
Chapter 40

It was enough time for Dakota to grab and shoulder his weapon. He pulled the trigger and the scavenger’s head vanished in a spray of bone and brain matter.

Dakota had no chance to get to his feet as the creatures milled all around. He rolled on his back from side to side, firing, the heat from his energy weapon searing his hands and face.

He heard the colonel shouting his name but couldn’t respond. He dug his heels into the soil, trying to slide on his back toward the line of soldiers. Dirt and rocks exploded from the ground as they aimed their weapons at the scavengers surrounding him.

Suddenly, they were gone. The wave had passed over him.

“They’re inside!” someone yelled.

The colonel appeared above him, yanking him to his feet. “C’mon!”

They leapt over an earthen dam, used as the secondary defense. The colony was in chaos, with people shouting and screaming, scavengers howling, and the deafening sound of weapons fire. Welch and Dakota dove into the fray.