
I Will Never Leave You


The doormen eased the door open, and Gwen slipped inside as quietly as she could, giving a small nod to Edmund and Paula. They bowed in return. At the far end of the room, Alexander sat on his throne, his elbow resting on the armrest, his head leaning into his hand. She had come to recognize the posture all too well. He was brooding.

Since the moment Gwen had awoken, thoughts of Alexander had filled her mind, and as soon as she learned that the proceedings had ended and he had dismissed the court, she felt an overwhelming urge to be near him, to ensure he was not consumed in the thoughts of his sentence, and to offer whatever comfort she could.

It was great that she had come.

Gwen moved slowly, closing the distance between them, silently placing one foot before the other. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her hands clenched involuntarily.