

Episode 1

I once had a dream of a silver whale leaping into the starry sky.

I had seen a whale spouting water and stars through its pores with pleasure, drawing large arcs around its huge mouth.

What impressions did I have while looking at the scene?

What did the beautiful dream become in me?

Long ago, it was a childhood dream.

* * *

"As a teacher, I am careful to say this."

He was a man with dark hair that gave a cool impression.

Perhaps because he rarely wears a suit, he sighed once as he fixed his tie with an uncomfortable expression.

Kim Hyun-soo, who is also widely known as the 57th Korean Hunter Ranking and nicknamed 'Paseong 破星', thought that it would have been better if he was attacking the dungeon now.

The line between words that could be spoken out of one's mouth and words that were difficult to speak out was somewhat blurred in the face of a threat to life.

And what I was saying now was something that was obviously not meant to be said.

The words of the Hunter, who carried the name of chaos, were nothing less than an absolute sentence in this abnormal society.

"You have made a useless effort."

I had to hit hard. Let this child find another way.

"Exam number thousand 22, Choi Yeon-woo is a non-magical person."

At those words, the boy collapsed miserably.

* * *

I didn't give up though.

Are you thinking of giving up? There are things that even a hunter without magical powers can do. no other job

It was difficult to expect enough income to maintain the orphanage in ruins, except for the level of Hunter.

this is boeun A tribute to Sister Claire, who silently took me away from my trembling in front of the orphanage on a snowy winter day.

It was a grace that I had to repay, even if it meant damaging my body. The nun wouldn't want it though.

10 years of running like that.

Having reached the age where I could no longer be called a boy, I made a name for myself as a middle-class hunter despite ridicule.

With a body trained to the limit, experience, and a little usable eyes, he endured and endured. Once his name was placed on the rankings, requests for nominations flooded in.

This is because the rankings proved their skills, and the lack of magical power served as an advantage because the ransom price was low.

But now, the limit is near.

In preparation for retirement after returning to the orphanage after a long time, Yeon-woo received an order for an unidentified gate found near the orphanage.


"It's been a while, Sister Claire."

Looking at the nun whose appearance has not changed at all since Yeon-woo was five years old, Yeon-woo Choi bowed her head politely.

Choi Yeon-woo, who has a pleasant and playful image externally, also maintained a respectful and serious attitude as in an orphanage.

At best, she was a nun who looked only in her mid-twenties. Her blonde hair and long ears protruding through her nun's veil. Now, the forest fairy clan, which is not so rare, is an elf.

Due to the nature of living for a long time, their outward growth is also slow, so they are careful not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings by others.

When she quit her nun someday, she didn't want to block her marriage.

The nun who looked at him quietly sighed deeply. As she raised her head to see something, she met her eyes with emerald-colored eyes full of regret.

"I told you to take good care of yourself… … . How could I ever get married?"

It was as if a horse was stabbed in the body as sharp as an arrow. She was good-looking when she was young. Even for Claire, who has been taking care of many children, Yeonwoo was a very precious talent.

It was even more so when I saw a child who used to be pretty enough for a celebrity to become such a bad old man.

It was clear that there were more scars on the body than on the face.

Claire sighed again and again after that.

"Even if I tell you not to overdo it, over and over again… . If that's the case, how many times have I said I'm not worried?"

It is clear what is said about this situation. The most difficult thing was that he could count what she said so. All of her letters she sent were kept in her desk drawer, and in all of them she wrote a story not to overdo it.

87 times. Considering that his hunter life was 10 years, and 8 years excluding the life of a porter, it was by no means a small number.

Whether it's good luck or bad luck, it's said that the number of times that you jump into a limb during that time and then return is close to 100 times.

"I'm sorry… … ."

Claire, who smiled softly at Yeon-woo, who had turned into a jjuguri without saying anything, hugged him warmly.

It has been more than a few decades of raising abandoned human children, but the unique growth of human beings has not yet been adapted.

"With a face like this, nothing has changed from the old days, you. Considering what Yeonwoo did for the orphanage, it's not something I should be ashamed of. Thank you for coming back alive."

Yeonwoo rolled her eyes at the scent of the forest that ran across her nose. If I had to try not to block her marriage, it was like she was building a barricade with her firewood and setting it on fire.

A warm and touching feeling welled up in my heart. Be what you want to be He carefully reached out his arm and hugged Claire lightly. It was as warm as the winter 20 years ago.

* * *

The orphanage in the mountains looked very colorful for an orphanage. It was safe to say that the three-story main building, which was in charge of lodging and dining, as well as the annex of the cathedral decorated with colorful stained glass, was rather a mansion.

The orphanage, which had been in ruins, was in a state where it was no longer possible to think of it being destroyed. Sister refused, but Yeon-woo forced it. This is because as soon as she entered the rankings, she made a ton of money.

From the age of five, Yeon-woo unpacked his luggage in the room he had been using for ten years and went out to the restaurant. It was also lunch time, so after eating lunch, I decided to go on a light quest.

Claire tried to help prepare lunch, but refused to help, and disappeared into the kitchen. As I sat down at the table in the dining room, I could feel my gaze through the crack in the door.

Many eyes and eyes met. They will be the children in the orphanage. hiccup. When our eyes met the purple eyes at the bottom, hiccups.

The door opened with the sound of a cute hiccup, and children poured in. 8 people. The sex ratio was also exactly 1:1. Is your face that scary? I didn't know that I was going to fall, so Yeon-woo got up in a hurry and stood still.

If I had the magic, I could have accepted it... . She shook her head to erase the sudden thought.

"Are you okay?"

Having said that, he held out his hand and the children began to tremble. Looking at the eight pairs of eyes that seemed to overflow with tears at any moment, Yeonwoo felt trouble.

"Wow, don't touch our kids! Who is the man?!"

The boy with orange hair stepped forward. Not being able to recognize your face is what I expected. Over the past 10 years, there have been many things like this, so Yeon-woo took out the secret number from the beginning. One flick of the ring on his right hand, and a mountain of objects spilled over to his left.

Artifact, [Relin's Warehouse]. It is a fairly good artifact that can store luggage up to a certain weight.

It's worth it as it can be used even by people without magical powers, but thanks to an accidental chance in a dungeon in the past, it's still useful to this day.

Presents prepared in advance poured out. There were no standards. I barely swept it.

"Uncle, um… ."

All of a sudden, a joke erupted. The faces of the children, who alternately looked at the pile of presents and themselves, were mixed with tension and joy.

"It's a long-legged uncle. I've prepared a present, will you accept it?"

"… … I don't think he's very tall."

"… so."

The innocence of a child was sometimes cruel.


After a noisy but enjoyable lunch, Yeon-woo took the equipment. A magical weapon that has been with us for many years, the spear and all the armor.

Since the body cannot be strengthened using magic power, it is necessary to focus on evasion, so it is made light and strong overall.

When I operated the miniaturized cell phone, the contents of the request came out. [Unidentified Gate Exploration]. The map implemented in augmented reality was showing the way to the destination with arrows.

Arriving at his destination not long after, he found an ominous black-red gate.

Boo oooo-.

A silver whale, adorned with twinkling stars, spewed out stars.

We now know that whales are not flying animals.

You have to go through that mouth to know that there is not a wide space like Grandpa Geppetto, but that he dies.

Now I know. It's all a dream story. There is a big difference between dream whales and real whales.

When he suddenly turned his head, there was a child looking up at the starry sky with a happy face. The child was perched on a rock with an excited look on her face, waving her legs.

Such a child turns his gaze to Yeon-woo, draws a thin arc around his mouth, and speaks silently.


"──Heh Uk."

The breath I took in a hastily circulated through my lungs, following the prayer.

moist, cold air. Did you lose your mind passing through the gate? It happens occasionally, but I've never experienced it myself. If he had no magical powers and had to go through this countless times, he would have already become a skeleton.

Something like a wall of a cave supported his back. I hurriedly looked around, but couldn't find an exit that should exist.

'Is it a closed gate?'

There are several types of gates.

Unlike most gates, where you can see what the inside looks like in the form of magic from the outside without going in, you can't know an unidentified gate unless you enter it yourself.

And the worst case among the unidentified gates was the closed type.

Unlike other gates, the closed type had no way to control it from the inside or the outside until it was annihilated or cleared. As there are such types, the unconfirmed gate had to be fully prepared.

