
Chapter 459 This is the World of Martial Arts

The countenance of Wang Tong immediately turned cold. He identified the voice as that of a female elder from the West Sea Sect, who was his lover no less!

Why should the woman he indulges have to grovel before others?

Wang Tong glanced apologetically at Chu Mo: "Your Majesty King of Chu, excuse me for a moment, I need to handle something."

Before Chu Mo could reply, Wang Tong pushed open the door, stepped off the carriage, and walked in the direction of the argument. Without even looking at the person who spoke, he nonchalantly said, "I am Elder Wang Tong of the West Sea Sect, responsible for coordinating this sect's conference. Is there something dissatisfying about my arrangements? If so, come discuss it with me. However, this place is for the esteemed guests of the Piaomiao Palace; I hope you can step aside."

Wang Tong's words weren't cold, but neither were they courteous, leaving no face for the Four Path Sword Sect.