

Lee Lozer is a senior-year transfer student in a prestigious school called 'the Eden of Geniuses', Lockhart High. Considered a bottom feeder by those around him, he's talentless, fat, and ugly; an eyesore for the elite student body. After discovering the prettiest girl in the school, his crush, Ria Goodgarden, and star soccer player, his bully, Eric Graves, kissing on the rooftop; he's pushed down the staircase to his death. Given a chance to be reborn with a new lot in life by a mysterious being, and failing once already to change that chance, he's given the title of 'Heartbreaker': "To be reborn as a girl and to help his past life find true love." This would be simple enough if it weren't for the mysterious being adding in an extra caveat: "You have to find true love as well too!"

Tonedot · Urbain
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16 Chs

Gamer's Intuition

[Greetings, LIA WYNNER, to your new life as a HEARTBREAKER]

Sitting in the back of the car my "Mom" was taking me in, I was suddenly met by a strange pink display with white written text that appeared in my vision. And wow, is that really my last name? Talk about rubbing it in your face.

"W-What the-" I muttered in surprise, it had appeared unprompted. 

"What was that honey?" Mom asked.

"N-Nothing! Just, uh, n-nervous for school is all.. hehe," I explained, trying to brush her off. 

"Everyone's nervous to go to a new school kiddo, be brave, I believe in you!" She said as she gave me some words of encouragement. 

I graciously nodded to her as I returned my sight back to the pink display, it looked like a hologram. This was likely what the mysterious being had meant by an "explanation" before he flew away. It felt kind of like a video game screen.

[Summary: You are LIA WYNNER, a pretty, studious, and well-adjusted sixteen-year-old girl. You have one parent, her name is HANNAH WYNNER, she is a senior marketing manager for TREX-IONIC; the lead computer parts manufacturer in the city.]

Woah, senior marketing manager? I thought back to how nice the house looked as I left it leaving with Lisa. It puts the tiny apartment my Dad has to shame. 

[Summary cont.: Today is the first day of the school year at Lockhart High, you are a transferring student. You are projected to make friends easily.]

Friends... easily? 

I gripped the hem of the skirt I was wearing; picking at its fabric. The idea of making friends easily felt like such an alien term to me. I had only ever made one friend in my entire life, and now, he's living somewhere raising chickens in the countryside. 

On a side tangent, this skirt was very, verrry airy. I don't know how girls can wear stuff like this!

Ignoring the slow creep of the skirt's fabric sliding up my thighs, I looked back at the display. It was now minimized into a small pink square in the corner of my vision. 

Hmm, something that even my old self would understand... 

Is this... like a video game profile? 

The reality was beginning to sink in. Was I just playing a part in that being's sick video game fantasy!? 

Other than some basic information given about who I'm inhabiting, I still didn't know what a [Heartbreaker] really does-- where do I go from here?

"Giving up already? Pathetic," A new voice appeared from out of the air, giving me another mini-heart attack; what's with all the disembodied voices happening now in my life!?

"H-Hello?" I whispered under my breath, careful to not catch Mom's attention. 

"Yes, hello, are you as deaf as you are stupid?" The feminine-sounding voice mocked me. 

Tch! Great, this voice is a jerk! At least the mysterious being was polite, albeit annoying!

"Shut up you ass-" I caught my mouth before Mom could hear me, thankfully she was listening to some music. 

"Pfft, you're classless, stupid, and a quitter. I can't believe I've been tasked to help you, I don't think even my programming can save you." The voice strung an array of insults against me, causing my head to run hot with anger. 

"I'm not stupid-- wait, did you say programming?" Cooling my anger for a moment, I latched onto the particular word that she used to describe herself. 

"Yes, programming. If you had just used the two brain cells bouncing around in your empty skull and rubbed them together, you would've figured out by now that I'm the system that has been assigned to you," It rudely explained. 

"S-System? So, this really is like a video game thing?" I asked it, bracing myself for another blunt insult. 

"Yes, now are we going to keep wasting air, or are you going to tell me the magic words?" She said with a bored sigh. 

"Magic words? What do you mean by magic words?" I asked, but the voice went silent. 

"Hello? Hellooo?" I whispered once more, but still no response. 

Great, I've been given a permanent cruel voice in my head and it can choose to ignore me anytime it wants. 

But before I could try and guess the "magic word" that it was asking for, the car slowed down to a stop; we were here. 

"Okay, are you ready?" Mom asked as she put an empathetic hand on my knee. 

"I--" I looked out the window and up at the school from the distance. Thankfully, due to the long line of cars that are blocking the street ahead, Mom was dropping me off within a five-minute walk from it; it would give me enough time to process this whole mess. 

"You don't really have to answer that, Lia," She cut me off as I began to stutter. 

"Believe me, entering a new school is always scary. Take it from someone who did it once herself," She said with a kind smile. 

"T-Thanks... Mom," I said as I gave her a quick hug goodbye. 

It felt strange for me to hug a stranger like her. But right now, hearing that someone understood me... well, it helped. 

"Bye, have fun!" She said as she rolled up the window and drove off; leaving me at the curb. 


Oh no, I knew that single piece of toast wasn't enough! How the heck would that be enough for anybody!? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day damn it!

I need to grab a bite to eat... I couldn't brave reliving the first day of school as a transfer student on an empty stomach...



Was I gonna die of hunger in this new life before I could even begin it!? 

W-Wait, looking more closely now--

"I know this street," I muttered to myself, as I whipped my head around to a familiar-looking cafe sitting at the corner of the road.