
The raid is here

She spent days laying in bed waiting to be released from the hospital. Hearing doctors and nurses being baffled by her. The heavy footsteps of the staff rush through the halls with medical patients being wheeled on beds.

It all seemed to meld together as the days passed as a symphony of suffering occupied her head. Sometimes the noise would irritate her so much that she would lash out at the staff cursing at them. Even the food tasted even blander than usual hospital food- and every night was extremely uncomfortable to sleep. She could feel every individual fibre in the blanket rubbing against her.

"Miss Deanna are you sure you didn't take anything before you got here?" The doctor asked

"You already did many tests and they all came back negative. Yet you still keep me here in this hospital. Not only did I lose many days of work, but I'm also pretty sure I have an insane medical bill I have to pay even with insurance" Deanna calmly

"We just wanted to observe you after what happened. You're supposed to be dead to be it's a miracle that you're alive. At the moment you're showing major withdrawal symptoms" The doctor explained

"I'm not a drug addict just let me leave already" Deanna protested

"Please miss, let us observe just for a few more days" the doctor pleaded

"Why are you keeping me here, I've been here for two weeks already. What do you think I took a drug that magically disappeared out of my blood system" Deanna sarcastically

"Fine I'll get your discharge papers but if anything else happens contact us immediately" the doctor backed down

As he left the room she let out a sigh of relief, Deanna remembered vividly what happens in the dream. The warning that thing gave her left nothing but confusion- why shouldn't she trust the angels aren't they the good guys?

When she was discharged from the hospital and was walking down the street in a daze. She bumped into a tall dark-skinned man with a low faded hairstyle. He was tall and decent looking and wore a white shirt with green and red lines at the cuff and white ripped jeans. He had gold chains and a fancy gold watch

Deanna looked at him and recognised him immediately, "Josiah" she called out

He turned and looked at her with a surprised look on his face, "Deanna what are you doing here? Wow, you look terrible"

"Shut up with your fake gold" she responded with a smile on her face

Surrounded by hell fire a girl with long straight black hair and a pretty face stood on a platform. She looked up and saw this woman sitting on a blacken throne, demons were swarming around her.

The woman on the throne pointed at her and said, "I'm coming for you Ciara"

She got up and immediately put on her glasses. Ciara started looking around her room to make sure she was safe. This was the third time she had that dream, a mysterious woman setting on a black throne saying she is coming.

"Who are you?" Ciara asked herself, "If you're coming please get her soon because today is stressful. I'm finally heading to college and my parents are trying to get me to postpone. I love them but I need to get away from them"

She was mixed between west Indian and African, at this point, she was 23 years old. Her parents treat her like 14 years old. Tomorrow was supposed to be the day she finally get her freedom them.

Her parents keep postponing the day for her to leave for some reason. Every time she asked why they would yell at her she stop asking. Ciara got up out of bed feeling groggy, with each step she took she felt like fainting.

This started happening every since those dreams started, this unreasonable tiredness slows down her day. She has to study for at least three hours a day then go MMA training at noon, and hang out with her friends until five and her parents want her to meet them at their church at six.

After she got to her desk and sat down she passes out. Ciara is in a dark void but can see well, she wanders through it looking for anyone. She eventually came upon a black armour-plated dress. Whispers filled her head putting her in a trance, she walked up to the dress and touched it. Her pours raised as the dress turned into a black liquid and coated her skin, a huge murky purple flash brightened the void.

Deanna took Josiah to a cafe to get some coffee. These two were cousins and it's been a while since they have seen each other. They spent hours there catching up and just talking about experiences they had.

"Catching up with was fun," Dianna said

"Yeah but that girl behind you is kinda good lucking" Josiah pointed over a girl with blonde hair

"What about that girl you were with?" Deanna asked

"Who?" Josiah responded

"This the one thing I don't about you. What happened between you and that last girl?" Deanna was annoyed

"Oh her, nothing happened" he shrugged

"I want no part of this" Deanna began to back up

"Alright alright, I just wait until you're gone," Josiah said

"You can not be serious" Deanna giving him a death stare

"Okay okay, why you were in the hospital," He asked

"I ended up having a seizure at my office and ended up there" She admitted casually

"What you okay right, nothing happened' Josiah concerned

"Yeah I'm fine but for some reason, those doctors thought I was on drugs. Which is understandable but keeping there so long" Deanna rolled her eyes

"You sure you're okay right nothing else wrong with you?" Josiah asked

"Yeah I have to go okay but- - - - -" Deanna stopped suddenly

She sensed something happening, portals started opening around the world. Her eyes start to burn. The air around her starts to vibrate and the ground starts to rumble, everyone in the city started panicking.

Cars crashed into each other, fear permeates the air and Deanna's skin got frigid that you could see the cold air coming off her. The clouds quickly got stormy and thunder could be heard, winds started to pick up rushing throughout the city.

"Michael are you sure about this? Doing this could have extreme repercussions. I don't know what that old man is thinking but you are smart enough to see this is a bad idea" Lucifer pleaded

"This needs to happen Lucy, these humans need guidance, true guidance. This isn't up for debate." Michael coldly

"They lead themselves so we don't interfere. But let's say you do this and nothing happens then what?" Lucifer asked

Michael looked at him with a serious face then turned away. This told Lucifer everything he wanted to know.

"Michael you can't be serious right" Lucifer looked in shock

"Don't worry about that it won't come to that also don't worry about the little demon problem, we'll deal with it. Especially her" Michael said before flying away

The disasters that were happening suddenly stop and light started peaking through the clouds. The portals started expanding and slowly angels started descending out of them, this was happening all over the world.

Everyone stood and watched in awe, Michael appeared in front of the crowd. Deanna broke out of her trance and hobbled outside. As she looked on she could be more disgusted while everyone else was in awe.

"My siblings I've come to help you all," he said