
Hazbin Hotel: Singed Wings

William Young had always been drawn to magic. Even in denial, he harbored a deep belief in the existence of the magical. His joy at finally accessing magic could only be overshadowed by his ridiculous death during an experiment. Fortunately, for some reason, he ends up in Heaven, where he can fully realize his thirst for knowledge, bypassing the foolish restrictions of the Celestial realm. His desire to study mysteries, his urge to create—a single project that should benefit all of humanity. Familiar story, isn’t it? A simple fanfic about Hazbin Hotel, which I enjoyed for its lore (not fully revealed), the new portrayal of Lucifer, the depiction of Heaven alongside Hell, and the first of the troublemakers—Adam—while the other characters serve as background; what matters most to me in the Hotel is the narrative itself. WARNING The cover belongs to xixixixixixi1037 due to this I will remove the cover at my first request I am just a translator; the story was created by Nax Pax, a Russian author, and I am translating his work to you with his permission! I DO NOT OWN THE STORY OR CHARACTERS; THEY BELONG TO Vivienne Medrano AND Nax Pax Boosty the author of the stories: https://boosty.to/naxpax?isFromFeed=true Translator's Patreon: patreon.com/Kotvslape

Kotvslape · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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75 Chs

Chapter 30 Chained together

The first hours of the next year in Hell. The first flashes of the one thousand nine hundred and forty-seventh year.

A new season, a new breath in the beginning cycle of the Universe, a new number on the calendar, after all, a great cause for joy!

"If only the souls inhabiting Creation changed as fast as the numbers on the papers...", William thought absentmindedly, watching the next one, maybe the twentieth, maybe the thirty-sixth, depending on what counts as a full-fledged pique.

"...And I'm telling you that every respectable demon can have a hobby, no matter how weird, obscure, or just plain ugly others may call it!" - Lucifer, who had long ago risen from the clean table that was now being cleaned by the two Twins, did not shout, but raised his voice. He and Frederick moved to the left side of the dining table, where there were a couple of sofas and chairs, where the guests and their hosts were seated.

Voicing his indignation, Lucifer hid behind his back something strange, mysterious, and making a squeaky sound if pressed. Standing in the middle of the carpet, arguing along with Frederick, Lucifer along with the demon began a new act in their personal play.

"Sir, I would understand if it was like this, but DUCKS!" - exclaimed Frederick in a not hard voice, even drunkenly observing manners and etiquette in his movements. Frederick's hands stretched out into a small, just-about the size of Lucifer's, yellow pile of rubber that their master called nothing more than....

"You shut your fucking mouth!" - Lucifer shouted, not so much to Frederick as to William, who was sitting peacefully next to Charlie on a chair near the "stage," with Helsa and Frederick sitting a little farther away, posing as living statues.

Not far from the burning fireplace, on a rounded sofa, the younger generation of both families were seated. Including the "invited filth," that is, William, as Bethesda kindly called him in a low whisper. William didn't take it personally, for it was said in jest. Friendly.

Already after the first scolding, both between Lucifer and Frederick, and between Lilith and Bethesda, in their extremely elegant manner, with those meaningful gestures and glances, William realized that the whole facade of "pathos" and "elitism" had already been discarded, leaving only....

"...But Master, I'm nothing..." - Perplexed, Frederick stretched out, green smoke coming out of his eyes.

Lilith and Bethesda, as the lawful spouses of their husbands, were nearby, standing three meters away from the tables, talking quietly, drinking some wine.

"But you stood there looking at them! Disrespectful!" - another half-shout from Lucifer shook the dining hall. - "If you disrespect the finest creature in the Universe, then you disrespect me, their creator!" - jabbed a finger in the direction of a bewildered Frederick.

"But it was Adam who completed the ducks!" - In Lucifer's tone of voice, Frederick replied, as more and more green cracks and teeth appeared on his body.

"How dare you...!" - said Lucifer, in an instant covering the mountain of ducks, each one made in an individual style, in its own clothes, detailing the face, wings, perhaps even the material.... 

"Weren't they arguing about ducks and hobbies about half an hour ago?" - William quietly asked Charlie, who was silently writing something in the notebook William had given her.

" Argued and not for the first time." - Seviathan nodded without turning his head to William. - "This is the third in my memory of tonight, and yet next they will have..." - Seviathan's words were dragged out in a measured and almost monotonous tone as he continued to watch the Patriarchs bicker with his sister and William.

"What are YOU doing here?!" - Lucifer's accusatory finger pointed at their small group.

Charlie flinched, nearly dropping the white and red pen with the small nib as Helsa and Seviathan stood up and made a half bow.

"Dad, shouldn't we be going...?" - Charlie said nervously, her eyes darting between Lucifer's face, her mother's and aunt's figures, and William sitting peacefully by her side, who didn't seem to care at all about the "anger" of the master of the house.

"Yes, yes, all formalities have been observed, toasts have been made, business has been completed, and it's time for the kids to go out!" - Lucifer exclaimed, twirling his cane with a golden tip.

"We're all over a century old, and of all of us, you're the one acting like a child." - William said, calmly getting up from the elegant and expensive chair, catching the glances of "his" company on his back.

"The little one keeps quiet and does as his parent tells him!" - Lucifer exclaimed sharply, as he watched Charlie put away her notebook, while hastily adjusting the folds in her dress and pulling up her gloves.

"You're not my Father, Adam." - William spoke quickly, looking at Lucifer with an expressionless mask that only seemed to sputter more.

"And Adam was created by God, who created me, and created me second, which means I am by definition older than you!" - Lucifer jabbed his finger at William's chest, and in an instant he was next to him.

"Logical. You do have a knack for making logical chains." - William shrugged, looking down at the Devil.

"That's good." - Lucifer clapped his hands, smiling softly and broadly, closing his eyes. - "Now, please... Go and play." - Opened Lucifer's completely red eyes, his voice immediately echoing and powerful. - "Please." - The pressure immediately disappeared, and William was grabbed by a soft white hand, dragging him behind him.

"Sure, dad. Have fun!" - Charlie smiled softly, following the children of the Von Eldritch family standing at the door.

"I sure will dear!" - Lucifer waved as William turned around to see Lilith pulling something from the closets in the back of the room while Frederick set a new table, a little smaller than the one they had been sitting at recently, and round.

There they were, out of the room, standing in the middle of a sumptuous room of violet tones and the darkened light of wall lamps that filled the air with the light scent of wax and a little spruce. Charlie turned to say something to Lucifer, who was escorting them out, as the doors immediately slammed shut in her face.

The sharp slam was accompanied by a small wave of wind that ruffled Charlie's hair, while behind William, standing a step behind Charlie, a woman's laughter could be heard, sounding more like a verse of a song than a simple laugh.

Charlie's hand outstretched, she dropped it immediately, dropping it, only to gather herself and turn back to them, or rather to William.

The new words never came out of Charlie's mouth, drowned out by the sound of the door slamming shut: "It's fucking orgy time!" - The Lucifer-like shriek was followed by a slightly less loud but still audible slam behind the thick door, followed by a thud as a body fell... slammed into the floor.

Charlie's smile became strained, and the quiet female chuckles were joined by a short chuckle from the man.

