Login, 14 Years Old]

[Level: 9]

[XP: 15 / 250]

[Qi: 2,408 / 2,500]

[Race: Human | Cultivation: Celestial]

[Realm: Unavailable]

[Strength: 28 | Defense: 11]

[Agility: 10 | Qi Gain: 1]

[Intelligence: 6 | Technique: 10]


He was still weak, he needed to find some opportunity to reach the next Realm.

Su Login suddenly stood up when he noticed someone moving around in the bushes. It made no sense for a cultivator to sneak up on that couple.

This time, Feng Tiao was more attentive and stood up as soon as he heard the noise.

Just as Feng Tiao was about to use a spell, an Ebony Whispering Serpent jumped towards him.

There was something wrong there, that couple was being targeted by the Magical Beasts, because those creatures were out of their area. 

Su Login quickly came to a conclusion: there was someone in the shadows trying to kill them.

Hmmm, I think I've found someone who will help me complete my Daily Quest. If he saw me helping them in the lake, then he must be on the alert... I'll need an emergency plan.