
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

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No? punishment...

After 8:34:00 of sleep Lucy finally woke up. The first thing she saw was the monster asleep holding her. She tried to move without waking him up and was successful at doing so. when she got off the bed she quietly tip towed out the bedroom door. She remembers that before she went to sleep he told her to follow one rule so far and she had to stay by his side. She didn't know if that ment to stay in the same room as him or not and when she was about to go back in the room her stumach started to make noices. So instead of going back into the room she went to the kitchen and look to see what there was to eat in the fridge.

After about 10min or so The monster woke up and painced a bit when he didn't see the little girl. He thought the girl run out of the house. He then got up and was about to leave the house to go see if she was still alive by some miracle.

CHRASH!!! Lucy accidentally dropped her plate and when the monster heard the sound. He sight in relief and walked to the kitchen but was also worried because it sounds like she just broke glass. As he walked in the kitchen he saw Lucy trying to pick the glass up with her bare hands. So he gose over and picked her up.

"I thought I told you to stay by my side" he said getting Lucy away from the glass

"I was hungry. please don't be mad" she said as she looked down.

"I'm not mad. I just don't need you doing stuff without me. you could have hurt yourself" he said as he bought the child to the living room. The child nodded.

"can I go clean up my mess now" she said as the monster sat on the couch holding her.

"No. I will go clean it up soon" he said looking her in the eyes.

"but I made the mess. I should be the one to clean it up" she said as she tryed to brake from the monsters grasp.

"you will cut yourself and it's a pain in the butt to get glass out of cuts" he said not letting Lucy go.

"So what? I made the mess. I deserve it" she said not knowing how sad that sounds.

"No you don't. Look kid I don't know what your parents have taught you but that's not how a punishment works. Plus what have you done to even deserve a punishment" he said questioning the girl, not happy about what she's saying.

"I broke the plate. I left your side-"she said then the monster interrupted her.

"those are all tarible reasons to get punished. Yes you did leave my side but you didn't go to a place that I could not find you and plus this is my house so you can leave my side here as long as you don't go outside" he said looking at her with a glare in his eyes. The girl a bit scared by his glare stopped talking. She nodded and stopped trying to get away from him.

"stay here I will go clean up the mess." the monster said as he put the child to the side of him, got up and went to the kitchen. The girl was so confused on why he was cleaning it up. When she was with her mom and dad any time she did something rong her parents would slap her and make her clean it up or give her a nife and tell her to go to her room and make a certain amount of cuts on herself. She didn't understand why he was not doing that.

When the monster returned the little girl was still there. He went and sat beside her on the couch.

"so kid. I never got your name" he said trying to start a conversation.

"oh my name's..." she didn't like the name Lucy so she quickly thought of a different name. "my name's Aonani" she said hoping he would fall for it. The monster nodded.

"well Aonani you need a bath" he said because she just has not taken a bath today.

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