"I'm sure the topic of their polemic will be the ultimate politics between the demonic Circles and their Sins." - Seviathan nodded to himself, supported by his sister, who put one hand on her broad hip and squinted her eyes mockingly in Charlie's direction.

" Oh, I'm sure they'll be discussing how to save the 'innocent' and 'ignorant' souls from themselves." - Helsa said, enjoying the twitch of Charlie's cheek. 

"For crying out loud...!" - Charlie's indignation was immediately quelled by the sound of the cork popping, accompanied by the mingled shouts of Lucifer and Frederick. - "...You're right this time." - Charlie slumped her shoulders, as if tearing the words out of herself, sounding more and more depressed with each word.

A grin appeared on Helsa's face as William clapped Charlie on the back encouragingly, receiving an appreciative smile in return. The Seviathan's eyes squinted.

Helsa had already opened her mouth for more words, but now her brother intervened.

"I suggest we move our discussions somewhere more..." - Seviaphan surveyed the room around them meticulously, gazing piercingly into his sister's eyes, glancing only briefly in the direction of William, who hadn't said a word. - "A quiet and secluded place where we're sure not to be heard behind the so unexpectedly bugged thick and secure door." - Seviathan nodded, to the laughter of Helsa and Charlie's rolling eyes. William, however, simply glanced again at the doors of the room, behind which were still his constructs, which...

His palm was squeezed again, dragging him behind them with little force. William just kept walking, casting a glance at the closed door.

They walked in silence through corridors of purple and red halls, colors alternating, complementing, or completely changing each other. The mansion was definitely bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside, for it looked like a large but still mansion, not a palace.

It seemed to William in general that there could be as many rooms, floors, or just rooms in this place as he wanted. As many as Lucifer, his daughter's wishes, and his wife's will desired. Their little procession continued onward, following a path known to them, to the three of them, except William, somewhere deep inside the mansion, if William's sense of direction did not deceive him.

Seviathan, walking slightly ahead but still able to glance back, occasionally glanced at his and Charlie's locked palms, casting almost fleeting glances at them, carefully disguising them as mere inspection of the furniture they were passing. Charlie was somewhere in her thoughts, oblivious to such attention, but William, wise from his experience with Adam and Sera, detected it.

If this demon had been the equivalent of an Archangel in power or rank in the hierarchy, or at least an Angel from the Third Circle, then William would have been worried, but as it was, he was more concerned about not being able to contact or sense his Twins in any way... they seemed to be missing, even though he knew for a fact that they were still in that room!

"So what is there for the Golden Youth of the Top of Hell to do, dear brother?" - Helsa almost sang out, walking to the right hand of Seviathan. - "Aren't we finally going to show our dear Charlotte how the true young blood of the demonic race have fun?" - Helsa immediately cast a sharp glance at Charlie, meeting exactly the same intensity in the Princess's red eyes.

"Certainly what our Honorable Elders told us to do, dear sister." - Seviathan nodded, putting his hands behind his back, not even bothering to turn his head toward Helsa. - "We'll play games. "Seviafan smiled a toothy grin, only now turning to face his sister.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." - Helsa hissed, twitching her cheek irritably.

"Absolutely not." - Seviathan shook his head, covering his eyes, looking somewhere further down the hall. - "It is our duty as the Youngers of this evening to obey the decree of the wiser ones without question, so who are we to defy them?" - Seviathan continued, deliberately dragging out his words, clearly enjoying his sister's quiet growl.

"Oh, shove your deference up your fuckin'..." - Helsa said, increasing the volume with each word.

" And I think that's a great idea!" - Charlie stepped in between her brother and sister, glancing warily at both of them. - "I suggest we get right down to playing dolls or toys and definitely not killing each other!" - Charlie continued with William's usual nervous smile, receiving only a haughty chuckle from Helsa and a thoughtful look from Seviathan.

Even though Charlie was casting glances at William, the two young Von Eldritch seemed to be deliberately not even looking in his direction. William could assume that Helsa was simply focusing on Charlie, whereas Seviafan was doing it on purpose, consciously trying to show his attitude.

"I wonder if Lucifer would be able to share at least some of his space touch experience if I gave him a hint for Charlie or Lilith? No, of course he might...", William pondered, almost, completely missing the words of the other demons.

"...And what are we going to play, Charlotte?" - Helsa tilted her head, folding her arms under her chest. - "Are we going to sing songs about the 'Goodness' and 'Redemption' of the innocent souls of rapists and psychopaths?" - Helsa said in a whiny voice, fake wiping away nonexistent tears.

"If it'll shut your vile mouth, then let..." - Charlie replied frowningly, her eyes reddening for a moment.

"You scum...!" - Chelsa's exclamation was once again interrupted by Seviathan.

" We will play chess, the game of kings and rulers. That which is worthy of the heirs of our clans." - Seviathan raised his voice, releasing his power for a moment, silencing both girls.

"...How about we play dolls and dresses right away?" - Helsa replied teasingly, snorting. - "I suggest Babylon as the easiest and quietest." - said Helsa, turning her head away, looking at the well-maintained purple wallpaper filled with different landscapes.

" ...Or maybe we could just have a singing competition? " - Charlie suggested with a weak smile, catching two annoyed looks at once. Charlie squared her shoulders a little, but kept her gaze steady.

Her gaze fell on the silent William, who was staring at a painting of a waterfall, and Charlie opened her mouth to ask....

"And what do we say Lord of Silence?" - Helsa stretched out. There was no arrogance or mockery in her voice, but rather she seemed to take him for a friend... William knew otherwise. - "Or is our Silence living up to his nickname and not uttering a word?" - Khelsa tilted her head, coming a little closer.

" Why on earth would we listen to a wild dog from the Pride?" - Seviathan said squeamishly, wrinkling his face. The eyes of his cylinder repeated behind his facial pair of eyes. - "What could a lost soul, not worthy of even stepping outside the Circle, know anyway? - Charlie drew in air sharply, standing quickly in front of William, jabbing a finger at Seviathan.

" You shut your insolent mouth, Seviathan!" - Charlie exclaimed, glaring angrily at the man while a subdued Helsa was enjoying her brother's "suffering" already. - "You dare not penny something in reproach to my closest friend, who is better than you at everything! And in magic, and in manners, and in behavior!" - With each word, Charlie's voice grew stronger, her voice louder with each accusation. - "And if I hear Zephyr's empty accusation one more time, then blame yourself!" - Two straight purple horns rose from Charlie's forehead, angled backward, and her voice exuded the latent power of Lucifer's daughter.

Seviathan was about to say something, but Charlie's low growl interrupted him, along with the chuckle of Helsa missing in it, glaring at Seviathan, almost supporting the Princess of Hell.

"...Whatever you say, Charlotte." - Seviathan turned his head away, nodding finely.

" That's good!" - Charlie replied, turning back to William in a flash. - "Zephyr, what do you suggest as our mutual entertainment!" - Charlie smiled broadly, looking at William expectantly, biting her lower lip. 

Behind her back, Helsa seemed to be watching the Fallen Angel's every move, as if trying to catch a glimpse of something, whether it was a slip in demeanor or a slip in speech, while Seviathan glanced glumly at William, who had taken off his cloak and vest and shrugged.

