
Chapter 4- I do

As the sunrays pierced his eyes, Kabir groaned and got up, yawning. That was when he registered that he was not in his makeshift bed. He blinked and the events of last night came rushing back to him, leaving a small smile on his lips. That was when it hit him that he was lying on the sofa alone, Ruhani was not next to him. Puzzled, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Was she gonna run from and avoid him again? No, not this time, he decided. Determined, he hurriedly freshened up and when he didn't find her in the cabin, went out to look for her, thinking she must have ventured out to collect wood.

When he came out, he saw that the white snow shone gold with the sunrays penetrating it, oddly reminding him of diamond studded gold. He chuckled inwardly and told himself to stop being whimsical. He kept looking for her here and there and that was when a voice reached him. 'Yoohoo! Up here!!' Puzzled, he squinted towards the direction and almost staggered when he saw her. Ruhani was perched almost as high as the cabin's roof on the branch of the apple tree situated there, happily munching on an apple she held in her hands. He was shocked.

'What the!? Ruhani what are you doing up there!!??' He screeched. She laughed heartily, hair tumbling around, cheeks flushed red and he swore to himself, determined not to get distracted. 'What does it look like? I'm eating breakfast!' She giggled. Kabir bit back an oath. 'Ruhani, it's not that funny and it's not safe. Climb back down. Now.' She narrowed her eyes at him. 'Fun police at it again. Here, take a chill pill. Or in this case, a chilled apple.' she said and tossed one at him. He caught it with one hand out of reflex and she clapped heartily, a big smile on her face. He now smirked challengingly. She arched a brow, confused. He looked down at the apple she had thrown and back at her, still smirking. 'Qubool Hai.' He said, giving her a wink and a cheeky grin. She was befuddled. 'What?' He now threw back his head and laughed richly, and her heart felt oddly warm and thumped erratically in her chest. Still laughing, he said 'You just proposed to me. In Greek mythology, giving someone an apple is considered proposing. So, I am accepting it. I do. Qubool hai!' She narrowed her eyes and glared at him. 'I DID NOT propose to you. Please shut up.'

Because he still kept grinning at her, she made a strangling gesture with her hands which caused her balance to tilt a bit. His smile disappeared. 'Careful, Ruhani. You might fall.' He said softly. She steadied herself and looked at him, and their gazes locked, and held. A tense moment passed. 'I will not fall. I never fall.' she said quietly. He looked at her then, committing her face to memory. 'I might.' He whispered to himself. Ruhani stared, wondering what he said. 'What??' she strained to hear. He shook his head and muttered 'Nothing. Get down NOW. Bandariya kahin ki.' He said and turned around, not meeting her gaze. When she heard that, Ruhani fumed. Determinedly, she climbed back down gracefully and hopped on to her feet. Ready for revenge, she got into action.

Kabir had no time to register what happened, leave alone dodge the big snowball that hit his back. When he turned around in absolute shock, sputtering, he saw her victorious, satisfied smirk. He glared. She shrugged. 'You called me a monkey!' she accused, pointing a finger at him. He started walking towards her. She took cautious steps back. He increased his pace. She increased hers. When he looked ready to chase her she turned with a shriek and started running. That gave him the time to collect his own snowball and hit her back. Because he had a good aim, it hit her smack in the middle of her back. He laughed now, head thrown back. She narrowed her eyes and declared war. They started chasing each other with snowballs, hitting, yelling, shrieking and laughing hard. Finally when she jumped on his back in her vicious attack they both tumbled down on the ground, her on top of him. They lied there, linking their foreheads as they struggled to catch their breaths in between their pants and laughs. Tears of laughter now streamed down their faces.

She looked down at him, shaking the snow out of her hair. He grinned. 'This is comfortable.' And yelped when she pinched him. She laughed. When she stopped, she noticed that he was staring at her, intensely. She gulped and started to get up but his hands on her waist held her in place. 'We need to talk.' He whispered. She raised an eyebrow. 'And this is clearly the best position to talk in.' He grinned and nodded. 'Look..about last night..' She cut him off. 'I wanted to thank you for that. For everything you did. I..I told you. I had never felt this safe in my life. So thank you. I hope neither of us withdraw back into our shells for the rest of the time we are here together. I would like this..newfound equation to stay for that long. I feel like I can talk to you about everything. I want that to continue- I want to know you and I want you to know me - inside out.' She stated, staring deep into his caramel brown orbs. His breath hitched. His heart pounded. Was she suggesting what he thought she was...?

