
He Doesn't Want To Loose Her

Sadie Parker has been in love with her best friend Zach Simpson for years. But to Zach they are just best friends. After Zach tells Sadie he has found the one she decides it's time for her to move on. In comes Haden Anders, who has an up hill battle to win Sadie's heart. After Zach sees Sadie with Haden and sees that she is actually interested in this man he starts to panic. Unbeknownst to Sadie he has also been secretly in love with her too. He has always been scared to try to be more than friends with her. He never wanted to risk losing her as a friend. But now he must decide if he is willing to let her go or to be the man of her dreams. And Sadie must decide on which man will win her heart in the end. This is this authors first time writing a story. Please don't be too hard on me.

Jami_Anderson · Urbain
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7 Chs

4 Meeting Rose

As soon as Zach left Sadie she started to feel uncomfortable. She really didn't want to meet another one of Zach's girlfriends. Why did he insists on torturing her. She always knew they wouldn't last and it was a waste of her time. Plus she couldn't stand to watch Zach be all lovey dovey with someone. It broke her heart a little each time. She also wished he would have waited to introduce her to Rose another day. Why did it have to be on her Birthday? But what could she do, she loved him. So she stood on the sidelines watching her friends and family dance while she waited for Zach to return with Rose.

She didn't have to wait long and Zach was back with a beautiful young lady. She was short and had shoulder length brown hair and eyes. She had a pretty smile. Sadie couldn't say much about her looks because she was pretty; but would her personality be as good or was she secretly a witch behind his back. Sadie had definitely had experienced all sorts of personalities from Zacks many girlfriends. I guess only time would tell at this point. Sadie would just have to wait and see.

Zach approached the very apprehensive Sadie with Rose. He was quick in introducing her to Sadie. "Sadie I want you to meet Rose Gibbons." "Rose this is Sadie Parker." Rose stretched out her hand towards Sadie and said " It's nice to finally meet you! Zach has told me so much about you. I feel like I already know you." Sadie shook her hand and said sarcastically "That's funny for this is the first I'm hearing about you." "Sadie!" Zach admonished "That is hardly fair for you to say that to her. She can't help that I have been a neglectful friend and haven't been keeping in touch with you!" "Um... Zach I was kidding! You cut me off before I got to say It was nice to meet her." Sadie replied. "Sorry about that Rose. It really is nice to meet you." "Oh! It's fine. I can understand if you are a little leery about me. Zach has told me that you may be because of all his other girlfriends he has brought into your life." Rose replied calmly. " Hopefully I will be the last one for you to meet." "Yes, one can only hope!" remarked Sadie. All the while Sadie is thinking in her mind 'Yes hopefully your the last and Zach can finally see that I'm the one he is suppose to be with!' "So tell me about yourself Rose. All I know about you is that you met at work and you started dating." Rose looked at her and said "Well I don't actually work there." Rose thought back on that day as she told Sadie all about it.

Rose awoke that morning to her phone ringing loudly. She looked at the time and groaned out loud and said "Who is calling at five in the morning!" She grumpily answered the phone "Hello?" "Yes is this Rose Gibbons?" the person on the phone asked. "Yes it is. May I ask who is calling?" "This is your temp agency and we have a job for you if you are interested?" Rose immediately woke up and said "Of course I'm interested!" Rose was running low in cash since she hasn't had a job for awhile. "What is it and what time do I need to be there?" You will be a an assistant to a Mr. Stevenson at Lewis and Lewis Advertising Agency. They want you to be there by seven this morning. We will text you all the information you will need to know once you get there." "Ok I accept the job and will be there by seven." Rose quickly ended the call and got ready for work.

Once Rose arrived she was immediately put to work. Mr. Stevenson wanted her to make twenty five copies of all the different materiel he was going to need for his presentation to his clients and bosses that morning. The meeting was going to start exactly at nine so it needed to be done right away. Rose went directly to the copy room and got started. After spending at least forty five minutes making copies and arranging all the documents, Rose was pressed for time. She quickly gathered all the papers and ran out the door. She was trying to find her way back and wasn't really paying attention to where she was running when she ran smack dap into a solid chest. As she fell backwards the documents in her hands went flying everywhere! She shook her head to get her bearings back and looked up to see who she ran into. There standing before her was such a handsome man. He had a well toned body and short and nicely styled brown hair. A set of baby blue eyes and long legs for days. She was instantly enamored by him. She started to blush right away. She was so embarrassed with herself. She felt she must look like such a spaz to him. He quickly went over to her and helped her up. He asked "Are you okay? Your not hurt anywhere?" She quickly answered "Oh I'm fine. I just a little embarrassed that I ran into you like that." As Rose looked around and noticed all her hard work was all over the office she about burst into tears! "Oh no!" she cried. She began to immediately start picking up all the paperwork she had just got done putting together. She was freaking out because she really was going to have to search everywhere in that office for the papers flew every which way. The man in front of her also began to help her pick up the papers. As the man handed the papers back to her she said "Thank you so much for you help! Also I'm really sorry for running into you. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." "It really is ok. It can happen to anyone. By the way my name is Zack Simpson. May I have the privilage of knowing your name?" Zach asked patiently. "Oh, Yes its Rose Gibbons. Nice to meet you Zach." she said shyly. The pleasure is all mine. Especially now that I can put a name to the face of a beautiful woman." Zach said as he had a huge grin on his face. "It looks like you are going to have to go on a tresure hunt to get all those papers back. Do you mind if I join you in retreaving them all?" Rose blushed prettily and said "Thank you if you don't mind; I would really appreciate all the help that I can get." The two began go around the office scurrying around to find all the missing papers. Finally the were able to gather all the papers and get them all back in order. Rose turned to Zach and said "I can't thank you enough for all your help in gathering and arranging these papers together again. Is there anyway that I can pay you back?" Zach thought for a moment and then said "I think the only way you can repay me is for you to give me your phone number so I can ask you out on a date later on." Rose was shocked that this was his answer but pleasently happy too. Rose gave her number to Zach and hurried on her way to get the papers to Mr. Stevenson. She arrived just in enough time to go and fetch him a coffee before he had to go into the meeting.

As Sadie stood listening to Roses story she watched how Zach was reacting to the story. She saw how his face would lite up at different times through the story and even put his two cents into what happened too. Honestly to her it was like the two were an old married couple already.