
Heaven Academy: Class Principality

Torment. A perfect word to describe my life that suddenly dragged into a world I never dreamed of. I entered with a dream that turned into nothing. I have my university. It was heavenly outside but inside it was like a hell. We have different classes. Your section based on your ability, perfection, intelligence and superiority. Who would dare to enter if your life might lead to unbearable tortures. You'll enter but bare the consequences. A school full of bullies. A school full of demons and angels that was rare to be seen. Heaven University is knocking at your door to invite you to enter and experienced its prestigious and stunning content. Will you accept it? Or ignore it? Welcome to Heaven Academy! ******* Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Plagiarism is a crime. Read at your own risk.

MarqueWin · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs


"What do you want?" I asked the guy whom I am facing right now, that Seraphim Guy. Yes, the one who dragged me a while back. I don't know why I let him did that to me.

"What I have done earlier was wrong. I'm sorry." I am not ready for what he just said. He asked for an apology that you would not expect from any Seraphim student yet he eventually does and what surprises me is, I am just a mere Principality student. Wew.

"So this is the only reason why you dragged me here? Just to lend your apology? How lame?" I tried to be formal but I can't. I said it sarcastically even I can't hold it.

Once again, I was talking to him and with this kind of atmosphere and I don't care anymore If I'm being too rude at my state.

He was hanged there for a bit before he think a word to say. Yes, he thinks because I observe from his state.

"No." He said hesitantly. His face immediately shift into a serious one as he was facing me. "I know, you saw everything." He continued.

My forehead wrinkled as I am trying to register those and I don't think my reaction is right and appropriate to the situation right now. I just let him slide since I do not know anything that he was stating and asking.

"Pardon?" I asked confusingly but he stayed calm.

"Don't need to pretend. There is no reason for a student who got lost with such risky time for no reason, isn't it?" He reminded me and making my conscience. I remained silent and reflect on what he said that's why I hanged.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I denied. Yes, I remember what I saw but not everything and in detail. I did not say everything.

"Just tell me. I need to make it right 'cause what you saw isn't something that should be right." I just got so much confused and made my right eyebrow up as I heard what he was saying. Is he paranoid or does anything correlates to the word crazy? Make the wrong into the right one? In relationship could not be possibly fixed how come to what I saw? It is impossible to make them right.

"How many times do I have to tell you this. I did not say anything. I was there because I have a matter to be accomplished but you stood up and appear in front of me from escaping after I realized what I am doing that may violate a rule. Understand." I was rude but calm while explaining those to him.

"Liars go to hell." He demanded furiously.

"I'm already here." I proudly said to his face before I left him dumbfounded. I make my way towards where our room is and let him slide into my mind.

It is far from where he dragged me a while so it took me two to three minutes walking before I reached that F room.

I just let myself continue walking until I reached the building of Cherubim, the second-highest rank of angels or class. It is not new to experience how to get glares when you once stumble to higher classes because, in their perceptions, no one can take a step in their domain unless you're a friend of them.

Once you entered Heaven Academy, there are no bullies who will target your physical appearance because here, they will talk to you behind your back until your mental consciousness gets devastated and emotionally. Once you are an idiot, you'll always be an idiot.

I just let them be and did not bear what there are talking about and continue walking 'til I reached the end of the building of Cherubim. When I finally get myself out of that building, there is someone who just appeared in front of me. Okay, I used to get bullied emotionally so I'm ready to be tortured.

"Hi." He cheerfully greeted me and it made me surprised that gave me goosebumps. She lend her hand towards me and hesitated to accept it. She wrinkled her forehead.

"Sorry?." That is the only thing that got me 'cause I am not still convinced.

"I said "hi" and you should greet me back." She continued. My right eyebrow suddenly went up while questions formulating in my head.

Is this for real or is it just a kind of a joke to discriminate against me?

She and was still in front of me waiting for my hand to reach it but I was hesitant if I should accept it. In my mind, some theories appeared whether this is just a joke that will eventually lead me into discrimination. I also have trust issues.

If I accept it, maybe she will withdraw it. And I was about to accept it but I noticed some people were watching. Some have no interests and some are into us.

I am the only one who's wearing a faded blue-colored uniform and only means that I am the only idiot here. The rest wearing yellow that symbolizes Cherubim's excellence. Okay, never mind.

I accepted her hand and to my surprise,e I got no embarrassment since she did not withdraw her hand. I just wrinkled as I am learning from what she's been to. She is making a friend to a mere Principality Student? Wow.

When I finally accepted it, there, her smiles appeared from her lip,s and excitement from her eyes shine beautifully. This changes my perception towards Cherubim where not all of them are way too rude.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lica." She introduced. So, she's serious huh?

"Rica." I shortly said and it was kinda rhymed.

"Losers are always losers." Someone from the crowd said and I was kinda confused.

"At last, the loser already has a friend." Another student from Cherubim talked.

"Then, good. She'll never be with us. She's a loser and we are not." Another filthy voice from the crowd.

Based on their reactions, I guess she has no friends. She was the one who was getting bullied and pitied. So this is the other side of cherubim, not only those who are low class yet also their same class. Interesting.

I drew my attention to her and I saw how her face turned into sadness as she was smiling unwanted.

"J-just, don't mind them." She said melancholically.

I'm an option. She made interaction with me and make friends with me since she was not able to make friends with her co-classes but wait, I am not friendly but why I pitied her? I used to be stubborn yet I became soft as I saw her.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she just nodded. I made up my mind so I grabbed her hand and get ourselves out from that place and take her to where my favorite place is.

When we are finally there, he hanged me a bit and stopped as she was staring at the surroundings. She was bothered and scared while observing the place and I don't get it.

"Why are we here?" She immediately asked me while her attention was on the place.

"This is my favorite spot," I said.

"You should withdraw yourself from stumbling here. You should not be here." She was serious and acting weird at the same time. She ordered me to refrain my self stumbling here for no reason. But is there?

"Why? Is there any problem? Is that an order from the committee?" I asked confusingly. She faced me with her mysterious look as if I did wrong.

"You know nothing, do you??" She asked seriously. I felt insulted by her voice as she stated those. Is this the thing I am bearing a while where I will be embarrassed?. Yes, she's intelligent since she's from Cherubim.

"What do you mean?" I said hesitantly. I felt embarrassed as I talked to her. I can't let my face draw to her because of what she said. I looked down as a sign of embarrassment.

"Oh my." She finally noticed me and immediately cover her mouth as a sign of a mistake from hers. "I didn't mean that way. I did not mean to offend you. What I mean is if you truly knew this place. I'm sorry if I offended you." She was rushing from her words and immediately striking my eardrum as she was asking apology. I looked up immediately and there, She was sincere.

"It's okay." Soft and ease from her mouth.

She was bubbly and friendly, indeed. In my opinion, I am expecting Cherubim to be so rude yet she proved to me I am wrong and she was the gem of it. She was the first girl I met from higher classes and got interacted with her.

Back to the topic, she muttered that I did not know this place. What she means is, there is something unusual about this place. I lingered around and observe the place. There is no strange and as usual like where I used to be.

"Maybe I don't know this place but would you mind share what you've got?" I asked. At first, her expression turned into something... scared and something bad.

"This place is---."

To be continued.

Briefing again.



This class is far way better than the previous two classes. This is where you can find good and slightly bad. They have a not-so-big respect to higher class but badass if you dare to mess with them. This class isn't something you can discriminate but to hail in some other ways. They have their own intelligence and take note, this class serves as the trash bin to those students who deported from higher classes. They are smart and some are superiors. Slightly serious class and not your ordinary class.

MarqueWincreators' thoughts