She continued. 'We can continue this as long as we are here..in Kashmir. As soon as we get out it's not like we are gonna see or contact each other again. So it's a win win for both of us.' And just like that, those words brought him back to earth from his floating dreams like a thud. She just wanted to share a novel chemistry kind of experience with the advantage of unburdening her emotions with a stranger she wouldn't have to see ever again. He would do well to remember that. It's not like he wanted something more or different, he told himself defiantly even as he felt a hollow, sinking pain in his chest and a big lump in his throat. His eyes were also starting to gain some moisture. Must be because of all that vigorous snow fight exercise, he thought determinedly and rubbed a palm over his aching chest absent-mindedly.

Ruhani looked at him, a bit warily and tried to decipher his reaction. His eyes seemed to flicker with an emotion she couldn't name but he recovered quickly and gave her a quick smile. 'Done deal. Just to make it clear, because we ARE treating all this as a deal, where do we stand on physical intimacy?' She gasped, and her eyes narrowed. Giving him a light push she stood up. He stood up as well, hands in pockets. She glared. 'You want to..hook up with me and take adv.." His icy glare made her stop in her tracks. He looked furious. A quiet, deadly sort of furious. "Mind your words, Verma. I dont take this type of disrespect, even from pretty girls. I asked you a legitimate, direct question. There is no question of any advantage taking. If you assume i am interested in you, you are also very much attracted to me." The words, tone and glare made her flinch. For the first time, she detected the hint of inner steel in him and his languid exterior. It thrilled her insides even as it scared her a bit. She also knew that he was not wrong here and had a right to be offended. She sighed. "I am sorry I didn't mean it..not like that. I just..anyway as for physical intimacy I.." Her cheeks heated up. "Let me spell it out then- it is NOT on the table, at least not in this situation though the temptation is there.' He winked at her at the end. She looked puzzled. "Honey, no matter what you think of me or men in general, I am not that kind of guy. I don't take sex this lightly or treat it as a deal. So we are not indulging in that. Pure and simple. Rest, we can enjoy each other's company, talk and cuddle or whatever u want, I am game. Just not going the whole way." Taken aback, she stared at him, blinking rapidly. She had not, in her life, come across a man of this sort. As her eyes glowed with genuine, heartfelt respect, he shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable. "Come on in now. I doubt you ate anything apart from those apples. I will fix u breakfast and then we can talk or whatever.." He murmured, turning away, holding out a hand behind him for her as a natural action. As seamlessly, she put her hand in his and let him pull her in, interlocking her fingers reflexively with his, unconsciously placing all her trust in their linked hands.

Kabir leaned back on the hard word floor, his arms under his head and continued what he had been doing for the past 5 minutes - stare at Ruhani. They were by the fire place, him lying down in front of it and her sitting closer to it with her knees drawn to her chest, hands wrapped around them, cuddled into a ball. She was looking at the fire, fascinated by it, looking for patterns, figures and stories in it in the darkness of the night. She didn't realize what a sight she made with her face and eyes aglow with the embers of the fire reflecting on her features. Kabir's breath almost knocked out of him, looking at the angelic glow of her eyes, lips and skin. A woman always looks best by firelight at night, he mused. He could continue to stare languidly at her by the fire forever, just like this, content and happy. She looked just like the meaning of her name- soulful. Ruhani.

The clearing of her throat brought him out of his trance. He blinked. 'What?' he said. She laughed. 'Are you even listening? I asked tell me more about your relationship with your family.' They had been talking and getting to know each other for the last couple of ours. He smiled. 'Im close to all of them, but closest to my brother I think. Ever since he was born, he was kinda my responsibility since mom and dad travel a lot for dad's work. You know, he was born on Christmas Eve. I was 5. I was waiting for my gift when mom and dad left home for the hospital coz mom went into labour, leaving me with my aunt and uncle. I sadly figured no gifts this Christmas because mom is sick. When they came home with a baby the next day on Christmas I was so happy. I thought Aarav was specially brought home for me. My gift. That's why I'm so protective of him I guess.' His cheeks turned pink at the end.

Ruhani was struck at the sweetness of the story. "Awww. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. You are like a mama bear for Aarav, aren't you?" He blushed harder. "Shut up." He muttered. She laughed and pulled his cheeks while he rolled his eyes at her.

"So tell me about your family now." He said quickly, changing the subject. She hesitated now, wringling her hands a bit. He waited. "I was closest to papa. He was my hero, as dads always are for little girls. You know, right from my childhood he spoilt me and made sure I turned out to be independent and strong. He was the kindest and bravest man I knew. It was because of him that I was almost a tomboy and into outdoorsy stuff, and adventurous. After he was killed in that encounter..it was hard. I love my mom and sister but I felt a little weird somehow without dad there. I was 14. Mom had to manage being a single parent and her teaching career. Di dealt with it in her own way. She is different from me..more homey I guess. Her first priority was to manage the household, and later on she seemed eager to get married soon. Mom was relieved. I was always..more difficult for them I guess. And then they didn't like Nitin, my ex. They were right. But things are improving now. Di's kids have brought the family closer. Children always do that, I guess." She trailed off, shocked at how much she had shared. She never revealed this much about her family problems even to her closest friends.

