
Chapter 2: WE will live.

Existence just delivered a swift kick to the balls, but I can't deny that I'm not entirely displeased. Life on the OG Earth had its ups and downs, sure. I won't sugarcoat it—there were a lot of problems. But my real struggle back then? It was the crushing weight of solitude, the icy grip of loneliness. That's something I don't have to contend with in my current existence. Here, I have loving parents who passed away peacefully in their old age, a handful of steadfast friends who've stuck around, and, most importantly, my dear wife Nora and our precious son Shaun.

But by the fiery depths of hell, let's talk about the godforsaken world of pre-war Fallout 4. I can't even recall the date the bombs fell—whether it in a month, a week, or God forbid, today.

"Hey, love, you've zoned out again... You sure everything's alright?" Nora's voice breaks through my reverie, her expression filled with concern and affection as she gazes at me with those tender eyes of hers.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry," I assure her, though my mind is racing with thoughts. "Just... thinking. You know, the fact that the Sino-American war hasn't ended yet... It's starting to scare me. Maybe we should start stocking up on supplies for our garden bunker—canned water, non-perishable food, things that'll last 500 years if need be."

As I speak, my gaze drifts over the mementos of our two lives, now intertwined. Next to Nora's diplomas and my own medals, I spy Grandpa's old but meticulously preserved Ranger Sequoia.

"I'll take Shaun myself and hide that gun up my ass if need be... but that can wait," I muse silently.

Taking a sip of the coffee sitting before me, alongside a stack of Groniak BDs, I take stock of our surroundings. And then, just as the TV is drowned out by a series of thunderous knocks, the world outside intrudes once more.

"VAULT-TEC CALLING!" 'Were fucked aren't we…' I curse in my head.

"I'll go see who's at the door," I tell Nora, my curiosity piqued.

As I swing open the door, I'm met with a voice before I can even fully process the visitor. "GOOD MORNING, SIR! Vault-Tec calling," the man announces enthusiastically.

"Hi," I respond, trying to mask my impatience. "You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you," he continues.

"You don't know how right you are," I mutter to myself, urging him to get to the point. "What do you need?"

"Now, I know you're a busy fellow, so I won't take up much of your time," he says, fumbling with his words. "Time being a, um, precious commodity..."

I cut him off, eager to move things along. "What do you need?"

"Won't take but a moment! We do need to verify some information," he explains. "To make sure you're cleared for entrance, in the unforeseen event of... total atomic annihilation. Of course, minus your robot, naturally. In fact, you're already cleared for entrance. It's just a matter of verifying some information."

Not wanting to waste any more time, I snatch the notes from his hand and quickly scan them, ticking off the necessary boxes. "Everything's good. I will sign and go prepare with the little time I have," I declare, shoving the paper back into his hand.

"Wonderful! That's... everything... Jus-" Before he can finish his sentence, I shut the door take the Ranger Sequoia in the doorless closet 6 bullet load it and put it in my pant, and turn to see Nora speaking with Codsworth.

"Shaun has been changed, but he absolutely refuses to calm down. I think he needs some of that 'paternal affection' you seem to be so good at," Codsworth chimes in.

"Dear, you heard him," Nora says, her voice filled with affection. I scoop Shaun into my arms, holding him close. "My boy, I won't let the world take you and your mom from me," I whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"I love you both so much," Nora adds, leaning in to kiss Shaun and then me.

But our moment of happiness is short-lived as Codsworth calls out loudly, interrupting the tender moment.

"Mister and madam, you should come here fast, something is happening!" he urges, his voice tinged with urgency.

The TV blares in the background, drowning out the chaos unfolding outside. Nora's terrified reaction mirrors my own dread as the broadcast paints a grim picture of nuclear detonations and impending doom.

"Is that a Halloween joke?" Nora asks, her voice trembling.

"But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations… We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania," the voice on the TV continues before abruptly cutting off.

With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I grab Nora's hand and Shaun in my arms, pulling them towards the Vault-Tec bunker. "Nora, move! Codsworth, get to the bunker!" I command, my voice laced with urgency.

As we reach the entrance, a family similar to ours is admitted past the guard. "Man... Woman... Child," the guard intones, his voice solemn.

"We need to get in," I assert firmly, pushing through the crowd. When the Vault-Tec employee is denied entry and protests, I gently nudge him aside. "Sorry, pal. We're in a hurry."

Looking back at the guard, I command, "Move," my tone cold and commanding. The crowd behind us instinctively takes a step back.

"Man... Woman... Child, you can go," He declare, allowing the family to pass.

We race to the platform, urgency propelling us forward. "Get the elevator down!" I shout, desperation creeping into my voice.

As the elevator descends, the horrifying sight of the nuclear mushroom cloud burns into my retinas. With Nora's hand in mine and Shaun cradled in my arms, I press my forehead against Nora's and whisper, "I love you."

And then, as the elevator door closes, the world descends into chaos. War never changes.

I don't know how to give him the golden finger I wanted so maybe I wont give him or later maybe (The perfect FEV).

Tell me how it goes and comment what you think !

Have a fabulous day !

DuncanIneaucreators' thoughts