
What the hell just happened?

Harutooooo!!!!!!!" Haruto's elder sister, Momoko hugged him. He had just informed his family about his acceptance in Atarashi Mirai University, "We are going to study in the same campus!!! Yey!!!!"

           "We are proud of you Haruto." Dad said.

           "Aww...my little boy has grown up." Mom said emotionally.

           "Don't worry, mom, dad, I'm going to take good care of Haruto." Momoko said cheerfully.

           "Haha, thanks onee-chan."he said, "But I can take care of myself."

           "Shut up you brat!!! No matter how much you grow up, you will always be my little Haruto."

            19 year old Kirishima Haruto lived in Fukushima, Japan. He just got accepted into one of the most prestigious universities of Japan, the Atarashi Mirai University. He was going to enroll in the Economics department. His sister, Kirishima Momoko, who was 2 years older that also studied in the same university in the Law department.


             "Don't forget to visit the shrine." Mom said as she helped him packing his bag, "It will bring good luck to you."

             " Okey mom"

             "Take your sister too."

              "Got it."

              THE NEXT DAY

                Haruto and Momoko went to Takakura shrine. After praying,they thought about strolling for  few minutes.

               "Haruto, are you excited.?" Momoko asked.

               "Yup." He answered

               "I hope you will get a good guy as your boyfriend this year."

               "Oh yeah, I'm damn sure about that."

                "Haha. I know. Even though you are a piece of shit, a total scumbag, you are still handsome."

                 "Onee-chan!!! Are you praising me or insulting me? "

                "I'm praisulting you."


                "Praisulting- praising and insulting at the same time."

                "You know that this is not an actual word, do you?"

                "Yeah, but I created it."

                "Hay, Momoko-chan! Hay Haruto-kun!"

                 Momoko's childhood friend Watanabe Hana was there.

                 "Hay, Hana-chan."

                 "Hello, Hana nee-chan."

               "I heard that you got accepted into Atarashi Mirai." Hana nee-chan said, "As expected from you, Haruto-kun" She gave here signature cute smile which can melt anyone's heart.

                "Thank you Hana nee-chan."

                 "Momoko-chan," suddenly she turned serious, " I have something to tell you."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             "Haruto, I'm going to talk with Hana-chan." Momoko said, " Why don't you take stroll around. It will be months when you will come back home. You will definitely miss Fukushima, especially this Takakura shrine."


              Momoko was right. Fukushima was the city where he was born and raised. This was the place where he went to primary, middle and high school.  Among all the places in Fukushima, Takakura shrine was his favourite. Whenever he was sad or in a bad mood he would always go there. The shrine was special to him because that was the place where he was confirmed that he was gay. That was the place where he told his sister about that, he still remembered how his beloved onee-chan reacted when she found about his sexuality, she was like a little 5-year old girl who got a huge box of chocolate. Most importantly, in that shrine, he had confessed to his first boyfriend.

                  Other than the shrine, he was also going to miss mother's home cooked food, all the Mahjong battles he had with his dad, all his high school friends, whom hew had already said good bye last week. His body was well-nourished with the air and water of Fukushima. Other than the school field trips and annual visits to Atami, his grandfather's place he had never left Fukushima.  Indeed he was going to miss all these.

                  He was taking a walk behind the shrine now. There was nobody in that place. It was a beautiful shrine indeed, with lush green trees, lovely fresh air, the weather was nice too. He was going to have a heard time adjusting himself with Tokyo's city air.

               Suddenly, he heard a little cry. It was a sound of a small animal. He followed the sound. He saw that a rabbit was stuck between some rocks. It looked like it was in pain. He moved the rocks and rescued the rabbit. The rabbit was white and fluffy. It looked like a soft cotton ball.

            "Hay there, little one," Haruto talked to the rabbit, "That must have hurt."

           He checked the rabbit. Luckily, it had no wound. He brought out a slice of bread and his water bottle from his bag. He put the bread on a piece of paper. He also found a plastic cup in his bag. He poured some water in that.

               "You must be hungry and thirsty. Here, have some bread and water."

               The rabbit seemed hesitant at first, but after a few minutes it started eating the bread. It looked cute while drinking water from the cup.

               Suddenly, the rabbit started vibrating. A white glow came out of it and suddenly, it transformed into a man.

              Haruto was awestruck. The man was the most beautiful man he had ever seen. He was tall and handsome, almost than 6 feet tall. His complexion wasn't too pale, it was slightly tan. He was wearing a nice white suit with a beautiful wing shaped breast pin. His hair was jet-black and shiny and a bit curly. Even with his three piece suit, one could tell that he had the body of a supermodel. He had high cheekbones, sharp jawline and eyes fierce like a tiger. But still, he didn't look intimidating, there was an aura of kindness and love around him, like anyone can trust him blindly and talk to him comfortably. But the strangest part about him was, He was hovering thirty centimeters from ground!

             "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED???!!!" Haruto was surprised, but not scared, as if it was impossible to get scared of that being, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??!!"

             The man smiled. His smiled calmed Haruto down. It was so comfortable that he forgot all the shock he got to see the rabbit being transformed into a man.

            "Don't be scared, Haruto." the man said, his voice was deep, but it also sounded kind, like the sweetest music in the world, "I am Aitenshi, thank you so much for rescuing me."

            "Aitenshi? Which means you are the Love Angel? And how did you know my name?" 

          "I am 'a' love angel, not 'the' love angel. There are others like me. And I know everyone's name, because I am not a human."

          " Why have you appeared in front of me?"

          "Angels only appear those creatures whom they are grateful for. I am an young angel, so I am bad at transformation. I was practicing it but suddenly I tripped and fell, The rocks slide over me and I was stuck under them. I could have turned into a bigger animal but I couldn't do that, because I'm an armature. You saved me and feed me, so I am grateful to you."

          "Oh,I see." Haruto couldn't say anything more, it was the weirdest day of his life. 

         "And I must grant you a wish and follow you around till your wish is not fulfilled. Please tell your wish. And keep in your mind that I am an Aitenshi, which means I can only grant you love related wish."

           Haruto wondered what he could ask. He was allowed ask for just one wish, so it should be special, something unnatural, like a miracle.

            Than he remembered all the things happened to him last year. Somebody had spread the word that he was gay, and many guys bullied him, called him names. At first Haruto was scared and sad, because his somehow his parents also knew about him, but they turned out to be supportive and cool. They supported Haruto and reported those children. Even though the principal didn't want that, he couldn't say no to Haruto's parents, because of the law and Haruto's amazing grades. Those students stopped bullying him, poor Haruto lost all his friends. It was his sister who motivated him to be proud of his sexuality, so he stopped caring and only focused on his studies. But a permanent scar was left in his heart. He wanted that all the guys, even those who are straight, would find him so attractive that they will question their sexuality.

             "My wish is that, make me so attractive to men, that despite of their country, race and most importantly, their sexuality, they will all fall for me and find me so hot that they would start questioning their sexuality."

              That's it! Our boy Haruto wanted a harem.....

                                   To be continued....