

Episode 12

Yeonwoo was running.

"What do you think, little boy?"

Behind Yeon-woo, who was running with all his power, flowing magic into his lungs, Yuri and Baek Hwa were chasing leisurely with their backs on their backs.

It felt like going crazy. She said that she was running like she was walking, but she was chasing after her. Is this a real light craft?

Even Baek Hwa is moving gracefully like skating on ice, so she feels pathetic about herself.

"Hey, running using magic power… ?"

"You're just saying stupid things. It's not that far wrong, but if you give it a score, it's 30 points. Please retake."

What do you mean you don't know? Yeon-woo just felt embarrassed.

"To start with, yes… It is simply a technique to make the body lighter."

If you strengthen your cardiorespiratory ability, you can talk while running, but Yuri started to slow down, so Yeonwoo also slowed it down.

You must have seen everything you need. Yuri said to Yeonwoo who was holding her breath.

"The method of running can also be said to be light work. To make you run faster and for longer. That is the essence and origin of light work."

"okay… ."

Those words contained the martial arts of glass. It was a very pragmatic point of view. Should it be called the dizziness of a man who devoted his life to the sword?

Because he had a clear world of his own and came in contact with the sword, that man must have reached the stage of his dream of being half-rounded. I thought so.

"So, before you can learn light-gong, you must first learn how to run well. Let's pay close attention to Nogu's posture."

You might think that it would be different if only running was different, but the way Yuri ran was definitely different. With her body's center of gravity tilted in front of her, lift her knees high and press her toes on the ground. She hits it back, giving her a recoil swinging her arm there.

Yeon-woo lightly imitated that figure. He nodded as if Yuri was right. It will take a little while for it to bite into his body, but it seems to have accelerated a bit.

Yuri said only after Yeonwoo ran around the area and got used to it to some extent.

"Now, it is light work to deviate from the laws of physics by covering it with magical power. In some cases, it makes the body lighter to extend the flight time, and in other cases the shock transmitted from the step is returned to recoil once again."

After he stopped talking, Yuri, who smiled softly, tapped Yeonwoo's forehead and placed her index finger on it.

"Magic power moves according to the imagination and will of the user. Kyunggong, used by Baek Baek-hwa, shares the idea of ​​'leaving no footprints on the snow'. Through him, he made it easy to carry on the identity of the group to future generations and to train. It's a very effective way, although it crushes individual potential."

The white painter stared at the glass. He wouldn't be happy to expose his true nature. Yeon-woo shed a cold sweat as he felt Baek Baek-hwa's turbulent momentum. She said not to get caught.

However, isn't Daxeomu Xin (踏雪無痕) a very famous and characteristic King Kong. I think it would be nice to see it that way.

Yuri, who smiled brightly, scattered her gaze lightly and looked at Yeonwoo. Yeon-woo withdrew a little at the gaze that felt like education...

"But, student Yeonwoo Choi, you don't have to. If there are ten thousand people, there are indeed ten thousand martial arts. Because everyone sees different things. Come on, think about it. What kind of martial arts do you want? What are you aiming for? What do you want to do?"

At those words, Yeonwoo's eyes slowly began to darken, as if hypnotized. Oh my! Yuri suppressed the elasticity that was about to burst.

Although it is a sight that can be seen quite often just by throwing a few words to the children who are blocked by the wall, Choi Yeon-woo was a child who was declared incompetent by the patriarch. Considering that even being blocked by a wall is the realm of a genius, isn't it quite impressive?

Baek In-hwa looked at him and looked around.

When an acquaintance entered the state of selflessness, it was the right thing to stand up for it. Fortunately, there were no passersby nearby, so there was no need to worry, but just in case.


dark. It is dark, as if immersed in an endlessly dark shadow, or as if in a dream. What if I fell into the deep water where I couldn't see an inch ahead? But soon the light was born.

It is an image that is formed inside, not visible. A mirror that reflects itself. What has the complex inner kaleidoscope illuminated?

A familiar scene flashes before your eyes like a slide show. Click, click, click, click... .

In just two days, I thought that even Yongke had seen three such high-level new methods.

Click, click, click... .

Namgoong-seong is seen flying with his body tilted forward to the limit. Its shape looks like a bullet, or even an arrow.

How do you make a body that is light for its size shoot forward the fastest? It is a trace of how to draw the god Eung, the progenitor of Namgung with the body possessed by Namgung.

Even without using magical power, the air resistance is reduced to a minimum, and the wings are used to balance it so that it does not fall over. Since Changgung is so innocent, so are the descendants of the great Heavenly God. It was like a bird of prey descending from the heavens, and it seemed to soar to soar into the sky.

But it belongs to Namgung. It doesn't suit you

Click, click... … .

The white flower runs through the meadow like a slippery slope. Like a figure skater dancing on the ice of the North Sea, she is beautiful and fast. However, the reason why no footprints or even a single particle of dust is generated is probably because of their pursuit of coexistence with nature.

A decisive move not to leave human footprints even on soft and fragile eyes. Despite inheriting the human history of martial arts, it shows a strong will to live in nature just like nature.

But it was made to live with winter. It doesn't suit you

click… .

Finally, Yuri takes a step in vain. It seems that you are going 30 steps with just one step. This… I couldn't even say anything. already the realm of the axis. The realm of Yuri is truly reaching beyond the supreme and reaching the sky.

If Binggung's Kyunggong wants to coexist with nature, Yuri's is nature itself. I can't even imitate or imitate anything. off topic from the beginning. The word sage doesn't fit.

… So how do I want to move?