" I suggest we simulate a small historical skit in which we all have to manage the resources of the city, work with the staff, and implement new age reforms." - William smiled slightly, enjoying the dramatically changed expression on Charlie's face. She squinted her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, staring with red eyes into his blue stars in two small slits, while Helsa still kept her smile, letting a look of bewilderment pass into her eyes, only Seviafan grinned.

"I suggest a town planning simulator where you can practice your future deeds and duties, in a comfortable and enjoyable way of course! " - William raised the tips of his mask lips, tapping his cane against the floor.

"...Bullshit." - concluded Helsa, lowering her eyes to her nails, assessing the manicure and their sharpness.

"What?" - was all Charlie could produce, continuing to stare at William with the look of a man betrayed in his best senses. 

Seviathan continued to press a smile, but not in support of William, more in the joy of justifying his words than understanding the joke.

"Still, Adam is a genius worthy of being called the First of Men!", nodded William in his thoughts, eager to capture every moment of his new acquaintances reaction to Charlie. "Now I see why he was always giving out something like that at meetings or gatherings, such faces and such emotion!" - William continued to chuckle in his thoughts, not letting any of his emotions show through on the mask. 

"...I suggest we stop at chess after all." - Seviathan stretched out, bringing his attention back to his sister and Charlie, who was now frowning and looking up at him irritably, her lips stretched into a thin straight line, tilted slightly, and her eyebrows furrowed.

" E--it-h---er...!" - Khelsa stretched out, snuggling up to William in a flash, practically throwing Charlie back against the Seviathan with a sharp movement, the latter immediately breaking free of the green hands that had picked her up with an exasperated sigh. - "We can just pick what we like!" - Helsa took William by the forearm, under Charlie's scrutinizing eye. - "Especially since at least this way we won't kill each other." - She smiled, ignoring Charlie's red eyes.

"At least we agree with you on that, dear sister." - Seviathan nodded, taking a disgruntled Charlie under his arm, looking warily at William. The man simply nodded, flashing his eyes with a faint smile. Charlie gave a sigh of relief, broke free of Seviathan's grip, and, head held high, walked with Von Edrich down the corridor.

Looking into Helsa's somewhat disgruntled eyes, which were glowing with an otherworldly green light, William shrugged, tilting his head slightly.

"So where do we go to play, dear lady?" - In response, Helsa returned the smirk, gripping his forearm tighter, walking back down the hallway, turning the corner, dragging William behind her.


The Morning Dawn Mansion was a truly amazing place, a place that could combine seemingly impossible rooms, types of architecture, and just about any logic in the size and proportions of the rooms.

William and Helsa, being in one such room, they "got down to the game".

First of all, finding in this rather spacious stone and marble room, made in purple and gray shades, a notional table surrounded by notional chairs.

Their shoes tapped on the clean gray floor, scribbled with thin hollow lines forming circular patterns just as they separated from each other. Runes, circles, some kind of inscriptions or just drawings, William gave up trying to make any sense of what was probably just created in a couple moments of Lucifer's mind.

What was more surprising, aside from the semi-circular part of the room draped in purple thick curtains with gold patterns, was the dark purple couch made in the shape of a hollow circle, in the opening of which a table appeared to be enchanted. William wasn't surprised by the softness of the cushions or their material, he was more impressed by the tall stained glass windows that overlooked the night sky, the light of which also penetrated the high ceiling, filling the room with the atmosphere of a cozy gathering, complemented by the flying candles near their table.

The lamps on either side of the room were only a pleasant addition, rather unnoticeable and not conspicuous against the high ceiling, which almost looked like the spire of a church or cathedral.

So they settled down, facing each other. Helsa put cushions under herself, actually lying on the couch on her left side, flirtatiously posing her figure, almost unconcealed by her black dress, exposing the top of her thighs, partially covered by her long tentacle hair. 

William himself simply sat down, propped back on a couple of cushions, with his legs tucked under the golden table that had appeared, on which Helsa had immediately laid... A pile of painted wood. Gold, beige, and brown wood imitating stone...

William understood why the game was called "Babylon", because as soon as the many rectangular pieces of wood, of which there were about a hundred, if not more, were assembled into a replica of the Tower of Babylon, if William understood correctly the shape and general texture of the resulting construction.

Hesla explained the rules to him, which were quite simple. You had to take out one piece of wood at a time, trying not to collapse the Tower, and whoever crushed the replica of Babylon first would lose.

"Wonderful rules of the game, with not a single clause about magic or manipulation... It's a good thing that direct cheating is forbidden without words, but unnoticeable for the opponent shenanigans... and okay just elaborate pulling of 'sticks'...", William thought, watching as long tentacle-hair Helsa pulled out one of the rectangles, immediately laying it on the table, on his side. 

It had been about five minutes since the beginning of their "game", three of which Helsa had been explaining the essence of the entertainment, and the rest of which she had been carefully choosing her first plank, or "foundation" as the rules called these wooden pieces.

"To be honest..." - began Helsa in a detached voice, scrutinizing the resulting tower. As Helsa herself said, Babylon encouraged the unusualness of the resulting parody of Lucifer's long-standing project. - "I despise Sinners." - exhaled Helsa, whose tentacles began searching for a new foundation as soon as William pulled out his first.

William answered nothing, which seemed to make Helsa a little angry, if the twitching tentacle served as proof.

"They are doomed souls, punished by God himself for their lives on Earth and, no matter what our 'sweet and kind' Princess of Hell says, they deserve their fate." - With a small clatter, a new piece of wood dropped onto the table. Helsa's eyes scrutinized William's mask.

"You are correct, my lady." - William nodded, leisurely looking around the bottom of the tower, searching for the best piece of foundation. William didn't look in her direction, but he was sure he wouldn't get away with a one-word answer. - "But why would you wish to share in the high game with this lowly soul, my lady?" - William spoke in a hollow voice, causing the grip of Helsa's tentacle to tighten on her already wood.

"At first, I thought Charlotte had hit rock bottom - made friends with the dog of Pride, a slave to her desires and impulses, unable to break free from the addictions of the past." - Now Helsa was already imitating William's voice, speaking to him detachedly, as if reading a book. - "But having shared a meal with this Sinner, having listened to all of his merits, and if even half of what Lord Lucifer says is true, then this Sinner has rightfully earned the privilege of friendship with the Princess of Hell."

"Thank you, my lady." - Nodded William, searching his eyes for a new brick of lower foundation.

They each already had about ten wooden rectangles lying side by side on the side of each, but the Tower didn't even wobble, continuing to stand firm.

"Tell me, Zephyr." - broke the silence, in a surprisingly calm and peaceful manner for her early days, Helsa said. - "How did you meet Charlotte?"

"When she's not trying to emit a sneer or quarrel with Charlie, she has a pleasant enough voice...", William forced himself, glancing at the half-lying demoness Von Eldritch for the first time. She was surprisingly relaxed, not even trying to make any seductive poses or emphasize her figure in any way. Now Von Eldritch's daughter was really just relaxing.

"We met on a walk through the Ring of Pride, where she asked me questions about the hagiography of Sinners and also shared her ideas." - William replied, leaning back on a pile of purple pillows.

