
Heaven’s Gene Path: Super Gene

Second Part to [Ascending to Supremacy]! No, you don’t have to read the first part. And yes, it’s the same MC. ---------- . The work Super Gene belongs to its respective author and I don't own anything inside Super Gene. . If you like this Fan-Fic, do be sure to follow the original Super Gene!

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime et bandes dessinées
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107 Chs

International Weapons Competition

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After his wrist healed, Qing Tian moved it around to make sure it still wasn't damaged.

Once it was confirmed that his wrist was properly healed, Qing Tian moved on to practicing as if nothing happened.

He went on to practice Basic Sword Technique, Godly Hands, Origin Needle Technique, Nine Death Arts and finally Heavenly Vision Technique before repeating.

After he was kicked out, Qing Tian headed on over to his mother's room, where she was waiting for him in the bed.

Qing Tian couldn't help but remember the time when his mother was naked in front of him when he was but a young child.

"My mother is one sexy woman," mumbled Qing Tian as a smile hung on his face and he opened the door to his mother's room.


Like a little kid, Qing Tian ran into the arms of his mother, digging his head into her breasts.

'Ah~! This is bliss!'

"Are you feeling alright Tian'er?" Lin Xue looked at Qing Tian with a bit of worry as she rubbed his head.

"I'm alright Mom," said Qing Tian as he sighed contentedly.

"Great, then let's go to sleep."

Lin Xue smiled gently and turned off the lights. She got off of the bed and removed her clothes before slipping on a nightgown. Lin Xue didn't even mind if Qing Tian was looking at her naked, she believed Qing Tian to be nothing but a naive and innocent child.

If she knew what Qing Tian was imagining, who knows what she would do…


Few months have passed since Qing Tian's spar with his own mother. He's seen little increase in his abilities and it wasn't that easy to increase his skill with the sword.

"School has been boring as well," muttered Qing Tian as he looked at the digital clock on the wall.

He didn't make any friends, especially after he beat down everyone on the first day of skill with overwhelming strength and skill.

There have even been rumors that Qing Tian was supposedly a rich kid who came to the public compulsory schools for fun. Which only made more people afraid to speak with him.

'The rumor is stupid, but there's a possibility I might be the child of one,' thought Qing Tian.


School ended and Qing Tian headed on home, straight to his own house.

Right when he was outside of his house, Qing Tian felt a spike of energy inside the Han house.

Wary, and curious, Qing Tian walked over to the Han House and scanned the place. Looking at the place with the Heavenly Vision Technique, Qing Tian caught sight of Han Yufei sitting down in a lotus position.

Having the Heavenly Vision Technique already activated, Qing Tian noticed the abnormal amount of energy inside him and the purity of his genes. Qing Tian even felt an abnormal pressure coming off of Han Yufei's unconscious body.

'This man...'

Qing Tian now knew that Han Yufei was stronger than he was letting on, which meant that he was already getting involved with God's Organization, years before he fakes his death.

God's Organization, a group of people who wish to rule over the sanctuaries and the Alliance. Each of the members are extremely powerful and have their own agenda.

Han Yufei, according to the novel, is connected to the president of the organization and became the next president after the president's demise. Han Yufei had infiltrated the group and was seeking to see what their goals were and what they had in mind.

'I should leave the area before Han Yufei realizes that I'm here,' thought Qing Tian as he stopped using Heavenly Vision Technique and ran to his house.

'I can't lose this life too quickly now...'

Luckily for Qing Tian, Han Yufei was in a sort of trance due to a sudden visit of God's Organization, who had already left by the time he arrived home.

If Qing Tian were here a minute earlier, he would be on his way to the next universe already.

'I taught Lin Xue the stretching technique and she's already using 100% of her fitness and is working 100% of her strengthened genes.'

Qing Tian looked at his mother, who was in the middle of the living room, stretching and bending over. Her ass was pushed into Qing Tian's direction who had just walked in through the door.

He admired that round and seductive ass for a couple of seconds before moving away to keep his mom from thinking anything weird.

'Having a sexy mother is making me feel iffy,' thought Qing Tian as he glanced back at his mother who was now doing the splits with her ass being prominent.

After finally making it into his room, Qing Tian headed straight into his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.


When Qing Tian entered, he was greeted with a loud neigh from the horse he had help him last time.

This horse was tyrannical and smart.

When Qing Tian sent it on back to the pairing with the other horses, along with one Strength Enhancing Fruit, it became stronger and smarter. It began to rule over a group of horses and slowly became the leader of other animals.

The horse was a terrible leader and it forced many animals to fight to the death and even had lions bit to death by rabbits.

'What a fearsome horse,' thought Qing Tian as he glared at the horse.

'But a worthy tamed beast.' thought Qing Tian as he glanced at the Divine Marionette Pellets for a second before shaking his head.

"I'll wait for the right time," muttered Qing Tian. "In the meantime, I will use these Divine Marionette Pellets for something else."

Ignoring the horse that was playing close attention to him, Qing Tian began to practice and train in his techniques.

Over the months, Qing Tian believed that the horse had managed to attain a form of immortality. Although it had only been a year or so for him, it had already been 200 years for the horse.

'Maybe it's the special effect of the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal…'

There was a possibility that the Horse had already attained pseudo immortality due to the influence of the Qi in the air. It had most likely turned into a creature capable of cultivation.

It was common that most animals attain a sort of pseudo immortality that drastically reduces their aging speed. As long as the animal in question continues cultivating it could live a long life.

