
Heart's Whispers

Zara bit his fingers" Mr. Wills, how dare you kidnap a women in front of everyone! Aren't you afraid someone will see us?" zara spatted angrily. " No one dares to mess with me and You are not some women, I can do everything with my wife Mrs. Wills" Leroy said as he inched closer to her face she turned away and told "for your kind information it's Ms. Smith for you. Did you forget that we are divorced Mr. Wills?" "Divorced, 'hm' he smirked and continued, "Did you really thought you signed on a divorce agreement?".............. she was aghast for a moment "w.. what did you s.say?" Infuriated by his actions "How shameless of you, even your touch burns my skin you pervert!" she hissed and ........... "so, that's why I'm feeling so hot, hmm", he smirks as his hot breath tickles her. "Mrs. Wills, Do you know your perverted husband can do more shameless thing than you think" Her eyes widened. before she could react he licked her hook of the neck and started to give soft feathery kisses............. if you guys want further... just start to swim deep in it....... Hey Guys! This is my First novel. I hope you guys will enjoy it. If you guys have any suggestion, issues or want any changes you can comment or contact me through via email. If you want me to continue, please support me through comments and gifts. I believe you guys will support me. Please take care of me..

Jess_Wills · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter:1 Wrenching pain

It's been 3⅕ years, still rain drops are the only thing that comforts me.....

I thought atleast, he would be here to console me, it seems like I never knew him. So, this is how the ending of this feign marriage. Since there is no respect, no feelings and most importantly no love, Terminating this marriage is good for everyone. "hmph…" A pained smile appeared on her face. Zara's heart felt numbness

2 days before....

Zara went to 'Heal me' Hospital to see her father.

Seeing her father in a miserable state made her feel like, Thousands of needles pierced her heart at once.

She felt like her heart bleeds internally. Only she knows how much pain she felt at that time. There was no one else beside her. she was all alone in the ICU ward. A nurse came to check her father , even that nurse felt sorry for her.

"Ms. Zara smith, is there anyone else here with you?, so that they can go and buy the medicine". The nurse asked her.

she shook her head 'no'. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Seeing her state, the nurse hesitated and asked

" then Ms. Smith can you buy these medicines?, it's time for the patient to take his medications".

She nodded 'yes' in response, as she wiped her tears and went to pharmacy to buy the medicines and came back. She gave the medicines to nurse. The nurse took the medicine and injected it in IV Drip. Then the nurse told 'Zara to meet the doctor in her cabin to get the reports about her father's condition' and left.

Zara went to the cabin of the doctor who was in charge of her father.

As she knocked the door twice "Dr.Jessica, may I come in ?"

The doctor responded "please come in Ms. Smith, take your seat." When the doctor saw zara, she became speechless. There was no life in her eyes. Dr.Jessica even doubted, if she can tell her father's condition to her. So the doctor asked zara

"Miss. Smith, is there any other family member is here with you?"

Zara shook her head in 'no' response and answered the doctor that " I'm the only family member for my father", "and you can call me Zara"

"oh…hh.. ok", Dr.Jessica responded and hesitated for a second, before she continued, " Zara, as I already told, your father's condition is rare and very critical in stage. There is no cure for "ischemic heart disease" (coronary heart disease or CAD, a rare incurable heart disease.) I want you to be prepared". Dr. Jessica felt bad for Zara.

Zara suddenly asked " p..prepared?…. w..what do you mean d.d..doctor? It has been 8 months since my father admitted here, even 1 week before you told that, "my father's condition was improving." What happened now ?" her voice trembled, her heartbeat raised as she was afraid to face the truth.

As Dr. Jessica continued "please calm down Ms. Zara. you are right! We tried our best to maintain his condition stable, but his body and age is not cooperating with our treatments and.…..I..I think, he's mentally tired", he doesn't want to feel the pain anymore". It's really hard for him to even breath".

The second she heard her father's condition from the doctor, the strength she build in herself before entered the cabin, started to crumble slowly. Her fingers and foot started to feel cold. She breathed heavy. She doesn't like to show her weakness to others, but her father was her bottom line.

He was her hero, guardian, well wisher especially a good friend. After all which daughter doesn't love their father. A father and daughter relationship will always be special.

Zara's mother died when she was 10 yrs old. Her father didn't remarry due to the love he had on his wife and daughter. He decided to take care of his daughter on his own. Zara never missed motherly love because, for Zara, her father was her everything and to Mr. Timothy Smith his daughter was his whole world. Even though he pampered Zara, but not in wrong way. He always taught her to move in right path. He was the person who taught her to walk, talk, ride etc…

Zara continued to ask " s..so..Dr. Jessica, a.are you saying that, my fa..father only has c.countable days?". As lone tear passed her cheek.

Doctor said "Ms. Zara…I.. I'm afraid Mr. Timothy doesn't have that much days too…"

When she heard those words, it echoed repeatedly in her mind. She was stuck for a moment.. But still she asked

"Doctor...w..what d.do you m.me..mean?"

The doctor replied " As we already told you yesterday, that you father is in palliative care and… also we can't tell you exactly what will happen in the future. The report says that your father have… only number of hours left. Please be prepared" with that the doctor ended the conversation.

Her soul shattered completely. Her eyes were reddened. She felt as if there was huge weight on her. She felt heavy to breath and felt like something was stuck in her throat. The whole world froze for a moment for her. With that she took the reports in her hand and got up from her seat. When she was about to walk, she stumbled and was about to fall, but suddenly a pair of hands gripped her.

"Be careful Ms. Zara….. and please be strong for your father" Dr. Jessica told as she made her stand.

"thank you Dr. Jessica" Zara thanked the doctor, and went to see her father.

After zara went out of the cabin….

Dr. Jessica asked the nurse " Sister Merlin, Didn't nobody came to see Mr. Timothy except his daughter ?"

"except his daughter, there was an old man came to see him twice doctor" the nurse replied.

'an old man came .. to see Mr. Timothy…' recalling the memories of his visitors 'How could I not know about this?' she thought herself , as knitting her brows slightly. "ohh" doctor responded and continued with her work.

Hey dudes! I hope you guys are doing good. I can say, some of them feeling bad for Zara or some of you can think, why starting itself giving a doleful feelings. I just assure you guys one thing, the tears she shed, the pain she felt. Eerything will turn upside down one day and you'll be feeling cheerful for seeing Zara high-spirited.

My dad would always says a thing that "the more you feel pain, the more you gain"

and if you feel like adding something in story, you guys can share ur ideas wd me. you know I too need suggestions.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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