He adjusted the white sleeves of his shirt, quickly running his hands over his black vest, a slightly smaller variation of his 'out' version, while Helsa, for the first time since their game had begun, paused in thought.

"Didn't that fool at least sing?" - Helsa asked somewhat irritably, shooting her eyes at William with an irritated glint of green light.

" We just talked, there was nothing more complicated about this budding friendship." - William shrugged, taking his turn at the game.

" At least you got to the point here..." - whispered Helsa, which William heard without commenting in any way.

"Is Charlie's vocal ability really that bad?" - William injected some interest into his voice, causing Khelsa to laugh caustically.

"Fuck those songs, she's just spitting on everything she's been given!" - The irritation that William had grown accustomed to, came out of Helsa. - "A whole Princess of Hell, instead of command or power she just fucking sings!" - Khelsa slammed the table hard, shaking it violently, causing the wood to go flying, though the Tower remained untouched.

New eyes appeared on Helsa's face, smaller than the "main" ones, but still giving off a green glow, and more teeth began to appear on her body, making her face look more like the monsters of Greece than a refined daughter of the aristocracy. 

"Instead of behaving like the heiress of the King and Queen, this idiot is pussyfooting around with degenerates who spit on themselves!" - Helsa's hair soared into the air, beginning to wriggle as if those hairs were underwater. The room gradually filled with the "greenness" of Helsa's power.

William, on the other hand, simply pulled out his 'foundation', patiently waiting for Helsa's turn.

"She's second to the Queen, one word from her and an entire ROD could cease to exist, legions of Goetia would fight for her attention if she took any time to expand her power!" - Helsa clenched her palms into fists, crushing her claws almost to the point of blood.

The moment when the boiling point had actually come, when Helsa was about to vent her anger on Charlie's innocent friend... The presence of power vanished, Helsa's hair became human-like again, and her face, along with her voice, was back to its former self.

"Even at 'school'," Helsa crooked her voice slightly, looking up at the stars behind the stained glass windows, rising slightly from her pillows, 'instead of making future acquaintances, building and expanding her network of influence, this naive idiot decided to 'make friends' and 'find herself', as if that's what this charade was created for!" - Helsa waved her hands, sighing irritably and... tiredly.

"Instead, she called the trash of the Pride her 'people', completely forgetting about her true subjects and servants that are bound to obey her by her birthright!" - Helsa exhaled cold air as if plucked from a distant shore. -" But NO, she needs to stand out, impress daddy and mommy, because she's so beautiful and perfect since she can do what they couldn't." - Helsa played with her hands and voice, mimicking Charlie's voice and gestures almost perfectly. Helsa turned sharply to William, glaring sullenly at his mask.

"Proud silly asshole for wanting to curry favor with Lord Lucifer and Queen Lilith, completely disregarding her duties and Princess Duty." - Hissed Helsa, looking oddly at William, still waiting patiently for Helsa's move.

A moment and a single pounding of William's almost material heart. Helsa continued to stare at him, William responded in kind.

A third instant, a heartbeat and Helsa's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Fifth instant...

"Bite your tongue?" - Helsa asked venomously, tilting her head, along with the tentacles braiding her body. - "Or shoved it so deep up Charlotte's ass that you can't think of anything to defend our brilliant Princess?"

" Are you unhappy with Charlie's stance and dreams?" - raised his eyes overhead to the stained glass windows William, taking a small amount of pleasure in Helsa's barely audible growl.

" She can dream and shit in both her hands all she wants, I don't care." - Helsa said in a calmer voice, exhaling loudly. - "I do care about how she uses her influence and power granted to her from birth." - Khelsa grumbled unhappily, pulling out her wood, allowing William to immediately pull out the long-noticed one.

"And you told me all this...?" - William stretched out the last word, getting a chuckle from Helsa that was followed by a disgruntled snort, for after William's move, the Tower finally began to wobble. Barely, but now Helsa was taking longer to plan her move.

"Just want you to know what a proud bitch calling you 'friend' is." - Khelsa smiled in all her fangs, the ones on her neck, her right shoulder, and the ones that served as teeth. - "After all, when she disappoints and lets you down, such a soul will obviously want to find another place for her talents..." - Again, Helsa's familiar manner of speech to William over the evening.

" And you think there's room in Von Eldritch's house for a pathetic Sinner Monkey?" - William's words seemed to amuse Helsa. She laughed softly.

"Just a century as a servant and the place beside me will be yours." - Khelsa rose, leaning back against the table, dropping her head into her clenched palms. -" After all, some Sinners did become members of the Goetia, and such a sophisticated soul would clearly be interested in the secrets of Creation." - Helsa's voice was like a beautiful song, but it was no match for what Lilith was doing to him.

"I will consider your offer, my lady." - William immediately returned the official tone, almost openly enjoying Helsa's grimacing face.

" My lady will not satisfy my hunger and tell me her business on the vocal stage...?" - William began the idle conversation, wanting to keep Helsa occupied, no longer burning with the desire to listen to that one.


Meanwhile, in the opposite distant room.


Silence diluted only by barely audible thuds. Knocks of wood against wood, which were chess pieces that moved by themselves on the playing battlefield, simulating the battlefield.

The cut-up and animated pieces scattered across the drawn square fields, filling the dark blue room with at least some life. They seemed to lead their own separate lives, on this glass rectangular table suspended on barely visible threads, separating two single souls from each other.

If a servant had entered the room, he would have immediately noticed the huge, full-wall aquarium, within which a part of the forest seemed to be submerged. Tall oaks, wide spruce trees, and strange green plants decorated the habitat with glowing gold or purple fish with many more species, either peacefully settling on the moss or swimming and gazing at the two demons. 

On the left side of the entrance, on a soaring beige armless chair, sat Princess Ada. Charlie's gaze was cold, unaccustomed to her everyday image, and there was no smile on her face, only a thin line. She seemed as if she were somewhere else, paying only necessary-minimal attention to her interlocutor.

To the right, the heir to the Von Eldritch family, Seviathan, sat on the exact same chair, with a perfectly straight back, just like the Princess. The Demon of the Depths flashed a small smile, but the purple eyes, decorated with green pupil, gave away a slight irritation with anger, which, however, was carefully hidden behind politeness and etiquette.

"...And yet, I must ask, Charlotte." - Seviathan nodded, moving his pawn, signaling the beginning of a new game. - "How are you doing?" - Seviathan's tone was friendly, a tone in which one might have found genuine concern, had Charlie not known this demon a little better.

"My affairs are going well within my expectations, exceeding my plans and living up to my parents' expectations, Seviathan." - Charlie replied coldly, covering her eyes without even looking at Seviathan.

" I'm glad, Charlotte." - Seviathan nodded, irritation creeping into his tone. - "But what about Paimon's houses?" - He tilted his head, moving another pawn by sheer force of will.

"Exactly the same as it was before." - Charlie answered immediately, moving her knight with her will. Her voice was harsh, not allowing for any branching of topics or additions to the conversation.

Exactly what Seviathan disliked most. Charlie frowned upon such things, but she relished her childhood friend's anger. Just a little bit.

