During the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry helps Fleur and in return pays the ultimate price of getting bonded to a Veela. ============= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Harry looked into those beautiful blue eyes for a long time before answering, "Gabrielle, I can truthfully say I want to. I'd hate to think we couldn't build some kind of relationship, but to tell you the truth I'm not even sure I know what love really is."
"What do you mean?"
"Before you and Fleur told me last night, only one other person has told me they loved me and I only met him less than a year ago," Harry felt tears coming into his eyes and make an effort to blink them back.
"Only one? But...'ow can zat be?" Gabrielle couldn't imagine anyone not loving her future bondmate. "Who was it? Who was eet zat told you?"
"I can't tell you yet Gabrielle, but after we are bonded, he will be one of the first people I introduce you too. He's the closest thing I have to family," Harry explained. "I know my parents loved me, and I'm sure they told me, but I can't remember it."
"I'm sorry 'Arry, I truly am," Gabrielle said, "Fleur and I love you."
"But do you love me or the boy-who-lived?" Harry asked. "You said last night that you had a crush on me forever, and that reminded me way too much of Ginny, my friend's sister. Are you in love with me, or the thought of me?"
"Arry, I don't think you are ze one I used to dream about," Gabrielle started, "You are so much better. Even if I 'ad never 'eard of ze name 'Arry Potter, I probably would 'ave fallen for you last night. You're 'andsome, kind, thoughtful and very brave. Every girl in zis castle would have fallen for you if zey could 'ave 'ad last night with you."
Harry didn't know what to say, he just smiled at Gabrielle.
"Ees Ginny ze same girl you rescued from ze Chamber of Secrets?"
"Yes she is."
"I'm surprised she's not in love with you, or maybe she is?" Gabrielle asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No, well she had that crush on me at the time. She couldn't even stay in the same room with me when we first met, but I think she is getting over it."
Gabrielle took Harry's hand in hers before continuing "Tell me 'Arry, if eet wasn't for Fleur and me who would you 'ave liked to end up wiz?" she asked.
Harry blushed but finally he shrugged. "I really don't know. I mean I had a small crush on Cho Chang. She's the dark-haired girl that was Cedric's hostage, but obviously she likes Cedric," He sighed. "Parvati was my date to the Yule Ball but that was more desperation than interest. Not to say she isn't nice. But really, there is no one. As I said last night, I've never had a girlfriend."
"No interest in your friend?" Gabrielle asked. "Ze one who helped you, ze one you saved from ze troll? You mentioned 'er a lot last night."
"That's Hermione. She's the one who has always been there for me. She's my best friend," Harry replied smiling as an image of Hermione floated in his mind. "I… well she's the smartest witch; no, she is the smartest person I've ever met. If it wasn't for her, I would have been dead a long time ago, or at least failed every one of my subjects. Even when we argued last year it was because she was trying to protect me. But I was my typical stubborn hardheadedness person and got mad at her."
"What did she do?"
"It's not that important."
"Oui, it is. I want to know everything about ze man I love, especially what makes you mad."
"It was stupid," Harry started but then sighed. "I received a very nice present last year at Christmas, my Firebolt actually. Hermione thought that it might be cursed so she told our head of house who confiscated it to be tested. I got it back later when no curses were found. Looking back I know Hermione had my best interest at heart, it's just my temper flared up and I was too stupid to realize it then."
"Who sent ze broom?" Gabrielle asked with concern. "Why would she zink it was cursed?"
"At the time we didn't know, but later I found out," Harry explained. "And that is another one of those things I can't tell you just yet," He smiled. "You know though, even though the broom wasn't cursed, Hermione was right about who sent it. In fact she's rarely wrong about anything," At that, Harry's stomach grumbled. "Well, we better head back and see if Fleur is awake, and maybe get some breakfast."
Gabrielle was obviously feeling better as they walked back to the hospital wing. There were more students out now and each looked strangely at the pair as they went by. "At least they won't think I murdered Gabrielle anymore," Harry thought.
When they re-entered the Hospital wing, Harry looked toward Fleur's bed and stopped abruptly. His stomach immediately stopped grumbling and filled with butterflies again. Fleur was awake and sitting up in her bed. Beside her were two people who must be her parents.
"ARRY…" Fleur said when she saw her future bondmate. She jumped out of bed and rushed to Harry and threw her arms around his neck. She waited for Harry to kiss her, but he was frozen in place and his eyes were glued to the couple still sitting beside her bed looking back at him. "Come meet our parents 'Arry," Fleur said as she took one of Harry's hands while Gabrielle still had the other. Gently they guided him over to their parents.
"Papa, Maman, zis is 'Arry Potter our soon to be bondmate. 'Arry zese are our parents, Alain and Apolline Delacour."
Harry noticed that Mr. Delacour was shorter than his wife. He had a pointed black beard and a twinkle in his eyes of a good natured man. Mrs. Delacour could have passed for Fleur and Gabrielle's older sister. She had the same silvery blonde hair and radiated beauty. Harry remembered that Mrs. Delacour would be half Veela.
"Nice to finally meet you Monsieur Potter. I trust you are well?" Mr. Delacour asked holding out his hand which Harry shook. Harry had seen on his cousin's TV shows the French sometimes kissed as a greeting and was extremely glad when Mr. Delacour did not attempt something similar. "Fleur was just telling us about your dinner last night. She ees most taken wiz you."
"Uh, thank you sir. Your daughter, uh daughters are very nice," Harry stammered nervously. "Uh, please call me Harry though."
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