Azrael found himself ensnared in the enigma of memory loss, a veil obscuring his origins and history. The contours of his past had dissolved into an abyss of oblivion, leaving him with fragments of recollections pertaining to an unfamiliar realm. Amidst this disarray, one unwavering certainty remained: he bore a purpose that had propelled him to this enigmatic place.
Azrael's desperate struggle for breath was abruptly interrupted as a sudden arrow pierced the air, finding its mark in Ifrit's form. The demon roared in pain as the arrows kept coming, forcing him to release Azrael from his deadly grip.
Gasping for air and free from Ifrit's clutches, Azrael's wide eyes turned to the source of his unexpected rescue. "Gabriel!" he shouted in both relief and gratitude, recognizing the familiar technique of his fellow angel.
Gabriel, poised with his bow, continued to rain down arrows on Ifrit, his focus unwavering. "Go, Azrael! I've got this," he called out, his voice determined.
Taking Gabriel's cue, Azrael swiftly backed away, his wings unfurling as he prepared to join the fight once more. Though weakened, he was not defeated. His resolve burned brighter than ever, fueled by the timely intervention of his comrade and friend.