Kabir listened intently, without interrupting. The pain in her voice and the shadows of hurt in her eyes pained him. When she was finished, he said nothing but moved closer to put his hand on hers in a gesture of silent support. She looked up at him in gratitude. He smiled at her. It occurred to her that their hands somehow always found each other's, regards right from the moment they met. The thought made her smile back. He said slowly "Families, though difficult at times, will be the only people standing by your side when the entire world is against you. Never give up or let go of them." She just nodded, tears choking her throat, afraid to speak.

He lifted her to her feet with a hand and engulfed her in a big, warm hug, squeezing her tight. She sighed and pulled him even closer, her wide smile paradoxing with her teary eyes. Because of their height difference, her face was closer to his chest, his heart and that was just fine by her. His one hand cradled the back of her head protectively, like one wud a child while the other rested firmly on her back. He kissed her hair. She sighed in happiness, her hands clutching his neck.

She opened her eyes slowly and then suddenly spotted something half hidden in a corner. She pulled back and squealed "Oh my gosh is that a radio!? You have a radio here and didn't tell me we could have passed time so much more beautifully.." Surprised, Kabir looked in the direction and then chuckled. The intense moment broke somewhat. "Oh, that. I forgot it was still here. Let's see if that old thing still works." He pulled the radio out from the corner and dusted it, dialing on its switch. Surprisingly, after a burst of static it tuned in to FM and was playing regional news. Ruhani clapped her hands in delight. "Switch to a music channel!!" He laughed and complied. He tuned in to an old melodies station.

"And next up we have a very special melodies sung by Kishore Da- Ek Ajnabi Haseena Se. The RJ announced. Ruhani jumped with delight. "Oh my gosh I love these old songs so much. They have so much depth and soul. I feel like slow dancing to em. Sigh.." Kabir looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. "What's stopping u, come on!" He offered her a hand. She looked at him in surprise. "You can dance" He grinned. "A bit." At her raised brow he laughed. "What? Doctors can dance too. " Because her brow was still up he sighed. "Aarav made me join dance lessons with him as a kid." She laughed and took his offered hand. "There you go." He rolled his eyes and pulled her close. The laughter died, replaced by the slow burning fire between them, literally as well as figuratively.

The first song started. They waltzed together slowly, talking their time. One hand interlinked, one around each other, gazing into each other's eyes. Somehow their movements synced together totally, naturally and they marvelled at it. Never once leaving her gaze, he spun her out and then pulled her back in in a swift motion, her back against his front now, arms wrapped around her from behind. She smiled. And then he was twirling her round and round. Heady laughter escaped her at the delight of it all. A snowy fire lit cabin in the mountains. An old melody on the radio. Dancing in a gorgeous man's arms. At her darkest moments, she knew she would go back to this precious memory. She closed her eyes, absorbing it all.

Towards the end of the song, he dipped her low, theatrically, leaning over her neck, supporting her waist. She grinned at him and he grinned back, pulling her up, flush against his chest. The song ended. Neither broke the embrace. They continued looking at each other, the air simmering with the tension between them. Kabir leaned lower. Ruhani leaned in closer. When their lips came closer, his brushed his over hers slowly, giving her time and a chance. A last chance before they went to the point of no return. When she responded by threading her fingers in his hair he let down all guards and pulled her even closer, kissing her with every ounce of passion flaming within him from the day they met. He nudged her upper lip, then lower one. She deepened the kiss and climbed on his toes to reach closer. His hands clutched her waist and hair desparately, trying to hang on. Giving up, he backed her up against the wall then with a primal growl and pinned her, the kiss becoming rougher and more passionate by the second.

When they finally pulled back to breathe, both of them were panting. Kabir tried to breathe normally. He opened his eyes and looked at her. Cheeks flushed, hair tousled, eyes wide with wonder and desire, breathing hard. His heart tightened. She looked at him then and gave a small smile. He leaned in and kissed her face softly this time, taking his time to kiss her cheeks, eyes, chin, nose and forehead. The softness of it melted her and she let out a sigh of pleasure. He pressed a final searing kiss to the sensitive spot beneath her earlobe before pulling back, satisfied with his handiwork. But she didn't let him pull back completely, burying her face in his chest. The silence between them was filled with understanding.

He soothed her hair. She placed a small kiss on his chest through his shirt in a gesture of gratitude and he trembled. Lifting her up in his arms bridal style he carried her to their sleeping bags and tugged her close. She snuggled in, content, cocooned in his arms, warm and smiling. The fire continued to roar in front of them, spreading its light on them, delighted to have witnessed a beautiful incident.