
Harry Potter: World of the gods

Summary: In this world, the universe is run by the True Gods the Gods power source was a Well of Eternity (Source of Magic) but for centuries the true Titans have been at war, and thanks to the titan's corruption magic were dying which would weaken the well’s power and make non-deities unable to use magic which would weaken the gods and allow the true titans to take control and finally reforged their connection to the well which will allow them to destroy the world. True Not all Titans are evil but most desire the destruction of life with them on top ruling through destruction, slavery, and Pain while the Gods who again aren’t totally good rule through Hope, Justice, Compassion, Honesty and guiding the world. But, the crooked one Kronos played Albus Dumbledore and Tom Marvolo Riddle the Gods two chosen people into battle against each other one by causing Arianna Dumbledore to become afraid of her magic and make Grindelwald meet Dumbledore and the other by causing Tom to make Horcruxes. In the gods’ last chance, they created a true prophecy about a True Lord of Grey defeating the Dark Lords but sadly the Prophecy was told to a corrupted Dumbledore. In the lastan bit of effort, the Gods all 5 True Parthenon's combine their Power to summon a champion one whose destiny it is to save Magic and defeat the True Titans once and for all.

Jason_Kelly_9462 · Fantaisie
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Summary: In this world, the universe is run by the True Gods the Gods power source was a Well of Eternity (Source of Magic) but for centuries the true Titans have been at war, and thanks to the titan's corruption magic were dying which would weaken the well's power and make non-deities unable to use magic which would weaken the gods and allow the true titans to take control and finally reforged their connection to the well which will allow them to destroy the world. True Not all Titans are evil but most desire the destruction of life with them on top ruling through destruction, slavery, and Pain while the Gods who again aren't totally good rule through Hope, Justice, Compassion, Honesty and guiding the world. But, the crooked one Kronos played Albus Dumbledore and Tom Marvolo Riddle the Gods two chosen people into battle against each other one by causing Arianna Dumbledore to become afraid of her magic and make Grindelwald meet Dumbledore and the other by causing Tom to make Horcruxes. In the gods' last chance, they created a true prophecy about a True Lord of Grey defeating the Dark Lords but sadly the Prophecy was told to a corrupted Dumbledore. In the last bit of effort, the Gods all 5 True Parthenon's combine their Power to summon a champion one whose destiny it is to save Magic and defeat the True Titans once and for all.

In an expanse of White Mangus Salvatore Mikaelson-Stark of the Mikaelsons and Stark family a family whose wealth made them the richest in the world with the Mikaelsons owning or having shares in every Jewelry and Gem store in the world and a family is known for their skills in the Medical science world creating cures and technology that is used in every doctor office and Hospital and the Starks a Family of Weapons Makers, Armor Makers and Tech makers responsible for terraforming Mars and the moon Titan as well as creating 3 Space Stations able to support 3 Billion Humans each as well as a whole ocean and forest, and Space ships. But, the most famous was Mangus the Man who made Star Trek and Star Wars real from the Technology of those worlds to finding alien life Mangus has done it all.

Laying in that White Expanse Mangus buck

naked once more looking to be in his 20s looks at the endless white sky sitting up Mangus grimaces at the way he looks when a white suit appears on him along with his Red Handkerchief stuff in his pocket and his small cane next to him sighing a little, he felt hundreds time better than before he died at 210 in clothes softer than a cloud and roomier.

Looking around himself Mangus says to himself '' Crap this is like all those fanfictions I wrote and read about ''.

'' Yes, exactly like that ''.

Spinning around I gap in front of me was a man, in a Black suit and a Scythe along with a White Table with 2 tables on the desk with a Jug and glasses full of water and tea packets and a table full of his favorite foods.

Raising my eyebrows, I whisper '' Crap''.

Snorting amuse the Man sits '' Quite so and as you guess you have been chosen to be reincarnated into a world of Magic, corruption, War, and gods, now just to be clear it's your chose but just know that world if you don't go will be destroyed and 3 other verses will die as well''.

Sighing pleased that I wouldn't be forced to go I sit then pour myself a glass of Water looking at Death I raise my eyebrow at him causing Death to smile and answer '' Tea 2 spoonful of sugar ''.

Nodding I handed over his requested amount and Death grins Death sighs '' Now, say no and you move on to Judgement to be judged for this life but if you say yes, I've been asked to gift you 3 Boons and 3 gifts the boons aren't your choice but the gifts are but the only thing not available is a Gamer Ability so what is your answer''?

