
Heart's Whispers

Zara bit his fingers" Mr. Wills, how dare you kidnap a women in front of everyone! Aren't you afraid someone will see us?" zara spatted angrily. " No one dares to mess with me and You are not some women, I can do everything with my wife Mrs. Wills" Leroy said as he inched closer to her face she turned away and told "for your kind information it's Ms. Smith for you. Did you forget that we are divorced Mr. Wills?" "Divorced, 'hm' he smirked and continued, "Did you really thought you signed on a divorce agreement?".............. she was aghast for a moment "w.. what did you s.say?" Infuriated by his actions "How shameless of you, even your touch burns my skin you pervert!" she hissed and ........... "so, that's why I'm feeling so hot, hmm", he smirks as his hot breath tickles her. "Mrs. Wills, Do you know your perverted husband can do more shameless thing than you think" Her eyes widened. before she could react he licked her hook of the neck and started to give soft feathery kisses............. if you guys want further... just start to swim deep in it....... Hey Guys! This is my First novel. I hope you guys will enjoy it. If you guys have any suggestion, issues or want any changes you can comment or contact me through via email. If you want me to continue, please support me through comments and gifts. I believe you guys will support me. Please take care of me..

Jess_Wills · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Years of Bonding

Zara softly touched her father's hand as tears welled up " pah, you became so weak. It is really painful for me to see you like this". "seeing you in pain, breaking me down" Her father slowly woken. Seeing his beloved daughter cry, made him worried.

"Minnie, dada sorry for not taking care you. You must've felt lonely all this while". Mr. Timothy said meekly

"pah, what are you saying? Why would I feel like that when you are there for me." She got worried.

"Minnie, I know everything happened between you two. I shouldn't have let you marry too early! I thought you'd be happy, but..

Zara cut him off " pah, please don't think like that, it was my fault that I agreed to marry him without any second thought". Those unpleasant moments passed through her memory, she felt like she wanted to move on. she continued talking to her father. All of a sudden, a nurse knocked the door and came in. The nurse asked Zara to meet the hospital dean in his office.

Zara got nervous. She thought it was about her father's condition. she asked her father to rest and went to dean office. Getting near the dean's office, she trembled. Zara find it difficult as she felt like there was tones of heaviness on her feet to take another step. she was afraid to face the truth.

Zara went to dean's office and knocked the door. When she went in, she saw Dr. Jessica was standing beside the dean;s table with an unreadable expression. Her heartbeat raised when she saw that kind of expression.

"Ms. Smith, please take your seat..."

Leroy's POV.

In 2BHK apartment...

In a gigantic living room, a man was sitting on a sofa which was made by a glorious brand ZZZ with his leg crossed. He was scrolling mails in his phone.

"Leroy, here. your black coffee. Have a drink." A lady uttered while she kissed him on his cheek and sat beside him.

He took the coffee cup started to drink. when Leroy took a sip, he halted for a moment looked at the coffee. His brows knitted as he missed something in his coffee.

"Nic, are you sure this is my coffee?

"of course! why would you ask that? veronica pouted.

"nothing" he replied. 'this coffee is different than she makes. aroma, taste, everything.' he thought and drank the coffee in one gulp. he somewhat missed her. and her coffee.

The scene of her making coffee for him crossed his memory. Suddenly he felt warmth as his lips slightly curved up.

"Leroy, I heard Zara's father Mr. Timothy's condition is severe. Did you seen him? how is he? Zara must be depleted". Veronica concerned.

His movements paused, as it struck him. 'damn..how did I forget it. I didn't even give her a call. I don't know how she is doing now. I must go and see her.' he scolded himself. he got up and said " I have an urgent meeting to attend. I'll see you later"

before she could reply he went out. 'Is it really a meeting or her' she asked herself.

While he driving to 'Heal Me' hospital. He called his asst. Davis.

"Good day sir" Asst. Davis greeted him.

"Davis, postpone or cancel all the events today" before his asst could speak he ended the call.

what!!!Did my boss just said to postpone his work?. what made him to do this. Asst. Davis sighed and continued with his work.

still thinking about the fact that he forgot. 'I never intended to hurt her in this way. I feel like a jerk now'. 'damn' he got frustrated and ran his finger through his hairs.

He saw a flower shop on his way, he stopped his car. When he bought a bouquet of Chamomile, he questioned himself 'will she be angry at me?' 'will she misunderstand me'. In their 2½ years of marriage life. He never cared about their married life especially her.