"They said that the measured magic type was not seen as a closed type. I'm scolded."

Anyway, I just couldn't waste time like this. Also, she disappears for several days and worries Sister, but this time, she might be in tears.

"That is, I'm sorry."

The goose ran down my spine. It was because I heard a voice from behind that I shouldn't have heard.

What he had mistook for a "wall" he was leaning against opened slowly. Golden eyes, torn like snakes, appeared. Seeing the huge eyelids lifted, I hurriedly got up and tried to aim the spear, but my body did not move.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk, Hwareuk, Hwareuk… … .

A fire broke out in the huge cavity. The giant was revealed.

A race whose number is uncertain, except for a few well-known individuals, who are said to be the strongest among all living things in the world.

However, the reason that the number of individuals is unknown is not that the rest of the individuals are insignificant.

Scales look down on God Eun (神銀).

Its existence itself is nothing less than magic.

The breath burns the city.

Being wary of the too powerful power, they were only hiding themselves.

Humans call them 'rulers of the mountains' to dwarves, 'eaters of the world' to giants, and 'controllers' to elves.


(Continued in next part)

Episode 2

"That is, I'm sorry."

A golden pupil, which is torn vertically, resembling a snake, looks at me.

Yeonwoo felt fear. He feels a great fear, as if he had put off all the fear he had not felt even though he had crossed his limbs nearly a hundred times.

What did Richard Owen, who gave the fossil the name of a dinosaur, saw and named the terrifying lizard on its skeleton? The reptiles we should really fear were here.

Even though they were facing each other from the front, I couldn't get a sense of just how huge it was. I don't know, but at this size, it was clear that an orphanage could be crushed with one foot.

Orphanage, yes, I had to protect the orphanage.

Yeonwoo tried to stand up with the spear she had missed, but there was no strength in her knees.

instinctively realized. Why is the human body hardened in front of the beast? It must be because everyone has tasted this sensation.

'Fear... !!'

He pounded his trembling lower body.

Move, move! I can't die like this, no, even if I die, if I don't do something!!

If one day the gate explodes and the inside of the gate comes out into the world, the orphanage is over at that moment.

So I had to move.

But somehow the dragon showed no sign of moving.

Are you making fun of yourself? It's just a mouthful anyway, are you being careless thinking that way?

"… Hot, hot, hot."

The slow laughter of an ambiguous voice of unknown gender struck her head intensely.

Yeonwoo raised her head. Huge eyes that could hardly be considered the same life were somehow drawing soft arcs.

『I thought it was quite interesting, so I left it alone, but the word lizard is a bit offensive. pay attention Otherwise."

Aww, the huge mouth that slowly opened up closed in front of me with a thud. The smell of fishy saliva and the warm air rush in late, forming an explosive air current.

"No matter how mild you are, you might get angry."

At that, Yeonwoo shut her mouth.

Dragons can communicate with humans, it's a rumor that's been floating around, but it must have been true. Besides, I thought I could read thoughts.

Yeon-woo squeezed the question with a confused head. Anyway, this dragon didn't seem to have any intention of eating himself right away. If communication is possible, an agreement may be reached.

"Why don't you kill me?"

The window on his side was raised up. So that you can attack at any time.

And dragons don't like creatures that have their teeth raised. The evidence was the Bingryong living in the Himalayas and the dwarfs who regularly made tribute to him.

If you offer tribute without showing hostility, you may be protected.

"I am old."


"Why do you have a puzzled face? I am old Do humans make people who are about to die work?"

is it if you want No, not that. That means so.

"So, you're old and you don't want to move?"

"It's just like you said."

A snort came out of that giant. Somehow, he seemed to know what kind of personality the dragon in front of him was.

"But don't you eat even if you don't want to move?"

"Look, think carefully with that little brain. Will the amount of calories you use to open your mouth be large, or will the amount of calories you gain from eating you be large? How much more so, since you just opened it once and then closed it, you lose twice as much."

Surely it was. How many calories would he have if he ate one of himself? It would be nice if even half of the heat consumed to open and close that gigantic jaw could be recovered.

"Now that I'm exhausted, it's better to celebrate that I have an interesting conversational partner. It's not good for you."

"No, what… Aren't you glad you didn't die? … … But isn't it wrong?"

Rather, I want to breathe a sigh of relief. In that tone of voice, she couldn't help but feel a slight ominous feeling.

"Even though my life is short, I don't want to die for you. But would you have to kill yourself to get out? That's what the gate is. I won't resist because it's bothering me, but honestly, it's impossible to kill yourself with your skills."

It was, for sure.

… But didn't I say that my lifespan was short?

"I guess it will take a hundred years for me to die. Are humans a species that can endure that time without eating anything?"

that… There was absolutely nothing to be said other than that it was unfortunate.

* * *

The visitor who came after hundreds of years had a complicated face.

How could it not be? There is no way out, no way to survive. There is no way to kill a dragon.

Now that child will realize that he is also at a dead end and will be frustrated.

It's not something I don't understand, but to be honest, Alkynea, the Gold Dragon, was already disappointed enough with humans.

Clearly, humans are fragile.

Dwarves in strength and dexterity, elves in affinity and beauty with nature, beasts in strength, there was nothing that could be said to be exceptional in any direction. I'm sorry to compare you to dragons, so even if you don't.

Among short-lived species, they tend to live quite long, but compared to dwarves who live for hundreds of years and elves who live close to a thousand years, this is not a big deal.

Nevertheless, it was also human beings who played the most active role in large and small events. That fact was not much different whether it was the 'old world' or the present world.

Despite falling behind in every way, in battles for the fate of the world, he appears as a hero and defeats the evil that threatens the world.

That was the mysterious power of humans.

However, there was no one who showed such a spirit in front of him, to be sure, until now.

Because the number of individuals is large, it is inversely proportional to the hero, so whether there are many poor guys or what. So far, no one has caught my eye.

Still, this guy, the guy called Choi Yeon-woo, was very bold. The first thing that came to my mind even when I saw myself was, 'I have to protect the orphanage'. He was the most sassy person I've ever seen.

"… That's fortunate."

"… What?"

Alkynea doubted her ears. Are you getting old and old? Did the deaf eat? It can't be. Because the dragon's body is perfect until the moment it dies.

"At least the gate won't explode and the orphanage won't collapse. Oh, it's been an hour."

The man with the scars on his face was muttering like that with a very cool face.

"… would you die? Do you think you will die so miserably, leaving nothing behind in this cave, and without knowing why you died?"

"People will die someday."

Yeon-woo, who spoke with a serious face for a moment, grinned.

"I would be dead one day. It's the first time in history that a nonconformist has reached the bottom of the rankings, so maybe it's a whirlwind banjo. If I would have died someday... So, it would be better to die painlessly."

There are funny companions," said Yeon-woo, lying on the ground.

Changgrang, the spear that had been standing on the ground collapsed. The man waved his arms and legs with a very relaxed look. It's as if you were lying in the snow.

"… … Isn't it sad? You are probably... You must have been training to break bones. No matter how much I've been locked in here for thousands of years, I know what the nonconforming means. Because it was also in the 'old world'. I don't know exactly what the Hunterney rankings mean, but it must mean something great."

By analogy, commoners without magical powers must have entered the Knights Templar of the Kingdom with sheer effort.

Most humans monopolize how to deal with magical powers and how to awaken them by bloodline, so it must have been a skill at the level of passing a sea serpent through the eye of a needle.

"Isn't there any way I wouldn't be sad? It is ranked 100,000th with a body without magical powers. Although it is ranked in Korea, there are 10 million hunters in this small piece of land. I got up there, surpassing those people, what if I had magical powers."


Yeon-woo, who suddenly had a strange tone of voice, said so. As I said before, I didn't actually open it because the calories were a waste, but for Alkynea, it sounded like my mouth was going to explode. only... just that?

"Is that just that? Aren't you, uh, still young? When I was your age, I was a cute flying hatchling. Even though there are still many days to live, is it regrettable that I was born with such a body?"

"It's the same as saying that dragons were handsome when they were young. I had a pretty face too."

Humans giggled as if they had found a sense of unity in a place they could never have imagined. Then he said with a funny face.

"It's a secret to the nuns, but they make a lot of groups to chase after those who have bodies without magical powers. Even if you live doing nothing, you will die within five years."

Whether or not he could handle magic acted as a very big difference in the job of a hunter.

