
Heart's Whispers

Zara bit his fingers" Mr. Wills, how dare you kidnap a women in front of everyone! Aren't you afraid someone will see us?" zara spatted angrily. " No one dares to mess with me and You are not some women, I can do everything with my wife Mrs. Wills" Leroy said as he inched closer to her face she turned away and told "for your kind information it's Ms. Smith for you. Did you forget that we are divorced Mr. Wills?" "Divorced, 'hm' he smirked and continued, "Did you really thought you signed on a divorce agreement?".............. she was aghast for a moment "w.. what did you s.say?" Infuriated by his actions "How shameless of you, even your touch burns my skin you pervert!" she hissed and ........... "so, that's why I'm feeling so hot, hmm", he smirks as his hot breath tickles her. "Mrs. Wills, Do you know your perverted husband can do more shameless thing than you think" Her eyes widened. before she could react he licked her hook of the neck and started to give soft feathery kisses............. if you guys want further... just start to swim deep in it....... Hey Guys! This is my First novel. I hope you guys will enjoy it. If you guys have any suggestion, issues or want any changes you can comment or contact me through via email. If you want me to continue, please support me through comments and gifts. I believe you guys will support me. Please take care of me..

Jess_Wills · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 : Unshared Past

Leroy POV

Leroy was in foul mood. When he was thinking about the past incidents happened in the hospital and in the mansion, he found a file on his table about Zara. And remembered that he ordered his assistant to bring out the informations about her and her company.

He took the file and started to see as if knowing her for the first time.

And when he saw the transactions between her and a person working in her company, his grip on the file tightened. He read how his wife and that person struggled together to make her father's company successful.

"That's why she never talked to me nor my family about her difficulties during the fall down of her company. let alone help."

<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠↗(Author's mind :it's because you never asked her 😤)< p>

His assistant Davis knocked and came inside to inform him about today's schedule

" Good morning Sir, ..." he was cut off by his boss

"I want all informations in half an hour about a certain person in her company, which is mentioned in this file"

Seeing his boss's cold aura, he left silently.

'Divorce her. ....'

'can find new partner...'

'give you 3 months.....'

He's unable to concentrate. Everyone's words are rewinding in his mind again and again. He pinched the bridge of his nose. His phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, he was not in the mood to attend it. Hearing the ringtone continuously, he got irritated and recived the call

" You better have something important or else I'll demolish every villas and mansions of yours."

on the other side of the call.

" A certain someone pinged me in the middle of the night and irked me to handle something. Do you think I have nothing to do?"

it became awkward silence. (^^).

Leroy was annoyed "Tell me "

At the other end " I still haven't discussed my payment..." but his phone received a notification.

he saw it ' 100 million' and smirked

" That's fast"

" It's as you guessed there is someone one behind who's working against your family. But the thing it's not you nor your company but your wife. Because, even before this, Media and magazine scandals were all done by a certain account. and every scandals are only blaming your wife and your marriage with her."

Hearing this Leroy silent for a moment and asked in his cold voice " send me that brainless creature's information"

" I guess that creature thinks it's playing smart. but I will send you soon. you know I'm going on a business trip tomorrow. only after 2 and half a month I'll return. In between I'll try to find it or my assistant will help you with that. even if you leave this issue I won't. After all it's about my buddy's martial life. After my business trip let's catch up together. see you soon." with that he hung up.

Hearing his response now Leroy was sure that Zara was the target. During his deep thought his assistant knocked and entered " Boss, this file holds all informations about him and also we found that they were considered as,

"hmhm"... asst. Davis cleared his throat and continued,

"as famous Valentine Couple during their University time."

Leroy was already in sour mood hearing those words about his soon to be ex-wife irked him more. 'I don't like it' he told himself and took a deep breath. Feeling his boss's cold aura his assistant kept that file on his boss's table and went out. He saw that file as it is his living enemy. He took that file and start to know about that person who helped his wife. Though he doesn't like that person he was impressed by that person's achievements. He felt suspicious as that person got many opportunities from various MNC companies, he declined all those offer and still worked at Zara's company. But confirmed after going thorough both of those files.

After going through some of his office files he called his assistant to check his noon meetings. He planned on meeting his father-in-law after his meeting during lunch.

