

When I was done packing I heard my brother enter the house then I quickly hid the suitcase locked my door then went to my bed when I remembered what Rachel told me about being pregnant and I'm going to make sure this baby lives and grows to become a young man or woman who wouldn't need a father. While i was crying my brother came knocking on my door but i paid deaf ears to his calls for me, why can't he just leave me alone it's been a week already can't he just give up.

After a while he stopped trying and left me then right after i couldn't hear his footsteps anymore and i heard a door slam shut so I took my suitcase and went to purchase an apartment close to my company. Rachel told me to get ready for the partnership meeting on Thursday and since today is Monday,i decided to call Adrianna the following day.

When i woke up the next day I took cereal then went to meet Rachel in the hospital and we talked about different things.

She asked how i was doing and was very happy that my voice was a little bit clearer but still shaky and hoarse mostly because of so much crying. When we were done talking about my health it was time for lunch so Rachel decided to order Chinese food while I decided to call Adrianna,it rang for some time before she picked.

"Hi Adrianna,it's me Ashley" I said in a low voice .

"OMG Ashley what happened to you, why didn't you call me and I heard that Ramos Industries postponed our appointment. Please come back" she said in an anxious and worried tone.

I chuckled lightly at her behaviour geez I can imagine her pacing back and forth.

"This is not a joking matter woman, you left the housing just like that without telling a soul what in the freaking hell happened for that unreasonable decision and you call me just to start laughing. Do you even know how worried and messed up Blake was when you left" she said angry but I could still hear the pain in her voice.

I didn't know I hurt them this bad if not I would have told them since.

"Woah Adri I'm sorry but I had to do it also I'm fine and would be coming to work tomorrow. That's when I will tell you every thing that has happened over the past week and please don't tell Blake I called you. I said my voice a little shaky at the end.

"But why he's your brother and he is worried sick about you ..... Oh well speak of the devil and he shall appear" she said and I was confused first before I realized who she was talking about also knowing Adrianna she is smirking right now.

" Adrianna I beg you don't tell him. I will tell him myself when I'm ready but please don't just tell him and wipe that smirk off your face this instant Adrianna Maria del Duqco" i said in a serious tone.

"Fine i wont tell him but you so owe me for this. Okay ma'am yes we would fix your dress for tomorrow thank you" she said trying to cover up then hung up.

God i hate lying to my brother he would be so worried about me because i have never been like this and i think its because I've never been raped or pregnant before * note the sarcasm. I hate that son of a bitch that rapes me so much i feel killing him right now with my bare hands,ahhhhh

thinking about it is so infuriating.

"Hey Ash the food is here come ea............"she started but stopped after seeing my expression then continued in a calm and soothing voice.

"Hey come here"she said hugging me

"Stop being so sad you need to be strong for for yourself and your baby ok"she said rubbing my back and i was just nodding like a kid taking corrections .

After eating she made me have a check up even if I insisted that i didn't need one and it came out well except for the fact that I'm too weak and it's not good for the baby.

I went back home in the evening when I got home I made a sandwich and took a glass of orange juice I sat on the chair at the dining table while checking my emails and text messages and damn is it much, most of them being from my brother,dad,mum and Adriana but mostly for my brother.

When I was done I took a tub of ice cream and popcorn then went to my room and got on my comfy bed while watching vampire diaries in Netflix, I'm so in love with Damon and klaus. I didn't even know when i slept off but i woke up to my phone ringing, i looked at the caller ID and so it was Adrianna so i picked it up.

"Hello Adrianna why are you disturbing my beauty sleep" i said.

"Oh I'm so sorry did i wake you" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"What do you want Adrianna i need sleep for me and my baby" i said sleepy but soon realized what i said.

Oops what have i done.

"WHAT!"Adrianna said

"Sorry i meant i and my dream yeah my dream is my baby,need sleep"i said trying to save the situation but i knew she would not stop there.

"Nope don't even try to give that silly excuse Ashley Andrea Brooks.

What the hell do you mean by your baby"she said sounding pissed.

"Look can we just talk when i come over. I promise to tell you everything"i said flatly.

"Better and don't worry no one knows you are coming so be quick and get your ass down here"she said rather calmly then hung up.

I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, showered and washed my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo.

When i was done i blow dried my hair I tied it in a high pony tail then braided it then i did a light make up. When i was done i went to my closet and wore a black leather pants and a white tank top with "I ♥ NYC" written in blue on it then wore my white all stars and wore my blue and black flannel shirt without buttoning up. I grabbed my keys and purse then made my way to my car.

When i got to Bonita Prometo i saw people giving me strange looks and i understand why. It is because i hardly ever miss work for more than two day and also the fact that i didn't call anyone of them. When i was about to enter the elevator my personal designer Martha called me.

"Oh my God where have you been? What happened to you? Why haven't you called? Did you travel without informing me? Tell me, why aren't you saying anything."she said in one breath.