Even if you simply compare it, whether there is one piece of armor or not. There's a big difference between the fit and someone who doesn't know how to manipulate magic.

… Dragons correspond to magic itself. Not to mention the place where they built their nest. As with all wizards, magic grows stronger when prepared.

So what about dragons that use magic in their nests?

Dragons in the nest are like gods. And even if God does nothing, the space moves to fulfill that wish.

So it wasn't Alkynea's fault that she read the man's memory. It was simply that the omnipotence of a creature called a dragon was beyond common sense.

A man's life was already like a self-denial.

He suppressed the desire to survive, suppressed the sexual desire, suppressed the appetite, and suppressed all the desires that exist in human beings with a simple will. Success and fame were not his wishes. In the name of Boeun, he 'manipulated' himself by controlling everything.

This is not to say that men do not have desires. Despite having stronger desires than others, men have lived just like that.

Alkynea is a dragon. It was the most precious material in this material world, a race with a dragon heart. They are wiser than anyone because they are a race that understands all things with their heart. Even the vicious Demon Dragon was like that.

Alkynea understood the man named Choi Yeon-woo as her heart. He accepted everything that made up a man with his heart. The Dragon Heart was such a thing.

"I tried hard enough. I don't know what to do beyond this, and it's the right time to let go of regrets."

Those who truly had the spirit of a hero, however, were desperate because they were not born with the body of a hero.

… Embarrassingly, the Gold Dragon, who received the name Alkynea, 'Heart of God' from his father, felt sorry for him.

I thought it was the bad hobbies of the creators of gods to torment and enjoy the heroes, but should I say that the power of the name cannot be ignored?

"… … If, if."

"If you have magical powers, can you try again?"

(Continued in next part)

Episode 3

One day, I had a dream of a silver whale, and I told a nun about the dream.

Sister, who listened to me with a bright smile, spoke slowly and with a warm voice.

'Maybe there was a whale that wanted to fly. Isn't that whale's dream connected with Yeonwoo?'

Maybe it is, I thought vaguely in my young mind.

If I were a whale, I might want to fly.

'If I could fly the sky for the whale, would the whale be happy too?'

The nun did not answer. She just looked up at the starry sky and stroked my hair. I sat by the window and waved my legs.

have fun, just have fun.

* * *

I? horsepower?

At the dragon's words, Yeonwoo put on a bewildered expression. What should I answer? Does gaining magical power increase lifespan? Why all of a sudden? What are you up to!?

Alkynea smiled as she looked at Yeon-woo, who had a young astringent expression on her face.

"Is that too much? I've been working hard for 10 years, but what about trying one more time? I was going to give you what I so desperately wanted, but I didn't know you would make that kind of expression."

"Oh no, think about it. Isn't it so absurd?"

"It's disgusting to even give you a present."

Present? When I heard the word "gift", I felt like my eyes were somehow opened. Giyeon! how much she wished She ate a pill that popped out of the dungeon and her magic power doubled! I ate the screaming crazy wild ginseng and I got so strong!

If so, wouldn't it be possible for him to have magical powers?

There was no such thing, though.

"… Well, are there any conditions?"

"It's not. However, do not impose excessive conditions. I swear by my own name."

"What's your name… ."

Come to think of it, we were talking without even introducing each other's names. Of course, Alkynea knew the power of the Dragon Heart, but there was no way Yeonwoo could know that.

"My name is Yeonwoo Choi, Dragon. It's the best output for an unsuitable person who shines on the top 100,000 Hunter rankings."

Alkynea, who snorted once at those words, slowly moved her head and aimed at Yeonwoo with her crown-like horns. Yeon-woo was startled by the sudden attack and picked up the spear, but before that, a bright light filled the cavity.

Ahh! Crazy dragon gives me a ray of destruction!

I'm dying so suddenly... ? I thought so, but there was no pain or anything. When I opened my eyes carefully, the distracted body of the dragon had disappeared.

On a bed adorned with gold and jewels, a woman was lying in a bewitching position, looking at this side. A woman with golden hair long enough to touch the ground even on the bed, reminiscent of a bed canopy.

It was a violent beauty that seemed to embody the image of hitting someone else's own existence, to the extent that the vertically torn golden pupils fit together so naturally.

The alluring black, thin dress-type pajamas were as soft as flowers.

Yeonwoo hurriedly turned her head to the sensual silhouette that appeared at first glance. As he continued to stare, he felt like a criminal.

Beauty is a sleeper, so it may be natural for a sleepy dragon to be a beauty... . I was completely wrong with deductive reasoning.

Yeon-woo carefully turned his gaze and decided to look at the bed. It looks very expensive... .

Seeing his reddened face, Alkynea smiled a little. A pleasant voice rang out.

"I am Alkynea. It's a gold dragon. It is the first and the last old dragon to face natural death."

"It's Alkynea. I will leave it up to you. By the way, natural death, does dragons have a lifespan? ?"

It was an unintentional curiosity.

It seems to be the same living thing, but it is even more so because it is a being that is separate from living things. Since the world has changed like this in the first place, there has been only one case of subjugation of a dragon. If there is no information, it is natural.

"Yes. Even though I am the longest dragon among dragons."

"How the hell is spring and autumn… ?"

"Don't treat me like an old man!!"

Paang! The magical ball that flew violently and spun and smashed Yeonwoo's head.

Although it barely stopped at the place where it had rolled about 5m, there were no wounds on the head for some reason other than the abrasions that occurred while rolling.

'Even a nun told me not to ask a woman her age... .'

Yeon-woo quietly got up at the advice that came to his mind, then went back to his seat and sat down. Alkynea had a sad face. come up a little faster

"… … Well, I don't even know how long a dragon's life span is."

"Even so, he seemed to know exactly when he was going to die."

"What did you say?"

Staring at me with my golden eyes is scary. Yeon-woo bowed his head without saying a word.

Alkynea, looking at this with a very displeased expression, let out a deep sigh.

"Shall we get back to the point? I can give you magic. How are you going to accept it?"


"I know this is a difficult question to answer, but… … yes?"

Looking at Yeon-woo, who was puzzled that he himself answered immediately, Alkynea burst into laughter while being embarrassed. What are you doing, kid?

"Puha, if that's the case, why did you worry about it when you first asked? Aren't the stories being dragged along unnecessarily?"

"Ah, no, I didn't know what to answer. Would it be better to think about it a little more?"

When Yeon-woo, who had mostly reacted aloof after entering this nest, showed a bewildered look, Alkynea's laughter grew louder as well. What the hell is this kid doing?

It is a natural human instinct to want to get new opportunities.

It must be said that the quick decision is really good. Yes, it should be distributed like that.

"good. Let's make a contract I liked you How are you?"

"Uh… ? I think you are a pretty person."

Because that's not what it means, damn it. He's a guy who doesn't understand words.

'But, it's only at this age that you find a decent guy. it's a bad thing Even if it's only been a thousand years.'

It is a wish that cannot come true now. Alkynea smiled bitterly and waved her hands in the air. The space is distorted following that hand.

An egg, about half larger than an ostrich egg, jumped out of the torn air like a zipper opening. Alkynea accepted it as if she knew it.

"that… … ?"

Yeonwoo asked. Alkynea answered with a slightly blushed face.

"You are my daughter. own."


What, then, was it a couple's nest? What happened to her husband? It's huge, but I don't think two dragons will come in.

"I think there is a misunderstanding, but I am single. Geumlin's clan is special, so even if you don't have a mate, you can have children."

At those words, Yeon-woo was confused.

What, that super-hybrid creature? How did the ecology of gold dragons turn out to be compatible with both sexual and asexual reproduction?

"I'm going to contract this kid with you. If you do that, you will be able to obtain the magical power you desire."

"The Dragon's Contract… … is it. But leaving a child is a bit embarrassing."

To be honest, it was a word that made my heart pound.

Hunters often make contracts with not only their own power, but also with beings such as gods and spirits. Among them, there were very few who made a contract with the dragon.

Well, it's a natural story because it's a contract that can only be done by meeting a dragon or a dragon that exists somewhere and buying a crush.

"Actually, I have never been out before. I've been living here since I was a hatchling."

"… … Yeah?"

The exact lifespan of the dragon is unknown.

However, according to the stories I have heard from various races so far, their lifespan can be as long as two thousand years.

