The Vegas unfolded, their ghostly shapes reforming to hang in the air before the sagging Enforcer. It took a moment after their appearance for the uproar to start.
One voice spoke the loudest. "Necromancy is illegal!" Odette shook in her disguise, the glamour hiding her true form shuddering around her as if threatening to collapse at any moment. I'd seen what she really looked like and didn't want to repeat the memory, thanks.
Mom's eyes were full of sorrow as they met mind and I wondered if Gram had gone too far. The guilt on my mother's face was so powerful I wished I didn't have to look.
"I am an Enforcer!" Pender's voice boomed through the room, silencing opposition. His shoulders straightened, face settling into firm resolution despite his pale skin. "It is within my right to call forth the dead and my job to uncover the truth through any means necessary."