Meanwhile in 2BHK Apartment.....

Veronica was talking to her friend while sipping her juice. From her apartment whole xx city can viewed clearly.

" yeah, it's been long since we went out together. Well, he's too busy to have lunch with me." She was talking about her love life with her friend.

On the other side " well also I heard a new scandal about the young madam of Wills Mansion!, is true Veronica, are they really going to divorce this time ? are you guys going to get married?

Veronica was being bombarded with questions by her friend. Her brows were raised and she smiled at the thought of  her and Leroy getting married, and replied "ok ok stop with your questions, we still have long way to get married. And now I have work to do. Catch up with you later. With that she hung up and went to wash her coffee cup. After done with her chores she went to her bedroom and scrolled her phone to kill some time.

While scrolling her phone she opened her gallery and saw the photos and videos of her and Leroy during their university days. They have always been happy while spending times together. They never crossed their line  as they thought of having their first time after marriage. (except kissing, holding hands and dates).

But suddenly she felt bitter because she never thought of Leroy getting married to another women. When he was abroad running his other new branch of TW company, he was called for an emergency by his family. Before he left he told her that he would be talking about them to his grand father. But after he left for two months all she received was his wedding news. She couldn't contain that sudden heartbreak. But still she waited for response and didn't call or texted him for next 3 months.

When she couldn't stand anymore she fell ill, she fainted in her office and was admitted in hospital. By that time Leroy also went abroad for business deal and was called by the hospital. He immediately went to hospital and reached her ward only to see her resting. Her was pale, lost her weight. Seeing her like that he felt guilty and his pained. Seeing a nurse arrival he asked the nurse about her condition, but the nurse told him to visit her attending doctor.

Flash back.....

He immediately went to see her attending doctor also wished to transfer her to a hospital owned by his company. He asked about her condition.

How is she Mr.Carter ? and Why is her body looks so weak?

. Ms. Lopez condition is currently worsened, also… before the doctor could continue  "then I'll transfer her to my hospital, prepare her discharge papers."  Leroy impatiently told the doctor.

"Mr. Wills please calm down, our hospital has the best doctors and nutritionists, even if you transfer her to your hospital, the doctors there would also suggest the same treatment for her. So please allow me explain her conditions"

Leroy frowned and asked " what's her condition and what do mean by worsened?"

"Mr. Wills, Ms. Lopez is currently malnourished and also fell in depression. To her worse her body lost the ability to produce natural antibodies. Which means she's currently under chronic malnutrition."

We gave her medicine to sleep so she's currently sleeping."

Hearing those medical terms his frown deepened, seeing his expression the doctor and nurse starts to sweat and hurriedly explained about her condition and treatment.

In the ward

Leroy was silently sitting beside veronica's bed. His phone started to ring as her sleep was disturbed, seeing her waking he immediately went out side to receive the call.

Veronica thought she was dreaming so she closed her eyes. but when she heard footsteps and movements in her ward, her eyes opened and widened to see Leroy in her ward. She was shocked as her eyes teared up but refused to cry infront of him. She couldn't bear to see him as an another man so she suddenly got up and was about to pull her IV but was stopped by him.

  Seeing her action Leroy thought she'd hurt herself so stopped her movements quickly. There was a pin drop silence in the ward. She thought he'd say something. Seeing his silence she questioned him " Mr. Wills long time no see. How are you? And why are you here? I thought you had amnesia and forgot about everything!.

"Nic, I'm sorry. hearing her questions he felt guilty and apologized. he didn't know what to say.

"sorry ? is that all you have to say Mr. Wills, she exclaimed. "I waited for 5months when you left suddenly. You didn't even text me about the most important thing happened in your life. You didn't even try to contact me and all you have is to say a sorry, just a sorry!"  all her anger bubbled up and went out.

"And why are you here now? Why did you come? Did you suddenly remembered that you left behind someone?  Did you come to remind me that you are married? The anger and tears she refused to shed all came now.

Seeing her devastated he couldn't help but stay with her. He felt bad for leaving her like that. He took tissues and went to wipe her tears but was stopped by her," you still haven't answered any of my questions? With that she wiped her tears with her hands.

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