At first glance, a golden dragon could be seen flying from a deep cave. I have no memory of seeing such a scene, so it must be a fragment of an accident passed on from Shar. So it's not yours. Alkynea or Char would be a good fit... .

When I suddenly looked up, I saw the sky, stars, and a sparkling sea of ​​stars connected to the horizon.


There was a baleen whale that kept jumping even though it couldn't reach the stars. Over and over again, until my wish reaches the stars... .



Flashing, eyes opened. Naturally, unless we are in a special situation such as skydiving, we are always on the ground, so we are bound to live in the world of the hemisphere.

However, what Yeonwoo saw now was a spherical world. Truly a celestial sphere. It was such a beautiful sight.

The endlessly deep green sky above your head, and the blue earth beneath your feet.

An indescribable sense of openness swept through my body. Yeonwoo opened her mouth without realizing it. Cool air pushed into the lungs.

It was a sight I had never seen before or had never seen before. This has been especially the case since air supremacy came out of the grasp of mankind.

It was only after seeing a silver and black crown that looked as small as an ant far above his head, he realized that he was floating upside down in the air.

It was easy to predict that gravity would act on anyone and fall off after the faint feeling of floating that still remained.

It was a really beautiful sight, but what was hidden behind it was a shortcut to death.

As for what he can do in such a mid-air, he must at least be determined.

Above all else, the feeling of weakness in the whole body was no joke. In order to jump up to this point, it looked like he had collected and used all the magic of his body as well as his core.

'Shah, Shar!!'

You call me earnestly, but there is no answer. Could it be that he ended his second life in a fall like this? Now I really had no choice but to pray that the people below would accept me.

Even if Baekhwa didn't get it, Yuri could take it lightly, but honestly, considering Yuri's eccentric nature, I had to pray that Baekhwa would accept it.

"… Idiot?"

Whoops, a refreshing scent rushed into his nostrils. it was white Baek Baek-hwa, who jumped from the point of leaving about 10 meters to the ground, jumped to receive me.

"Damn it, I believed it… … !!"

"What's the relationship between you and me? Let's not talk."

As if receiving a princess, Baek In-hwa, who lightly embraced Yeon-woo, descended to the ground in a parabola as it was. It was a light movement, like a snowflake falling to the ground. Is it the same as the answer, and Binggung's Gyeonggong specializes in this kind of thing?

When he landed on the floor, he relaxed the arm he was holding. Naturally, Yeon-woo fell to the floor and licked the ground.

He was kind enough at the point in time when he had already saved his life to be treated kindly because he had no power.

When I looked inside, the hot energy and magical power that had always been in my heart was still bare and dried up like a wasteland.

Yuri smiled and approached Yeonwoo lying on the ground.

"Yeah, how did you feel about using your own light gong?"

Yeonwoo took a deep breath slowly. It was because he had to control his breathing to maximize Dragon Heart's abilities. When he was conscious of the beating of his heart, he could see a faint magical energy from the atmosphere entering his body.

Strongly conscious of what he had just realized, Yeon-woo opened his mouth confidently.

"I have no idea what it is."

* * *

"Even with the eyes of an old man in the world, I didn't know that he would jump up blindly."

"Are you blaming me now?"

"Why do we need to blame others for something that is not the fault of Nogu?"

Yuri had a very confident face. She actually said she did nothing to Yuri. She simply wanted to blame someone for the fact that she was so selfish that she nearly lost herself.

Yeon-woo sighed softly and got up.

Thanks to Dragon Heart's absorption power, the tiredness like the drowsiness right before going to sleep disappeared, but even to be honest, it was almost impossible to go even halfway to Mt. Seokseong. What's more, considering that a battle could happen, today's plan would have to be completely revised.

"I have to learn how to control my power… . Sorry, white man. Can we meet again next time? I guess that's why I can't go today... ."

Of course, there was no reason to spend time with Baek Hwa to get along with him. She just said that with the mindset that it doesn't matter if she gets rejected, but Baek Hwa quietly nodded her head.

"Then I'll call you when I think I can go. Could you give me your number?"

To Yeon-woo Choi, who naturally handed her a smartphone, Baek In-hwa had a lot of thoughts in an instant. Is this the number your father told you to be careful with? But aren't you in a hurry?

Baek Baek-hwa, who finished the conflict like Nodo in a matter of seconds, stamped her number on her smartphone as it is. Call your own number and register.

'… … Call this a friend, don't.'

"Thank you so much. Uh, thank you also, Dean Yuri. There was no one around who could teach me such things as kyunggong."

"Well, you're a professor before you're the head of the department. Shouldn't we take care of the students who fall behind the average?"

Saying that, Yuri turned around and disappeared in an instant. It was about 3 km to run to learn light work. Seeing that she ran that far for a short time, if she could control her magical powers well, she would reach Mt. Seokseong in no time.

Baek Baek-hwa said quietly as he looked to the north as if it was a pity.

"what are you going to do now?"

"Huh? Huh. From now on, I'm going to eat and go to the magic training room."

"… yes. cheer up."

In the same place that Baek Baek Hwa had left, Yeon Woo was left alone.

Yeon-woo got up and checked his body several times.

I didn't know when there was no magic power at all, but if it burns down while it is, that's another problem.

After moving his body with a little aftermath, Yeon-woo came to a conclusion. He looked at the gloomy forest not far away.

"Then I'll go get some lunch money."

There was a collection of goblin eyeballs. It was probably used as a raw material for pain relievers applied to the vitreous body of the eyeball. It's not the raw material for the potion, but it's fortunate. Blood must have a disease, but it's about the size of an eyeball, and you can just wrap it in leaves and take it home.