Thinking I sip my water then shrugging I answer '' If I do this, I want True Immortality and the ability to travel to every dimension in that verse and I can share my Immortality ''.

Death pauses as he listens to a few words then he replies'' I can offer you a God's Immortality where it takes a lot of damage to destroy your body and your essence would be scattered like in Percy Jackson is that fine ''?

Nodding to that I answer '' Yes, I accept''.

Pleased Death leans back and says '' Outright here's the deal the world you're going to start off with is a world of Harry Potter but with Gods, Titans and multiple dark lords, you will be reborn as a 11-year-old Mangus Stark Black Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Ancient house of Black, Heir of the Founder house of Ravenclaw and the Heir of the Noble house of Stark for boons I offer you this I gift you a God-level core meaning you have the potential to become a God very few of Wizard kind have that power only Dumbledore, Voldemort, Harry Potter and the other dark Lords and Titans have that power, You will start off with Minor God level power Voldemort has second Generation Olympian power level with Dumbledore one of the Big three but the difference of this world then the books, movies and tv shows is that Dumbledore and Voldemort are Evil trying to make Light or Dark the only magic out there but Magic is neither Light or Dark its your intent that matters now true some magic shouldn't be used but those are the Soul Magics, Titan Magic and Black Magic the rest should be used in some ways. You are tasked with Defeating Dumbledore, aiding Harry Potter in defeating Voldemort and the Multiple Dark Lords while Cleansing the corruption of the ICW and Ministry and make all magic practice and learn, and stopping the True Titans beings of Immerse divine power from destroying the world be warn Dumbledore and Voldemort serve the titans, also the Fanfic writer Heru Kane magic and wards are possible ''.

Eyes wide at the danger of this world Mangus's mind explodes as he tries to think up stuff then Magnus asks '' Anything else ''?

Thinking Death nods '' Yes when you go you are the true Dark Lord while Harry is the true Grey Lord, also expect the world to be non-canon in all worlds good luck, oh, and if you get Harry to accept the title as Master of Death you will have an Immortal ally Beside those bound to follow your orders and I will gift you a Personal weapon a Sword forged by Chaos one of the strongest weapons in the world''.

Raising his eyebrows Mangus nods then he asks '' How long do I have ''?

Death answers '' You were born March 30 1980 to Regulus Arcturus Black and Jasmine Osborn Water both are Purebloods but Jasmine is from America as you were born in March you have 6 Months before school starts ''.

Eyes wide I felt excitement in my heart then I ask '' My boons ''?

Death leaning back answers '' first I offer you Full awaken of your 3 Bloodlines meaning from the Blacks you have the power Metamorphous upgraded to full Shapeshifting you can shapeshift into anything Animal, Human or Magical creature, Beast Tongue which will allow you to speak to all animals magical and non and at times commanded them, and an Immunity to the dark aura of the Dark Arts which if used all time can injury your mind those are the 3 gifts of the Black family, from the Ravenclaw, you have Level 7 Occlumency shields which will gift you unbreakable mind shields, A Mind World of your choosing and Eidetic and Photographic memory, Know all tongues and able to see Magic and sense it, Last but not least the Stark family who in this world are Masters of crafting they can craft, enchant and Rune anything they think up but their runes are weaker than the Potters who are Rune makers masters of Runes able to use Runes for anything and their power is as strong as the big three. Second, I gift you accelerate healing equal to a Troll who heals 10x faster than a Human and can regrow limbs, organs, and Bones. And third I gift you with the power of Psychometry''.

Pleased with my Boons I started thinking then I speak '' I would like a Spital world holding every Scroll, tome and Book ever created in that world and this one ''.

Humming Death nods but answers '' You must read them to understand them but you will be able to make copies of them and your world will be filled with every kind of Plant, Herbs, Animals, and Magical creature there have ever been what is your second ''.

Nodding I start thinking grimacing instantly I realize I couldn't wish for the power to use every other Magic or death would have said it.

Thinking I say '' I would like to have Elf, Veela and Goblin blood and the power to use each of their magic with no side on my body except long ears, High Libido and a custom aura where Women of ages 14-45 think I'm attractive and men are more easily convinced to follow me but my enemies feel a constant feeling of fear in their hearts and the love of gold of a Goblin''.

Thinking Death nods at that '' Done, last wish ''?

