
Heaven's Ruler

The once great ruler of Heaven - who had existed even before the creation of space and time, was the most powerful being in all of the universe. His longevity was thought to have been infinite. So, when the people of heaven found him dead, Chaos broke out. His almighty power had shattered into fragments of their once great self. These fragments were littered down, onto the human realm, birthing regalia. Humans began to develop regalia a few millennia after the death of God. They were crests which allowed humans the ability to use a tiny fragment of God's power for themselves. Regalia had many different forms. One may find a human who can control objects with their mind, or, in other cases one who can control an element such as, fire, water, earth, or wind. Their was infinite possibilities. These regalia became a problem as humans began to use them in wars and for heinous crimes. This forced the angels to reveal themselves to the humans, the angels manipulated the humans into thinking that these powers were a gift from God and that they should be used righteously. However of course, not everyone uses their gift for good.

UsedCarpet · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Damien Knight


As Winston drove towards my new school I stayed quiet silently admiring the beautiful city surrounding us through the tinted car window. I rolled down the window to get a better view, my gaze met glass towers that glistened like crystal shards in the shining sun. The streets were bustling, a cacophony of light chatter and laughter was audible wherever we drove.

Many individuals I spotted were dressed alike in black trousers or skirts paired with a white button-up shirt and simple black tie under a light grey blazer featuring black lapels and delicate blue accents along the lining.

"Hey Winston?" I called out towards the front of the car. Just a second later, "Yes, sir?" Winston responded.

"Do all these people in uniform go to Nexus Academy?" I asked, Winston, who had stopped at a red light. He looked to his side, out the window and then back to the road before responding, "Yes, sir I do believe they are all students of Nexus Academy." I felt my eyebrows raise slightly upon hearing his answer.

"There is more students than civilians.." I said aloud to myself garnering Winston's interest, his gaze shifted to the interior rear-view mirror for a moment, the confusion on his face was blatant. "Sir? Did you not know that this island was built primarily for the school and its students?" I slowly turned to look outside the window a new found shock and surprise brimming within myself.

'This island is man made!?" I thought to myself completely awestruck by the realisation of his statement. A flood of questions struck my mind as I begun to wonder what kind of school I was heading into. 'it must be pretty prestigious if they have a whole island." I thought to myself as I looked ahead of me to see a large structure blocked by an open gate.

On both sides of the entrance gate and road, pathways teemed with students heading towards what seemed to be the school. Lining the paths were numerous blooming pink cherry trees, their petals dancing elegantly in the air as a gentle breeze swept through.

Many students stopped to admire the car passing by, observing as it slowly drove into the school gates. The sight of so many students watching put pressure on me, but I was confident I would be okay. I may have been in a hospital for most, if not all my life but I wasn't going to let stupid social anxiety stop me from finally making friends who aren't hospital staff.

When the car parked, we were still surrounded and observed by many curious students. Winston appeared accustomed to the situation, effortlessly stepping out of the car and opening my door.

"If you're ready sir." He said with a deep bow as he stood opposite my door. Not wasting any time I quickly stood up out of the car and looked around me scanning the beautiful aesthetics of the school and even the marvelled students curiously surrounding me.

From the crowd of students I heard many curious voices.

'Hey? Does anyone have any Idea who that is?'

'Ugh.. why did we have to get some pompous ass rich kid...'

'I know right! Probably thinks he's cool coming to school in his fancy ass car.'

'He seems like a normal person to me.'

'Don't you think he's kinda hot though?'

The last voice cost me an array of death stares from the male portion of the crowd as I heard a majority of female voices agreeing with whoever said it.

A single clap followed by a deep voice of authority stating something I couldn't quite hear, the crowd surrounding us instantly dispersed. Whoever this person was, its obvious they have some sort of powerful standing at this school.

Walking towards us through the crowd of scurrying students was man who looked to be around middle age. With every step he took towards us an authoritative air around him seemed to grow stronger and stronger.

As he got closer his features became more apparent. He had jet-black hair styled in a casual manner with some strands hanging loosely over his forehead. His chiselled facial expression exuded a powerful confidence.

His muscular arms were on display as he wore a white unbuttoned long sleeve shirt with rolled-up sleeves. A dark grey vest peeked from underneath, hinting at his well-built physique despite most of it being concealed.

Winston started speaking, but I didn't catch any of it because as he did, I focused on the man's eyes. Just from his eyes, I felt a presence of primal power. Even though I hadn't been in battles myself, something inside me knew that those eyes had witnessed numerous conflicts, lost companions, and slain foes.

His eyes convey more than mere authority. Each look is deliberate, as if anticipating all possibilities. I was 100% sure that this wisdom exceeded mere academic learning; it was born of real-life encounters.

I couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of experience he had.

"Sir?" the voice of Winston dragged me from my train of thought, "My bad. I zoned out, continue please." Winston simply nodded as he started to talk once more.

"Well I was just telling you that this man is Damien Wraith, headmaster of Nexus Academy." Hearing his statement I wasn't really surprised, I had assumed he was someone important simply from the way he held himself.

