

(Hating Her King is the sequel to Loving Her Duke and is also the second book of the British Blood Trilogy.) 'Gwen pushed him back, trying to create enough space between them. "I do not love you." Alexander smirked. "You do. You just don't know that you do." Gwen moved back. "Do you know the ways of my heart." "Yes, I do. And it tells the truth. You are only too stubborn to acknowledge it." He moved closer, pressing her against the wall. "When you decide to tell yourself the truth, I will be waiting." He kissed her forehead. "But don't make me wait long. I am not as patient as people think." This time he kissed her lips and staked off, leaving Gwen in a complete daze.' Marriage and a family is all life is to Gwen and she would see to it that she is not humiliated before then. A wife, and not a mistress is what she plans to be, but what can be done when the king of her country makes a proposal to put her by his side? Alexander is used to getting what he wants and getting his way, after all, he is King. But when he sets his eyes on the young and beautiful Guinevere who is just as stubborn as he is, will making her stay at the castle earn him her love, or will it be the beginning of his undoing?

Tiny_Psalm · Histoire
Pas assez d’évaluations
74 Chs

Refuse To Think About It


A knock at the door startled Gwen from her reverie. She had been sitting by the fire, staring at it since she came to the room. "Who is it?" She called.

A voice from the other side responded. "It is Paula, My Lady."


The maid entered and bowed. "Good evening, My Lady."

"Good Evening." Gwen replied. Then, "I thought you had retired for the night."

"I cannot, not when you have not been attended to for the evening."

Gwen took a deep breath. She was not helpless, and certainly not an invalid. She could attend to herself. She had been doing so for years. "It would not be a crime if you had retired before me. What if I had spent all night in the piano room? Would you have stayed the night up?"

Paula shrugged. "I suppose."