Thinking deeper I slowly answer '' I would like to be able to command Dark Creatures and an easier time to befriend all magical creatures ''.

Pausing Death answers '' The creatures like Dementors, Leithfold and the Mindless dark creatures I can't do but I can allow you to command the Werewolves, Vampires, Merpeople, etc. to a degree where they will consider what you say but beyond that no ''.

Understanding that I nod making Death grin '' Good luck you will be sent to March 30 1991 at 10 PM you will be asleep allowing your memories to appear and for you to form your mind palace good luck''.

As Death goes to get up, I hold up my hand '' Excuse my mind if you manipulate any Ability sheet to say seer, if I don't, I'll have a hard time explaining ''?

Thinking Death nods '' You know what I'll give you a version you have the power of forethought which allows you to see 10 minutes into the future and see Magical cores''.

Stunned I nod in thanks.

Getting up the two of us shook hands and Death taps his scythe on the ground causing me to vanish.

Death sighs as he sips his Tea '' Hope he survives the coming days and finds out he can travel all verses I would love to talk to this one again ''.

Looking at that world he made Albion a true Realm outside of time and space and that Merlin and Morgana were alive and they abandoned the Wizarding world in the 1400s and as of now, the two were in Albion learning from those who the fey bring into that world while their accounts were managed by the Goblin King.

Excited for this Death taps his scythe harder awakening Arthur's soul and placing it inside the Boy's soul and he places the soul of the knights inside 12 different wizards with Harry gaining the soul of Leon the honorable, Nevile gained Gwaine, Ron gained Ser Tristian a Rogue Knight, Hermione Dame Isolde, Luna gained Freya (A Seer/ Lover of Merlin) Draco Malfoy gained Ser Elyan, the Weasley Twins were Ser Kay and Ser Galahad, Hagrid was Ser Percival, Sirus Black was Bedivere, Remus Lupin was Lancelot ( I like the version where Lancelot was brought back from the dead).

Creating a beacon, he places it on Mangus's soul acting as a beacon to the knights and Morgana and Merlin.

Pleased with the work he just did Death went back to his office to read reports from his Avatars, Reapers, Avatar's masters, Heralds, and the knights and champions.


Inside a warehouse in Peterborough

Mangus a Orphan runaway sleeps inside a curtained off area inside was a Nice Magical tent which Magnus found and took off a dying Wizard who turned out to be a Dying Richard Redwood a victim of the Death Eater Lucius Malfoy who wanted the Properties, Businesses and Wealth of the Redwoods a 10 Generation family who were a 1000-year-old business family selling product from their Forest of Redwood trees and Herbs and selling of the Augurey feathers, Ashes and Bottle Cry

As Richard lay dying, he Magically blood Adopted using a potion that Richard had brought 3 hours previous which he planned to give to an orphan, Magnus, and gave him the Redwood properties, vaults, and Businesses keeping the name alive and allowing Magnus to take what was on him which was the tent, his wand, Vault Key, Redwood ring and a 3 Compartment trunk with Magical books, Clothes and Potion Lab which allowed Magnus to claimed the Warehouse using an old Ward stone that lasted 6 years and allowed him to turn the warehouse into a good home for Magnus while he learned from the books Richard brought from the destroyed Redwood Manor and practiced on the wand of Redwood and Augurey feathers which gave him a weak response.

Moaning in his sleep Magnus rolls over as the soul merges.

Inside Magnus's Mind

Appearing in an expanse of Black

Magnus laughs a little feeling the magic inside his body looking around the black expanse Mangus focuses for a moment and causes a door to appear opening the door Magnus sees the massive Forest with the Castle set up.

Focusing on his knowledge of Soldiers, Magical creatures, and Magic Magnus constructs a defense with Muggle soldiers protecting the castle, Air Magical creatures, and the Air force patrolling the Air, Magical creatures patrolling the forests, and rivers and Force fields from Star Trek blocking the way forward.

Teleporting inside the Castle he gets to work (Really you thought I would tell you that's stupid that would tell you how to get in)

Feeling myself wake up I blink the blackness from my eyes sitting up I grin as I smell food cooking.

Getting out of my Green and silver beddings I went into the Shower room in my bedroom and took a 12-minute long one.

Yawning I splash some water on my face and walk outputting on the white and red suit and a Black Trench coat that Raven the Female house-elf put out.

Smiling at my suit I put them on then I walk into the Dining room and call out '' Hey, Raven what's for Breakfast ''?

