
Having Orgasms For Money In Another World

Aarya, a university student engrossed in gaming, encounters a mysterious website, freerpgonline.com. Despite skepticism, he explores it, winning skill points and purchasing intriguing in-game skills, including 'Internet' and 'Orgasm for Money.' As he clicks to play, his vision blurs, and he wakes up in an unfamiliar room, realizing he has transmigrated into a younger body. The story unfolds with Aarya grappling with his new reality and the unexpected challenges it brings. [Search Store ] Aarya simply thought about using the search option, and it opened up. "Hm, that's convenient," he thought, realising that he could utilise the interface without the need for physical touch or speech. "400471," he mentally commanded.

J_a_zzy · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Frest Ditew

'I wonder if I can see his status,' Aarya thought to himself as he watched Bran preparing the bath. Curious, he pondered trying to see Bran's status, but nothing happened. He stared at Bran's back, attempting to discern his status. This made Bran feel uneasy. 'Why is Young Master staring at my back?' he thought.

 After a moment, Aarya sighed and gave up. 'I guess I'm only able to see my own status.'

Stepping into the bath, Aarya began to undress. As he stood before a full-body mirror in the bathroom, his reflection revealed a skinny frame with his ribs showing and skinny arms. 

"This guy has a cute face and just needs some work," Araya said. 

His attention then shifted to a more private aspect, his flaccid penis. "How the fuck this child have bigger penis them me," he said in shock, looking at his flaccid penis, which was an inch and half thick and 4 inches long.


Aarya, dressed in black pants, a light red shirt, a black vest, and black boots, was walking through the hallways, taking in the surroundings as if everything was new to him. Bran followed behind him, carefully observing his expressions.

As Aarya continued to walk through the hallways, his keen eyes scanned the surroundings. The walls bore evident signs of wear, desperately in need of repair and a fresh coat of paint. Surprisingly, it seemed like the estate lacked proper maintenance, making him question the care usually associated with noble households.

Furthermore, he couldn't help but notice the scarcity of servants during his short journey. It struck him as odd, considering the size of the estate and the typical retinue of servants expected in noble residences.

'We really are in a tight spot.' Aarya thought.

Finally, they reached the dining room, which was even bigger than his room. A long table with only three chairs was placed closely together. One chair was at the head position, and the other two were on each side.

With the help of Aarya's memories, Aarya knew that he usually sat on the left side of the table, so he walked to his seat and took his place, waiting for breakfast to be served. After some time, the sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention.

A mature and stunning lady, appearing to be in her early forties and standing over 6 feet tall, entered the room with an old-looking maid accompanying her. Her face had only slight wrinkles that accentuated her mature charm, and she had a well-rounded figure. She was dressed in a beautiful light purple gown adorned with intricate white embroidery, resembling a flower vine starting from the neck and going down. Her black hair with silver strands mixed in was elegantly tied in a bun.

From Aarya's memory, he recognized his grandmother as Frest Ditew. People in this world lived for about 150 years, provided they didn't die from accidents or sickness. That's why his grandmother, being in her early fifties, looked a decade or two younger.

'What a hot grandmother I have,' Araya thought and stood up to greet her. "Good morning, grandma. You look very sexy today." As the words left his mouth, panic surged through Aarya's heart.

'WHAT…. WHAT DID I SAY?' Aarya screamed in his thoughts.

His abnormal comment left his grandmother looking confused. She took her seat as Aarya's heartbeat increased. "Good morning, my little rabbit," Frest said with a beautiful smile. Then she asked, "What word did you say? 'Sekshi'? What does it mean?"

Hearing this, relief washed over Aarya. "Oh, grandma, it's nothing. It's just a word used to describe very beautiful people."

"Oh my, thank you, my lovely child, for complementing this old hag," Frest said, smiling and feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No, grandma, you don't look old," Aarya replied in a serious tone.

"My little rabbit is in a good mood today, huh," Frest teased.

"I had a very good dream, and don't call me 'little rabbit,' grandma. I am 14 years old already," Aarya said, pretending to be angry.

'Wow, I can talk and act around her, just like family. I guess Aarya's memories are really rubbing off on me,' Aarya thought, realizing the ease with which he interacted with his grandmother.

While Aarya was chatting with his grandmother, another old looking maid came and informed them that Madam Baroness wouldn't be joining them for breakfast today as she was meeting with some people, so they should start their breakfast.

After relaying the message, the maid left, and the others began serving breakfast. It was relatively simple, consisting of bread, omelette, bacon, and tomato soup. As Aarya ate, he found the taste lacking. In his old life, he was used to flavorful spices and varied cuisines, whereas the food in this world was relatively bland. The tomato soup was very plain, with little salt. The bacon was also dry, and the omelette was simple. Aarya preferred omelettes with spices and vegetables in them, which made the meal more enjoyable for him.

After finishing his breakfast and bidding farewell to his grandmother, Aarya left the dining hall with Bran following closely behind. As they walked, Aarya inquired, "When will Mother be free, Bran?"

Walking behind him, Bran replied, "Madam Baroness might get some free time after lunch, Young Master."

Aarya nodded and continued walking. He had planned to ask his mother for some money and test his skill by visiting a brothel. After all, the only ones present in the house were his family, a couple of elderly maids, and one manservant named Bran.

As his mother was busy, Aarya decided to go to the library and see if there were any books related to magic. Aarya was supposed to study magic, but their family's debt prevented them from affording a tutor for him.

He reached the library, which was adjacent to his mother's study, where she did all her work. According to Aarya's memory, his mother was very beautiful and loving towards him. In some of Aarya's memories, he saw himself taking peeks at his mother's cleavage and back, which made him aware that Aarya was attracted to his mother. 

Upon entering the library, Aarya found a small room with only two tables and chairs around them, along with three small bookshelves containing a limited number of books. 'It's unlikely that I might find any useful books here. Most of them might have been sold to pay off the debt,'.