He said he had been locked up in his mouth for thousands of years, but he didn't know that he had never been outside.

You haven't been out for a long time? How about a dragon each? why?

"I was already in this cave when I hatched from an egg. And Geumrin's family, who was my father and mother, died quietly."

Yeon-woo somehow seemed to know what the next story would be like.

"As you can see, there is nothing in this cave to get calories from. There was nothing but the bodies of my parents. I had no choice but to eat. Because I had to live."

This was often the case in the wild. They eat their parents' corpses, or eat their eggshells. But I didn't think about how they felt. 'cause it's wild

But what about a race that too simply realizes that it is their own family? Will they accept it the same as everyone else?

So, Alkynea's expression, speaking with a slightly bitter face, came closer.

"Because we had Dragon Heart, we were dragons, so we were able to completely replace the corpses of other dragons with calories. I must have died like that too, giving this child life... ."

Saying that, Alkynea touched the egg she hugged tightly, like a pregnant woman stroking her stomach.

A soft touch with a lot of love and irresistible emotions.

The rumor that dragons don't put much importance on blood relations was nothing more than complete nonsense to Yeonwoo.

Man, there is no way a person without maternal love would make such a face. It was the painful expression the nun often made when she looked at the sick children.

"But the truth is, I didn't want this child to go through the experiences I had. I'm sorry to you, but that's why I made a hole in the barrier of this nest."

I hope that one day, someone who can trust and trust my child will come.

"You look like I want to ask you why you didn't go out. Because she read it from her parents' memory. there is nothing outside you shouldn't go out That's how I learned it."

It may have been a mistake he had to commit because he was a wise dragon clan.

Are the parents' words so absolute?

Yeonwoo, who didn't even know her parents' faces, couldn't understand. But now, I thought I could understand a little bit. If my parents suddenly came and told me not to do something, I would.

"I have had mercy on you."

As if not now, she said.

You tried to jump over the wall of magical power, but in the end, you felt a sense of unity with the way you fell.

Trapped in a cave deep underground, I superimposed on you the image of a dragon that could neither see the sky nor spread its wings.

"But you do not deserve sympathy. This foolish old dragon deserves respect."

How beautiful it is to see her struggling to fly with her body unable to fly.

Even if he failed, his life was worthy of praise.

"Because you are such a person, this is what I want to ask you. this child... Take me out of this stuffy world."

As Alkynea said that, thick water drops were dripping down from her eyes. She brought her cheek to her egg and rubbed it sweetly.

Even though the liquid, which is worth just filling a few drops in a small glass bottle, was soaking the floor, Yeonwoo couldn't think of what to do with it.

In spite of the Sister's unsatisfactory affection.

The mother's unconditional love was drawing Yeonwoo's attention to that extent. It was as if the moon had risen from the depths of her heart.

Her gaze turned to Yeonwoo. For some reason, it felt like she had to avoid her gaze. I wanted to

"I will give you a present without any shortage. please… … Won't you grant me a favor?"

What started as a transaction turned into a request. She was weak. She couldn't say what was the cause. Everything was the cause.

This cave, this life, and his existence... .

Everything must have made her confused between the sense of security she had felt from the past years and the thought of her child.

If, if... . Even if that figure is an act of getting the egg out somehow and being reborn there, it doesn't matter... .

Choi Yeon-woo had been fascinated by the dragon in front of him.

* * *

Alkynea had a question.

Obviously, time is an equal law for all things, but how can happy times pass so quickly like lightning magic?

For the first time in my life, I built up warm memories with others under the pretext that I needed to prepare to go out.

Time to joke with him who pretends to be casual, and to feel the warmth of others that he has never felt except for the faint warmth of his daughter while being held in his arms.

The time to talk about our plans for the future, even in words, flew by in a flash.

If you'd rather have a good time first and spend the rest of your boring life, you might as well reflect on the joy of that long time.

Surprisingly, the thousands of years of time I had lived up until now felt so precious. It was the first time I had experienced this kind of feeling, so I felt a strong sense of embarrassment.

He now has his back pushed to the side of the cave and forced into a bathhouse. Finally, because she had a story she wanted to share with her daughter.

Whoops, that's it. be awkward

He gently stroked the sharp side of the egg. When she was Al, it felt like she was reacting to the vibrations felt in this part.

Kissing the egg, Alkynea said in a soft tone. Because she didn't want to be remembered as a very scary mother.

"I will go to a different world from tomorrow, my daughter. you should thank me This is a really, really, really boring place."

She leaned her head against the egg and whispered quietly.

There is nothing left on the earth anymore. There was a great war. I wonder if there are only a few leaves of grass for life.

Can you imagine a world where neither acid nor water remains? Compared to the outside, this cave is better. At least the moss grows.

"Yeonwoo's world seems to be quite different from here. Many races live alongside each other. There are dragons there, and there are many portals connected to other dimensions."

Aren't you looking forward to it? Lying on a green field with greenery, looking at the starry sky, climbing mountains without knowing how high the sky is, swimming in the vast ocean… . How good can you just imagine?

"I want my daughter to have many experiences. What she knew and what she experienced were two different things. When she says where Daddy goes, I want her to follow him without complaining too much."

My heart was pounding, as if the egg had moved somehow, she drew a soft arc around her lips.

Can I not go? Whoops, I took a quick look at Yeonwoo's memory, so it was all right. Mom prefers to sleep in a cozy place. She just tells you to try it, and when you say flipping her palms, she has nothing to say.

"Don't make it difficult for you, Dad. Still, if you don't have meat, then you can eat a little more picky."

Somehow, I was out of breath.

"If you go outside, something will get stuck between the scales. Even if I do polymorph, I always wash it cleanly. If it smells, it's okay."

face is distorted

"I won't tell you because you will like sleeping just like your mother. If you can't get up, you can just ask Daddy to pick him up."

And, and… … .

My eyes got blurry Drip, water droplets flowed along the smooth curve of the egg. Oh my, is groundwater leaking from the ceiling? There are all sorts of strange things.

"Be confident no matter what. You are the daughter of the great Geumlin clan. If you do that, there is no problem."

Black, a sobbing voice came out of his mouth. I didn't want to cry, but tears came out. She actually wanted her to go out with him too. But unfortunately, it was not allowed for him.

I want to look at the stars with my arms folded, to appease a crying child, to pretend to be a human to breastfeed.

If it wasn't here, I'd be happy no matter what I did. You won't feel like you've lost thousands of years of your life.

"Dad… Being human, the dragon's... Black, I don't know how... . All you need... I'll keep it in my mind... . Dad doesn't know, sniff. Don't say too much... ."

In the end, in front of the tears that began to flow so much that she could not see her eyes, she had no choice but to collapse. Hugging her egg, she wept.

everything was wild If he had come a little sooner, there might have been a shortcut for everyone to get out.

Had she come a thousand years earlier, she might have been able to get out.

"Aww… … Ugh, uh, uh… … ."

But, but… … .

"Even you… I'm glad I could export it. My dear child."

Well, this is a prison. I am so sorry to think that I should be locked up in this place because I was born as my daughter.

"I am happy to think that I can use the rest of my life for you. It's not wrong to be born."

Ugh, Mom really thinks so.


The time has come. Yeon-woo stretched out his hand while embracing the egg in his arms.

At Yeon-woo's actions, she licked her lips and made a small voice. It was a watery voice.

"Take care of Shar, bye."

Beyond that, no voice came out of her mouth. In the process of returning to her nature, her body, which had been completely transformed into magic, did not listen to her wishes.

'my love.'

No sound was heard. But Yeon-woo knew what she said so naturally.

As if there had been a power outage, darkness suddenly covered the field of vision. The only thing that was caught in Yeon-woo's hand, who had just stretched out his hand, was the dark darkness.

… In the arms of the man who had completely lost consciousness, only a large egg was flashing golden. As if sending a signal, perhaps even getting angry.

* * *

He was a man with dark hair with a cool impression.

The man, who sighed with an uncomfortable face, glanced at the bright brown haired child who could not take off his t-shirt sitting in front of him.

There are things you can say and things you can't say.

If only this place was a dungeon. I would just close my eyes and tell you. The boy's hard work for several years was written on his resume, so it was even harder for the man to say.

The boy had a body that was not born with magical power to the extent that it could be said perfect.

