
Heart Protection (Back From The Brink)

Banished from her cultivation sect, Yan Hui accepts a hunt to earn money. She encounters the snake demon she's hunting but is wounded in the fight. The snake demon flees, and she is forced to stay in remote mountain village until she regains her magic. During her time in the village, Yan Hui stumbles upon several mysteries. Who is the strange boy that seems to be hiding his true nature? And who is the woman dressed in white? Yan Hui finds herself in the middle of a conspiracy. With fingers pointing at her former shifu as the culprit, Yan Hui sets out to find the truth. ................................................................................................ Associated Names: Back from the Brink (Drama adaptation), Protective Heart, 护心 Author: Jiu Lu Fei Xiang 九鹭非香 Translation from: Sporadic Spores Novel Updates @All Rights Reserved 'Copyright Fair Use Notice: All Contents of this Novel is For The Purpose of Entertainment and Education under the terms of fair use. This Novel Belong to their respective owners' Source: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/heart-protection/

Hong_Fenghuang_ · Fantaisie
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115 Chs

Chapter 85

Now that Tian Yao had found Yan Hui, there was no reason to stay a moment longer at Guang Han Sect. He was just about to leave with Yan Hui when he suddenly sensed something and paused.

Yan Hui noticed something was different about Tian Yao and slightly opened her exhausted eyes: "What is it?"

Tian Yao looked back at the towering Guan Han Mountain: "My dragon scales' aura is here." He focused. After getting back his dragon heart, he didn't need to move at all. Tian Yao just need to sense with magic. The dragon scales' aura snaked along Guang Han Mountain. A few moments later, a white cape floated over like it was drawn along by an invisible force. It stopped in front of Tian Yao and hovered in place.

Yan Hui looked over and frowned in confusion: "That's the dragon scales?"

"Su Ying cast a spell on it." With a simple thought, Tian Yao made the cloak drape over Yan Hui.

She asked: "You're not going to....." She frowned and tried to figure out the right phrasing, "Wear it?"

"First leave it on you. It will work with your Heart Protection Scale and help your wound. We'll talk about the rest back at Qing Qiu."

Hearing Tian Yao's firm words, Yan Hui didn't have anything else to say.

When Tian Yao said those words, a rustling sound was heard. An ordinary person, who looked to be in a sorry state, staggeringly  out from behind a large boulder: "Are you two demons from Qing Qiu?"

Although his face was smudged with stains, it didn't hide his clean, pale complexion. The new person hurried towards Tian Yao but twisted his foot in the rush. The man didn't cry out in pain, but instead he got back up and eagerly looked at Tian Yao: "Are you two from Qing Qiu?" Even though the man was in a rush, his voice was still gentle.

Tian Yao didn't even look at the man. It was evident Tian Yao already knew the man was there before but didn't care.

Magic pooled under Tian Yao's feet. It looked like he was about to soar away at any moment. It was Yan Hui who tugged at Tian Yao's lapel: "There's something strange about that man. He's clearly an ordinary person, yet he doesn't have the smallest injury despite being in these circumstances."

Even though Yan Hui did see what Tian Yao did, she saw the sky was emptied of cultivators and Guang Han Mountain was a mess. She could guess what happened. Tian Yao unleashed quite a large amount of magic. However, this new person who walked and even twisted his foot was completely unscathed in this environment.

"Of course he's uninjured." Tian Yao voice was a little cold. "His body has a very strong barrier cast by Su Ying."

Yan Hui was shocked. Su Ying cast a barrier....

She turned her head and sized up the man. Although his clothes were dirty, its material wasn't what an ordinary person could get. However, the man's scholarly aura couldn't be concealed.

Could he be....the mortal scholar Su Ying loved? For this man, Su Ying peeled off Tian Yao's scales and scattered and sealed his body parts in all directions.

Yan Hui couldn't help looking up at Tian Yao's face. Faced with the man who indirectly caused his current fate, it seemed like Tian Yao didn't even what to look at that man. He didn't even want to touch that man, but Tian Yao also didn't take his anger out on the man either.

When the scholar saw Tian Yao didn't want to pay any attention to him, he hurriedly moved up. He completely didn't care that before him were two demons that could take his own life.