"Woah woah calm down Martha nothing happened to me, just decided to take some time off everything you know without telling anyone."i said smiling hoping she would believe what i just said because i have this habit of playing with my hands and hair when I'm lying.

"Oh okay then but please call next time we were all so worried." She said her tone laced with hints of worry.

"Yes mom" i said smiling while she just chuckled and left.

After talking to her i went into the elevator. When i got to the top floor which was where mine and Adrianna's offices were. When u was about to go into Adrianna's office a girl around my age stopped me.

"Good day ma'am but you can't go in there she is busy"she did politely.

"Okay no problem but please don't call me ma'am I'm not old, you can call me Ashley okay. So what's your name?" I asked her

"My name is Aurora ma...Ashley" she said shyly.

"I'm sorry you can't go in and the CEO is not around. Or do you have an appointment?"she asked

I just laughed at her ignorance then went towards my office to open it but she stopped me. Although it was annoying but also interesting because when she finds out who i am her face is going to be so priceless.

"By the way where is Bianca" i asked for my secretary.

"She is busy with Miss Adrianna right now but i can tell her you came by" she said while I just smiled when I was about to answer her Bianca came out and on seeing me she rushed to hug me and take my bag from me.

"Where have you been Adrianna is inside she has been expecting you just go in I would take your bag to your office" she said smiling.

"But isn't she busy"Aurora asked surely confused.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce you guys Ashley meet Aurora White she is Adrianna's new secretary and Aurora this is Miss Brooks the CEO of the company you are in" Bianca cleared her confusion while I smiled. But it turned to a smirk when I saw her face and I was right it was priceless.

"I'm so sorry Miss Brooks I didn't know you were the one I'm new here"she said with a pleading tone.

" Great Aurora you just got the job and now you are going to loose it"she muttered to herself.

"Don't worry you are not getting fired I actually like you and you can call me Ashley okay so.........."

"OMG I thought you ran again I was so planning to come and kill you" Adrianna said cutting me off as she came out of her office.

"Really can you?" I said smiling at her.

"Try it and you'll find out if I'm telling the truth" she said in a challenging tone.

"Okay let's go in and let me tell you everything,if you want us to be ready for the netting tomorrow morning" I said dragging her into the office.

When we got to her office we sat down then I asked her why she fired Veronica.

"Oh that bitch she was sleeping with one of our clients to lure money from us,can you believe it" she said.

"So now talk about what happen to you after that party at Nick's I can not wait any longer" she said excited.

If only she knew it was a very painful experience. So I sat down and started telling her all that happened but didn't even know I was crying when I finished the story until she hugged me.

"Oh my God that son of a bitch how dare him. Do you know who it is?" She asked.

"No I don't but I can remember his face. But don't worry all I have to do is give this child the best and be both his mom and dad" I said wiping my tears.

"So let's start preparing firbyhis meeting so we will have enough money to destroy the guy okay" I said smiling trying to lighten the mood.

We started working after having having breakfast and we were so busy that we didn't know it was lunch time until Bianca came to give us our lunch, while eating I decided to call my brother. It rang a few times he picked and his voice came out hoarse and tired and it was all my fault.

"Hi Blake this is Ashley" I said slowly.

"Oh hi..wait Ashley. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" he yelled into the phone.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't call or text but so many things have happened and I can't say it over the phone" I told him and I can imagine him running his hand thorough his hair since he does that anytime he is frustrated.

"Okay then I'm coming to the company right now and don't move an inch from there got it and.......". He said

" Wait how do you know where I am!"I asked cutting him off .

"Oh I downloaded an app to tell me where people that call me are isn't it awesome" he said.

"That is just a tracking app" I said in a duh tone.

"Way to ruin the fun from the app" he said.

"Yeah yeah I have work yo do so bye bye "I said chuckling. After we were done eating I went out to take a few files from my office and saw my brother.

" Oh my God Ash never leave without telling me okay" he said as he carried me and hugged.

"Yes sir" I answered giving him a salute.

"So let's go to your office and you tell me everything that happened Bianca over there will bring us coffee" he said pulling me to my office but Adrianna came to save me from him.

"Hey Blake now that you've found your sister you can't even come to my office to say hi" Adrianna said resting her weight on one leg while folding her hands.

"Ay hola mi amor ya lo siento(Hello my love I'm sorry). How are you but I have to talk to my sister" he told her smirking.

I don't know why he speaks to her in espanol most times and his Spanish accent and knowledge is actually better than mine. When he was pulling me towards the office I mouthed to her to help me.

"Si(yes),but you can't take her like that you guys can talk about it later but right now and tomorrow she would be busy and she can't waste her time on a story that you can always hear"she said pulling me towards her.

"But......"he started but was cut off by her.

" No buts just agree if not I won't speak to you ever by the way you can also help us with the preparation for the meeting it would be great"she said.

After he tried getting me to tell him everything that happened he later give into helping us which made it easier and faster. We all went home after we kept all the materials we would need in the meeting the next day.