To put it bluntly, the current state was the normal condition of the previous life. It's not that difficult with about ten goblins.

(Continued in next part)

Episode 13

It must be said that there is no place in the present Earth that is free from the effects of the gate explosion.

Gates appear everywhere. Except for the fact that it is highly likely that the environment inside the gate is somewhat similar to the place where it appears, there is really no regularity in the place where it occurs.

And if it appears and is not attacked, the gate explodes and pours out the inside. It is like pouring a bucket of paint over the entire area with your own color.

The monsters in it were also there. They are like clumps of paint that have clung to the inside of the barrel. The world has changed, but the fact that it is their domain doesn't change.

However, human beings were not greedy enough to give up such an overlaid place. It was a fact that could be seen from the fact that the academy could only build it on the place covered by the explosion.

The Academy of Harmony stands in a place called Yongin in the past. It is now called the city of harmony, but it is not as big as the city of Yongin before. Compared to the previous one, it is at the level of a secluded island.

At best, in Korea, only major cities like Seoul or Busan were able to maintain such a huge city.

Naturally, there were a lot of terrain around the gate due to the explosion. The same goes for Mt. Seokseong, which Yeonwoo was going to go to. There is nothing to call it, so it is called Seokseongsan, but it is already a terrain that is close to a mountain range.

Among them, the western forest without even a name to call it was not bad enough for novice hunters to work. This is especially true in the fact that the further you go toward the center of the huge forest, the stronger the monsters, and the fact that the monsters appearing in the outer part are at most dangerous to goblins or their fringes.

'Still, I must be careful.'

What kind of monster is a goblin? A typical characteristic of this green-skinned, small subhuman-type monster was that it possessed the intelligence of a child.

As the number of opponents at once increased, the risk increased, and when a leader appeared, the risk rose sharply. That part needed enough attention.

In that sense, the wooden sword should be considered a weapon with quite a few flaws for hunting, but... .

Because the 10 years that I had rolled in my previous life didn't disappear again.

It's not like it's nothing more than killing goblins so they can't even scream.

* * *


Five ugly-looking villains with green skin. I looked around and walked through the dense forest. What he was holding in his hand was a coarse stone spear or a stone sword.

One of them was holding a proper iron sword, presumably a leader. She's even rusty, but... . On the contrary, I had to be careful not to get stabbed that much.


Although they were small in body and not very intelligent, they were superior among the lower level monsters. There were only a handful of low-level monsters with intelligence on a level similar to that of a goblin.

Sniffing and tickling his nose, he finds rabbit poop that has fallen among the bushes. If one trace is found, the second and third traces appear naturally. Soon after, one of the goblins found a rabbit grazing on grass and succeeded in hunting with a slingshot hanging from a rag around his waist.


Considering the population of the village, even one rabbit might not be enough, but today is a good start. Thinking so, the goblin drooled and grabbed the ear of the stunned rabbit and lifted it up.


Without even screaming as it was, the vertebrae were cut and he died.

'I'm not used to stabbing.'

Of course, Yeonwoo was the owner of the wooden sword that precisely pierced the vertebrae of the neck and crushed them. He carries the goblin's corpse, spilling life from his mouth, into the bushes.

Lay it down on the ground dug in advance and lightly cover only the outer surface with soil. Because goblins have a good sense of smell and can distinguish body odors of their own, they cover them with different scents.

Of course, before starting work, Yeon-woo applied mud from the forest all over his body.

Guys can count. It means time attack from the moment you kill one. Fortunately, after looking around the area, there was no group of goblins. In order to deal with them easily and easily, they only surprise each individual action, but if there are five or so animals, there is no problem even if they attack as a group.

'Then I'll wait.'

I did time attack and everything, but in fact, I can just sit there and die. Goblin's intelligence reaches elementary school level, but in other words, it's only elementary school level. Since they are not educated like humans, the idea is a bit trivial.

For example, a human would have once returned and summoned people to search, especially the fact that these guys come to the place where the body odor has disappeared and look for it.

[Wow, that's true.]

Char woke up at some point and spoke from above Yeonwoo's head.

Good morning? A lot has happened in the meantime... .

As it was said, a goblin appeared, wandering through the bushes. The rabbit's body was deliberately left alone. Because it can make it difficult to understand the situation. Yeon-woo grabbed the goblin's stone spear he had prepared beforehand with his left hand, and grabbed the wooden sword in his right hand.

It was rare to use the dual wielding of a weapon in real life, but I always trained so that there would be no problem if I lost one arm at any time. Fortunately, it was the same when I was fifteen. Of course, I didn't have such a bloody injury in mind, but when I grabbed the sword with both hands, I swung it all with my left and right hands.

[Then I will check where the other guys are from high up.]


Even if there is a fight, there is no problem, but there is no reason to hinder my daughter trying to do it. Even more so because there is nothing to get hurt. He is the right father who actively encourages activities for the independence of the child.

[Aha, that's it. I'll send you an image!]

Image, what... When he thought about it, a 3D map appeared in Yeonwoo's mind. Dotted lines indicate distance and height, red for goblins and blue for yourself. Yeon-woo sticks out his tongue at the intuitive form that anyone can understand.

You mean this happened? It was incomparably more convenient than the magic maps typified by hunters who were skilled in search.

Surprised by Shar's ability, he threw himself at the goblin who was approaching after chasing the faint body odor that remained in the thickets of bushes. With her wooden sword, she pressed down on her throat and knocked down. Immediately after taking the mount, she thrust a stone spear into her heart.

