
Having Orgasms For Money In Another World

Aarya, a university student engrossed in gaming, encounters a mysterious website, freerpgonline.com. Despite skepticism, he explores it, winning skill points and purchasing intriguing in-game skills, including 'Internet' and 'Orgasm for Money.' As he clicks to play, his vision blurs, and he wakes up in an unfamiliar room, realizing he has transmigrated into a younger body. The story unfolds with Aarya grappling with his new reality and the unexpected challenges it brings. [Search Store ] Aarya simply thought about using the search option, and it opened up. "Hm, that's convenient," he thought, realising that he could utilise the interface without the need for physical touch or speech. "400471," he mentally commanded.

J_a_zzy · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Blessed by Gods

Aarya surveyed all the books in the library but couldn't find a single one related to magic. Unable to discover any book about magic, he decided to explore different books. One book caught his eye, titled 'Blessed by Gods.' 

Aarya's curiosity sparked at the mention of gods. Religion in this world held a fascination for him. Though he had never been one to believe in gods, the existence of such divine beings seemed plausible in this fantastical realm with dragons and magic. What intrigued him most was the unique approach to religion here: while various gods existed, individual worship of them was prohibited. Instead, there was a single church organization that worshipped all the gods collectively. This distinct religious setup led Aarya to ponder the dynamics of faith in this world.

As he opened it, he realized it contained stories of people who were born with special abilities or gained them in ways that couldn't be explained by the magic of this world. These individuals were known as the 'blessed of gods,' and their abilities were referred to as blessings. Most of them used their powers to make the world a better place and achieved remarkable feats. 

In the annals of history, there existed tales of remarkable individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities, attributed to their status as the 'blessed by gods.' Take, for instance, the legendary figure known as the first emperor of Lankra, 'Raken Lankra.' His reign, spanning over two centuries, was marked by unparalleled strength and physical prowess. With a single punch, he could flatten mountains, and his descendants inherited this formidable power, maintaining dominion over the land for generations.

Yet, not all abilities were as straightforward in their manifestation. Another figure, known as the 'saint of filth,' possessed the unique ability to heal any ailment or injury. However, this gift came with a peculiar requirement—he had to live amidst filth and maintain an unsanitary state.

As Aarya delved deeper into these stories, he couldn't shake the feeling that he might be one of the 'blessed by gods' too. The abilities he possessed seemed to mirror those of the legendary figures he had been reading about. Lost in contemplation, he heard the voice coming from his mother's study. Curiosity getting the better of him, he edged closer to the wall, straining to catch any hint of the conversation taking place within.

A wheezing male voice, seemingly struggling with his breath, declared, "Another two months, baroness. Do you think we're fools? We've already given you an extra two months, but you still haven't managed to pay off the debt. We're coming tomorrow with people to seize your estate."

Baroness Inse's voice responded, filled with urgency, "Please, Mr. Otom, if you could just wait another two months, I will repay the debt."

Another man chimed in, his tone skeptical, "How do you plan to repay your debt, my lady? You've already sold everything of value to settle the debt. What can you possibly do in two months that will pay off what you owe?"

Receiving no response, the same voice uttered, "I can't think of any way for you to settle your debt with us." After a momentary pause, the voice continued, "However, there is an alternative method by which you can repay us."

"How?" Inse's voice inquired.

The sound of a chair shifting followed, and the same voice continued, "Share a bed with us, and we will waive your debt." 

Baroness Inse remained silent.

"You have two months, my lady. Either settle your debt or relinquish your estate." Following this statement, the sound of footsteps departing echoed.

Afterward, no further sounds emanated from the study. "We are in more trouble than I estimated." 

Putting down the book, he headed towards his mother's study. Standing in front of his mother's study, he knocked on the door and asked for permission to enter. His mother's voice came, "Come in, my little rabbit."

Upon entering the study, he began, "Mother, I just told this to Grandma. Please don't call me 'little rabbit.' I'm already 14..." However, his words caught in his throat when he saw the lady seated behind the brown table.

She had raven-black hair tied in a bun behind her, with some strands falling on her face. Her blue eyes looked at him, filled with motherly affection. Her angular facial structure, tall nose bridge, deep-set eyes, and spotless white skin made her look gorgeous. 'No wonder he was attracted to his mother,' Aarya thought. She was seated behind the desk, so he couldn't see her figure, but from his memory, he knew she was over 6 feet tall and had a curvaceous hourglass figure. She was wearing a light green dress.

"Sure, my 'little rabbit'," his mother said, smiling. Her voice and expression didn't show any hint of what the merchants had said to her.

"Did you miss your mother? Is that why you came looking here?" Baroness Inse, his mother, said.

Emerging from his awe at seeing the beautiful woman who was his mother, Aarya jokingly said, "Nah, why would I miss you?" In his memories, Aarya had always engaged in playful conversations with his mother. So, he chose to adopt the same approach now.

In the same playful tone, his mother retorted, "Yeah, yeah. Why would you ever miss your dear old mother? Then why are you here?"

"Mother, I want to help get rid of the debt. That's why I came to talk to you," Aarya decided to directly address the matter.

Her expression shifted, a mix of surprise and concern in her eyes. "Aarya, my dear, you're just a child. You shouldn't have to worry about such matters."

"Mother, I heard everything those merchants said to you," Aarya admitted openly.

"Everything?" Inse responded, her expression a mix of worry and embarrassment at the fact that her son had overheard the vulgar demands of the merchants.

"Yes, everything. Mother, you weren't seriously considering giving in to their demands, were you?" Aarya inquired, concern evident in his voice.

Inse remained silent, her head bowed in embarrassment.

"I thought as much. I won't let you go through with that," Aarya affirmed.

"Then what can I do? We don't have a single coin to give them. The servants haven't been paid for two months. What choice do I have?" Inse's voice trembled as she spoke, a hint of desperation lacing her words.