As a teacher, should I express my regret first?

no, last. Finally, let's look at it one more time. maybe you don't know

The man put his finger on the wrist of the boy who was bowing his head like a pulse. The magical energy that he drew up from his body passed through his fingers to the opponent's body. And once, he scanned the inside of his body as if searching.

'Isn't there anyway... … .'

It was really time to declare that the boy's dream was over. In an industry that would die without talent, that was mercy.

Kim Hyeon-soo, a bastard (破星), thought so and tried to lift his finger.


there... … all.

No, it has to be said. just just.

The gushing magic was felt from near the boy's heart. He was a complete misfit until just two minutes ago.

… … how?

(Continued in next part)

Episode 4

'Did you lose your mind again?'

I haven't lost my mind while crossing the gate in 10 years, but only twice in two days. I think it's time for him to retire.

Thinking like that, I looked up and saw a familiar face in front of me.

The man in front of him was the second, obviously, he couldn't see the egg he had been hugging before.

what the hell, where did you go

Yeon-woo hurriedly looked around. Kim Hyun-soo, who is sitting on the other side of the chair between himself and Kim Hyun-soo.

And to the inside of the neatly organized room.

Considering that the gate where he met Alkynea was deep in the mountains, it was obviously a strange situation.

'It's Chardo Char... Isn't this guy a bastard?'

After taking a closer look, I was convinced. Paseong Kim Hyun-soo. An undisputed genius, who was given the name of a star at an age close to the terms and conditions (弱冠).

He seemed so sure as he even took the entrance exam to the academy where he was working as a teacher 10 years ago.

'But you're strangely young. Kim Hyeon-su must be close to forty now... Doesn't he look like he's only twenty?'

Is it a magical ability? It could have been enough.

As an Auror user, there was an old man who was in a half-route hwan-dong, reaching the extreme, so it would not be impossible for Kim Hyeon-soo.

Maybe it was a dream, I didn't know. It was understandable if it was a nightmare set in the context of the missing eggs and the day of the terrible sentence.

I can't even call it a nightmare because I've seen it quite often.

But I soon found out that that was also a mistake.

There wasn't any particular reason. Everything was so different from the dream that it was simply a dream.

The hot energy that came from Kim Hyeon-soo's finger, which he was holding on his wrist, as if he was gazing at a pulse, began to circulate through his body as if telling you that your blood vessels looked like this.

so unfamiliar. However, it was very easy to predict what this energy would be.

'horsepower… !!'

I wondered how painful it was to even dream of feeling magical power. But she was convinced by the sensations that followed, that she was not a dream.

It was then that his heart was squeezing something against the magic.

The pure magic that flowed from the heart was collided in front to drive out Kim Hyun-soo's magic. He groaned involuntarily at the kind of pain he had never experienced in his life.

"Ugh… ."

"… this!"

Embarrassed, Kim Hyeon-soo hurriedly harvested his magical powers. Although it was a speck of magic, it was dangerous to collide with the magic that had just awakened.

It is as if the future of the awakened boy is blown away in the case where the magic power is reversed.

However, for a hunter who had just awakened, its purity was considerable. Although he didn't have a lot of it, didn't he endure by opposing his magic for a while? Like a seeker in the mountains, he had a strong magical power.

Thinking about it that way, I remembered the record written on the application for admission.

'Did you say that you dreamed of becoming a hunter and swung your sword since childhood?'

Clearly, the calluses on the palm of his hand did not belong to a fifteen-year-old at all.

Even though he stuck his tongue out at that obsession, Hyunsoo Kim was happy inside.

Hard work doesn't always come with results, but I wanted this kid's hard work to pay off.

Hyeonsu Kim, who hastily captured his magical powers, said with sincere joy where his dark face had gone.

"Congratulations, Yeonwoo Choi. The amount of magic... To be honest, it's an underachiever, but qualitatively it's not good no matter where you put it. Enough to get you into the academy. If you work hard like you did before, you will surely see the light."

Yeonwoo was still a little confused.

Could it be a dream too? I thought so.

It reminded me that the pain that came from the back of the head that I had been suffocating because of the words I had been drawing so much that it came out in a dream, and then got crushed by the loss of strength in my legs was again a reality.

* * *

Yeon-woo, who greeted Kim Hyun-soo, who looked at him with worried eyes, with a lump the size of a fist hanging from the back of his head, quickly escaped from the room. His head began to spin only once he had put his cold air into his lungs.

'… Have you ever returned to the past?'

It's not like I've never read a novel like that. when I was fifteen. It will still be installed on your smartphone.

However, after experiencing the 'regression' firsthand, it is truly embarrassing. First, I needed to clear my mind.

Last life... ? Anyway, I didn't go to school at that time, but fortunately, I had been inside the academy since I was active as a hunter. He had been in charge of the festivities.

In a vague memory, I headed to 'a good place to hang out', which was recommended by a teacher who stood guard with me. I don't know, but if it was there, it didn't seem like anyone would be there at this time. Because it was before the entrance ceremony.

'I have to contact the nun too... Char, we need to find Char too. The magic power came from the dragon's contract, and the dragon's contract was supposed to be close, so it doesn't look like it's far away... .'

And what was it, I think something big happened around this time... … . The main characters in the novel are casually reminiscent of them.

I couldn't recall important memories well, probably because I rolled my body rough when I was 25.

As I was thinking about it, I had arrived at my destination.

The mountain behind the Academy grounds. In the middle of it was a citizen's park. As it was included within the academy site, all exercise equipment was removed and it became a wide open space, but the bench remained.

Yeon-woo sat on the bench and put his hands in the inside pockets of his jacket as if he had a habit.

Come to think of it, he learned to smoke when he was active as a hunter. A clean ashtray lying next to him was savage.

"How do I find Char? ?"

A sigh came out. At the same time, there was always a slight change in position even when jumping into the gate hand in hand, so that's understandable.

But this is the past. He is here and there is no way he has fallen around Sharman Gate. It was questionable whether the contract would be valid even if there was such a difference in distance.

However, Yeonwoo's thoughts were colorless and a voice resounded in his head. Instinctively, it occurred to me that it was in a similar way to how Alkynea had read her thoughts. Oh, that's amazing.

[Dad! I'm here!]

It was strange to hear a voice directly in my mind, but there was a direction from which it was heard, but it was. Yeon-woo turned his head to the back of the voice.

what? Can dragon eggs roam alone?

I imagined legs sticking out of the egg and walking around. Where do you think you've seen it? Was it a card game?

But luckily, Shar wasn't such a weird nerd. I have nothing to say if I say that it is not strange that golden eggs are floating in the air.

"Char! Where did you go! however… Isn't it a little smaller?"

Yeon-woo expressed his doubts while hugging the flying Char. Obviously, when I was hugging her just before, her arms weren't full, but now, even holding Char, I could wrap her shoulders around her.

Sharr, which was bigger than an ostrich egg, was much smaller than an ostrich egg now. To be honest, I had a good feeling right now as I had grown a little too big.

[lol… . I think I used a little too much power.]

"strength? what power? Did someone bully you? Tell me right now, who are you?"

Yeon-woo reacted a little exaggeratedly.

In fact, even if it looked like Yeonwoo, if there were flying eggs, it would be like tapping, touching, and touching something. Then Shar said as if twisting her body in a round and round circle.

[My mother makes me look ugly.]

"… … yes?"

Alkynea? Why is Alkynea out there?

[Are you going to die leaving a daughter like this? dare? I can't stand it. Do you understand, Dad?]

"Five… Oh."

what are you talking about Is it okay to talk like this while knowing more? I was worried about how to raise a baby boy, but there seems to be no need to worry that much.

[I interfered with my mother's drinking and brought my father back to the past. The only thing I could pay for was my life, so half of it was blown away.]

"No, it's okay."

It's not good no matter where you listen to.

[Yes, it must be over a thousand, right?]

"I don't know how to react as a father."

What should I do about myself, who thinks that it is okay to hear the exact number? A dragon's lifespan, isn't it too transcendent? As a human being, what should I say?

To say that you came to the past instead of halving your lifespan is not something to say as a person before Dad.

[It is clear what you are thinking. I did it because I wanted to do it. That's not what's important.]

"… … I know what you mean."

So, Yeonwoo's daughter, Shar, and Gold Dragon's words are telling them to find a way to get Alkynea out of the place.

Instead of cutting his lifespan in half for him, he bought ten years of time.

"… Will it?"