'' Today we are having a full English Breakfast Master ''.

Grinning at the news I smile as food started appearing and Raven took a seat as I asked her years ago to do along with making enough for the both of us.

Smiling at Raven I start eating with Raven following as we do I state '' Sometime today I will get a Hogwarts Letter so have an owl treat and Bowl ready for it and then we should go to Gringotts ''.

Sighing a little Raven nod, a little Apprehensive of becoming known as thanks to the two of us the Warehouse was safe and we've been able to hide from those after the two of them. Magnus from cops and Raven as she saw Lord Malfoy kill her previous Master and unlike Lucius thought the Redwood's wasn't listed as an Extinct family.

Finishing my breakfast, I nod to Raven who gets up and pops away to clean the Plates.

Waking over he grabs his Wand and walks over to a private area to Teleport back to his Spital world until Raven teleports with the letter (Turns out house-elves can teleport anywhere their master ask them to unless wards are stopping her)

Grimacing I feel the incredible weak wand start to crack under my hands teleporting to my spital world I appear in the library of the spital world and start reading surprised and gleeful I realized I was able to do all first- and second-year spells and I had the Theory of Each spell, Potion, Star, Herb, and runes up past Newt Level with an 0++ skill level and knowledge in Potions and Runes, EE in Herbology, A in Astronomy, 0+ Transfiguration, 0+ Charms, Care of Magical creatures o+, O ++in Dark Arts, 0+ Wards, 0++ Magical Law, O+ Estate Management, O Finance, 0 Business, O++ Magical Languages, O+ Curses, EE in Rituals, O+++ with Distinction and Honors in Defense against the dark arts, EE Sword Fighting, EE MPE, EE magical Martial arts (Avatar), O Muggle Studies, O+ Politics, EE History, O in Magical Crafting all of them but Potions and Runes theoretical knowledge and each NEWT level.

Which he Tested from Raven whose family has served the Redwoods for 400 years. The redwoods wanted their elves to have Master-level knowledge to aid the house along with Clothes and a Vault to take care of the house, themselves, and Land which is why Redwoods was one of the few magical families known for being kind to magical creatures in Britain. (Highest grade is the With Distinction and honors)

Moving on to the books about curse breaking, Artifice making and enchanting and the books on Rituals which considering the family there were only ten books total and they were about making Staff, Temporality enchanting objects and Rituals deepening your connection with creatures and being able to understand the trees.

Wriggling my nose, I could already tell that I would be Tweaking this ritual to include all Plants, Herbs, and Trees as well as nature itself and perhaps using the familiar ritual and customizing it to give it some Magical creature powers.


Looking up I hear '' Master Mangus the mail came ''.

Surprised I look at my wand for a moment and whisper '' Tempus ''.

Appearing in the air where the



10:30 AM

CRACK!!!! !

Grimacing I look at the wand which spilt apart leaving only the Augurey Feather humming I speak '' Raven please place the Wand core in a sealed box and then Reply that I accept also place an elf Compulsion on the letter make them send Severus Snape''.

Nodding Raven grins understanding the game they were about to play as there was no way I wouldn't be a Slytherin and as the son of Regulus one of Severus' only friends I planned on turning Snape against him Dumbledore and on my side.

Seeing Raven pop away I put my books away and grabbed the letter to make certain it was the same


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorce., Chief. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Mangus Stark Black

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress [1]

Second page



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)[5]

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear [5]

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) [5]

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings) [5]

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.[5]


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk [5]

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot [5]

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling [5]

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch [5]

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore [5]

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger [5]

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander [5]

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble [5]


1 wand [5]

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) [5]

1 set glass or crystal phials [5]

1 telescope [5]

1 set brass scales [5]

Students may also bring if they desire, an owl OR a cat, the OR a toad.[5]



And as Muggle raised pleased buy

the Pureblood Equity books,

Magical Customs and Traditions,

Wizarding Noble Hierarchy series books,

Muggleborn an Introduction to the Wizarding world,

Ancient Magical History

Modern Magical History

and speak to Gringotts and ask for an Inheritance test.

Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions [5]

Reading the list, I frown instantly I could see the manipulation of Dumbledore if Harry got the same Letter as last time.

Nodding to myself I think to myself '' Do all of the Letters mention the Inheritance test or just the ones that are more than likely to be from a wizarding family''.

