
Heaven's Ruler

The once great ruler of Heaven - who had existed even before the creation of space and time, was the most powerful being in all of the universe. His longevity was thought to have been infinite. So, when the people of heaven found him dead, Chaos broke out. His almighty power had shattered into fragments of their once great self. These fragments were littered down, onto the human realm, birthing regalia. Humans began to develop regalia a few millennia after the death of God. They were crests which allowed humans the ability to use a tiny fragment of God's power for themselves. Regalia had many different forms. One may find a human who can control objects with their mind, or, in other cases one who can control an element such as, fire, water, earth, or wind. Their was infinite possibilities. These regalia became a problem as humans began to use them in wars and for heinous crimes. This forced the angels to reveal themselves to the humans, the angels manipulated the humans into thinking that these powers were a gift from God and that they should be used righteously. However of course, not everyone uses their gift for good.

UsedCarpet · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Laying on a thin, rickety hopstial bed hooked up to many different wires, tubes, and other complex machinery was a boy who looked no older than nineteen. His face was silky pale, and he was so thin you could almost see the bones through his skin. He silently laid still, the constant beeping of medical equipment filled the silent room.

The boy weakly looked around the plain, dark room with an impassive expression before speaking aloud to himself, "Dr Zane says today will probably be my last.." His impassive expression cracked and shattered before eventually... It faltered, revealing his true feelings.

A sudden flood of tears poured from within. His fists balled tightly, as tight as he could causing the flesh on his knuckles to go white. "...I never even got to see the world from outside this stupid hospital!" He shouted in agony, his voice was strained and a familiar taste of metal slowly rose from the back of his throat.

His outburst was short lived as he thought back on what he was grateful for in what was to be such a short life..

The boy was born with a terminal illness. The burden was far too heavy for the young parents to bear. They shortly abandoned him. Though, his life wasn't all bad. The hopstial staff had realized what the parents had done and taken the boy in themselves. Quickly, the boy grew to see them as family. They had prolonged his life in this world.

Sure, he could never leave the hospital but the boy was still thankful to them. They spent extra money and time to help give him a education from inside the hospital. They also started a charity where people could donate and help him enjoy his life, thanks too this he was able to meet many celebrities.

Actors from the countless movies he would watch, singers from the music that helped him get through hard times and even a few streamers that he would watch whenever he was bored.

So overall, while his life did suck he was thankful for what he did get.

The harsh yet calmly familiar click of a door brought him back to reality. A painfully bright fluorescent light coming from the hallway outside his room illuminated the small room. In the doorway was none other than his closest friend...

Dr. Zane.

Doctor Zane walked closer towards the boy's bed. Their expression becoming more visible as the light from the hallway was lessened by the closing door. It was downcast. Zane pained by the situation wiped his swollen eyes and sniffled.

"A-Atlas... I'm sorry..." His voice was shaky and broken. He lovingly wrapped his arms around Atlas and held him tight while crying on his shoulder. To Atlas Zane was his closest friend, it was the same from Zane. Though, he also saw Atlas as his own son.

"I-I couldn't convince them to prevent this..." the boy pushed him away slightly, making sure their eyes were locked. He sent a small smile that contained so much emotion. "It's okay... its not your fault. The boy, Atlas paused and took a deep breath before continuing to speak. "The higher-ups at this hospital have always seen me as a parasite. It was only a matter of time before their decision became final."

Zane couldn't contain his powerful emotions any longer, steady streams of tears flowed. All the doctors "loved" Atlas but Zane was by far the closest. He was the one who raised him. He was the one who taught him.. He was the one proposed the idea of starting a charity for him... Zane was distraught and broken when the higher-ups had put their foot down and decided to stop supporting Atlas.

"Instead of wasting such precious time talking about such insignificant topics, why don't we enjoy our last conversation to the fullest." Atlas suggested with a carefree, brighter, more happy smile which Zane received and returned agreeing instantly as he wiped his red eyes once more.

They spoke for what felt like an eternity, neither minded how much time they spent here. They simply focused on enjoying each others company, one last time.

Zane tried to keep the conversation focused on whatever Atlas wanted, but Atlas still managed to get him to talk about his own interests, assuring him he couldn't die happy knowing that his best friend never got to talk about their interests with him.

They laughed and smiled during the entirety of their conversation. Atlas was thankful the last person he would ever talk to could be a man as great as Zane. He wouldn't have had it any other way, and Zane was happy he could have this last conversation with Atlas.

Time passed and their conversation was cut short.

Interrupted by one of Atlas' coughing fits. His illness caused an uncontrollable cough. They usually wouldn't last long, not dealing serious physical damage to him. However, they did mentally pain him. Every coughing fit was a horrid reminder of his limited time.

This one was unusually serious..

He attempted to cover the coughing with his hands, however blood ended up staining his them. Thick crimson-red liquid was leaking from the corners of mouth. His coughing fits were getting worse and this was proof...

