During the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry helps Fleur and in return pays the ultimate price of getting bonded to a Veela. ============= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.
A sense of relief washed over Hermione at those words. She knew things would be different between her and Harry but at least he would still be around and his bondmates wanted to be her friends as well. "That's good. I...I have a feeling that Ron, that's our other friend is not going to understand though."
The conversation continued on until the door opened allowing Professor Dumbledore, Professor Berceau and Harry to re-enter the room. As soon as he entered Hermione was out of her seat, launching herself at her best friend, giving him a hug that would make Molly Weasley jealous. Around both of them came the arms of Fleur and Gabrielle.
"Can't breathe," Harry wheezed, then seeing the first person to hug him. "Hermione what are you doing here?"
"What else do I do, I'm helping you," Hermione said forcing herself to smile. "That is if you want me too. But how are you? I've been very worried."
"I've had better days," Harry said then turning to Fleur and Gabrielle, "I'm sorry. I want you to know that I am not consciously fighting this bond."
"We know 'Arry," Fleur said. "We're going to get through zis."
"I think we have a way to get you bonded Harry," Rachelle said. "But I have one question to ask you. Do you trust Hermione?"
Harry looked confused and then looked at Hermione before responding, "I trust her with my life."
"Harry you know what you saw in your bondimage, would you let Hermione see those images?" Rachelle Berceau asked and then indicated the basin. "This thing is a pensieve and that will allow Hermione see Fleur's memories of what happened."
"Why? What is her part in this?" Harry asked. "It isn't that I don't want her too, I…I just don't want it to burden her."
"Harry, how many burdens have you borne of mine," Hermione asked. "How many times have you protected me? Let me help you now. If Professor Berceau thinks I can help in your bondimage, let me."
"Help? How?" Harry asked as he looked around in confusion.
Rachelle spent several minutes explaining how they would put Hermione into the bondimage with Harry and the Delacours; how she hoped Harry would let Hermione guide him through the obstacles he faced and to his heart.
Harry turned to Hermione. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Harry, I...I would do anything for you. Now, tomorrow, forever, all you have to do is ask."
"Thanks, I...I…thanks Hermione," Harry replied.
"Hermione, why don't you and Fleur view the pensieve together? She can tell you what you are seeing," Professor Berceau suggested. "In the meantime, Professor Dumbledore, I need to request two full Veelas to join us from the institute. I will need their magic to push Hermione into the bondimage when it's time."
"Of course. Make any arrangements you need and let me know when it's time for them to come through."
Hermione and Fleur went over to the Pensieve and Fleur told Hermione what to do. As their faces touched the liquid they felt themselves falling into the white silvery memory. A few minutes later they were back and Hermione was visibly shaken. She walked over to Harry and put her arms around him. "Fleur was right in there you know," She said softly. "That is not you, none of that is your fault, nor would it ever come close to making me think less of you. But I also think you now have three witches who plan on hexing your Aunt and Uncle to oblivion at the soonest opportunity," She paused to look into her friend's eyes. "I am thinking of some very creative curses at the moment."
"But you can't do magic there," Harry said. "You would get in trouble."
Hermione glanced over to Fleur, "Fleur, I do believe you are of age as you're in the Triwizard? If I tell you which curse I want on each of his relatives, would you do the honor of casting it for me?"
"Gladly, though only after I've done my own."
Harry couldn't help but smile at the thought.
It was slightly more than an hour later that Harry was back on his hospital bed. Fleur and Gabrielle were once again on either side of the bed hold his hands. Hermione sat on the bed holding the free hands of Fleur and Gabrielle. The two full Veelas were positioned on either side of the bed, each of their hands were on top of the bonding persons' coupled hands.
"Now try to relax Harry," Rachelle instructed. "Trust Hermione and I think we can get through this. Are you ready?"
Harry once again eyed Fleur and then Gabrielle, then his eyes found the worried but determined expression in Hermione's almond color eyes. He then noticed that as she stared back at him, it seemed she was trying to fight back tears. Harry tried to smile to comfort her and then turn to Rachelle. "Yes."
"Then begin," The Veela bond expert said. "And good luck."
Once again, Fleur and Gabrielle brought Harry's hands to their lips as they released their magic into the bond. This time, the magic came from the full Veelas as well. The golden glow surrounded Harry and his bondmates, as well as Hermione.
As before, Harry found himself in front of the house of his dreams. Hermione was the first to join him. As her eyes swept the home and gardens they fell on the window of the library.
There, just as it had been when Fleur had pointed it out in the Pensieve memory, she saw herself sitting in the glowing yellow light. Hermione was about to comment on it, when she reconsidered.
"No, it's can't be, so why make it worse," She thought. She took a deep breath to fight the rising emotions. Finally she said, "It's a beautiful house," and then lapsed into silence. She was glad when a moment later Fleur and Gabrielle came up beside them, each taking one of Harry's hands in theirs.
"Lead the way Hermione," Harry said.