

With little or no control at all over their bodies, Adriana and Abaddon were led onwards deeper into the dark space, turning without meaning to turn, their eyes trained on the yet-to-be-treaded area ahead of them, the gremlin spokesman leading them on with a thingamajig strapped to his head.

Now and then, Adriana would stumble into some rocks, unable to voice out her pain, gritting her teeth every time her toes jarred into a rocky stump*. Adriana guessed the same was for Abaddon, though she didn't hear any strangled sound from him.

He had preternatural sight. Adriana guessed enviously.

'Darn!' Adriana cursed inwardly as her right toe snapped to the side upon connecting with something hard which she assumed to be a rocky stump. At her strangled grunt, snickers rose all around her.