
Chapter-3 Beginning

In a hospital

Nurse-CONGRATULATIONS IT'S A[BI BI BIIIIIIIIIII] Bo-boy mis mis helo oH NO CALL THE HEAD DOCTOR NOWWW THE MOTHER'S HEART STOPPED AND ANd tell the family just in case she does not make it!!!!. said the nurse with a panicked expression and worried eyes

other nurse-NURSE THERE IS NO OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS AND THE DOCTOR IS WITH ANOTHER PATIENT.said the nurse with a sad and worried expression

in another place

Doctor- congrats mis tennyson it's a beautiful little girl

Natalie- so beautiful I will name you Gwendolyn Tennyson my lovely daughter.said Natalie before passing out

then someone came in rushing inside

Frank-DOCTOR DOCTOR IS SHE OK WILL SHE BE OK AND WHAT ABOUT MY DAUGHTER IS SHE HEALTH Y AND WELL.said frank looking at the doctor with a panicked expression on his face while holding the doctor by the collar with a tight grip

Doctor-Don't worry mister Frank she is ok she is just tired from the delivery an your daughter is healthy.then after he said that Frank loosened his grip and went to his daughter and wife with tears and a wide happy smile on his face and thanked the doctor with a tears in his eyes while holding Gwendolyn

then two people could also be heard weeping and crying

Carl- congrats Frank on the good delivery

Sandra-yes congrats on the safe delivery

they both said with both a sad and happy smile and tears in there eyes

then someone else comes in the room

Nurse-DOCTOR DOCTOR THE OTHER PATIENT ,THERE HEART BEAT HAS STOPPED BUT THE BABY MADE IT THEY NEED YOU DOCTOR.said the nurse with a desperate expression and with worried eyes

Doctor- WHAT ROOM IS IT TELL ME ,TELL ME NOW WE MIGHT MAKE IT IN TIME.said the doctor to the nurse Wich she immediately told him the number of the room and he rushed out the door with a worried look and and in the hallway you could hear




pat pit





then the slam of a door


then in the room there could be heard a


Doctor-AGAIN 1 2 3


Doctor-AGAIN 1 2 3


Nurse-DOCTOR DOCTOR I I I I think we lost her.

said a nurse with an obvious sad expression even though her mask was covering her face

Doctor-Someone tell the family.

said the doctor while biting his lip and with obvious frustration in his eyes

Nurse- Doctor she has no family and she was the only family of the kid.said the nurse with a tear falling from her eye while looking at the doctor

then the doctor walked out of the room to go to where he last was just to double check that the mother of the little girl is in good health

he walked in with a sad mist around him then

Sandra-Doctor is everything alright ,what happened.

Doctor- There was another patient that was also delivering but she did not make it and but the child did, but that just means that he will have to go to an adoption agency and live there for a while.said the doctor with a sad face and eyes filled to the brim with frustration

Sandra-Doctor is it ok if take him in !?!?!?!

said Sandra with a determined look and hopefully eyes

Doctor-yes it is ok and I know it would be good for the kid but why?!?.said the doctor still with a sad look

Sandra look at Carl then at Frank and then a Natalie and the baby and said

Sandra-Doctor you see me and my husband Carl tried for a while to have a baby but have not have any luck at it we've been trying very hard but had no luck a t it so we have been planning for a while to adopt!!!

Doctor-ok thank you I'll go get the papers for the kid.then the doctor stood up and before he left

Sandra-Doctor what was her name and what is the baby's gender?!!? she said

Doctor- her name was Naomi Del Oglax and the baby's gender is a boy.said the doctor with a small smile and sad eyes

Sandra-Ok thanks.saide Sandra also with a small smile but with thankful eyes


(43minutes later)


Doctor-Here are the kids papers and the baby. said the doctor with the papers on hand and a nurse next to him with the most cutely horrifyingly beautiful baby that she has ever seen that also has red eyes and white hair with snow white skin and his skin being smoother than porcelain and a smile that could just melt someone's heart from a single glance this baby is our MC

Sandra- so so soooo cuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!.she immediately went to take the baby away from the nurse who was a little reluctant to give her the baby since she has already fallen for our MC's beauty

Sandra look at the baby in her arms and closed her eyes for a few minutes then opened them to look at the baby with warm eyes and said

Sandra- I will name you Nomi Del Oglax Tennyson.siad Sandra with a warm smile and loving eyes meanwhile Carl looking at the papers and happy that Sandra is happy and also happy to finally have a son

Our MC or Nomi now , thought

Nomi-'not a bad name mom and helo world or should I say hello playground'.thought Nomi with a evil smile but to the people looking at him they thought 'CUUUUTE!!!!!'





the wish that he made was to be born faster just so you guys know

Nomitothcreators' thoughts