Being a goblin whose body was so small and weak, he choked and died helplessly, unable to even scream.

'Two with this.'

A beep and buzzer sound, and the red color right in front of the blue color is erased from the map drawn in my head.

You did a better job than I thought, Char? I can go out as a programmer right now.

[Are you satisfied?]

'of course. I can do this, but I can't help but use it.'

Even so, it's not like you can't belittle your own senses. Because you never know when a crisis that Shar cannot help will come. The important thing was whether Yeonwoo could write or not.

Yeon-woo was once again trying to abandon the goblin's corpse, but a red dot nearby suddenly started running towards it.

Did you smell blood?

Carrying the corpse on his shoulders, he hid behind a tree in the approaching direction. And just in time for the guy to appear, he threw the corpse at him.


A goblin who falls down by the corpse of a comrade screams. One of them always makes a sound. It's annoying, but like I said, it's not a problem.

He quickly moved his hand, pulled out the stone spear that had been driven into the ground, and threw it towards his chest. For Yeon-woo, who had to master most weapons in his previous life, javelin was a basic skill. He even bought spears before returning.

"Keeek!! Off, kick, kaak… ."

pooh. Along with the dirty blood, the guy's screams also exploded. A goblin grabbing the spear and trying to get it out somehow. However, he did not think that the spear he threw with his magical power was stuck in the ground and pulled out. The iron sword fell to the floor with a rattling sound. He was an idiot for being the head of a hunting group.

"Now there are two left."

If you come here, it's nothing. Yeon-woo ran through the grass and ran towards the guys running.

The wooden sword and the rusty iron sword held in both hands drew different trajectories and cut the heads of the two animals.

* * *

"Oh, it's dirty."

[Hunter has to touch something like this... ? Even if I hatch, I won't do this... .]

Hey, you guys don't do this... .

With the iron sword possessed by the goblin, the leader, Yeon-woo extracted five pairs of two eyeballs and a small magic stone near the heart, then took off a rag and closed it with them.

There was, of course, a torment in the process of seeing parts that I did not want to see, but Yeonwoo's stomach was not hurt or bad. I'm familiar with this... .

If it was damaged, I couldn't get my money back, and I didn't want to get my uniform dirty, so Yeon-woo, who wrapped it up with rags as carefully as possible, turned around.

Since there are five goblin corpses left, there is a high possibility that it will be safe even if a guy who is using this area as his territory appears, but it is only a possibility. There was no reason to weigh your life on anything that wasn't one hundred percent.

'Char, what do you want to eat today?'

[Daddy has an appetite... . Incredible… .]

Oops, what I saw was seeing Char as well. right. She only hoped that her stomach would recover until she reached the wall.


It was when Yeon-woo got out of the forest and was running down the highway. There was the sound of an owl. I couldn't possibly have misunderstood that peculiar cry.

"Night stalkers still exist in these days."

[What is a Night Stalker?]

"Where do I begin to explain this… ."

It is a fact that can be seen when the guild receives a request related to the forest, but the forest is divided into east, west, north, south, and east, regardless of the depth, based on the center. And there are four rules, one for each direction.

For example, in the eastern part of the forest where Yeon-woo has just been, there is a rule 'Leave more than half of the game'. And the reason for making that rule is that 'Night Stalker' is the owner of the owl's cry.

"There are four high-ranking monsters living there. Divide each area."

Clockwise from east: Night Stalker, Self-Esteem, Grand Serpent, and Elder Tree. It is rare for a monster to be given a nickname. Even more so if the field is not inside the gate. If dozens of Hunters rush in, they will be eliminated somehow.

[But how are you alive?]

"It's true that we don't need to clear the West Forest right now, but they… When humans come to get rid of them, we cooperate."

[…] … A monster?]

yes it is So, when the time came when we had to somehow attack the West Forest in our previous lives, there were really many casualties. I don't know if they're just fighting separately, but it's because they've been fighting this way even with breathing.

"Someday we should get rid of it, but now it's absolutely impossible. I'm not a high-ranking monster for nothing. Can I die without my noticing that if a night stalker attacks me now?"

[S, it's a cowardice to say it's an attack.]

"If Char helps, we will be able to get rid of it soon."

[Hehe, of course. Who am I?]

As the wall got closer, Yeon-woo went to the door while having a conversation with Shar in her heart. He decided that dinner should be chicken. If it was chicken, Char would surely regain his appetite.

(Continued in next part)

Episode 14

From then on until Sunday, Yeon-woo was confined to the magic training room, concentrating on gathering a lot of magic anyway. He had to increase the total amount of mana no matter what he did, whether he left for the Seokseong Mountains.

Of course, I do not intend to neglect physical training. Right now, the mana was more urgent, so he simply moved his body while collecting the mana in the mana training room. The thick magic that was cast in the training room was an appropriate load.

So Monday morning.

It was a bright day when I came to the academy and received my first class. Her body, accustomed to waking up early, opened her eyes spontaneously.

The normal class was the furthest from the Hunter Department among all the dorms. It meant that you might be late if you don't get up early. The only comfort was that it would become a little exercise in the process of coming and going.

Dressed in an active school uniform with a mix of navy blue and white, I left the room. Would you call this a semi-suit? I suddenly thought of Jung Yu-jin, whom I had been teaching with over the weekend. She seems to be oversleeping, but I got a text message asking if she could wake me up just once.

I knocked on room 307 for about 5 minutes thinking about what's good for a friend, but there was no response as to whether he was still sleeping, so I sent a short message 'I didn't get up and went first,' and went down the stairs.