"Well, you must be Atlas! I've heard much about you." Damien's authoritative voice rang out causing me to quickly turn and focus my attention on him.

"Yep. I'm Atlas, it's great to meet you." I didn't really know who he was or what he was capable of so I decided to keep my introduction casual and simple as to not accidently piss him off.

Luckily, it seemed to worked. He took my hand in his own and firmly shook them with an accepting smile of approval.

"I'm surprised, you're quite confident, kid." He said as our hands separated, 'All I did was greet him why would I be confident.' However, my curiosity quickly became an afterthought as he continued the conversation.

"I've heard a lot about you, and your ability." His confident smile disappeared revealing a serious expression, "I've got to say regeneration is an incredibly rare and useful power. The last person to 'master' regeneration was able to become a near immortal soldier. An extraordinarily powerful ally to have on a battlefield."

"Ahem!" the sound of Winston clearing his throat drew the attention of Headmaster Damien. "Mister Damien, I hope you're not planning on trying to involve my young master in one of your battle groups?"

Damien scowled and rolled his eyes while muttering something about 'great potential.' Personally I was more curious as to why it seemed like Damien actually listened to Winston who I assumed was just a simple butler but now, I was doubting that a bit.

"Whatever.." He said as his serious expression returned to its natural place on his face, "We should head to my office to get your REL tested." He gestured for us to follow him and then turned on his heel and began walking towards the monument of a school.

I began to follow him giving Winston, who decided to stay with the car a quick wave.


Headmaster Damien and I strolled through the immaculate, gleaming school halls, a stark contrast to my expectations. I had envisioned my first school experience to be... Something far less grand, I suppose.

Wherever we walked throughout the school an array of curious gazes, and the mutterings of conversation would follow. We strolled past many classes. I took a peak into a few, the majority of students were simply talking amongst each other. I didn't see a single class that was participating in any sort of lesson.

As if reading my mind Headmaster Damien looked over his shoulder and answered my question, "it's free period for most students right now. Normally the majority like to hang out in their homeroom."

"So? Why not today?" I asked quickly scanning around me as I waited for his answer. "Well honestly, you're the reason?" My eyes widened in surprise and then my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I responded.

"But? I'm just one transfer student, not a celebrity?" I responded to Damien completely confused as to why my presence would cause such a commotion, they couldn't know I was God, could they?

Damien laughed to himself before stopping in the middle of the corridor and turning to face me. This action alone had garnered the attention of every student in the hall. The hall which was once a cacophony of students enjoying their day was now pin-drop silent.

'Kinda eerie..' I thought to myself deadpan.

"I'm surprised you don't know, Atlas." A small sense of unease began to grow within my thoughts back-dropped by an ever growing anticipation as I waited to hear what I didn't know. "In the twenty years since this school was established you're the first ever transfer student."

At his words I felt all of the built up unease and anticipation disperse, 'Well, that's kind of boring.' Something like this was too surprising after all it was the Arch Angel Gabriel, its not like it'd be hard for him to get me accepted in a simple mortal school.

"Oh. Is that all? I knew that I just didn't think it would be that big of a deal." I attempted to play it off, suggesting I assumed he had more big news as to why I was being flocked by students. He simply shrugged, turned around and continued walking in the direction of.. his office? I don't know, I never caught where we were going just that I was getting my 'REL' tested. Whatever that meant.

Eventually, we arrived in a room full of machinery. A sense of unease and anxiety watched over me as flashes from my past flashed into view of mind. The familiar machines haunted me, resurfacing memories of my past, my past where I lived hooked up to these machines.

I staggered and held my hand to my head, the memories being too overwhelming. The memories continued to shoot through my mind likes drops of silver rain. Waves of nausea flooded me, it felt as if my mind was attacking itself to defend from the trauma.

"Are you okay?" Damien blurted out in panicked tone, he had a worried expression which didn't really fit his powerful demeanour. In his shot of panic he had placed his hand on my back in an attempt to stabilise me.

"That expression doesn't suit you.." I muttered with my hand over my mouth, trying to force the bile in my throat back down.

I took a deep breath through my nose and clamed myself before slowing standing straight, "I'll be okay, I just felt a bit sick all of a sudden." I moved my hand away from my mouth and smiled while rubbing the back off my head in embarrassment. "It's probably because I forgot to eat this morning is all." I said feigning and embarrassed laugh.

He slowly removed his hand from my back, it was obvious from his expression that he didn't fully believe my lie but, it will have to do.

"Are you sure you're ready to continue to the REL test, we can always delay it." I smiled mischievously hearing his response.

"Oh come on old man, don't tell me you're worried about me?" He scowled, crossed his arms and looked away from me.

"A Headmaster can't worry for his student?" He said as he drew his gaze back onto me. "And don't call me old man." His tone dropped as he spoke the last part and his words seemed to me as more of a threat than a request.

"Alright. Alright, let's just get this test done and done old man." I walked past him towards the machinery, from behind him I could feel his eyes piercing daggers toward me. It felt like the room dropped a few degrees also.

 Maybe I shouldn't piss of the big scary man I just met?

(A/N) Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I had a lot of fun writing this one.