"'Exactly the same' - so nothing has changed, and you still haven't had any contact with at least the Guardian of the Stars?" - Seviathan spoke, slowing down a bit as he spoke, no longer hiding his quiet anger. - "Or did you, for once, behave worthy of your heritage and fulfill at least part of your Duty?" - Seviathan said venomously, to which Charlie just lifted the corners of her lips.

"Yes." - Charlie shrugged, mentally thanking Zephyr for all those stories and opportunities with the Sinners.

The sound of glass clinking, pulled by the green claws, was more pleasing to her than a classical piano. This 'round was up to her.

Seviathan paused to catch his breath, only to make his rook move half a minute later. Charlie didn't really follow the game; she didn't care whether she won or lost, as long as this torture was over quickly.

" Then, let me ask you something else." - Seviathan threw his head back a little, waiting for Charlie's move. - "Sinner, really?" - The question made Charlie freeze for a moment. Seviathan's smile grew a little bigger. - "Is this alliance the result of a plan you hatched, or is it a necessary sacrifice on the road to 'redemption'?" - Seviathan leaned across the table toward her, a red-green light glinting in his eyes.

Loudly, drawing in air, Charlie silently made her move. She tried to avoid it, just out of respect for their old friendship and relationship, just so as not to spoil the relationship by comparing Seviathan, "that Seviathan" and Zephyr, because the score would not be in the former's favor.

Charlie didn't know if it was a gift from God, a coincidence, or a deliberate move on the part of the cunning Sinner; she didn't care. Zephyr was open, honest with her, sincerely believed in her ideas, and was just easy to talk to, without all the verbalizing. Zephyr treated her as "Charlie", just the Devil's heiress and the First Woman who wanted to help the souls of men, not "Charlotte", the Princess of Hell who inherited all the circles and domains of Hell. 

Zephyr didn't try to play "aristocracy", didn't try to impose something on her, because "it was the right thing to do", he was just her friend, supporting her and giving her advice. Yes, he argued, yes, he scolded or poked fun at her, but it was for her own good, because it helped her grow as a person! When has Seviathan ever done that, except to put himself above her?!

"This is purely my choice, nothing to do with you or anyone in the Von Eldritch family." - Charlie replied coldly, which tempered Seviathan's smugness.

"That's where you're wrong, Charlotte." - Seviathan hissed. - "Any relationship with a Sinner, whether voluntary or violent, is judged by the other demonic clans. Especially if the initiator of that relationship is the Princess of Hell." - Seviathan almost sang. - "Such a stigma could cast a shadow over the royal house, further worsening the situation of the House of Morning Star that the Queen wants so badly to rectify. Another mistake in a mountain of failure, Charlotte."

If Seviathan expected Charlie to react in any way, he was clearly disappointed.

" Let those tongues whisper behind my back, they are no match for me or my house. My fate and choices are only my will, not theirs or their edicts." - Charlie nodded, cutting down Seviathan's queen. - "Check." - For the first time, Charlie let the corners of her lips rise enough for it to resemble her usual smile.

"Just like you were a stupid child, you still are..." - Seviathan hissed, shaking his head and pulling his king out of harm's way. - "Don't you already care about your mother's difficulties, that seems to be almost constantly cleaning up your trail of your foolishness?" - Seviathan said as his eyes flashed red.

"It's not as bad as you describe, especially not as horrible if you get beyond that well of frogs." - Charlie just shrugged, trying to get her knight and rook out from under Seviathan's queen and rook.

"This 'well' as you call it is your home, Charlotte." - Seviathan gradually regained his cool voice, even straightened up somewhat and evened out his breathing. - "A place where you can reach your full potential as heir to the Second Seraphim and Aspect of Wonder." - It was only because Charlie had known Seviathan since their childhood that she was able to pick up a twinge of envy in her longtime friend's voice. -" But no, you decided it was better to bury all your power along with the doomed souls who simply couldn't be saved." - Seviaphan's voice became more 'angry', deep and low, and more teeth popped out all over his body for a moment, the green eye on the cylinder just as red.

"You can't say for sure..." - In a cold voice Charlie wanted to reply, but was defiantly interrupted. In a way, she had achieved her goal... though not in the way she wanted. As usual.

" In the ten thousand years of Hell's existence, no Sinners have ascended to Heaven. Not one. One. Asoul." - Seviathan's "demonic" voice pulled, as if trying to burn those words into Charlie's soul.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Seviathan's words had found their way into her mind. Meanwhile, an enraged Seviathan, almost lying on the chessboard.

" All you've got is a pathetic bunch of liars and hypocrites, plus one smarter bastard who's found the key to your naive and stupid head." - The surrounding room grew darker, and even Charlie, a very strong demoness, began to feel the power of the Seviathan. She faintly squirmed in her seat. - "In contrast, we have parents that caught the very beginning, where Lucifer himself tried to do something, for all these years, he and your mother have been trying, and now you, drowned in your foolish reveries and pride, have decided to prove them incomprehensible!" - Sefiafan was almost shouting, looking more like the sea-horror her father had once portrayed than a polite demon.

Charlie hated to admit it, but at Seviathan's words....

"No," Charlie clutched her dress with forceful fingers, nearly tearing it. - "Seviathan only sees the top of everything, he doesn't understand, he just doesn't want to understand...", Charlie tried to remember all the lessons from her father, her mother, even... what Zephyr had told her, just to keep from shattering in that almost frozen moment. For once, to defend his position with hard words instead of slurred words.

"Interesting that all those words didn't come out of your mouth until after I finally got the results." - Charlie's voice didn't waver, exuding the same coldness that had stopped Seviathan's advance. - "As soon as there was even a ghost of me being right, you, Helsa, my aunt and uncle, along with my parents, stepped up their pressure, willing to not even try to change what was written." - This time, already Seviathan was forced to squeeze into the chair while Charlie's eyes turned purple and long horns grew out of her forehead.

"It's the Law of the Universe, Charlie, you just can't change it." - Seviathan's face creased. - "It's a harsh reality that crushes all the childish dreams of a naive girl." - Seviathan tried to press again, but Charlie didn't let him lead again, afraid of losing his current fervor. Afraid of being wrong.

" Just because it's 'reality' doesn't make it the stupidest idiocy." - Charlie shrugged, moving some figure onto some cage. The heart in her chest overshadowed the rest of the noise of the room. - "This 'stupidity' is worth at least an attempt, a real and genuine one that will take into account all the mistakes of the past to try to truly change the Universe."

"Just shut up, just shut up, just shut up, just shut up..." repeated in Charlie's head like a prayer to the Almighty, hoping that Seviathan wouldn't see the fragility of Charlie's core, that he wouldn't be able to make her doubt herself even more.

No, she doesn't think what she's doing is stupid... It's just that everything Zephyr said, be it unspoken, makes Charlie not dismiss Seviafan's words as she would have done earlier... Everything Zephyr said made her question the truth of Seviafan's words and it almost destroyed her from the inside out. Charlie was scared.

"Does Zephyr truly believe in me ?", Charlie wondered at her best friend's behavior, lost in space for a moment.

