
The Birth

The cry of the babies was heard.

the two baby girls born at the same time but different homes was mistaking exchanged by a nurse.


my name is isabella samson. I do full time job to help my mom, anyway i come from a poor family but i still love my family. I am done with my schooling, i graduated from the university through the help of my bestie Luci Smith. Anyway today is monday i have to go to work and....

Sleephead wake up it morning


it morning already

give me five more mins

you will be late for work

work!!!, i shouted and stand up from my bed.

i ran into the bedroom to brush my teeth and took my bath.

mum i'm going to work

eat your breakfast first

i will be late for work bye i love you

i love you too, take care of your self.

i ran out of the house .

Good morning oliver

good morning bella, how was your night ?

good, yours


is the boss around

no i am the only one and some of the chefs that is around

okay. thank God, let start for the day.

how is your mum

she is getting better

we both talk and as we do our job

it afternoon and we will be having a vip today

the boss keep on giving instrution to the rest



yes, you will be the one to serve the guest, he is very special

don't make him angry or anything.