
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Chapter-34: Awakening of a Ruler

The lecherous man also took out the spiritual artifact he had snatched from Ashmus.

He is going to fight with someone who has a high grade artifact, even though that person couldn't use her cultivation.

When they exchanged their opponent's first blow, they both realised that they were on par with each other.

The man was shocked to find about this. He knew this girl can't use her cultivation meaning she is no different than a mortal other than her inner instinct of a cultivator.

Even though he was literally fighting a mortal here, he couldn't over power her with her spiritual artifact.

He was extremely surprised that the girl had a artifact of this level. He knew that even the leder of his fraction wouldn't have this high level of a artifact.

The blue haired girl, on the other hand felt extremely humiliated when she saw that she couldn't even defeat an ant of qi assimilation realm.

If she could use her cultivation, she could have killed thousands of qi assimilation ants like this man without breaking a sweat.

They exchanged several blows and with each blow, the blue haired was getting suppressed.

The man was deliberately attacking her clothes and there were already several cuts on her body.

If this continues, she would be exposed infront of all the men. She was extremely angered just by the thought of her body being seen by all these disgusting fools.

When the lecherous man saw her smooth and sweet skin, he felt his little brother grow up. But he ignored his boner for now.

When he defeats this girl, he would definitely have taste of her before killing her.

He was extremely stimulated when he thought of this and he started attacking faster and faster.

But he avoided injuring her beautiful body So that he won't have any trouble in the future.

The girl felt humiliated when she saw the way the man was looking at her body.

If anyone in the past had dared to look at her in this way, she would have given him a horrible death. But now she could do nothing even if she wants to. She felt helpless like never before.

When she was thinking about this, she was a little distracted and the man seized this chance to strike with all his power.

She couldn't block the attack with just the hardness of her artifact and was sent flying to a nearby tree.

The tree was half destroyed when she crashed into it. She coughed out several mouthful of blood.

She saw that her internal injuries were flaring up. If she doesn't suppress these injuries, it could take her life.

But she couldn't think about her injuries right now because the man was walking towards her with a lustful look on his face. And there was a large bulge between his legs.

The man looked at her with a malicious smile and said," Look what you have done to me." He said while pointing at his crotch.

"Since it's your doings, you have to satisfy my brother well. Hehehe..." He laughed awfully.

"D-don't you dare touch me, disgusting pig. I will not get violated by a pig like you before i die." She said while staring at the man with a murderous gaze. If gazed could kill, the man would have already been died countless times.

She tried to move her hand to kill herself but before she could do it, she was stopped by the man.

The man took her artifact and looked at it with delight in his eyes," Hahahaha. What a great harvest i have got today."

"And the best harvest of today is this beautiful body infront of me. I've never tested someone as beautiful as you." He said while looking up and down at her body. Then he moved his hand towards her bust.

The girl felt despair when she saw that the Purity she kept untill now would be violated by a disgusting man like him.

If it was someone like Ashmus, then she wouldn't have minded giving her chastity to him. When she thought about that handsome face of his, she felt even more hopelessness.

She closed her eyes and tears were forming in the corner of her eyes. She didn't want to witness what is about to happen to her.

But what she expected didn't happen even after a long time.

She was confused and opened her tear filled eyes. She saw that the lecherous man had turned around and was looking at something with wide eyes.

She looked in the direction of his eyes and saw that a large dome has been created around Ashmus and the sword. The dome was entirely formed out of blood and nothing else.

After a while, the dome of blood got smaller and smaller untill it disappeared into the sword.

Suddenly Ashmus, who was unconscious the whole time, opened his eyes. There was a sharp glint of red in his eyes.

His eyes were totally different than before. There was a suave but ruthless look in his previously innocent eyes.

The blue haired girl felt that the Ashmus she is seeing right now was totally different than the Ashmus from before. She felt like he was more mature than before.

On the other hand, the lecherous man felt a completely different feeling than before when he saw Ashmus's sharp eyes.

Ashmus had a mischievous and playful eyes before but right now his eyes look sharpened like a sword tip.

After Ashmus opened his eyes, it first fell on the red sword and a delightful look appeared in his face.

He got up from the ground and swung his blood red sword a few times. He felt extremely comfortable holding this sword.

It didn't feel like he was holding a weapon in his hand but rather like the entire weapon is his arm. He felt as natural as his own arm, like the sword was one with him.

After waving the sword for a bit, he stopped and a contemptuous smile formed in his face.

"Hehe...." Then his smile turned into a demonic one.

"HA.....HAHA...HAHHAHAHA..." Then he laughed in a diabolic way.

The entire forest was echoing with the sounds of his laughter. All of those who heard his laughter felt chills run down their spine and all the hairs on their body stood up.

The lecherous man's body was covered with cold sweat when he heard his demonic laughter.

He hurriedly took something out from his inner pocket and threw it into the air.

It was the emergency beacon to call their nearby comrades.

After the beacon soared to the sky high enough, it exploded with a loud sound. The sound could be heard from atleast 30 miles.

He called out to his allies because he knew that he won't be able to take on that sword all by himself. Rather than dying a foolish death, he would call his comrades and fight together with them.

Now, he has to stay alive untill the other from Darkmoon arrive.

Ashmus didn't stop his demonic laughter even when he saw the beacon for other assassins.