"...After all, your actions are just as likely to reflect on your 'friend'." - Seviathan smirked, seeing Charlie's pressure subside. - "What if your altruism and 'support' boils down to you getting off dry as usual, under your father's wing, while your favorite Sinner loses his soul?" - Tilted his head Seviathan, making his move. - "Check." - Seviathan smirked contentedly.

Charlie forcefully forced herself to push all stupid thoughts away. She couldn't trust them, because Seviathan's goal was to hurt her and make her doubt herself. Everything he's told her is a lie.

Isn't it?

"Zephyr is a capable Sinner, impressing even my father." - Charlie hummed, inwardly exulting in her acting abilities, nurtured by her interactions with her father and mother. - "Zephyr has been praised and impressed both of my parents on more than one occasion." - Charlie tried to give herself as smug a look as possible, with a slight smile. - "His entire Silent Neighborhood, all his servants, all of it he built and created all by himself." - Charlie frankly enjoyed the barely perceptible twitching of the Seviathan. - "With his magic, with his mind. He went in front of all the Slayers instead of me, having gone up against them many times before." - At those words, Seviathan's cheek twitched visibly, and the eyes on his cylinder faded for a moment. 

" A mere Sinner can even go out on Earth, not like an 'ancient' and 'powerful' demon, heir to an ancient race." - Charlie smiled small, finishing her move. - "Checkmate."

In response, Seviathan began to say something, maybe even recall some nuances of the nature of demons and Sinners, but Charlie listened to it all with half an ear, ignoring Seviathan's further attempts at conversation.

"Zephyr isn't a simple Sinner wanting to get to my father's innermost knowledge through me, he's far better than Seviafan, Helsa and the other demons...", Charlie thought almost panickedly, keeping her outer calm.

"Zephyr is not hiding any secrets from me, for I respond in kind... He will not betray me or deceive me..."



Later, Morning Dawn Mansion. The far rest rooms.

Half past three in the morning. William could have gotten some sleep by now for the next day.

"You scum!" - Healsa shouted, grabbing Charlie's leg, which was resting on her chest, pushing her down and trying to drop her to the floor. - "Get off me, you lunatic!" - Helsa's extra eyes peeked out from under her big bangs, her fangs sharpened and lengthened, making her look like a deep-sea predator fish.

" Only when you shut your fucking mouth and learn not to talk behind the backs of the demons that are fucking around you!" - Charlie, whose horns were practically pulsing with fire burning in Charlie's red eyes, whose fingers had grown long black claws that were now digging into Helsa's left hand, and whose left hand was creating golden flames. 

...But noooo, William had agreed to this invitation of his beloved Charlie for some reason. Of course, he understood all the preferences and benefits of such an event, but it was the "it" time of any such evening: the guests scattered, often or almost always tipsy, and began to do stupid things that made William sick, that horrified, annoyed, and simply disgusted him. Often it's all mixed up, but this time, it's been a bloodbath.

When their 'groups' met, after half an hour of 'playing', they almost immediately split into their usual pairs and retreated to different parts of this surprisingly normal and beautiful room.

William still didn't understand the architecture of this strange place created by Lucifer, apparently hungover, but they went "downstairs" by going up to this berth-room.

That's right, right from the entrance to the room they could see a beautiful blue lake glistening and reflecting the starlight while to the left of their "berth" was some sort of ska with some sort of parody of palm trees, moss and other tropical trees. In the distance William could definitely see something that looked like a baobab.

Anyway, the greenery of ferns, or whatever it was, filled almost the entire "left side" of the view that opened up to them, until just a bit in the distance, on the other bank, was a similarly left-facing island with a hill and greenery.

Their rookery itself was a dark wood room, in the Japanese-Chinese style, similar to both, yet distinctly different. A canopy with a bit of leafy moss stretching out from under the ends, a nice touch of dark gray carpet in the center of the room, with similar small replicas at the two ends of the room, on the right side of which he and Charlie settled down, and Helsa and Seviathan on the opposite side, respectively.

Then they simply sat down on the cushions, pulling up wooden, room-style trays with some kind of green tea, candles in glasses for atmosphere that were in a nearby tray and a large ceremonial teapot from which William had served him and Charlie, to a strangely quiet one. 

She had been acting strangely since the beginning of their reunion, silently accepting William's advances and courtesies. She didn't share her thoughts over her two enemy-friends being around, but she was in no hurry to make other distracted conversations, further alarming William.

She gave at least some reaction when she overheard Helsa bragging to Seviafan, telling her brother something about her 'game' with William. The fallen Archangel didn't pay attention, immersed in his usual thinking and planning, but Charlie heard something, something that immediately "turned her on" and Charlie pounced on Helsa, starting what William realized was their usual "catfight".

"...And okay, they would do it in person or somewhere else, but to crush such lovely wood?!", William almost voiced his thoughts, but next to him stood a silent Seviathan, looking at him strangely... and William didn't like that look.

No, to be honest, Seviathan, so far, hasn't done anything to William. William doesn't know him, they just know each other in absentia because of their mutual friend, which only made him, Sinner, look more positive than a respectable generic demon. William just can't understand why Seviathan would be negative towards him!

" ...And do they often do that?" - William asked, noting with the corner of his eye a similar reaction to his own: annoyance.

"Every fucking year." - Seviathan sighed, hissing his words. He put his hands behind his back, glancing occasionally at William, who was leaning on his cane with a straight back.

"Should we separate them or...?" - William asked in the same manner, stoically watching the two enraged demonesses smashing two black sets, turning the nearest wood into charcoal.

" Leave them alone. They're just so letting off steam from the shared dinner and the past evening." - Seviathan said in an almost monotone, watching as Helsa, her right hand extended into an ugly claw, tried to swing at Charlie, but she only swung her flaming hand, nailing it to the wooden floor.

Both men looked at the scuffle with the same gaze, but with completely different thoughts.

William didn't know, nor did he want to know, what the demon from the Depths was thinking, but William himself...

"I can't feel the Twins now, it's like they've disappeared into that part of the Mansion...", William kept thinking about that little help from Lucifer. He couldn't get that situation out of his head, that moment of Lucifer's instant help....

Just for a moment, just for the measly moment that William needed to realize those Replicant prototypes, William had felt something. William could only realize it because he had already "worked" with Lucifer, reinforcing that experience by observing Sera's miracles and the results of other Seraphim.

A moment of change, a moment when the very reality around William became different.

The two female figures still clutched at each other, continuing their fiddling, but... as if they were less actively cursing and crushing their opponent, frozen in a strange equilibrium....

"Aiding in the speed of thought, aiding in creation by embedding or augmenting my own calculations with their own, simply adjusting reality, interacting with probability or matter itself by accelerating thought...?", William went over the potential options of what had happened.

The Fallen Archangel quietly sucked in air through his mask.

"Stop.", as if on command all mental streams froze in anticipation of further command, "Lucifer is a Seraphim, albeit an Aspect of Wonder himself, but he could not stray far from the very nature laid down by God. Surely it is known that Seraphim look at the Universe differently, they simply have a different understanding and a different nature from ordinary souls. Each Seraphim creates in their own way, but they also share some commonalities... If my Weave works with the 'cells' of Creation, at my 'command' and 'intent', then the Seraphim change them in a more profound and different way..."