"My name is Lu Mu Sheng. Just now, I heard you two mention Qing Qiu. Are you from Qing Qiu? Are you Yun Xi's clansmen?"

Yan Hui raised an eyebrow at that name. Yun Xi was the Nine-tailed Fox Demon Princess that Su Ying killed. It was said that Yun Xi fell in love with a scholar after coming to Central Plains, but the scholar turned out to be the one Su Ying was looking for. In the end, Yun Xi was even murdered by Su Ying. Her neidan was removed and blood extracted all to refine the Fox Charm Fragrance.....

Although in the end the Fox Charm Fragrance wasn't successfully refined....

"I'm not from Qing Qiu." Tian Yao was cold toward the scholar. Saying that, he was about to leave again when Lu Mu Sheng hurriedly moved forward again and grasped Tian Yao's elbow, not carrying about consequences. Tian Yao was carrying Yan Hui, so he didn't have a free hand to shake off Lu Mu Sheng. "It doesn't matter if you're not part of Qing Qiu. Just now I heard you two were going to Qing Qiu. May I dare ask, Sir, if it is convenient, if you can take me too?"

"It's not convenient." Tian Yao's response was cold. He stimulated the magic in his arm and easily pushed Lu Mu Sheng away. The aura around Tian Yao's feet increased. Lu Mu Sheng, who fell down, saw this and repeatedly yelled: "

"I'm just an ordinary person with no scheme. I just want to leave this difficult place. I hope Sir can help me!" No matter what Lu Mu Sheng said, Tian Yao wasn't moved at all. The scholar gritted his teeth and extremely unwillingly revealed, "To be honest, the head of Guang Han Sect, Su Ying, adores me and is devoted to me. Even though you're a demon, perhaps you have heard of what Su Ying has done for me..." He paused. His words sounded like they were squeezed out between gnashing teeth.

The scholar was silent. Tian Yao was even more silent.

No one knew better than Tian Yao what Su Ying had done to others in order to capture the heart of the one she loved.

"I won't bring up the rest. Sir, take me to Qing Qiu. Perhaps you can use me as blackmail to Su Ying." Lu Mu Sheng looked downcast, revealing embarrassment and grief, "I'm willing to be Qing Qiu's chess piece, but not willing to stay at Guang Han Sect a moment longer....I hope that Sir.....will help me." It was difficult for him to say it. When he finally got it out, Tian Yao still had no reaction. Lu Mu Sheng's hopes sank. He was sure this demon wouldn't take him away.

Sure enough, Tian Yao cast Propelling Wind and soared up into the air. The wind tugged at Lu Mu Sheng's hair and clothes. His head hung low, like he had no more will to live. However at this moment, a large gale blew through and lifted him up.

The scholar's head spun. When he opened his eyes, he was already flying in the sky. The wind buffeted against him as he closely followed behind Tian Yao.

"From today hence, be a good chess piece."

Tian Yao's voice lightly floated back. Lu Mu Sheng heard but didn't reply. 

He already said what he wanted to say. Every word came deep from the bottom of his heart. None were false. Except for a few personal things, all was revealed. That was how much Lu Mu Sheng wanted to leave Guang Han Mountain. It was all because of Su Ying. The reason why he really wanted to go to Qing Qiu was because of Yun Xi.

Because Qing Qiu was where she was born and raised. He wanted to see her hometown even though....Yun Xi was no longer there.

After getting back his heart, Tian Yao's speed was even faster. As he crossed San Chong Mountain, he didn't even think it was worth killing the xian cultivators stationed there. He just directly whistled over the mountain. The cultivators saw him streak past, but none of them could catch up with them. They helplessly watched Tian Yao come from Central Plains and return to Qing Qiu without a scratch.

Right before they landed, Zhu Li got the news they had arrived. Also chasing along with him was the flustered-looking Huan Xiao Yan.

They hadn't gotten close when Huan Xiao Yan started to repeatedly yell: "Master! Master! Are you alright?!"

She was an illusion demon with her ring on Yan Hui's finger. She was the first to sense Yan Hui's aura weaken when Yan Hui received that serious blow. However, Huan Xiao Yan was too far. She didn't know what was happening where Yan Hui was and couldn't go find Yan Hui. She could only frantically run around in circles for the longest time.