This is training in life. Char said he looked like an old man in his ear, but Yeon-woo lightly let it go.

light jogging... This is not the building with the Hunters, which arrived by running through intense hard work. I think it's a bit excessive for morning exercise, but this should be just right. After a few months, I had no doubts that my body would adjust itself.

[It's low quality. I need to improve it now.]

'Damn it, the only exercise I can do is swing a sword and run. It's been great in a previous life.'

Although he said this, there were no special flaws in the body of 15-year-old Yeon-woo. In fact, if we were to talk purely about physical training, it was clear that even in this academy, we would go somewhere in the middle.

But in the end, problems arise when the magical power is mixed. Especially the mana pass is a problem. It's good to have no impurities, but on the other hand, the mana pass is narrow enough that no impurities can get inside. It was a natural problem if it was natural, since the body had no magical power in the first place.

If the mana pass is narrow, no matter how pure magical power you have, there is always a limit.

'Should I ask Yuri if she has any good mana methods?'

Regardless of whether a dragon can use the Mana Spirit Method, if it is Yuri, wouldn't it have something to be called a new engineering discipline? The thought that it wouldn't be bad to become a disciple while receiving that passed through Yeonwoo's mind.

I checked the time in front of the Hunter Department building. It's half past eight now. There are still 30 minutes left until the ordinance. What do you do in your spare time? After thinking for a while, Yeon-woo said to Shar.

'Char, that mini map I wrote last time... A bird's eye view is also magic, isn't it?'

[Sure. In the first place, what else can I use other than magic?]

'Then can I use it too?'

At those words, Shar let out a groan of concern. He even wondered if it would be the right way to even touch magic in a situation where he didn't know how to do anything properly.

However, on the contrary, I thought that it would be difficult to touch it for a while unless I had more time like now, so Yeon-woo made up her mind. Let's just learn the basics.

[Uhm... .]

'Is it that difficult?'

If Shar is hesitant enough to give an answer right away, wouldn't he be hopelessly lacking in magical talent? Being so anxious, Char burst out laughing.

[No, it's not like that. Rather, it should be said that my father's magical talent is an area that no human dares to cross.]

'Can I be honest?'


Damn, I believed in Dragon Heart... !!

Yes, to be honest, I only believed in Dragon Heart. The world's best substance, which is nothing short of magic in itself. It's replacing the heart, but there's no way he's not talented at magic! Yeonwoo's expression brightened.

[But on the other hand, I don't know if I can teach you well. Because I, sense, each, blue.]

Whoops, you hateful geniuses... !!

However, in this case, I thought that it would be easier for Yeonwoo to understand if the explanation was more sensuous. Well, isn't Yeonwoo a dragon?

In this way, Yeon-woo nodded his head, thinking that he would be able to practice magic while accumulating magical power.

'Then can you tell me the magic you used last time?'

[You mean 'area'? Yes, of course. I'll help you until you get used to it, so don't worry.]

'I can't even imagine life without Shar anymore... .'


Saying that, Shar snorted. I can still feel the eggs on Yeonwoo's head shaking softly, but it would have been cuter if it had been after they hatched. You don't want to hatch quickly.

I want to see my daughter walk around... .

[I'll tell you first when it's time to hatch. I can feel the signs, but... So, is it a realm?]

Yeonwoo nodded her head lightly. After all, students were slowly entering the class, so the movement had to be kept to a minimum.

[Region is literally the magic of creating a realm. Even if it's not just a dragon, it's a magic that all demons instinctively use. It's a magic that covers the environment with its own color and creates an environment that is favorable to you.]


It seemed to make sense when I explained it that way. Is it true that in a well-prepared workshop, a wizard exerts power several levels higher than his skill, or dominates the area just like a dungeon creates an environment favorable to monsters?

[Right. Even if it's not just a myth, the Minotaur is strong in the labyrinth. The moment you encounter an enemy is always a straight path. There are very few monsters that can stop the minotaur from running from a sufficient distance from the labyrinth.]

right. He even makes surprise attacks by simply breaking down walls that cannot be easily broken even by S-Rank Hunters. Because the wall is part of the realm, even the strength can be adjusted at will.

Recalling the Minotaurs he had met in his previous life, Yeon-woo grew tired of it. It was a really terrible experience.

A monster with a favorable environment for that much jumps up several levels in danger. If we can have that kind of environment in the first place, we're already close to named.

In that sense, it should be said that the Minotaur is, in a sense, the same as the entire individual being named. It usually appears in that kind of environment.

[right. The realm of dragon spirit magic is to dominate the surrounding space. As if the night stalker we talked about on Saturday noticed what was going on in his realm like a ghost and flew away, even if it was a temporary territory, he could fully understand the internal situation.]

That's what it means to be a bird's eye view. However, the shape must have been something that Char made it easier for Yeonwoo to see. If Yeonwoo uses the realm directly, it will change into a more sensuous and immediate form.

[Right. The dragon has always used the realm from the time it was in the egg, so it has that level of proficiency. Dad could be good too. Senior Knight... To my dad, it's not that different from the 'interval' that martial artists catch.]

Having said that, it certainly seemed so. Excellent martial artists have complete control over where their weapons reach.

The reason why Yeonwoo shed ridicule to avoid a fight with the Hunter was not just an uninhabited man, because the gap between the awakened people was really like a wall.

If you are used to it, it will be a familiar feeling.

'yes? thank God. Can you use it for just one span around me? Learn what it feels like.'

It's not difficult! With Char's confident remarks, the warmth of his heart fluttered. Slowly, subtly, the body odor disperses into the air.