Zane's eyes went wide, shock-filled he quickly grabbed a tissue box from the table next to him, "Atlas are you okay!" he shouted in a panic as he rushed over to give him the tissues.

Before speaking Atlas took a tissue, wiped his hands and mouth. The once white tissues now a deep red. "I think it's time, Zane... I don't want the higher-ups to get angry at you." Atlas carefully looked up towards Zane, his happy smile was replaced with a deep frown as a singular tear leaked from his eye.

"..I understand..." Zane took a deep breath before walking over to the machinery. "If you're sure about this I won't argue.." Atlas laid back in his hospital bed and nodded.

"I'm ready Zane.. I sure will miss you though." Atlas turned his head to look at Zane and gave him a sad smile. Zane returned this expression and pressed the button on the machine.

The constant rhythmic beeping stopped and the humming of machines died down. The once rythmic beeps became a long solid beep. Atlas closed his eyes and felt his strength slowly slip between his fingers.

His ears began to ring and the thudding of his heart in his head weakened, through the ringing he heard Zane's voice.

"May God grant you a better life than the hell you had to live through.." his voice was muffled by the sounds in his head but Atlas still recieved the message loud and clear.

He felt every part of his body losing strength. Then suddenly, he felt nothing at all.



I opened my eyes to nothing. I tried to move my arms, nothing. Then my legs, still nothing. I couldn't feel anything. I tried took around me and when I did I felt a force pulling me in a specific direction.

I tried to look around, everything was the same. A void of nothing. So, what was pulling me in that specific direction? Is that even a direction?

'What even was I? No who was I? I remember existing. I remember having a life, a name? But, what was it...' I searched my mind for any clues of what or who I once was but, my mind was like blank slate as if nothing was or had been stored there.

As I continued trying to remember anything I felt a something. That's odd? I couldn't feel anything before.

Another something, and another, and another?

My mind flashed and instantly I was able to recognise the feeling.

This was pain.

Pain like a thousands needles being shot right through me. Pain like lying in amidst the depths of molten lava.

My memory flashed once more and I remembered the hospital room.

Pain.. have I not felt enough of it yet!

I thought I was dead. I should be dead! Did I perhaps get sent to hell?

The pain worsened as if all the bones in my non-existent body were being crushed, snapped and torn just to be welded back together not even seconds later.

I couldn't do anything. I tried to scream to no avail, I tried writhing in pain to no avail. I had no body and yet still felt the pain, all I could was wait and pray that it passed.

However long later, I began to hear things, voices, voices I had never heard before. If I did they were lost with my memories.

As more time passed my body began to feel more complete. I could move what felt like... Fingers? And toes? The more of my body I could feel, the worse the pain got.

The pain became unbearable but I also felt my memories coming back.. My name at least, I was Atlas.

The voices around me became clearer and I tried, with all my might, to open my eyes. To see what was going on! I had no hope that it would work.


Light flooded through my retina and I squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the heavenly light.

As they did I noticed my body was contained within some sort of a silver capsule, it had a glass window which I could see-through, but it only lead to a snow-white ceiling.

Instead, I looked down at my body I was wearing a rather luxurious white outfit with gold embroidery.

'I don't remember this outfit..?' I thought to myself.

 I ignored it when I saw my arms present and I easily lifted one to push on the glass of the capsule. My body felt better? Stronger in a way. It was hard to explain.

With a pop and a hiss of air the door of the capsule lifted. I slowly sat up and was met with the wide-eyed and jaw-slacked expression of the woman in front of me.

Her skin was perfect and she had beautiful long brown hair which was slightly wavy. She wore simple clothes, being a white shirt and black trousers. What caught my attention the most however, were the eight white wings protruding from her back.

"Impossible!" she screamed as she ran towards me. Her voice was soft and gently despite the fact she had just screamed at me.

"Where am I?" I asked quietly, my voice sounding unfamiliar to myself as I watched her analyse my body with stars partially visible in her eyes. Hearing my question she paused and looked at me questioningly. "You don't remember?"

Instead of talking I shook my head. She rested a finger on her bottom lip and switched to a thoughtful expression. "Maybe the loss of your power caused memory loss..?" 

'Powers? What is she talking about?' I thought to myself while keeping my expression the same. "So you honestly don't remember me?" The woman asked and I shook my head once more. She continued to talk. "Well then let me introduce myself, My Lord. I am Arch Angel Uriel. One of the four arch angels."

"Arch angel..? Wait why did you call me Your Lord?" She smiled before speaking once more. "So, you really don't remember at all." She pondered for a second before speaking again.

"Well, I called you Lord because that's who you are, Caelus, Supreme God of our and all other existing universes." My mind rushed after hearing her words. Wasn't I just a sick teen? This must be some after death hallucination, right..?











Welcome first time readers to my own personal book. I truly hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Chapter was edited: 1st Aug 2024

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