William was determined to someday unravel this secret, which Lucifer, clearly mocking, was purposely holding in front of his nose, constantly demonstrating, torturing in different and dissimilar ways of realization!

William was still confident that .

"...And we can change such an unpleasant atmosphere? " - Seviathan's words reached William's mind only now, presenting a kind of white noise earlier.

" I beg your pardon?" - William asked somewhat confusedly, turning his head toward Seviathan, a look of irritation on his face for a moment. - "I was rambling in my thoughts, I apologize." - William nodded.

"...I would like to suggest we play a simple game, dear Silence." - Seviathan said the last word with an intonation that William did not understand. - "A simple game favored by the youth of our houses." - Seviafan smiled one of his fake smiles. William already disliked the suggestion, but given his position in this house for the duration of this family's visit...

" You would do me the honor, young master." - William nodded, turning fully around to face the demon. - "Would you explain to the ignorant the rules of such an entertaining game?" - William's words brought a chuckle to Seviathan's face.

" Oh, 'such an entertaining game' has quite simple terms!" - Seviathan clapped his hands, covering his eyes. In his hands appeared a... golden cross, almost identical to those used by priests. - "You just have to hold this... 'cross', answering my questions with only a yes-no." - Seviathan held out a cross blazing with golden energy, slightly larger than two fists of the demon himself, to William.

"My job is to make you lie, and yours is to tell the truth and only the truth!" - Seviathan smiled, chuckling softly. - "To the extent that your kind is even capable of the simple truth..." - Seviathan added more quietly, his eyes shining with a purple light.

"With great pleasure!" - William answered a little overplayed, taking the analyzed cross, enchanted with Lucifer's power.

William was about to ask another question when Zephyr began his "offensive".

"Your name is Zephyr, demon of Silence?" - Seviathan asked in a colder and faster voice, putting his hands behind his back.

" Yes." - William had been using that name for a year now, he had gotten used to it, in fact, it had even become a sort of part of William. The cross still shone with gold.

"I wonder if it only recognizes lies when the one holding it thinks so, or if it appeals to some sort of 'absolute truth'...? Or, does it simply have a semblance of its mind with Lucifer's matrix of consciousness...", William thought, examining the cross while in the background the 'battle' between Charlie and Helsa had all but subsided. Charlie had naturally pinned Helsa to the floor, standing on her chest with one foot and holding the other around her neck.

" Did you actually fight Michael before you went to Hell?" - Seviathan's eyes kept darting between the cross of William's mask's holo-eyes, as if trying to catch the slightest hesitation.

- No." William shrugged, looking toward the river flowing from somewhere. The cross in his hand kept casting a golden glow.

" ..." - The Seviathan fell silent, glaring at William's body for a couple seconds. - "Anything else?" - Seviathan added in a more irritated voice.

" No." - William answered immediately, hearing the demon's quiet growl perfectly well. The cross, as if to match William's own tone, sparkled playfully with gold, making Seviathan wince.

"What Lucifer said was embellishment and exaggeration?" - Seviathan almost hissed, for whom William had a surprise in store.

"No." - William smiled beneath his mask. Cross echoed William, it was as if he was glowing even more.

"The naive demon boy has momentarily forgotten that the rules allow me not to say anything more than yes-no, so his 'truth' will depend solely on his wording... I feel like an Arabian genie set free by a foolish mortal," William thought with amusement as he watched more and more irritation and anger slip across the nobleman's face.

"Have you met Michael, Lord Commander of the Army of Heaven?" - came a muffled question from behind Seviathan, turning around at the voice of his sister Helsa, who was not at all bothered by the foot on her throat to take part in their little game.

" Yes." - William replied more cheerfully, thinking of their last two encounters and the rare but more joyous crossings in Paradise. Still, when off duty, with his demeanor Michael would resemble 'Adam the healthy man...'.

"That sounded strange somehow," William tried to imagine it, throwing off his mood somewhat. Thankfully the mask didn't miss a hitch.

"You fought Michael?" - Helsa asked more vigorously, lifting her head slightly while Charlie looked thoughtfully at William holding the golden cross.

"No."-not even a practice fight, though Adam had offered once. I should have agreed, instead of referring to looking after Emily.....

Seviathan grinned, looking at Charlie and Helsa with triumph. The former didn't even seem to notice the demon's gaze, while the latter only snorted irritably.

"You created your Neighborhood?" - Seviathan asked cheerfully, turning around. His cylinder kept its eyes on William.

"Yes." - after those words, Seviafan's fuse faded somewhat, but he continued anyway. The cross continued to flow with gold.

"You fought the Head of the Exorcists?" - Seviathan asked in a more strained voice, the eye of his cylinder vibrating.

" Yes!" nodded William enthusiastically, his cross still shining with Lucifer's gold.

"Ah, good old training with the whole Division, and then 'taking' that one out for a rest...", William shivered somewhat, quickening his mind to dive into the pleasant memories of having to lie out of his ass because Adam had simply forgotten to do or request some paperwork.

"Okay, stop..."

"Did you and Charlie really go up against the Head of Exterminations and all his angels at the last Sweep?" - Seviathan asked tensely, staring intently at the cross with his eyes as the cylinder's eyes scrutinized his mask.

"Yes." - William nodded again, continuing to clutch the golden cross in his left hand, the glow of which never faltered for a moment.

"I lied in Paradise, too... I lied to the Archangels, to the Seraphim... For myself, Adam, Sera, Emily... Is that lying for good? Then what do I call all the lies I've told here?", William tried to understand the difference of God's plan, unrequitedly trying to find the ancient truth.

" All that Lord Lucifer said about you is true?" - Helsa's voice came again, for a moment becoming a strange "blot" with green eyes all over the "mass", immediately getting out from under Charlie's heels, as if she didn't notice it, continuing to look at William thoughtfully.

"No." - William shook his head, sinking more and more into his thoughts. The cross blinked for a moment, but it was still golden. Seviathan, like a shark smelling blood, decided to press harder.

"...Then I covered for Adam in front of Aziefel when he needed Adam's reports on patrols from Earth and either lost them or was too lazy to look for them. Then I lied to the Archangel to his face, but afterward I got a 'blessing' from the First Man..."

"Is everything Charlie says about you true?" - Khelsa asked ominously, looking at Charlie.

" No." - "on automatic" replied William, immediately 'snapping' out of his thoughts. The holo-eyes on his mask flickered on and off. The cross gleamed gold.

" Oh...!" - chuckled Helsa with a grin, looking at Charlie with barely concealed superiority, who looked as if she had been struck.

" Do you believe in her ideas about Redemption, Soul Salvation, Second Chance?" - Seviathan asked his own question in the same tone, coming a little closer to William.

"Yes." - "Yes," he answered, immediately "breaking" the sibling's mirth, the two frozen in place, drawing in air in a surprisingly synchronized manner as Charlie smiled weakly.

" Do you think me and my idea have a chance?" - Charlie asked quietly, stepping closer to William.

" Yes. " William replied, looking straight into Charlie's eyes. William... William wanted to be honest at least here, in this matter. The girl deserved honesty, deserved it because of her kindness and honesty towards him... at least in this. So William did his best to convey his feelings, his "truth" through their link of minds, through his holo-eyes, through his voice and posture.