When Yeonwoo looked down at her palm, it was only about a span. He could see the air dyed with light gold, and at the same time, he felt as if his body had grown bigger.

oh oh oh

[This is how it feels, can you feel it?]

uh How should I express this? Should I say that it feels like my skin has thickened by a span? Should I say that I am looking at the space between a span of my skin as if I was touching it with my hand, even if I wasn't looking at it?

It was a strange feeling, but it felt like a person who was as big as one span had become huge. I feel like I'm addicted to something... .

[This is an interesting analogy. That should be enough. By the way, if you continuously spray an area in a fixed space, at some point it really becomes an area, so think about that.]

It can also be used as CCTV for crime prevention, right? That was a bit of a fun story. Isn't it quite practical for a magic used by demons?

"Good morning, Yeonwoo."

"Oh, good morning, Jackie Chan. What, didn't Namgoong-seong come with you?"

Yeon-woo turned his head to greet him at the familiar, heavy voice. There were two beasts who went together like a set, but today Jackie Chan was somehow alone. Exactly 9 o'clock. If you look at the fact that it wasn't even 1 minute after 1 minute of evangelism, it was a decisive school going beyond sincerity.

Perhaps he is the type of person who likes tokkotakdem... .

I greeted Baek Baek-hwa, who came in behind him, but only nodded. I think it's low blood pressure.

"Aren't you supposed to come before the professor? All you have to do is open the window and you'll be fine."

"window? Why are the windows... ."

Jackie Chan didn't answer, but Yeonwoo opened the window, wondering if there must be a reason if he said that. But more than that, it was shocking that Ha-yeon Yoo had not joined the class until now. Class 5 professor, are you okay with this?

"… … Keep your head up---!!"

As I was controlling my anxious mind, a voice that could not keep up with the speed hit my ear as if attracted to it.

Something flew past the back of the head of Yeon-woo, who involuntarily bowed his head, and a broken glass window flew over his head.

The harmony between Yoo Ha-yeon, who appeared with the front door open with a droopy yawn, and Namgung-seong, who was hit like a cannonball from the head on the wall next to it, was truly an indescribable spectacle.

The classroom was quiet amid the chaos. Fortunately, there was no one on the track except for Yeon-woo, who didn't bump into it. Namgoongseong raised her head in her silence, looked around her for a moment, then clenched her fist.

"… … Arrive on time!!"

"Gill. you put it all away okay?"

Yoo Ha-yeon, who muttered with a poopy face, slapped Namgoongseong's bird head with the plastic plate she was holding.

* * *

"Today, I will take a rough test by 12 o'clock, have lunch, and then sign up for classes. If you have a question, raise your hand."

Yoo Ha-yeon, who said that with a clear expression on what to say when she raised her hand, looked around the classroom. Namgoongseong was tidying up the area near where Yeonwoo was originally sitting. Yeon-woo raised his hand without hesitation. He's obviously not going to like it, but honestly, he doesn't know.

"… … what."

"I never heard of it, what test is it?"

"… … don't you know No, you may not know. Every year only people I know come here, but this time it's a little new. Although the minimum ranking is determined based on the admission score, it is a competition to check once again before registering for the course. You don't have to be too nervous. The results of the match are reflected in the course registration, so there is no need to be cut off from the class."

"Oh, I see."

It seemed that he was the only one who really didn't know. The kids are just looking at me like they're curious. what about shar? shy dad

[Dad's attitude now puts me to shame.]

'You're doing too much.'

I don't know if it's Choi Yeon-woo, a good-looking guy who lives 10 years later, but Choi Yeon-woo, a delicate 15-year-old boy, needs this kind of sensitivity.

"Come on, everyone, get up. Let's go to the 3rd dungeon."

Students follow Yoo Ha-yeon out of the classroom while massaging her shoulders with a plastic plate.

As I was chasing from the back of the crowd, the white man who staggered for some reason was lagging behind. The students were looking at them with slightly worried eyes, but it seemed difficult to approach Baek Baek-hwa hastily.

In the meantime, there was no way he had become friends with Baek In-hwa. Yeon-woo stabbed Baek-hwa in the back.

"Hey, hey, calm down. Aren't you awake?"

"Sleepy… ."

I can't help it. He grabbed Baekhyung's wrist and placed it on my shoulder. Even so, it's a bit like lifting it up or something, isn't it? It's like playing on a train to chase after them. This is the meticulous consideration of 15-year-old Yeon-woo Choi.

"Don't miss it and follow me."

"Thank you… . Cool."

Did you hear the sound of falling asleep completely? I looked back, but my steps were fine, although I stumbled a bit. Is this the skill of a warrior who has reached the realm? When I saw that it was being used for something really useless, I thought I would give it to me.

He sighed and looked straight ahead so as not to fall from the group, and a handsome man with dark red hair was looking at Yeonwoo.

When our eyes met with Yeon-woo, he said, "Sheesh," and kicked his tongue and turned his gaze forward.

'… … Who was it?'

[Darios Black Raven. I'm from the Alkyon Continent. He has a dirty personality, but he has certain skills, so he forms a group around him. Please remember the name of your classmate.]

'… Oh, right. There was such a guy. After graduating, he was a prospect to join the 'Ares' clan, right. But why do you look at someone else's face and bite your tongue, unlucky.'

[He said he likes Baek In-hwa.]

'What's that got to do with having a crush on a white man and staring at me?'

[That's because my dad looks closer than Zhuge Sung-ryong or Namgung-seong, right?]

… … Oh shit. I feel like I'm caught up in troublesome things.

At the forefront of the Hunters and everything else, in the end, it was boys and girls who were in their prime.