[Heh, Mom makes Dad a lot, but I'm a little disappointed. Mama was praiseworthy, she is the seed of a hero... .]

Oh, you want to taunt me?

It's a pity, but it wasn't Yeonwoo who would take such a provocation. Considering how much contempt and insult Yeonwoo endured by the Hunters, it was natural.

But if it's a provocation from a cute daughter, there's nothing that can't be overcome.

"Yeah, let's try something."

The reason I thought so was just... If you think about it, I thought it might be worth trying. Isn't it Yeonwoo, who took the 100,000th place with a body without talent?

If such a Yeon-woo had gained magical power, he would set sail in the wind. What if Kim Hyeon-soo admitted that at least the quantity was overwhelming in terms of quality.

"What else can't you do?"

Life is always about confidence. It shouldn't even have to be sagging. It's productive to move even a little more during that time.

[Hehe, I believed you, Dad!]

Char snorted and shook his body like he was happy. Yeonwoo whispered softly to such a child.

"If Char can help Dad, that's enough."

You know, but I've never used magical power before, so I don't know... .


(Continued in next part)

Episode 5

'Harmony' Academy.

It was Korea's leading academy in terms of its level and scale, not only in Korea, but also in the whole world.

As it is such a large academy, of course, the number of applications for admission was enormous.

Fortunately, a thousand people second to the capital university of accepting freshmen!

By the way, there are 100,000 applications for admission this year!!

Dying is greetings!!!

In that sense, Choi Yeon-woo was a fairly unusual case.

A martial arts dimension that was once called Moorim. If there is a lady from Binggung, a new foreign minister that is hard to see even there.

There was even a master at a large corporation who was said to be unmatched in his age group.

There was also a boy from the continent of Alcaion, called the Little Lion of the Kingdom of Arbeloa.

There was also a younger sister who professed to be 'a drink more than herself', that bastard Kim Hyeon-soo.

Talented people who can be called me no matter where they go. Of course, not all students are good just because they are good, but… .

Even so, the average for this year's Harmony Academy was strangely high.

Based on what happened a year ago, it was because of that reason Yeonwoo, who had trained hard enough to pass without magical powers, fell. Of course, there was another reason for the sharp rise in the admission cut.


The face representing the academy, there was Kim Hyun-soo, a disgruntled professor in the faculty. There was also a controversy over the fairness of his younger brother's admission, but the target fell over to Kim Hyeon-soo, a man of good living.

There was a 'Mansword' who was born on the continent of Alcaion and was given the name of a star as a swordsman.

There was a man from the martial arts level called 'Kwon Kwon'.

So, there were only three monsters who could do their part no matter what world they fell into.

There are many people who can pay 10 million dollars if they can receive even a single word of instruction or enlightenment, and such people are said to be professors.

If it was natural for people to flock to the harmony academy, it was only natural.

Of course, there was at least one kid who had just realized even a magical power that was far from that idea.

Choi Yeon-woo, who was the real party, was touching the smartphone saying that it would be okay.


Press and hold 1 and the default bell sounded silently.

- … hello? Yeonwoo? How is it?

Claire's voice seemed to be more tense than Yeonwoo herself. Yeon-woo smiled, but didn't say anything. Then she hurriedly said,

- Did you fall? It's okay, it's okay, Yeonwoo! Even if you're not a hunter, Yeonwoo has a handsome face! Get on the bus and come back soon! I'll make you something delicious, so don't cry. okay?

Did Claire want to become a talent from then on? It wasn't like this before, but what has changed? If you think about it, she seems to have gone back to the orphanage on the bus silently at that time.

"… No, no, Sister. I passed There was a dormitory, so I decided to go there. It was free. I don't think I'll be going back there for a while."

- I have to come on vacation.

"Ah, yes… ."

Since Claire spoke in a sweet voice, Yeonwoo cautiously apologized. That's right, there's nothing to say.

- But how did Yeon-woo, who didn't even know about the magical Klitschko, have passed?

"What, did you know that I have no magic power?"

- That's an elf, Yeonwoo. I'm a former adventurer. You didn't know? I was hoping to see some bitter taste of life and come back.

At that, Yeonwoo couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Could it be that Sister knew from her previous life that she would not be able to pass?

It was shocking. You didn't say anything in your past life, did you?

But it did just that. Because she was always the one to try, rather than meddling with her child's choices, she said.

- I'm glad you did. Because Yeonwoo wasn't hurt. You've already passed, so work hard. It goes without saying that you need to take good care of your body. okay?

"all right. I'm fifteen, but what are you so worried about... ."

- I'm 15, so I'm worried. Yes, I call when I have a problem or a friend.

"Okay, stay well until we see you next time. Then I will buy a beautiful gift and return."

So the call ended. Should I also call her a nun? Having a conversation brings you peace of mind.

A large single room with a size that cannot be compared to an orphanage. Yeon-woo was sitting on a soft bed in the dormitory.

The most important thing now was also magic. Yeon-woo looked up at Char, who was seated above his head.

I've heard a lot of stories about building a magpie's nest on his head, but he'll be the first to build a dragon's nest.

After all, I said that Char is invisible to other people, so the only thing I care about is Yeonwoo.

Yeon-woo said to the crystal of responsibility without pleasure that he had unintentionally assumed. He thought about it for a while, but he couldn't come up with an answer out of what he thought in his head.

"Char, do you know how to use magic?"

[…] … Hmm.]

When Char let out a groan of concern, Yeonwoo had no choice but to panic.

[No, I don't know how to disable magic.]

"I'll turn."

But it's a matter of course. Dragons are a magical race. There was no way that a race that was nothing more than magic in itself did not know how to handle magic.

No matter how undisputed genius among humans, raw meat cannot be superior to ordinary dragons in fields related to magic. It is a creature that was created that way from the beginning.

In short, there were no tips to give to a straggler like Yeonwoo. Shar said to Yeon-woo, who was discouraged.

[How can I do it anyway? Can you give me some strength?]

"… like this?"

Yeonwoo pondered for a moment. Even if you tell them to relax, it probably doesn't mean they're lying around like a corpse.

Yeon-woo, who had been thinking a little about the method, sat as it was and drained the strength of his body as if meditating. I remember that I practiced quite a bit because intentionally removing power from his body was more important than I thought in battle.

[like. I'm going to try moving my magic in the dragon's way, so why don't you focus on your body?]

At those words, Yeonwoo closed her eyes and focused her consciousness inwardly. Slowly his consciousness faded... .

Then, he felt the hot energy he felt from the tip of Kim Hyeon-soo's finger resting near his heart. I felt it procrastinate like her blood, moving near her veins... .


[It almost feels like this. do you think you know? Shall we do it one more time?]

Apparently he wanted to be praised in his heart, and Char shook the egg above his head. Does this mean she's becoming a daughter-in-law? From his exhilarating voice to his gestures, he felt very cute… is second to none.

"That's great, Char… . Thanks to you, I think I understand, but why is the magic concentrated in the heart?"

If you didn't create your mana hearts to become a wizard, isn't it normal to be crowded around the danjeon? At least that's what the textbook says. Unless you are walking the path of a wizard, the point where magic is formed is the dandan in the lower abdomen.

[…] I'm sorry... .]

"No, it's not your fault, is it? It's just that I have a question."

[No, I'm sorry I'm right... . Because he, his father, is already a magician.]


It was a shocking truth. I thought I went to the ballroom, but am I really a wizard? It's been said that a wizard can't handle Aurors, so he might have to apply for a course in magic without fail.

[It's not like that... . It hasn't hatched yet, but I've used too much of its lifespan, and my existence has become unstable. It seemed to me that if I wanted to live, I would have to make a contract quickly and be firmly tied to reality. But it would only take a heart to sign a contract so that Dad could use his magical powers while he was in the know.]

"Aha. That's fine for that reason, yes. Well done, Char."

Even so, we can't just let Char disappear. If she did it to save her own life, there was no dissatisfaction with Yeonwoo.

Once you decide to take responsibility, you must. That is the path of the man Choi Yeon-woo.

[So my father has become a half-dragon now. To be precise, only the heart was replaced with a dragon heart... .]

"what… ?"

My heart is a dragon heart?

that… What is the most expensive and precious thing in the material world?

[Huh… is that so?]

"No, Char. Haven't you ever heard that a truckload of stuffed animals and stuff can't be worth half a dragon heart?"

