
6. Betrayals and Uncertainties

You walked into the bakery, dressed and ready for school. You were relieved to see that Marinette appeared to be doing better. Her eyes were no longer puffy and she was back to her typical sporadic energy.

It had only been a few days since her fight with your classmates, so you were surprised to see she bounced back so quickly.

Marinette was picking up apples and you couldn't help but snort at the sight of her clumsiness.

"What happened?" You asked with a gruff morning voice. After helping your parents open the bakery, you went back to sleep for another hour.

Marinette didn't even move slightly to acknowledge you which made your mother frown. "We had a customer come in and your sister accidentally ran into her."

You reached to grab your muffin your mother promised you, just to realize it wasn't there.

Your head shot up and you were met with your mother's guilty expression. "Marinette gave her all of the pastries you like as an apology." Your mother said, realizing the backwards apology her daughter had given the young customer.

You scoffed and kicked the basket of apples over again once your mother's back was turned, grabbing one that rolled to the floor, and you walked over to the sink to wash it off.

Marinette silently fumed as she picked up the apples again. "Oh Marinette! You really need to be more careful." Your mother scolded.

You grinned wickedly at your silent success, taking a bite of your apple and ignoring the hellish glare she sent your way.