
Chapter 1 - Under The Earth

Earth is the home of many creatures. Some of which are animals, humans, and of course, elves, centaurs, etc.

But underneathe this wonderful place is land full of misery and cruelty. And here is the home of the Nightstalker, the Angel of Dark: Argus.

After getting the evil sword Demise, he has been hungry for chaos and power. He lives with the Lord of the Abyss, and together, they would bring darkness to earth.

As Argus practiced with his Demise, darkness wrapped around him. He stopped and stood firm, then said, "Helcurt, come out."

When the darkness disappeared, the Shadowbringer was in front of him. "Someone's finding you."

"Who?" Argus looked around and saw Selena.

"The Lord of the Abyss, of course," she said. "He said something about planning with his favourite."

Argus rolled his eyes and went to the Lord of the Abyss. He is planning an ambush.

"Argus, my favourite," the Lord of the Abyss said deeply. Argus stood beside him and looked at the map. "I was just planning an ambush."

"Where?" Argus asked. His eyes darted around the map, looking for a perfect place for the ambush.

The Lord of the Abyss pointed at a local market. "If we send some monsters there, then every townspeople will be running away, most likely to the town." He traced a route. "They'll be running here, since this is their route. And we'll be ready to ambush them here." He pointed at a certain spot near the town.

"And what about those pesky heroes?" Argus asked as he pointed at the castle. "They'll know we're there."

"Not if they're distracted, of course," the Lord of the Abyss chuckled softly, which came out like a growl. "Those who will be coming with the monsters would be Helcurt, Vexanna and Alice. You, Hanzo and Selena would be the ones ambushing."

"Then the humans will be reporting to the heroes!" Argus argued. "Justice is the last refuge of the weakness."

"That is why you'll be there, to claw them and kill them, scaring them away,"

"And everyone would doubt the heroes that they know everything happening around them. Then they'll start a riot."

"Bringing chaos between the heroes and their people! That is exactly the plan!" The Lord of the Abyss looked at Argus. "Argus, bring everyone here, we'll be getting ready."

When Argus came back, and the Lord of the Abyss started explaining the plan to the others, Argus lay his back on the stony wall, his Demise beside him.

*Time skip*

Argus hid behind a bush, ready to ambush the humans that was coming. Hanzo and Selena were there too, ready at all times.

They were ready to attack, and when they do, they'll make every single one suffer, and bring darkness.