[Dad, how do I know that? How old do you think I am?]

When Char shot him like a fool, Yeon-woo felt like he was going to miss it.

Although it has only been half a day since we started talking, Char speaks so well and knows a lot, so he forgot that he could not even hatch without realizing it.

In hindsight, Shar was only a month old from being born as an egg, and in human terms, it is in a state close to that of a fetus.

What is the precociousness of a crazy dragon... .

[…] Hehe, I'm glad Dad was happy. I know race is a sensitive issue.]

It seems that Char was deeply sorry for making him into a half-dragon without his consent. Yeonwoo burst out laughing at that.

Yes, race is a sensitive issue, but it is also true that it is not an issue for an unborn child to worry about.

Above all, if it's a dragon, it really doesn't matter. rather good

But what the heck, can dragons be used for auras?

It was a fundamental question. It's strong enough that I don't even need to use it, but can I use it as an auror? If you look at it roughly, it seems that the point where magic is formed is only at the heart of the power supply, not at the power supply.

[Is it possible to make a separate mana core for the danjeon?]

"Is that okay? Didn't Dragon Heart absorb all the magic of the area?"

[Heh heh!]

Heh, Char, who snorted confidently, continued. If this child had an expression, how proud would she be? Yeon-woo imagined that without knowing it.

[What's wrong with dragons!]

… … That's right, it's a dragon!

"Okay, then let's roll a little."

Yeon-woo decided to try moving his magic first. A journey of a thousand li starts with one step. He knows how to slaughter his own body better than anyone else, but how to move his magical powers is nothing compared to being completely raw.

In order to use magic power naturally when it is important, you will need to practice moving a lot.

[I'll separate half of the magic power and move it to the lower abdomen. When Dad gets used to mana manipulation, he can make a core.]

Perhaps he noticed that Yeonwoo was trying to concentrate, Shar helped guide him in a calm voice.

Although he was grateful, he didn't reply to focus. do not breathe

[Aside from that, if you're going to train for manipulation, it's better to do it on the cardio side. That would be the most sensitive.]


Following Char's advice, he slowly focused his consciousness on his heart... .

It doesn't move the heart. Ordinary people don't even know how to move the heart.

But if there is a foreign energy called magic.

If he recognized an organ called Dragon Heart that was not originally his.

You can move magic. Only for the first gate of recognizing magical power, Yeonwoo was in an advantageous position than anyone else. It was recognized by Kim Hyun-soo, and Dragon Heart's excellent sensitivity is supporting him.

A little bit of hot air is waking up. First of all, mess around with the whole thing. Distract, collect, and reshape.

It was my first time, so it was very slow. However, he was happy to know that his magical powers moved according to his will.

He knew himself better than anyone. There was always only one thing he could do without any talent, not a genius.

Persistently repeating one, completing one, moves on to the next. I had to go one step at a time, one step at a time.

In other words, trying to die.

… … Looking at that scene, Shar couldn't help but be embarrassed.

It was such a slow and tedious operation of magic that the one watching made them sleepy. Although he was his father, he didn't feel the slightest bit of talent.

Still, as my mother said, the concentration and effort seemed to be the real thing, so I decided to just stare blankly at him.

No matter how talented you are, of course, if you do it, you will become proficient. The task of consolidating magical powers into dots and then releasing them again was simple, so even though Yeonwoo was not very talented, he quickly mastered it.

But my father didn't seem to be satisfied with that. Repeat dozens of times. The same process was repeated at the same speed as the first movement.

It's like moving your body. Just as the stimulation applied to the muscles increases when you move slowly and the understanding of the movements increases, the magic power was not so different from the muscles.

There's nothing like constantly moving slowly to recognize and develop any part of your body.

Dozens of minutes and hours and hours. What started in broad daylight until the moon came up and the cold moonlight seeped through the balcony.

Meanwhile, Shar fell asleep several times.

Somehow I fell asleep while listening to the sound of breathing above Yeonwoo's head. I felt comfortable as if I was embraced in the arms of nature.

… … And she slept lightly several times, and during her waking, the man was never distracted.

It wasn't until it was time for the stomach to cry, "Oh, it's time already. Would you like some rice?" he said naturally.

It is said that it takes about a week at the earliest for geniuses to recognize and manipulate magical powers. It was not difficult to make a core when it reached that level.

It just needs to gather the magical power that spreads throughout the body into one point.

Even though he was in an overwhelmingly favorable condition in all respects except for talent, it took 12 hours to make a pea-sized core.

Yeon-woo thought it was difficult to decide whether to be happy or sad about this fact.

(Continued in next part)

Episode 6

entrance ceremony. A twenty-five-year-old man might say something like that at the high school entrance ceremony, but this moment was not that simple.

Unachieved goals are not easily forgotten.

Even so, Char's decision to use this moment as a return point means that entering the academy is a meaningful moment for me as a 25-year-old.

Thinking about it that way, I wondered what it would be like to be twenty-five.

He is now a 15-year-old aspiring hunter. If so, wouldn't it be appropriate to show behavior that suits him?

Was it because he had the magical power he wanted so much that he was able to relax his mind?

Yeon-woo, who was originally a playful character, pulled a screw out of his brain.

As he continued to contemplate, Char, who sat above his head, felt a sense of ignorance. So, is this the heart of what dragons are saying...? … .

But in reality, the minds were simply connected. We respected our privacy and promised not to eavesdrop, but sometimes our thoughts were communicated to each other like this.

As she entered the auditorium where the entrance ceremony was held, Yeonwoo opened her mouth.

what's so big

Yeon-woo stuck out his tongue at the size of a football field.

I had seen the outside when I was dispatched as a security guard, but it was my first time inside. Somehow, the inside felt bigger than it looked from the outside.

The harmony festival held once a year is expected to take place using various gimmicks in the architectural structure of this auditorium.

Because once it's large, you can eat half of it no matter what you do.

However, it wasn't just the size that surprised Yeonwoo.

The sensation of rubbing something rough on the skin. The spirit and magic that flowed from the crowd of people in the auditorium reverberated through the air of the auditorium.

'What nonsense.'

[It's definitely high quality. I'm sorry, but I'm one step ahead of my dad. It's pretty good at a young age, isn't it?]

Char speaks with an evaluative gaze.

Coincidentally, at the ironic that Char, who had such a proud evaluation, was the youngest, Yeon-woo couldn't help but be nervous while laughing at the irony.

'The fact that I struggled for half a day yesterday is the minimum here... .'

Basically, it meant that it was at a level that could not be entered unless you were able to freely handle your magic.

From that point of view, he must have been at a low level at the time of the interview, but it would mean that he was terrifying in terms of the purity of the magical power that Dragon Heart evokes enough to cover that part.

I thought that was not a bad condition.

Looking around, there were so many races that I couldn't even count them by hand.

Yellow Lizardmen, Joiners, Orcs… . It's not uncommon these days, but it's also the first time I've seen so many different races in one place.

No matter who you are, you will be a talented person in each race. Harmony Academy is a place you can't come without at least that much.

The emotions expressed by the energetic young people turned into colorful magic, embroidering the atmosphere with various colors. Yeon-woo caught his eye at the dizzying scene that was like a palette, yet beautiful.

wow... .


There were three people in the highest audience seat in the auditorium, where you had to raise your head enough to tilt your head back down to see it.

"I am a minister. Isn't that right?"

It was a boy with white hair.

Although he looked the youngest among the three, his tone was somehow the oldest and his impression was weak.

Even if it was the first time we met, the boy's first impression was like a fog, even though his appearance was so ordinary that he wondered where he had met him before.

Although the three of them had finished their search for each other at once, it was not just the thought of a single person who wanted to withhold the evaluation of this boy.

The boy smiled as he touched the pale scabbard. It was a very sweet smile.

"Yeah, no matter where you go in the world, it's hard to see so many talented children gathered here."

The dark-haired young man replied in a pleasant way. It is always a good sight to see talented gemstones gather.

He sincerely thought so. There must be a monster within me that will surpass itself. It was such an unbelievable attitude.

Paseong Kim Hyeon-soo was a refreshing Honam that reminded me of a windy meadow.

This young man, who had no problems with his personality, ability, personal history, was in a sense the most important person among them.

It is because all the people have no doubt that he is the future of the Republic of Korea despite his young age.

"Yongbongwon wasn't like this either! It's going to be a fun year!"