The cross in William's hand glowed more strongly, barely as Charlie drew closer.

"..." - Charlie only smiled harder. Her smile was not like her 'usual smiles', this one was more vulnerable, more personal, more... childlike.....

" Will you really help Charlotte by trying your best to make her 'dream' come true?" - Helsa almost spat out, folding her arms across her chest.

"Yes." - William said and gripped the cross tighter. He... maybe he does have his own interests in her and the Princess's case, but... If Charlie really is that naive, if she really just wants to give Sinners a chance at Redemption, a working chance, then...''

"Purgatory or its like was mentioned in the Bible, and my future share as an Archangel is to do God's Will... Especially if Charlie can ever come out to negotiate with the Seraphim.", William nodded to his thoughts.

"You see Charlotte as a naive, foolish, and proud girl?" - Seviathan hissed, glaring angrily at the cross.

" ..." - William thought for the first time in their game. Yes, he sees Charlie as a naive soul, unaware of the bigger, more complex picture, but stupid? Proud - yes, she thinks she can change the Laws of Creation after all....

Charlie bit her lip, watching him closely. Not the cross or the mask, but his soul.

"No." - William admitted to himself, a boon this cross could not distinguish between variations of lies. The glow of the cross twitched, but still retained its golden hue. It was just that the glow became darker by a semitone, barely noticeable to the normal eye.

"She's more of a naive dreamer, then has the courage, audacity, and chutzpah to follow through on her mistakes... Maybe a little foolish, but who among us was brilliant from the beginning of the journey?"

"Ha, you can't give a 'perfect' and 'crisp' portrait of a Princess off the bat?" - Helsa laughed, sitting down on one of the surviving cushions and pouring herself a green liquid.

- No." were William's words. The cross hadn't lost its gold in the slightest.

"Oh, it's just a pointless waste of time." - Helsa laughed, throwing a second black cup at the Seviathan. - "The genius brother decided to use children's toys to bring out the Sinner. Truly, his genius shines throughout the Abyss." - Helsa grinned, taking a sip from her cup before the tentacle of the Seviathan that came out from behind her back knocked the flying utensil away.

"Your right..." - muttered Seviathan, almost, snatching the golden cross out of William's hands, throwing it violently into the river.

"And what have we learned today?" - Charlie asked in a cheerful voice, putting her arm around William's elbow and handing him his cloak.

"That the Sinner can't be taken out by a simple child's toy." - Seviathan growled, suppressing his strength, which made his body have more fangs and tentacles.

" But isn't the purpose of this game to reveal the truth?" - Charlie almost sang, helping William get dressed. More to avoid looking at the Von Eldritch children than for manners.

"That's right, ved is so hard to fool a thing made for thirty year old demons." - Helsa grumbled irritably as she approached her brother. - "Therefore, I suggest..."

" Gather in the main hall for a farewell!" - loudly sang the bird-Lucifer, immediately collecting the eyes of those present in the room. - "That's right kids, we're done for the day!" - The golden bird with the white and red cylinder spread its wings.

Instead of answering, without words, each "group" just silently went to leave the room.

"Why such sour mien? Hey, do you know what happens if you play around with one reactor in one nuclear plant...?" - Lucifer's puppet bird perched on Seviathan's shoulder, to the prolonged groaning of the demon from the Depths.


"...Thank you for another beautifully spent New Year's Eve, my lord. " - Frederick nodded, shaking Lucifer's outstretched palm firmly as he stood in the "dressing room" at the very entrance to the mansion. He was already dressed for the journey, his surtoute looking even cleaner and tidier than when he had arrived.

" It is a pleasure to hear such a flattering assessment of you, old friend." - Lucifer smiled, glancing at the assembled Seviathan and Helsa, who were silently bickering among themselves. - "See you soon, young demons of the Depths!" - Lucifer waved to the heirs of the lineage.

" Goodbye, Lord Lucifer! " - synchronously, as if in a dance, Helsa and Seviafan turned around, immediately marking a bow and minting every word. Lucifer only laughed.

" It was nice to talk to someone again who still respects the concept of politeness and proper behavior." - Lilith nodded to Bethesda, letting her stern voice carry a note of amusement that her companion shared.

"Truly, such fine company is rare, but also so sweet when you dive into it." - Bethesda laughed, covering her mouth with her palm. - "You never know when you might catch the moment again, my dear..." - Both women laughed, clearly recalling something from the earlier discussion.

Charlie and William, on the other hand, stood a little farther away from the parents who were seeing the guests off. Charlie had already said her farewells, but William was not supposed to, certainly not in Lilith's presence.

William was worried about Charlie, though. After their separation, after her play with Seviathan, she had been quiet, timid, and almost melancholy. Seviathan had probably made Charlie doubt herself, either by condemning her dream or by wrapping up the facts in a way that she could immediately believe.

"Is something wrong, Charlie?" - William asked over the mental link nonetheless, ignoring Lucifer's presence. Charlie immediately flinched, immediately suppressing any movement, pretending that she was just changing her posture.

"...It's alright, Zephyr, just...thinking," Charlie's voice and emotions told William otherwise, but he decided not to press.

"Then how about we talk about it, a little later, at my place to some show or movie from Earth?" " - At William's suggestion, Charlie smiled faintly, nodding.

"Gladly," Charlie covered her eyes, bowing and saying something to the departing Von Eldritchs, leaving William with his excitement, which hadn't subsided for a moment after a little socializing.

"Well..." - Lucifer turned around abruptly as Lilith stared at the departing demons. - "Who wants pancakes?" - Lucifer's hands went wide as Lilith grabbed him by the ear.

"I think Charlie and Zephyr are a little tired from such an eventful day." - Lilith said, looking gently at her daughter. - "How about stopping by tomorrow afternoon for my husband's promised pastry items?" - Lilith smiled playfully at William.

"...Not that I mind, but my neighborhood..." - stretched out William, looking more at Charlie, whose enthusiasm was slowly returning.

" Please Zephyr, you promised to come over to my place sometime in the morning to eat breakfast!" - Charlie jumped at him, hugging him tightly around the neck, to her mother's laughter and Lucifer's grumbling.

" They have time to do that too?" - Lucifer muttered, and Lilith lifted him off the floor, practically taking him under her armpit.

"I'm sure I didn't promise such a thing." - William grinned, catching Charlie's legs around his waist and pulling her back behind him.

" But you did...!" - Charlie continued, returning William's usual manner of speaking, under the scrutiny of two parents, forcing the Fallen Archangel to choose his words and expressions.

...In the end, William agreed to Lilith's proposal, depriving himself of two hours of sleep so that he could report to the Mansion at twelve noon with the help of the goat sent with him to take his half-sleeping carcass back to the Morningstars.

Then, as if in mockery, Lucifer was making pancakes with some kind of syrup made from Earth ingredients, deliberately labeling it in front of his daughter and wife, exactly at the moment William quietly asked Charlie about it.

The pancakes were delicious, William had to admit. He suggested that Lucifer open his own chain of restaurants someday, to which he simply laughed.

He laughed and thought hard, agreeing with William's silly joke.

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