'A cultivating beast… I might be able to make use of this unique beast…' thought Qing Tian.

This animal was from this Super Gene Universe, so it's cultivation will be the normal Qi Cultivation. It's strength is unique and so is its power.

The Techniques it could use are of a wider variety which include letting the energy out of the body. The amount of techniques which involve letting the energy out of the body are innumerable and are of great importance.

"Stupid horse, you finally have a use," said Qing Tian as he looked at the horse with a smirk. "Since you're stupid, I will just name you Baka."

The horse neighed in anger and just ran over to the pond to kick around some recently placed fish.

Ignoring the horse, Qing Tian returned to practicing.

"You will be participating in some international competition held by Planet Roca. You, and a few select others will fight against other public schools. If you advance far enough, you will participate in a Polish school's mini competition," said the principal of the school Qing Tian was going to.

The principal was pretty ambitious and wanted to go up in the social ladder despite being only a Primitive Evolver.

Qing Tian couldn't say anything about it, so he just kept quiet and nodded.

If he refused to go, there was a chance the principal would hold him back a year. School is compulsory, if he is held back a year, he will also be held back a year from entering God's Sanctuary.

'Damn it. I should have stayed Hidden straight from the beginning,' thought Qing Tian in dissatisfaction.

"Great!" The sweaty principal stood up and clapped his hands.

"The competition is tomorrow in the 13th District at the Martial Arena. The place was bought for a day, so every fight will happen from morning till night," said the principal. "Be there at 6 in the morning."

Qing Tian nodded and left.

"These fights better not be annoying," thought Qing Tian as he left school and went straight home.

Before heading to train and then to sleep, Qing Tian went to his mother and told her about the competition the next day.

"Congrats!" Lin Xue failed to notice how Qing Tian was annoyed about having to participate in the Weapons Competition.

"Thanks mom!"

Qing Tian didn't say anything about being annoyed after seeing how happy his mother looked. As long as she is happy, Qing Tian will keep quiet about it. It's not like it would depend on life or death.

"I'll make sure to record you! Look your best, Tian'er!"

Lin Xue was obviously psyched about Qing Tian having to participate in the Weapons Competition. It made her happy that her son is talented and has the potential to survive in God's Sanctuary without her help.

'She looks so beautiful and erotic when she smiles,' thought Qing Tian, mesmerized by his young mother's looks.

"You're going to the Weapons Competition?" asked Qing Tian, surprised that Lin Xue was going to record him there.

"Yes! I can't miss out on you being tyrannical at that stage, my little god," chuckled Lin Xue. She knew of Qing Tian's prideful nature, it was something she noticed when he was two years old. That and he would mumble about being a god whenever he was in a deep sleep and was reminiscing about his past.

"Stop it!" Qing Tian quickly got up, a bit flustered about how his mother remembered his embarrassing moments. 'I swear I'll pound this woman good in a few years!'

With that declaration, Qing Tian went ahead to his room to train in his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal and sleep.

"Make sure to take them down in one hit! I'll give you a surprise when we get home!"

Qing Tian was already on stage against a seven year old, his mother was yelling at him. At first he didn't mind what his mother was saying until she said that she was going to give him a surprise when they get home.

"A surprise?" Qing Tian turned to look at his mother and smiled. He turned back to his opponent and laughed, "I'm sorry kid, but my mother has a surprise for me at home."


The boy was confused by what Qing Tian was saying and looked at him weirdly. It was only a second later did he understand that he was being looked down upon.

"You! Do you know who I am? I am-"


The poor boy didn't have the chance to say who he was because the instant that the referee said begin, Qing Tian launched forward with his seven year old strength and attacked with the fastest sword move.


"- GAH!"

The boy was swiftly knocked out and a second had barely passed since the match started.

Everything became quiet.

Not a single sound was heard besides the rustling of the wind and Qing Tian walking away as he sheathed the wooden sword in an elegant and tyrannical manner.

"Wooo! Yeah! That's my son!"

Lin Xue couldn't hold her joy and was the first to cheer. She wasn't that surprised with Qing Tian's moves since she had trained with him many times, on the contrary, she felt that the other boy was so weak.

It was the same for the next couple of matches, no one could last for more than two seconds with Qing Tian. Every boy and girl was knocked out in an instant with just one move.

"I gained the nickname 'Dark Horse of 12th River Elementary'," muttered Qing Tian in annoyance.

Lin Xue looked at Qing Tian with a smirk and asked teasingly, "Should we complain and tell them that you're the 'God of 12th River Elementary'?"

"Stop! Nevermind, my current nickname is better," muttered Qing Tian, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.

"Okay, my Dark Horse," said Lin Xue as she pulled Qing Tian into her embrace and sighed happily.

Keeping quiet, Qing Tian enjoyed Lin Xue's embrace, looking at a sheet of paper before him. The paper reminded Qing Tian that he needed to go to a polish school the next day.

After everything was over, Qing Tian was allowed to wander and visit the numerous stalls in the surroundings.

The principal was overjoyed with Qing Tian's performance and told him that he would pay for every food expense.

"We're eating for free, mom," said Qing Tian with a smirk on his face.

"Come on now, Tian'er, don't abuse of the man's generosity," said Lin Xue as she ordered a ton of food from the first food stall.

"Mom… you shouldn't say that whilst ordering so much food," muttered Qing Tian with a wry smile.

"Y-you be quiet!"

Lin Xue began blushing and pouting as she took the food and left it on the principal's tab.