It is impossible to tell children, who are struggling with sexuality and love, to control their desires for the next three years, no one cares who they are with whom they are dating. That relationship is also part of the academy education.

The problem is that these moderately talented guys have high eyes and become blind in love. In other words, it means that they are anxious to show their cool side and cannot open their eyes to see someone approaching their unrequited love.

'To be honest, I don't care who likes whom... .'

That guy, in his previous life, there was a school violence controversy. I didn't really care because my school was an academy, but I thought I knew what was going on that caused such an accident.

(Continued in next part)

Episode 15

Of the five dungeons, the one assigned to Yeonwoo's class was the 3rd dinning hall. The internal structure of the dungeon, similar to the commonly known Colosseum, was easy to understand. The auditorium and the center of the hall.

If the main auditorium, which is the center of the harmony festival, supports various gimmicks such as naval battles and camp battles due to its hugeness, this is supporting students to see one-on-one battles from a little closer.

Dalian, which runs from the 1st to the 3rd period, is also too short to get to know each student in detail. Of course, that was also intended.

They are talented people, but it is true that they are 15 years old. This is because there may be cases in which one side of the head turns quickly if the fight is put on for a long time.

Three hours in a short breath match. Therefore, the class was conducted very slowly and carefully. Maybe it's not because it's a short match, but because Yoo Ha-yeon is in charge.

Either way, it means you've been given enough time to finish preparing to hit someone. Well, at the point of not being a dagger, but a weapon for sparring, there is no one here who is not even prepared for it.

Inside the dance hall shimmering with green magic, Namgoongseong, who had a happy face, was chasing the male student with a spear.

Swinging a strong sword at such a low speed with each blow makes your wrist numb is like a foul at the student level. Although they are on the defensive, if you see that they are getting it somehow, the other side is also a fairly competent spearman.

Other than that, Zhuge Seong-ryong, who wields his proud white spear from a distance and uses only the technique of heavy attack to press his opponent as if he is playing a shogi, or spreads magical energy in one breath to cover the entire arsenal with an ice awl, and the opponent immediately surrenders. Or the white people who made it happen. These three were truly admiring.

This was especially true as Baek In-hwa's exit was spectacular. At this point, how many people will be able to embody the properties of magical power so intensely?

In this class of 5, there are probably only five people who can typify magical powers, in other words, implement Aurors or master their attributes.

The three people mentioned earlier would be among those five. Hey, this is the place where I can barely handle magic. The difference between the front and the back was too great.

Except for these three, of course, there were many talented people. Especially Darius Black Raven.

Contrary to the impression of his surname, he wielded red magic power, but the name of the famous Black Raven was not Heo Myung. The dagger he was holding in both hands was wielded strangely. Should it be said that he contains the mysteries of change (變) and hwan (幻)? Although his personality was a bit dirty, his skills were not fake.

Fortunately, it was not Darius who matched Yeonwoo. Because the level difference is too big.

And to be honest, the current Yeonwoo was more focused on using the realm than Dalian itself. That's right, isn't it? There's more to the word spaced out.

Yeonwoo from the previous life was able to realize the gap between the spears only after throwing away the sword for the first time and using only the spear for nearly two years. A way to reach the state even without magical power. If you think about it that way, I don't think the spear is quite talented.

If you ask me what kind of cumbersome thing to say about the range of a weapon, it is necessary to change the term.

The gap referred to here is a process to be reborn as an Auror user for one person in the 'Auror Field', the Arkhion Continent, and at the same time, it is proof of a first-class unmanned person in martial arts.

If you ask what the Earth is like, it was probably good for the Hunters. Their judgment is solely based on performance. Delicate things are hard to find even with eye mucus.

Not even an Auror user, let alone a letter of magical power, is he dealing with the Auror Field? It was truly a model of human victory.

Yeon-woo's opponent was a girl named Lim Yu-bin. She tied her dark hair behind her back and, along with her shield, held a shortsword, a third shorter than her ordinary sword. She could be said to be a casual and easy-going armament, but Yeon-woo thought about whether there was any reason to use a short sword.

But if you think about it carefully, except for Yeonwoo, all of them are guys with a back belly. everyone will have an idea

However, the monster march that unfolded in front of him seemed a little dazed. His usual attitude was a little timid, so he seemed to have a bit of a problem with his temper in order to become a great hunter.

"Thank you."

"Yes. Please... !"

Lim Yubin nodded her head vigorously and took a pose with a small round shield forward. Yeonwoo took a light break. There was no way that the professor at the academy would not have noticed the magic being scattered, so the full-scale development of the realm was delayed after the start.

"Then, get ready. … … start."

At the same time as the start signal is a bit shaky, Lim Yubin rushes in as if hiding behind the round shield. Yeon-woo stopped trying to scatter her magic power to form her realm, and looked straight at Lim Yu-bin, who rushed in.

[Dad, can I do it for you?]

'No, if it's not like this, when will I practice? I'll call you then if you need help.'

Yeon-woo bites Shar's intervention. Ultimately, the boundary between whether or not it can be used in practice is to know clearly when and how to use it.

And Dalian is the most appropriate situation to practice that kind of thing, so I said that, but I probably won't ask Shar for help.

A round shield erected in front and a small but swift shortsword that stabbed from behind. It's a pretty unique style that you don't see often anywhere.

Since he was short in height and body, only the lightness of his body was considerable. Is it a style to use a shield to reduce the impact and attack monsters with a focus on evasion?

The weapon is a wooden sword for fighting, but since the round shield has a feeling of use, it was possible to make such a guess.

