
What's Your Rank, Gu Mang?

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

After lunch.

Qin Yaozhi and Meng Jinyang had classes in the afternoon.

Like before, Gu Mang only had one class to attend. When the class ended at 4 PM, she went straight to the lab. There, she saw everyone gathering around Senior Feng. It seemed like something good had happened.

One of the seniors excitedly told her, "Gu Mang, Senior Feng's solo thesis has been published in a top journal! It's a high impact journal and so it's really difficult to get published there!"

"Oh," responded Gu Mang before placing her bag down on her seat and removing her cap.

The senior explained earnestly, "Let me tell you how difficult it is. Its minimum requirement is a PhD degree, so publishing a thesis is an onerous task for postgraduate students!"

As Gu Mang unscrewed the bottle of water she had brought with her, she turned around, leaned against the table carelessly, and looked at him.