
Heavenly Arts of the Eight Immortals

A young man with his hopes and dreams shattered, must find his way to greatness.

avi19 · Oriental
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: A Father's Scorn


In the thriving village of Qingyun, nestled in the lush mountain top of the majestic Wudang Mountains.

A young boy named Wang Xiaolin was born into a family clan of renowned martial artists.

Wang Xiaolin's father, Wang Li, head of the Wang family was a renowned scholar and a master of the Heavenly Arts of Alchemy. [Place holder for mother's name?]

Throughout his childhood, Wang Xiaolin had been surrounded by the love and support of his mother.

She had always been a constant source of encouragement and guidance, even as Wang Xiaolin struggled to find his place in the family of martial artists.

Wang Xiaolin, however, had no prodigious talents like his parents.

He was neither exceptionally swift nor remarkably strong among his peers.

Despite all this, his mother' love had never faltered in support for her young son.

When Wang Xiaolin had turned 10 years old, his mother's unwavering love and support for her young son reached its zenith.

It was during this time that she gifted him a jade disc with dragon inscriptions, a rare spiritual cultivation gift that she had been saving for him since his birth. The dragonbone Jade

However, one night tragedy struck. His mother, who had been his pillar of strength and his guiding light, passed away due to complications with the birth of his younger sibling.

The loss was profound and left an indelible mark on Wang Xiaolin's heart and soul.

In the wake of his mother's passing, Wang Xiaolin found solace and inspiration in the memory of her unwavering love and support.

Six years had past since the tragedy that had taken his mother away, Wang Xiaolin had vowed to always honor her memory.

On a brisk autumn morning , Wang Xiaolin was training in the family courtyard.

With a determined glint in his eyes, he grasped a small, ornate jade disc in his right hand, while his left hand held a plain iron disc, a gift he had received from his father.

The discs spun in a graceful, synchronized dance, creating a soothing, metallic whisper as they whirled through the crisp morning air aiding his meditation.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting golden light upon the discs, with blinding light Wang Xiaolin's concentration began to falter.

Suddenly, the jade disc wobbled and spiraled erratically, ultimately colliding with the courtyard's stone floor shattering to many pieces.

A puff of dust erupted, revealing a small, delicate-looking dilapidated root that resembled a tiny dragon.

"Wang Xiaolin! What have you done?!"

Wang Li exclaimed, rushing over to his son.

"That root was our last dragonbone! It was your mother's final gift to aid in your cultivation!"

Tears welled up in Wang Xiaolin's eyes as he beheld the shattered fragments of the Dragonbone jade, a rare and potent cultivation resource renowned for its ability to expedite one's spiritual progress.

"Father, I'm so sorry," Wang Xiaolin stammered, his voice trembling with remorse. "I don't know what happened, I truly didn't mean to."

Wang Li knelt beside his son, his expression etched with disappointment.

Placing a firm hand on Wang Xiaolin's shoulder, he sighed heavily before speaking.

"Wang Xiaolin, you are a grave disappointment! You have sullied our family name"

"I had such high hopes for you when you were born, but now I see that my real hope lies with your sister, Ying'er.

She's the true prodigy of our Wang family!" Wang Li exclaimed.

"The dragonbone jade disc should have been given to her instead of trash like you"

Wang Xiaolin's heart shattered into a million pieces as his father's words pierced his soul.

The loss of the dragonbone jade weighed heavily on his heart, but the disappointment and scorn from his father cut even deeper.

"Father, please, give me another chance." Wang Xiaolin pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I promise I will work harder and become stronger. I won't let you down again."

Wang Li's eyes narrowed, and his lips curled into a sneer.

"You have already let me down too many times. I can no longer tolerate your incompetence. You are henceforth banished from the Wang family clan, you are no longer my son. Go, and never return, never use our Wang family name again."

With a heavy heart, Wang Xiaolin left to pack a small bag with the few belongings he owned and left the clan.

Wang Xiaolin began his journey to find a new way to grow in strength and wisdom.

He vowed to prove his father wrong and become a great martial artist, despite the odds that stacked against him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, dark shadows across the village.

Wang Xiaolin held onto his determination, as he ventured out into the world.

The sense of loss and despair that weighed on his heart only seemed to grow.

The unfamiliar sights and sounds outside the clan only served to amplify his fear and uncertainty.

With every step he took away from the safety and comfort of his family home, Wang Xiaolin could feel the crushing weight of his father's disappointment bearing down upon him.

Despite the overwhelming sense of fear and despair that threatened to consume him, Wang Xiaolin refused to give in.

He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and obstacles, but he was ready to face them head-on, for he had nothing left to lose.