
Having Transmigrated And Became A Baby, I Became The Group Pet Of Succubi

Li Wei woke up and discovered that he had transmigrated to a fantasy world. He was born into a succubus brood. All around him were little succubi who coveted after his body! Fortunately, he was bound to a system. As long as he interacted with the succubi, he could constantly increase his abilities. For walking with succubi, he was rewarded with the Wings of Death. For bathing with succubi, he was rewarded with the Eyes of the Demon God. For sharing a bed with succubi, he was rewarded with the Scepter of the Abyss. From then on, Li Wei was raised by the succubi and grew up to be a man. He made the succubi clan bigger and stronger, leading them out of the abyss.

succubus r18 · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

The Elven Queen's Decision

Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Elven Queen sat beside the Ancient Tree of Life, which had regained some of its vitality. She extended her slender, jade-like hands to touch the newly grown tender leaves, and her beautiful, delicate body trembled continuously.

A hundred years! For the past hundred years, the ancient tree had withered, but it had never grown.

At this moment, the Elven Queen seemed to have seen hope for the revival of her race.

However, the price was to let the new master of the succubus race, a seven-year-old human boy, touch her breasts!

The elves, who claimed to be holy and pure, had always regarded such things as an insult.

However, if they waited for the Ancient Tree of Life to die, the Dark Moon Elves would also die with it. As the Elven Queen, Alfie could not tolerate such a thing.

She bit her lower lip, and there were crystal tears in her eyes.

A few days later, Li Wei enjoyed the succubi's physical feast, his hands moving up and down as he ate.

At this moment, a little succubus came to report.

"Little Master! The Elven Queen is here with her personal guards!"

The Elven Queen's personal guards were all pretty females.

However, if anyone underestimated them, they would suffer a great loss. These guards had gone through many selections and were strong enough to be the Queen's personal guards. They were said to be the top warriors of the Dark Moon Elves.

Ellie and Bettina, who were waiting on him, immediately became alert.

Anna covered her mouth and laughed. "There's no need to be so nervous. Even if their entire clan comes, they can't do anything to us."

Anna was so confident because she was now at the peak of Level 8. The gap in strength was not something these personal guards could make up for.

Furthermore, she could sense that the Elven Queen had only brought a few people with her, which was probably more of a symbol than a practical use.

Then, she beckoned for the little succubus to bring the Elven Queen and the others.

Li Wei, on the other hand, did not care about this. He was still enjoying his lunch and giving the succubi massages to increase their strength.

In a short while, the Elven Queen led the guards to Li Wei under the succubus's lead.

However, when they saw the extravagant and lustful scene in front of them, they all blushed.

They had lived in the demonic realm for many years and had seen many people who tried their best to survive. Such a scene was really... It was a little exciting.

The few young ladies in the guard team all turned their faces away shyly, but their eyes couldn't help but look over.

After the two sides met, neither of them spoke.

The Elven Queen's right hand clutched her left arm tightly, half-shielding her prideful assets. Her beautiful face was filled with panic, shyness, and a little unwillingness.

However, this action only made her more prominent. In addition to her green and white patterned dress and pure and holy temperament, she constantly exuded a temptation different from the succubi.

Sitting in the main seat, Li Wei was both satisfied and tempted.

However, the Elven Queen had come to ask for Li Wei's help, so he naturally would not take the initiative to speak. He would also kill the Elven Queen's arrogance, which would be more beneficial for Li Wei to include her in his harem.

Li Wei was just about to turn his head and hint to Anna. However, Anna thought of this before he did.

Anna was, after all, the clan leader, so she didn't need Li Wei to remind her about this. Otherwise, she would be afraid her image would be damaged in her Little Master's eyes.

Anna coughed and pretended to be confused. "Oh? Isn't this the Elven Queen, Lady Alfie?"

As she spoke, she stroked her hair and ears, making herself look casual and lazy, as if she were meeting a stranger.

Faced with Anna's feigned ignorance, Alfie's beautiful eyes widened as she glared at her. She said with some embarrassment, "You!"


Anna looked around blankly, then pointed at herself. "What did I do?"

Alfie gritted her teeth in anger, but she had a favor to ask of him.

She had no choice but to turn to Li Wei and plead.

"My Lord, please save the Dark Moon Elves!"

Alfie's eyes were filled with desire and determination.

Before Li Wei could reply, Anna, standing beside him, spoke again in surprise.

"Oh? Is there anyone who begs for help like you? Where's your royal etiquette? And what about the conditions we agreed on? Are you not going to repeat it?"

Alfie's face turned red from the insult. She gritted her teeth and knelt in a trembling voice.

"My Lord, please save the Dark Moon Elves! I, the Elven Queen, am willing to offer you... I offer my... Chest."

Her voice was so soft that it was almost silent.

However, everyone present was no common folk, so there was no way they didn't hear it clearly.

Anna covered her mouth and chuckled, "Your Majesty, your voice is too soft. Little Master can't be compared to you, a powerhouse at Level 7!"

The trembling of Alfie's delicate body was almost visible to the naked eye, and the blush on her face was obvious under the orange light.

Li Wei, standing at the side, gave Anna a strange look. He felt that the clan leader seemed to have some hidden thoughts.

Was this the battle between female creatures?! It was too terrifying!

Seeing such a beautiful woman in a miserable state, Li Wei couldn't bear it. "Enough, Sister Chief."

"Sister Elf, you should get up too. I'll help you with this!"

With that, Li Wei jumped down from the high chair and came to Alfie's side. He reached out to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes and helped her up. However, his height made it look a little funny.

Alfie, on the other hand, was touched. While cursing Anna in her heart for not caring about their friendship, she couldn't help but have a good impression of Li Wei.

At this time, Li Wei reached out and patted Alfie's round and perky butt, which exuded a unique charm because of the long dress.

Li Wei's Demon God Hand also showed its effect at this moment.

Alfie felt a warm current spreading from her butt to her whole body, and her strength had increased significantly.

The comfortable feeling made her let out a soft cry.

When the female guards saw this scene, they couldn't help but cover their mouths in surprise.

Feeling embarrassed, Alfie could only lower her blushing face. Beside her, Anna squinted her eyes, looking jealous.

"Let's go!" Li Wei waved at Anna. "Sister Chief, let's go to the elves' encampment!"

Anna strode over to Li Wei's side and held his hand. At the same time, she proudly raised her head and glanced at Alfie.

With mixed feelings, Alfie followed them.

In a short while, Li Wei and the others came to the Ancient Tree of Life.

Anna stepped aside, and Li Wei extended his hand to the Elven Queen.

"Sister Queen, come."

The Elven Queen walked forward in a dilemma. Halfway through, she waved at the elves in the personal guards around her, indicating for them to leave.

Although the personal guards were worried, they were loyal to the Queen's orders.

Soon, only Li Wei, Anna, and Alfie were left standing beside the Ancient Tree of Life.

Li Wei unceremoniously sat in Alfie's arms and allowed her to carry him.

Having never had intimate contact with the opposite sex, Alfie felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Wei didn't think much of it. He reached out and pressed his hand on Alfie's voluptuous chest, causing her delicate body to tremble.

However, Li Wei did not stop because of this. His small hands kept changing the shape of her breasts.

Alfie felt a numbing sensation in her chest and a burning sensation in her body as her strength continued to rise.

At this moment, Li Wei extended his other hand to the withered leaves of the Ancient Tree of Life.

The Elven Queen's unique magic power immediately gushed into it.

The Ancient Tree of Life emitted a golden radiance at once! An invisible vortex was unleashed.

"This is!?"

Alfie and Anna exclaimed in shock at the same time.