The red-haired giant, who looked the oldest, was not to be ignored either.

King Kwon Hyuk Mu-ryun. The scars engraved on the swollen muscles gave a little guess as to what kind of life the man lived. Unmanned pride and overflowing passion were revealed in his gaze.

He is perhaps the most sincere as an educator among these three.

Although the method was rather rough and practical, looking at the boys and girls under her feet, that was the only thing I thought about how to beat that guy and this guy in some way.

If they hear it, they will be shocked that they are going to die by King Kwon.

hot hot. Even with sufficient air conditioning, the auditorium was getting hotter.

Magical energy that the young blood could not control over the overflowing emotions heated up the space. Reactions to him were also different.

The boy clicked his tongue, the young man was troubled, and the giant nodded as if he had to. The tendency is also evident in this area.

"But it is. There are quite a few high-level dogs out there. Wouldn't this year be quite rewarding?"

"Yeah, I'm especially looking forward to the girl from Bingung. Even in this atmosphere, he does not lose himself and calmly dominates the surroundings. It would be interesting to see it with a thermal imaging camera."

"haha! What does Hyeonsu Hunter know? cancer! Our martial arts graduates have at least a certain number of talents!"

Hyuk Mu-ryun pats Kim Hyun-soo on the back with the palm of his hand. Even though it has magical power, the amount of impact is considerable.

Indeed, the name of King Kwon is not Heo Myung... . With that in mind, Hyunsoo Kim focused only on overcoming the pain.

"But it's inspirational, so what about the 'rights'? It's me, I've summoned a disciple, and Hyun-soo's friend wrote to her sister, but the inspiration is still there."

The giant asked the boy so. Although it was an exaggerated title for a man who looked to be in his forties to a boy, the boy actually smiled.

"… Well, I guess I don't have to use it."

"Huh? that bad thing? If you don't use it, can't you give it to me?"

"This guy. You should also know how to be satisfied if you have summoned a master disciple. I didn't write it because I couldn't find it at all, but luckily I found it."

"Yes? here? Who, who are you?"

Hyeonsu and King Kwon had no choice but to listen to those words. This old man, who was not satisfied with seeing all the geniuses, found talent at the entrance ceremony? How good is he?

The boy, who had been looking at them with playful eyes, pointed a finger to one side.

There was a bright brown-haired boy staring up into the air with twinkling eyes, the old principal's words coming out of one ear, continuing his boring speech in front of him.

And Hyeon-soo, who knew who the boy was, couldn't help but doubt his eyes.

"Maybe that brunette friend… Are you talking about Yeonwoo?"

"Five? Do you know?"

"Yeah, but my friend, you must have just awakened from magic yesterday. I'm not very talented. The starting point is too late. The purity of magical power is strangely high."

"yes? That's perfect. Okay, so I decided on Yeonwoo or that guy doing something. Nogu liked you, so don't touch them. Understand?"

At that, the two shook their heads.

I thought even an undisputed genius had appeared, but isn't he an ordinary-looking kid? King Kwon, who soon lost interest, began to look at the other children, and Kim Hyeon-soo tilted his head.

But Yuri, the swordsman, looked up at the boy looking up into the air and thought.

As the kid said, he was a fresh kid.

On the contrary, if the guy who woke up from magic yesterday is perfectly capturing the magic while holding on to even a handful of magic in his body, the meaning will be slightly different if he is looking at the air and doing so while he is enchanted.

'Kim Hyeon-soo's words are false and in fact he has a perfect sense.'

Awakening and only one day. In the meantime, it must mean that you have used a lot of magic power so that there is no problem even if you are a little distracted.

'It's fun, it's fun.'

Either way it was really fun.

It was a secret that he was grooming himself while trying to brush his beard, which had now fallen into place.

* * *

"Hey, it's over. It's over."

[There you are, Dad!]

There was no time to relax.

Yeon-woo hurriedly ran in the direction Char was flying. The entrance ceremony was already over, but today's schedule was not completely over.

Ordinance made by class. It consisted of a brief explanation and an hour-long composition, as if to familiarize yourself with the faces of your classmates.

Fortunately, it took about 30 minutes for the ordinance to start. She had plenty of time to catch her breath, but Char seemed to want to go to her classroom.

Yeon-woo grabbed the flying Shar with one hand, placed it on top of his head, and headed in that direction.

'Can I not look elsewhere?'

[Yeah! I want to go to the classroom where my father will live!]

There were not many people in the hallway leading to the classroom.

Perhaps after the entrance ceremony, he left the auditorium and said, "It's an adventure! Is it because there was a girl who shouted "Yah-ho-!!"

No matter how cold they pretend to be, they are lively young children in their prime. He must have been interested in those words.

As the site is large, it would be unreasonable to visit everything in 30 minutes, but let the people who enjoy it enjoy it. You must be so happy... .

[What about you? Can I not look back?]

'It's only me who knows a little... .'

No matter how much I decided to act like a child of this age, I still had the sense of being twenty-five. He didn't even think about jumping around excitedly because he knew the rescue in the first place.

When I have free time, it's best to sit still and rest.

[Like uncle... .]

That's too much... .

"Are you here?"

A nameplate with the numbers 1-5 caught my eye. It was the last class with Hunter.

Did you say that each class is arranged in a balanced way according to the results of strict examination by the faculty? It was a long time ago, so I can't remember, but it probably was. Of course, class 5 doesn't mean I'm not good at it, but... .

Probably because he's last, it's probably right for him to be in the 5th class.

Yeon-woo opened the door to the classroom and entered the classroom with a slightly sad feeling. There must be no one there, and surprisingly, there was a shadow of a person in the classroom I entered with that thought.

Aaaah, beautiful silver hair fluttering in the wind blowing through the window. Blue eyes tinged with a sentimental light followed the students running around loudly.

Beyond the beige school uniform that had been blown away by the wind, lines of a body that could hardly be believed to be fifteen were revealed. The scented wind tickled the tip of Yeonwoo's nose. It smelled like mint.


I knew who It's good not to know who it is, but the timing of realizing it was a bit difficult. Yeon-woo hurriedly apologized to Shar in his mind.

You didn't look at your body, Charya. Do you know your heart?

[I'd rather not make excuses.]

With Char's soft sigh behind him, Yeonwoo recalled her name. She just came up with her name, but it must have been no coincidence that she remembered what had happened to her in the past.


The second daughter of Bukhae Ice Palace in Siberia.

A few months from now, an unfortunate classmate who is victimized by a gate runaway.

In a sense, a child who is like the beginning of the hunter world's downfall following him.

Perhaps she felt a sense of popularity, and she looked back in a slow and cold motion, as if a statue was looking back.

The beautiful forehead twisted, and Baek Hwa's mouth opened.

"… … who?"

Yep, you wouldn't know.

(Continued in next part)

Episode 7

As for the first impression, it looked like a statue of ice carved out by a great artist in the form of a woman.

Her silver hair, sheer blue eyes, and her transparent, shiny silver hair seemed unrealistic.

Fortunately, Yeon-woo was rather resistant to beautiful women. Especially now, he was the strongest. Because it had only been two days since I broke up with Alkynea.

It's because it's true that no matter how pretty the white painting is, it's still a bit short compared to Alkynea. No, I... ! Touch and see! uh... !!

Yeon-woo pretended to be calm on the outside, pretending to be lively, and raised his hand to greet him.

"hi. white paper? I'm Choi Yeonwoo We are in the same class from now on, so please take care of us."

… Oh my gosh, did you say hello skillfully? Is the temperament of Insa deeply embedded in the bones unavoidable?

[You look used to talking to women. Dad? What happened? What happened? What happened? … … .]

Daughter is ruined! Calm down, Char! Talking to a woman is something anyone can do!

[The catastrophe of the family… … !! iced coffee… .]

With a voice that would have made her face blue if she had been born, Char cluttered her head. Yeon-woo said the most comforting words to Shar. It was mainly a compliment to Alkynea. She didn't show any expression on her face, but she felt Char's mood improve, reassuring her.

Baek Baek-hwa, who had been staring at him for a while, whether he was suspicious of a sudden self-introduction or knowing his first name, slowly opened his mouth.

"… … that's right. Please."

The tone is slow and the accent is not well felt. Oh my, that's not good.

[What's wrong with you!? You can't twist!?]

because it's not It's because your expression looks bad.

[I'll trust you only this time... .]