
Chapter 111 The King of Sichuan (41) Destroying Mongolian Soldiers 6

Kublai Khan listened to the narration of the guards, bowed his head and pondered: "The attack on Tubo must be to destroy Dali and open up another channel to attack Sichuan. But isn't it a little thoughtless to let Zhenjin be the commander?!" Thinking about it, Kublai Khan suddenly asked: "What's the situation at Jianmen Pass now?!" The guard replied: "The people of Song Dynasty demolished the plank road.


"Destroy the plank road!" Kublai Khan muttered, then laughed, and muttered in his heart: "It seems that the Sichuan guard is not easy! Come up with such a way to buy time! I hope General Song can live. The prince wants to see what kind of person he is."

Kublai Khan, who had a heart of love for talents, told the guards: "You should pay close attention to the Sichuan guard. If you find a way to persuade him to submit to my Great Mongolia." [] Tiandi Qing Dao 111 "Yes! "

When the guard responded and was about to leave the main tent, Kublai Khan called the guard and said, "Go and call Dayadu, I have something to tell him!"

Daya, a monk resting in the camp, was called out of the tent by Kublai Khan's guards, and followed the guards to the outside of Kublai Khan's main tent. Dayadu arranged his clothes when the guards called the door, and after getting Kublai Khan's permission, he walked into the main tent and saluted Kublai Khan, "Your Highness!" Kublai Khan signaled Dayadu to excuse

himself Then he said: "Master Dayadu, I have to trouble you again." Dayadu clasped his hands together and said: "For the sake of the hegemony of Great Mongolia, it doesn't matter if the poor monk is so heartbroken." Kublai smiled and said: "The Great Song Dynasty Prime Minister Jia Sidao was sent to Xiangyang by the Emperor of Song Dynasty to work in Xiangyang. It is estimated that he will arrive in Xiangyang by water in the next few days. I would like to invite you to meet him in Xiangyang and find out his tone. At the same time, I hope you can say Move Jia Sidao, get rid of Guo Jing and the leader of the beggar gang."

Dayadu frowned slightly and said: "Your Highness, no matter how greedy and stupid Jia Sidao is, he will never break the Great Wall. Guo Jing and the Beggar Gang are the pillars of defending Xiangyang." Before Dayadu finished speaking , Kublai Khan raised his left palm to prevent Daya from continuing, saying: "You look too high on Jia Sidao. Without his sister, Jia Sidao would not be where he is today. And everyone has Ambition. When you go to talk to Jia Sidao, you can give him more promises. No matter what kind of promises you can promise him, it doesn't matter even if he wants to be the emperor of Song Dynasty. I think these ### will definitely satisfy Jia Tao-like appetite." As he spoke, Kublai Khan turned around and glanced at Dayadu and continued, "If you complete this task, I will definitely ask for credit for you in front of Khan, and you may be able to do so soon. In charge of the Sharjah Temple."

When Dayadu heard the word "Sharjah Temple", his dim eyes lit up instantly, and he assured Kublai Khan with a smile: "Your Highness, please rest assured! I will do my best Facilitate this matter!" After finishing speaking, Dayadu saluted Kublai Khan with one hand and turned to leave.

At the same time, on a luxuriously decorated ship thousands of miles away from Xiangyang. Jia Sidao sat in the front cabin, picked up the tea bowl slowly, took a sip, closed his eyes unconsciously, and tasted it carefully, and immediately felt comfortable all over his body. After a little movement of his stiff feet, Jia Sidao asked, "What's the situation in Xiangyang now?"

Jia Sidao's entourage replied respectfully, "Master, just got the news that the Mongolian army stopped for a while. My God, Xiangyang is being attacked again today. Judging from the current situation, most of Xiangyang may be in danger." Jia Sidao nodded slightly, put the tea bowl in his hand on the table and pondered for a while, and said to the accompanying officials : "Now Xiangyang can be described as a huge mill of flesh and blood. As long as Xiangyang is not lost, our Great Song Dynasty will always be safe in the south of the Yangtze River!

" Said: "Report to the Prime Minister, long live the decree! Canonize Zhao's son Yang Guo as King of Shu, Prime Minister of Bashu Military and Political Affairs." "

What?!" Jia Sidao jumped up in surprise when he heard it, and walked back and forth in the cabin twice, Looking at the accompanying officials sitting on the left and right sides, he said, "What do you guys think about this?!"

Cao Youshen, the servant of the Ministry of Rites who followed Jia Sidao, was the first to speak: "Mr. Jia, in fact, the move of the Long Live Lord is brilliant! To disclose the identity of that person named Yang Guo is to put a shackle on that person. Make him not Dare to raise troops and rebel." Before Cao Youshen finished speaking, Zhou Jianchuan, the commander of the Zuojinwu Guard who was in charge of the safety of the entire group, interjected, "My lords! Although what Master Cao said just now is reasonable, Master Cao ignored one point. I have the last emperor's edict. All the adults here are more or less aware of how the former prince Zhao died?! I won't repeat it! If Yang Guo uses the edict in his hand to make a fuss, my lords, what should I do when the time comes?

Fanghua Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Industry, stood up after pondering for a while and said, "Commander Zhou was right just now, but this is not something we can decide! I think it might be a good thing for us to leave Beijing and go to Xiangyang this time. Said When it is not certain that he will go, the situation in the court will change..."

