
Heaters: Legend of the Celestial Archmage

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect my world even if i become a villain". Iode de Pandavatton, a wizard from an average peasant home supposedly found out that he the inheritor of one of the founder of the wizard tribe. Due to these power, he was having visions of a distant future. he went around his world (heaters) telling them of his visions. but as time goes on it was forgotten and Iode himself vanished. many years passed, Iode saw himself traveling around various planes; underworld, earth, the celestial realm etc. but Iode soon found his way back home but instead of laying low and protecting the his world behind the scenes, he went on a conquest campaign claiming it for the greater good. He succeeded in his conquest but heroes soon rise from the conquered nations to put an end to his villainous act. but when the true threat comes would Iode, the heroes and the nations have unity and strength to stop it?

Mingler · Fantaisie
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119 Chs

Sweet Punch

Everyone in the club room looked at who Sylvester chose has his spar partner, it was the anomaly mage. "Why would he choose him, what is he thinking" was what is full of their thoughts.

Iode couldn't believe what is happening, of all the people present in the club, Sylvester had to choose him.

"Don't tell me it's because of my fame of being the only weapon learning wizard he chose me, does he want to humiliate me or what" iode thought.

Iode took a deep breath,he stood up and attempts to leave for the spar but Hector held him.

"Iode you can choose not to spar with him you can forfeit". Hector said to him.

"I want to see how I'll fare against a three star mage, though I've fought one before, i want to see how i truly stand against one". Iode replied.

"You can do it Iode, Don't hold back" Anna said trying to ginger you him

"it's not helping" iode thought

"Uh, Sylvester, are you sure want to spar him" the tutor asked.

"yeah" Sylvester replied

"really are you really sure" the tutor asked again.

Sylvester began to reason that the tutor was asking him this because his opponent is an advanced level mage and he would suffer a defeat and hurt his pride.

"Don't worry i have my reasons for choosing him ".

The tutor, being a third Year student, she is an advanced level mage, she could see the aura swirling around Iode. She kept staring at him intensely and had a lot of thoughts, what's someone like him doing with the first years.

Iode got to the arena and stood opposite of Sylvester. The tutor stood at their middle and said.

"like i said earlier, it just a simple spar, whether you win or lose don't let it get to your head, also, do not maim your opponent " she kept looking at Iode.

Iode didn't mind, not like his magic powers could hurt a three star mage in the first place or so he thought.

"Begin" the tutor said.

"Ventus procella". Sylvester shouted as huge wind pressure came out from the scepter he is holding. Iode jumped away from the target position the wind faced.

"It seems the time i spent in the weaponry art club is starting to pay off". Iode thought. Ordinarily, he would just jump away from the target position rolling but this time he jumped and made a backflip giving him a sense of balance.

He ran towards Sylvester. "Terra suspendus". Block of earth shot out of the ground and held Sylvester by the feet, but Iode is yet to be done.

"Aeris whipus". Iode said as wind in form of a long stripe went towards Sylvester.

"What a cunning fellow". Sylvester thought. "Terra pelta". Sylvester said. Wall of earth sprung up shielding him from the wind stripe.

"Terra platus". The ground that held Sylvester by the feet went down and he was free to move again.

"Terra fault". The arena floor shot out in series of blocks and were undulating up and down, knocking Iode to the air.

"Ventus flammus". Streams of fire went towards Iode who was still in the air.

"If that spell hits me, it's bye-bye Iode". He thought.

"Ventus pelta". Iode said, wind pressure surrounded him from the flame but the flame was too strong so it began to heat up the the wind spell, but Iode was already moving to the ground.

"Aeris orchius". Iode landed softly on the ground but Sylvester wouldn't give him the chance to balance.

"Wind blast". Iode was flung backwards but he wouldn't go down without giving something in return.

"Terra formia". The ground around Sylvester shape shifted knocking Sylvester to the ground. Now both participants were lying on the ground.

But Iode got up first and and ran as fast as he can and casted wind magic to amplify his speed. Sylvester seeing this knows it is dangerous, he gritted his teeth and said

"Have the taste of your own medicine".

"Terra formia". The ground around and before Iode shape shifted but it seems iode had predicted this.

"Pyro propultius". Iode flew to the air using fire magic to evade Sylvester's spell.

"Inferno ball". A small ball of fire went towards Sylvester who was still on the floor.

"Tch, just how much does he underestimate me using such weak magic against me, Aqua pelta". Water from the atmosphere conjured and blocked the fire spell.

Sylvester stood up but now Iode was directly in front of him. Before Sylvester could do anything, he clenched his fist and gave Sylvester a sweet punch to the face.