He came to hospital. parked his car and directly went to Mr. Timothy's ward. Before he reached Mr. Timothy's ward, he saw zara smiling happily and entered her father's ward.

'was it Zara, even if it's her. why is she smiling so happily?. Is it my illusion or something really happened. He got confused. When he came near the ward, he stopped in his tracks as he accidentally heard to zara's words.

In the ward

Mr. Timothy was awake. Seeing a smile beamed on her lips as she continued "pah, you know how brave your daughter is?" "I'm so happy now. The doctors told that you are going to be okay". We are going home soon. When you get better we can spend more time together. and This time I'm always gonna be with you".plea.

'When she was talking with her father she heard slight door creaking sound. Zara stopped talking and went outside to check. 'why do I feel like someone was standing here' since no one was there she turned around. Her brows lightly creased when she saw, 'white petals (on the floor)….. maybe someone came to look for other patients' she ignored it and went inside to see her father.

"pah, please don't stress yourself. when I came to hospital I haven't informed anyone and haven't met Grandma and grandpa for a long time. Grand ma must be worried about me .I'll come again". With that she left the hospital.

Due to her father's illness she rented a room in a hotel near the hospital for a long time. She'd talk to her Grandparents-in-law. only on her 1st day in the hotel leroy called her.

After zara left, Mr. Timothy was thinking about her daughter's words. 'angel, did you hear our daughter?. I saw a firmness in her eyes. I can roughly guess what her thoughts might be. I hope this time our daughter could be happy". He sighed in relief.

Zara hailed a cab and went to wills mansion. when she entered, she was greeted by Wills family butler.

she also greeted him by bowing her head. "Mrs. Wills how many time should I correct you? you can't bow to this mere servant"

"I too promised that I will greet you like this when there is nobody. Even though you are a butler, you are still an elder to me Mr. Thomas" He heavily sighed.

Zara was going inside and stopped in her tracks when she heard Old Mr. and Mrs.Wills concerns about her and her father. she felt touched. Butler Thomas saw her standing absentmindedly and cleared his throat. zara cleared her thoughts as she entered the hall and greeted the old couples.

" Grand ma, Grand Pa" she bowed her head.

Old couples saw their granddaughter-in-law, a smile appeared on their face.

Old Mrs. Maria stood up and hugged their granddaughter-in-law.

"zara, you came, after knowing what happened in the hospital we were worried that something might've happened to you!". Old Mrs. Maria worriedly said to zara.

"please forgive me for making you worried grandma and grandpa." she again bowed and apologized. "how many times have I told you, don't always bow your head". Old Mrs. Wills reprimanded her

"Should I ban that doctor or the hospital ?" Old Mr. Wills heatedly asked Zara.

"no, no grand pa. It was a mistake and the hospital and doctor had apologized for that". It's not a big deal" Zara hurriedly told to Old Mr. Mathew Wills.

"How does it not a big deal, how come that doctor mistook the report, doesn't she know to read ? she dares to mess with Wills family." Old Mr. Wills angrily said.

"Grand pa, as I said Doctor and hospital already apologized and repented for that. I don't want to make it difficult for them. please forgive them grand pa."

"You are being too softhearted" Old Mr.Wills sighed.

"Let it go aside" Old Mrs.Wills softly told to Old Mr. Wills.

Smith and Wills family maintained a close relationship for almost 23 years. which means not only Old Mr. and Mrs. Wills but also aunt Clara and uncle Jonathan watched her grown up.

Years ago, The Old Mr. and Mrs. Wills went on a vacation. when the old couple riding on a orbited road, there were blocked by street robbers. coincidentally Smith couples were also there. when they saw the situation, they immediately called the cops and went to help Mr. Mathew Wills and Mrs. Maria Wills. At that time Mrs. Angelin Smith was pregnant with Zara Smith. Seeing the cops arrival, the robbers head got terrified, and threw a knife at Old Mr. Wills. But Mrs. Smith dodged it on time and due to that she had deep cut on the back of her shoulder. she was sent to hospital.

The Old Wills couple felt grateful towards smith couple. But they also doubted, whether they were saved by coincidence or for money. To clear their doubtes, they even stayed with smith couple for 2months by concealing by their own identity. And came to know about their family and businesses. They were there when Mrs. Angelin gave birth to Zara, in between that two months. SO, the Old Wills couple were so fond of zara. They got distressed when Zara's mother died. They Old Wills couple even thought of adopting both father and daughter.

(author's mind: so now you guys know how they got married.)

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