Yeon-woo stepped back and avoided a series of stabs like a roar.

It's a shame because of the difference in stride length, but even if Lim Yu-bin was 10 centimeters taller, it would have been unavoidable by just retreating from the advancing Lim Yu-bin. Contrary to her view, her fundamental physical abilities of Lim Yu-bin were considerable.

Lim Yubin also bit her lip to see if the drug had risen, and climbed up the gear.

With one breath, the sword was pushed forward as he pulled back his left shoulder holding the shield. Yeon-woo pushed aside the sword he was holding vertically with the middle of the stab that pierced his center.

With that reaction force, he twisted his body. Using his centrifugal force, he swung his sword with his magical powers, but the shield that was pushed back blocks it.


He seemed quite accustomed to handling the short sword and shield. If not, would you use such a weapon? However, as the lightness was utilized, the range was definitely dead. I think it's a style that requires a lot of thought.


According to what I saw with my own eyes and just bumped into it, the weight was around 52kg. Her height is about 152 cm. She thought she'd be able to push enough, but she didn't push Lim Yubin less than half as much as she expected. It's great that she drains her power with her shield.

"Whoa… !"

Lim Yu-bin, who exhaled excitedly as she was pushed back, pressed the dagger again and stepped on it. A harbinger of rush.

Yeon-woo scatters nearly half of his magical energy in the air, wanting it to be at this time. Yoo Ha-yeon, who felt the magic of the out of the way action, glanced at Yeon-woo, but Yeon-woo didn't care.

All the information inside the realm came pouring in at once as if it were stabbing my brain.

Yeon-woo frowned at the pain that was more than expected. It seems that Char filtered out the information once last time. I'll have to get used to it though... !

The magic of the realm basically increases the consumption of magic when you make it chase the target. It is said that Yeonwoo's current amount of magical power cannot handle it.

Therefore, Yeonwoo chose to fix it on the ground. In other words, from now on, in order to get used to the gap, Yeon-woo had to stand still and receive Lim Yu-bin's attack.

Although it was disadvantageous, Yeonwoo took a deep breath, thinking that it was a moderate handicap that neutralized the advantage of ten years of overwhelming practical experience.

Lim Yubin felt something strange, but then shook her head to erase the hesitation.

Yeon-woo clicked his tongue looking at it.

I was mentally stronger than I thought. There's no penalty for being weak at all, right?


With the sound of breaking the wall of air, Lim Yubin once again rushed forward.

If the first charge didn't contain magic, this time it clearly contained magic. It takes less than 1 second to reach zero hundred. it's unbelievably excellent At first glance, it seemed to disappear.

"You say things like this, but it's kind of like a wild boar."

"Thanks for the compliment… !!"

good personality too Guys at this age are sensitive, so I thought I'd provoke them. Is it a pretty big deal? Why hasn't this guy made a name for himself after ten years? The situation is not good for me to think about, so I pull my gaze back and look at the trajectory of the rush.

After clearing his breath, Yeon-woo drew his sword down with a half breath than usual.

It wasn't about power. Unlike her Namgoong-seong, who swung with her heart that if she were this guy, she wouldn't die even if she was hit, she wouldn't be as good as Lim Yu-bin.

'I got down to stop the rush, and I made a poor judgment... Huh?'

Lim Yubin lifted the shield up to let it flow. But as she continued to ride her spine, her sense of eerie sounded her alarm.

Impossible to ignore her intuition, Lim Yubin really put her shield into the ground at the point in front of her nose and forcibly turned her body sideways using it as an axis.

A wooden sword passes in front of you.


The sound of the pounding sound that came later than the sword passed, felt far away.

Lim Yu-bin reflexively used inertia without being alarmed and made use of the spinning power to hit the empty side of Choi Yeon-woo with a kick.

Zone moved Yeonwoo's body reflexively. The recoil of the slash was too great to block. The body was first thrown in the direction of the kick.

'What, what, that thing!!'

At that moment, Choi Yeon-woo, who raised Lim Yu-bin in shock, frowned and clasped her hands.

'I was almost killed. It almost ruined my life.'

I don't think it's appropriate to practice in Dalian. When the opponent's body entered the realm, the body reacted automatically.

Descending slash with extreme concentration. The body, which concentrated to the limit, naturally engendered cutting in the best conditions.

If I hadn't forced myself to change direction because I wanted to miss it, it would have been a solid four months.

[It's fortunate that the demons don't use them so precisely.]

'Then the world would have been destroyed.'

I seriously thought so.

If we compare it to a game, it is a buff that is involved in hit, crit, and counterattack. Does this make sense?

I can't be a hunter if monsters who are superior in physical ability use things like this!! No, I don't!!

"Until there. Lim Yubin, you did well. Good judgment from moment to moment stands out. Yeonwoo Choi, you... No, no. talk later The next two, me."

Thus, the battle between Lim Yu-bin and Yeon-woo ended. Yeon-woo, who was out of breath due to the recoil of the cut, and Lim Yu-bin, who was just a little dusty, were perfectly contrasted. In the end, she must have put a lot of strain on her body because she was forced to go on track.

"It's okay, it's okay… ?"

"Uh… . It's just that I don't have enough stamina, heh-eok, yes."

"ah… ."

As Yeon-woo was lying on the nearest seat in the dinning room to catch his breath, Lim Yu-bin, who was not sure what to do, squatted next to Yeon-woo and whispered. Fortunately for her, her headache was fading away, but her body felt like it was being harpooned.

"Maybe I can fight you again later… ?"

"Yes, yes… ."

Let's rest for now.

* * *