Thinking to myself I quickly thought that only this one had the advice or Dumbledore would be watching the Letters go out.

Placing the letter in his suit left pocket I teleport out of the spital world.

As I do I think to myself '' You know this would be a good World for Werewolves to live if I make it where they can teleport out''.

Suddenly a feeling grows inside me saying that only those whose souls have changed can enter the Spital world.

Frowning in confusion I had no idea what Souls changed means having a feeling of learning later I sigh as I reappear in the Game room in the Tent. Which had 21 rooms of them 6 were Bedrooms, then there's the library which takes 7 rooms, The Dueling room, Ward Room, Potion Room, Greenhouse room, Owlery, Kitchen, Dining room and the game/ living room which has a fireplace on the far wall on the left side there is an entire shelf with Board games muggle games and a few toys on the Right side is the Magical games.

Looking around at the room from my couch which I had Raven sneak in and buy using the Redwood vaults as I had to wait until I was 11 before I gain the other vaults, learning I had to wait until I was 13 years old to become lord of the Family and sit in the family seats. It did surprise me that I could control the Businesses and Properties of the House before I was 13 years but not the Seats or votes.

It's a good thing I wasn't a Bastard or Lord Malfoy would have been able to challenge me for the title with myself given no choice but to accept the challenge now I could name a champion and name the terms of the duel.

Sighing I see the Wallet on the Living room table grinning I look inside it to my 200k Pounds my debit and credit cards plus the deed to the warehouse and a small license which allowed me to carry a sword and gun on me.

The Money I got from Raven stealing from the numerous Gangs and Drug Dealers around the world which I then placed in my Muggle Bank account under the name Magnus Mikaelson inside it I had 540,451,600.00 GBP or 740,000,000 all.

Using, it I brought Islands, Empty Land, Empty Lot, Abandoned buildings, and Homes in Disrepair and sent Raven to find out if there's a ley line under them of them I had 100 Islands, 20 Lands bigger than 50 Acres, 200 Buildings, 100 Cottages, 10 Townhouses of that number 70 had Ley lines under them of those 70 I left empty planning on having Goblins turn 25 into Manors, Townhouses, Cottages, and Castle for the Black line with the rest to be sold of that number 20 will be sold out with the others turn into Money Makers such as Magical Hotels, Inns, Arena, etc. With the Lands without Ley Lines to be given and sold to the non-noble Magical families.

Sighing I place the wallet in my right pocket and grab my Goblin short sword and place it on my side. Satisfied with my look I knew the Blacks have a ton of properties and that this world had actual Magical cities, villages, and towns under the rule of Lords and the Ministry but in my mind, there could never be enough homes.


'' Master Mangus the Professor's here''.

Turning I see Raven almost skipping in excitement with a smirk I state '' Begin the plan ''.

Nodding Raven pops away to stun Professor Snape and feed him a Cleansing Potion something I was sure Snape needs as there was no way in my mind that Snape wouldn't see the signs of abuse only way in my mind is that Dumbledore had Snape under a ton of Charms, Bindings, and potions.

Walking out of the living room I headed down to the 5 Bedroom which we turned into a makeshift dungeon capable of holding 3 people.

Entering the room, I notice Snape tied into a chair tied up with Cold Iron magically restricting handcuffs with a bucket placed right in front of him and ropes keeping on the chair.

Walking over I walked over to the chair in front of the Cell and call out ''Raven wake him up and instantly give him the cleansing potion ''.

'' Yes, Master ''.

With a snap of her fingers, Snape awakes to open his eyes Snape snarls going to speak when Raven shows him the potion and allows Snape to smell it then she snaps her fingers and forces Snape's mouth to open.

Pouring the potion into Snape. We sit back and waited.

Growling in angry Snape yells '' Did you think I wouldn't have noticed the...''.


Suddenly Snape starts throwing up out of his mouth comes Pink, Purple, Red, White and Blue liquid grimacing we watch as for the next ten minutes Snape throws up growling, I say '' Raven get him a stomach soother potion and some Throat potions place a small meal of Sandwiches, Water and some chips come to get me when he's ready ''.

Nodding Raven pops away and back with the potions I made using the ingredients that were already in the trunk.

Walking out of the room I head to the kitchen pouring myself some Clear water then I walk over to the table and sit down and start sipping it.

