
Heart of Glass: Book 1

The Gods all gave the child a gift. For many years, the child kept peace of the ancient world, but she was put to "sleep" when the ancient world died, along with the strong belief of the gods. For many years, no one acknowleged their existence, but then in the year 2070 a war broke among the humans. Nuclear holocaust was bound to happen. The gods awakened their child, to follow her destiny. End the war and fulfill the prophecy. book 1 of the heart of glass series. Author: Teagan Hansen (noodle_rat)

Noodle_rat · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Ch3: Layna Kohn

2020, America, The journal of 16 year old Mia

"Corona virus has hit America.. We have more cases than anyone else.. Im scared, and I miss mother. She said to believe and not get mad, so here I am believing and not getting mad. There are barely any toilet paper or essentials in stores! People hoard all the time. Bye Journal... Sincerely Mia"

That was 2020, fast forward 10 years, 2030. The government was suffering big losses. Food and other essentials started to be 'disappearing' and they decided that they would limit people on the amount they are allowed to take, well except to the wealthy people.

Life had been hard for poor people, especially Homeless people. Most have died now though.. Mostly because people barely have enough food for themselves, let alone another person.

Lives were stattering, by itself and by another's hand. The government didnt know what to do, and many officials fled from the pressure. Authority got into the wrong hands.

Those wrong hands belonged to a woman. Not any woman. Layna Kohn. A woman who could make your life a misery with a flick of her pale wrist. With her power came rebellion.

And that rebellion, fought and died for what they believed in. The survivors of the rebellion hid. They weren't cowards, they were picking their fights, just like Layna Kohn.

2036, Seattle, Washington.

She paced around her room. "I CANT HAVE THOSE IMBECILES RUINING MY WORK! I BUILT UP THIS PLACE FROM THE GROUND AND THAT REBELLION WILL DIE!" She screamed, before looking at her apprentices. "Kill." She said, snapping her fingers, with a nod the apprentices were gone and only blood curdling screams could be heard. "My sweet, sweet brother, and what do I owe the pleasure?" She said softly as her eyes shifted to a dark figure in the room. "You know what I want A." The figure grumbled in a husky voice. She giggled. "Oh yes I do brother" The woman replied in a snickering voice. "In exchange for his fall, you give me the chosen one's head." She stated staring at the tall man. "Deal." He grumbled, his piercing blood red eyes looking at his sister.

"Very well chosen one, your head shall be served to me on a platter soon enough.." The woman snickered, which then became a cackling laugh as her brother left the room.