Tian Yao carried Yan Hui back to her room and placed her on her bed. The first thing Huan Xiao Yan did was rush over: "You're not going to die, right? You're not going to die, right?"

Huan Xiao Yan was so noisy that Yan Hui woke up and cracked open her eyes: "So noisy. You woke me up." Her voice was rough, but it was much better than before. The dragon scales, which were turned into a cape, covering her truly did help her wound heal a lot.

Huan Xiao Yan let out a breath: "It's good you're not going to die. An illusion demon's first master dying brings bad luck. I just left our palace. My happy days are still ahead. I don't want you to die and doom me to an unlucky life."  

When Yan Hui heard that, she felt like something was caught in her chest. This feeling wasn't going to kill her, but it really stifled and hurt her chest.

It was good that at that moment Tian Yao hoisted up Xuan Xiao Yan by the back of her collar and tossed her out of the window without even a look. That helped Yan Hui vent her anger.

Tian Yao slightly peeled back the dragon scale cape and took a look at her wound. He turned to Zhu Li and said: "Call the doctor."

"I did long ago." Zhu Li unhappily said. "I knew that you two could come back covered in wounds! I said that I would come with you two, but then you came up with a way to leave me behind! Really messed up..."

"Find a place for that person." Tian Yao didn't even listen to Zhu Li's words before cutting him off and giving him another job.

Zhu Li grew unhappy at getting cut off. He was just about to berate Tian Yao when he turned to look at the person. Zhu Li frowned: "Why did you bring an ordinary, mortal scholar to Qing Qiu? I already designed to take care of you two, and now you want me to take care of an ordinary person!" Zhu Li was angry by the end of his words. 

Tian Yao shot him a glance and mildly said: "He is Lu Mu Sheng."

Zhu Li laughed at that: "Who is Liu Mu Sheng? Is Lu Mu Sheng worthy enough to serve me? Is Lu..." He paused and turned to look at Lu Mu Sheng. "You are...."

Lu Mu Sheng was quietly standing off to the side and didn't say a single word.

Then Zhu Li looked at him in wide-eyed shock. Zhu Li turned and looked at Tian Yao: "You're certain?"

Tian Yao was pressing down on Yan Hui's wound, using magic to alleviate her pain. He was completely focused on that and didn't reply to Zhu Li. Thus Lu Mu Sheng stepped up and gave a bow to Zhu Li: "I am Lu Mu Sheng."

Zhu Li still looked at him with shock. Zhu Li stayed stunned for a long time until finally sobering up: "Come with me."

Lu Mu Sheng looked blankly and turned to look glance at Tian Yao. Tian Yao didn't even look back to talk to him: "Didn't you want to be Qing Qiu's chess piece? They will help you."

Lu Mu Sheng left with Zhu Li after hearing that.

For a short time, the room was quiet.

Yan Hui closed her eyes and laid down for awhile. After that, she slightly opened her eyes and watched Tian Yao, who was still sitting by her bed and pouring magic into her wound: "My injury is much better. There's no need to use more magic to heal it."

"Just wait until the doctor comes."

Yan Hui quietly looked at Tian Yao for awhile. Then she laughed: "Right now, I'm your benefactor who is finding back your body parts. The treatment is definitely different. In the beginning, you stabbed my heart to get my blood. You didn't even blink an eye. I wouldn't never thought you would heal me after stabbing me."

Yan Hui's words were somewhat mocking. Tian Yao's lower jaw tightened. He slightly pressed his lips together: "Back then, I didn't have enough power. Now....."

"What about now?"

The doctor walked in, so Tian Yao didn't continue the conversation.

Now, he would do all he could to protect her.

Even if the future was rough and filled with storms, he wouldn't let Yan Hui suffer again. 


"I suddenly realized while looking back, Yan Hui suffers everytime Tian Yao's body parts returned:

- His Soul: She suffers from the monster when she was young at the tree

- His Bones: suffers from Tian Yao's "aggressive" behavior

- His Horns: from the Blue Luan Bird

- His Tendons: from the her sect

- His Heart: we already know what it is!

I wonder what will happen if she return his Heart Protection Scale back to him."