After waiting an hour I start to pale as long Snape's been throwing up since the Potion was made by a Redwood who were masters of Trees and Potions a Redwood Potion is as powerful as a Saint Mungo's elite's Potion Master potion and if it's taking this long then Snape would've had to have the Potion since birth.

Which, was honestly scary as that meant Dumbledore has been planning since before 1970 perhaps even longer it also means that he would have made certain that his plan of using the goblins to arrest Dumbledore and getting him to lose his positions that way was a no go more than likely the best that could happen was getting him banned from Gringotts and a fine of 25,000 G plus, remove Dumbledore as Harry's magical guardian but it also means getting Sirius free will be harder and Dumbledore will probably attempt to have Sirius taken care of.

Hearing the bedroom door open I sigh in relief as Snape walks out outrage and is slightly fearful at everything that's been done taking a seat Snape looks up as Food appears in front of him.

Pulling out his wand he uses over 30 detection charms on the food and Water seeing nothing he sighs then he starts eating as he does Snape voices hard orders '' How did you know ''?

Grimacing I answer '' because of two reasons I'm a Seer and I can see Aura's when I saw the future 3 Minutes ago I saw your tainted aura which can only be tainted 3 ways the first is you use Black Magic 2nd you are Potioned or 3 your Magical's bound.... crap your magic's bound ''.

Pale Severus's head snaps up getting to his feet he pauses as I shout '' Wait, Harry Potter is being Abused and Albus Dumbledore's evil ''!

Freezing Snape's mind explodes with thoughts then he turns to the boy and asks '' What about the wards ''?

Snorting I answer '' What wards the only wards on the house is the Anti-Mail ward, Anti Apparition ward, and a Health ward to watch over the house ''.

Pale Severus jumps to his feet and stops clearing his throat he says '' Come we are going to the boy's house then get supplies for you ''.

Nodding I got up from my seat and I state '' Good, Oh and Dumbledore's watching the place so hide us and the Dursleys care about Normalcy and their reputation so make them hated for being child abusers, take Dudley from the house, an, and if you need to kill them but wait until they are imprisoned Dumbledore will be told ''.

Pausing at the advice I just gave him Severus nods and walks out of the tent I yell '' Raven pack up the tent and place it in my pocket then wait for me to call you ''!

'' Yes, Master ''!

Humming I walked out into a Warehouse that was completely repaired with walls littered with runes allowing me to use Electricity one of my inventions (I can use anything that uses anything that needs Electricity) sadly the runes only last a month or so before they have to be reapplied which means to sell stuff like that, I need the aid of a family with the gift of Rune makers as their runes don't fade over time plus, their runes have the power to recharge the magic inside it from the magic in the air and anything it's, connected to. (of course the more enchantments and runes the more magic that is needed)

Blinking I stop as I see Severus looking around in disbelief when he learned I was in a warehouse he was expecting trash and dirtiness instead he finds a Magical Tent and a boy with an elf who already knows about the world and that he's been potion since the time he was in his mother's womb and a boy whose elf had placed a wooden floor on the Warehouse floor and used Runes to give the boy a decent living quarter.

The Boy plans for this placed to be a bolt-hole if ever needed.

Smiling a little with pride he turns and watches as the boy walks out of the tent which vanishes as he walks out smirking, he walks over to me

'' Lord Black may I offer you Magical guardianship ''?

Freezing I go to answer when thunder rocks the world and a blue portal appears in the air freezing Snape recognized that portal it was the portal of Albion and only those who live on that plane can open the portal.

Watching in disbelief the two of us watch as a Man and a Woman walks out.

Kneeling the two of us keep our heads on the ground from two men and women beyond the power of Dumbledore (Merlin and Dumbledore are equal in Magical power but Merlin is Smarter and has more Political and economic power plus, more knowledge also Merlin is immortal and Wards and Traps won't hold longer than a month that's even if the wards adapt to hold Merlin and Dumbledore has access to the power of a god/titan as Merlin is Magic in Human Form while Morgana is Half Fae and Fae's make Magic wonky along with Reality.)

Smirking Morgana looks on pleased at the respect while Merlin sighs and speaks '' Rise Mortal.... and the Once and Future King I am Merlin and she is Morgana we are the Archdukes of Magic and the Court Seer and Wizard of the fallen kingdom of Albion''.

Eyes wide Severus couldn't believe who the boy was but beyond that Merlin and Morgana returned from Albion, grinning excitedly in his heart Severus believe it's finally time for Albion to be reborn, and with the King leading us how can we fail.