
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Chapter-30: Criticism

Ashmus's entire body was shaking from intense anger. Even the Blue haired girl was a bit shocked when she heard his exploits.

Kenzo was barely 18 years old and he was already crazy to this state. Noone had ever expected that this youngster would kill his own people. And those people were innocent women and small children of the village.

Kenzo was with them for some time, running for his life, or so they thought. This whole time, no one had noticed anything wrong with him.

Kenzo was playing his role so well that he didn't give a slightest expression on his face. He didn't look nervous or even slightly frightened that his act will be found out.

Even though he knew that his father will be saved secretly by the assassins, he perfectly showed his anger and sadness when he said that his father was killed by the assassins. He always showed a hint of sadness and the eyes of losing someone.

Everyone thought that he was a strong minded young man. Even though he had just lost his father, he was still trying to save the other villagers.

That's why no one could figure out that he was deceiving everyone from the very start. They all even felt a little bit of sympathy towards him.

Was it because it was a type of natural talent of him or it was because of his mental illness that he was able to express his feelings on his face so perfectly. We don't have the answers to that.

But if he already so proficient in deceiving people at his young age. How wicked would he become when he grows up.

Everyone became afraid when they thought of this. This 18 year old boy was extremely dangerous to be left alive.

And if he joined a evil organization like 'The Darkmoons', then he would become a vicious demon in a human form.

When Ashmus looked again at Kenzo, he saw that he still had his head lowered. Ash felt enraged when he saw this.

Even though he had killed so many people without a second thought, he was still actively trying to show them that he was guilty of this exploits.

"You scoundrel... You are still acting ashamed even after you killed all of the women and children of your own village without hesitation." Ash shouted at him with reddened eyes when saw that disgusting look on his face.

Kenzo raised his head but didn't say anything. He just looked at Ashmus with creased brows.

"Hahahahaha...." Ash, then heard a laughter and turned to look at the one who was laughing..

It was the lecherous man and the feminine person. They were both laughing while holding onto each other, like they would fall from extreme laughing.

After a while, they stopped laughing and the lecherous man looked at Ashmus with eyes filled with mockery and said," You are still just a child after all. You really can't figure out the reason behind his guilty expression. Hahahaha..."

"He is not trying to act guilty after killing them. Actually, it was first time to kill someone, so he is feeling a little depressed in his heart."

"But after he kills people one or two times more, he won't have this depressed feeling on his face. At that time, he will become a real killing machine. Wahahaha....."

All of the assassins started laughing after he finished his words.

Ash looked exactly like a statue. He couldn't even process what he heard. This fucker was only depressed because it was his first time killing.

He thought that he was blaming himself for killing his own villagers.

The blue haired girl and even Eira was extremely shocked that they couldn't speak for a long time.

"You..... How can you be so heartless?" After a while, Eira pointed her fingers at Kenzo and said with a teary eyes," How can you kill your own people so ruthlessly and not even fell anything. Do you have no conscience?" She shouted at him for his wickedness.

Kenzo who heard her was enraged and looked at her and shouted,"You bitch... How dare you say that."

"Do you think everyone is born with a perfect face and family like you. Everyone on the village loves you only because you are the village head's granddaughter."

"Don't think that everybody in the village adore you. There are a lot of unmarried men in the village, who always dream about your beauty and body."

"If you weren't the village head's granddaughter, you would already have been ra*ed by some lawless brute of the village." He shouted all these words to Eira.

Eira, who heard his words couldn't say anything because she didn't know how savage the people of the village could be.

In the village, the number of men were more than the number of women. So a lot of men in the village didn't have companions.

After saying all these words, kenzo then looked at Ashmus and said," And you also don't have any right to criticize me for my actions."

"You are just a abandoned brat who her father picked up from the streets. Why do you even care about the people you have no relationship with."

"I am just like you, Ashmus. You don't have any connection with the villagers and i don't feel any belonging towards the villagers. So why should i feel guilty by killing these people."

Even though Ashmus knew that he was mot born in the village and Bevyn had found him outside of the village. No one had ever said about it to his face like this before.

He felt a irritating feeling in his heart after hearing his words.

When he was adopted, his grandfather had forbidden everyone in the village to talk about it.

It was a taboo to even think that Ashmus was not born in the village. If anyone violates this rule, they would be punished by his grandfather.

So no one in the village ever talked about it in his face. Everyone in the village treated him like he was born in the village.

Eira was furious when she heard Kenzo call her brother a abandoned child.

"How dare you say that to my brother?" She pointed at kenzo and shouted st bim angrily.

"So what! What i said was true, he is an orphan, who was abandoned by his own parents. He not like me. My father loves and adores me greatly." Kenzo laughed in mockery and said to them.

"Even though he was not born in our family, we have grown up together from childhood. We all love him like our own family." Eira rebuke him again.

"Your family. Hahahaha..... You just lust after his body. Everyone in the village knows that you love him like a woman and wanted to marry him even when you were a child." Kenzo had a jealous look on his face when he said this.

"But..." Eira's face turned red from embarrassment when she heard his words.

She tried to say something but didn't know what to say. She couldn't refute his words.

The blue haired girl was surprised when she heard their argument. Even though she felt that Ash couldn't be from this backwater village, she didn't try to ask anyone about her doubts.

Now she realised that her doubts were true. Ashmus really wasn't someone from the village.