After Fang Hua's voice fell, several other officials also expressed their views. Jia Sidao, who had been sitting silently, was constantly analyzing the pros and cons in his heart. Just when Jia Sidao was hesitating, Jia Ding, Jia Sidao's confidant, walked into the cabin and whispered something in Jia Sidao's ear, and then quietly stuffed a letter into Jia Sidao's sleeve. .

Jia Sidao got the letter, greeted the officials sitting in the front cabin with a smile, and walked to the room in the back cabin alone. After about half a stick of incense, Jia Sidao came outside the cabin and told the guards at the door, "Stay outside, and no one can come in without my permission!" "No!" The guard at the

door The guard responded, and still stood straight on the left and right sides of the door. Entering the room, Jia Sidao closed the door, hurriedly took out the letter from his sleeve, opened the envelope and carefully read the letter. Looking at Jia Sidao's originally rosy face, it slowly became pale. By the time the letter was read, Jia Sidao's back was already soaked.

Sitting on the brocade bench, Jia Sidao took a few deep breaths to calm his restless heart. After walking back and forth in the room for a few times, Jia Sidao narrowed his eyes and said to himself with a soft sneer: "I really didn't expect that you speech officials would impeach me after I left Beijing. Then let's see who can beat who!" Thinking of this, Jia Sidao immediately walked to the desk in the room and began to write quickly.

After finishing writing the letter, Jia Sidao called his confidant servant, handed the letter to the servant and said, "Send the letter to the palace immediately and hand it to Concubine Jia with your own hands!" "Don't worry, Mr. Xiang!

" After the servant put the letter close to his body, he walked out of Jia Sidao's room and left the fleet. After staying in the room of the back cabin for a moment, Jia Sidao reappeared in the front cabin, and clapped his hands with a smile: "I'm really sorry, the old man has something to deal with just now, and I'm sorry, my lords, I've been waiting here for a long time. "

Master Xiang has a lot of things going on every day, and we deserve death if we can't share our worries with Master Xiang!" Cao You, the servant of the Ministry of Rites who likes to flatter, stood up with a deep smile and stood up in front of Jia Sidao to flatter him: "Master Xiang, now The situation in Xiangyang is unknown, can we slow down?!"

Jia Sidao nodded slightly and said, "Okay! I'll leave this matter to you! It's done well, and I will make it beautiful for you in front of Long Live when I go back. Say a few words." After finishing speaking, Jia Sidao ignored Cao Youshen and took two quick steps, sat down on the central seat, took the teacup brought by the maid, drank the water, and said nothing more. [] Tian Di Qing Dao 111

Another five days passed in a blink of an eye. At noon that day, Meng Ge, who was bored at Jianmen Pass, brought his guards with him. Just as he was about to go hunting, a Mongolian soldier hurriedly hit his horse and came to Meng Ge, saluting: "Khan, the plank road has been built. It's over."

"What?!" Meng Ge was overjoyed, and unconsciously whipped the horse's whip in his hand and shouted: "Let's go! Follow me to have a look!" Before Meng Ge's voice fell, Meng Ge Excitedly, he rode his horse and ran towards the plank road.

After running for two sticks of incense, Meng Ge led the guards to the plank road. Looking at the winding plank road built against the mountain, Meng Ge jumped off the horse, walked a few steps on the plank road, and after saying hello three times in satisfaction, his face changed and he shouted: "Where is the forward?!" One by

one A middle-aged Mongolian man with a beard and beard walked up to Mengge and saluted Mengge: "Khan, the vanguard officer Hailibu is waiting for your order!" Mengge nodded slightly and ordered: "One hour Finally, you lead your troops to open the way for the whole army! Kill all the Han Chinese who are over the wheel!"

"Yes!" Hailibu excitedly took the order and left. After Hailibu left, Meng Ge then ordered: "The whole army sets up camp after the vanguard sets off. The whole army strives to walk through the plank road before dark!" After that, Meng Ge rode back to his Khan gold account.

When Hailibu led his vanguard battalion on the plank road, a vulture flew into Yang Guo's room. Busy Yang Guo saw the vulture sitting on the pen holder, and the joy of seeing the vulture disappeared. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com ### Take the bamboo tube from the carving's leg, pour out the letter inside, and read it.

Huang Rong, who just walked into Yang Guo's study with a snack, saw Yang Guo frowning and immediately thought of something, walked quickly to the round table in the center of the study, and asked while putting the things on the table: "Guoer, are you a Mongolian?" Has the plank road been repaired?!"

Yang Guo nodded mechanically, then came back to his senses, walked up to Huang Rong and said, "Yes! According to the Mongolian habit, we must be able to complete the plank road before dark today. I It is estimated that at midnight, Du Guangyuan and Fu Weiyuan will give the Mongols a disarm, and first dampen the Mongols' spirit." Yang Guo, who came back to his senses, walked back to the desk quickly, and wrote on the paper: "According to Proceed according to the original plan! Be careful!" After writing, Yang Guo put the letter into the bamboo tube, re-fixed the bamboo tube on the carving's leg, poured out two pills from the jade bottle in his arms, and handed it to him. Xiao Diao said: "Brother Diao, thank you for your hard work! I need to trouble you to send the letter back!"

Xiao Diao nodded, yelled twice, swallowed the elixir in Yang Guo's hand, and flew out of Yang Guo's study. After watching Xiao Diao disappear in the sky, Yang Guo walked back to Huang Rong's side with a smile, looked at the delicious snacks on the table, and said with a smile: "It's my Rong Rong who knows how to cherish me!" He reached for the crystal dumpling closest to him.