
Harry Potter: Transcending Through Realities

Through unknown circumstances, MC is in the magical world of Harry Potter. Read on as he is pulled in two different direction, whether to try to return to his world, or indulge in deepest desire: to stay in the world of magic with potential for limitless growth, while he deals with the resident Dark Lord, and previously unknown threats. --------- This is a wish-fulfilment work, so if you don't like it, no problem, just don't complain. Explanation of Magic System will be included. MC will eventually become very strong, maybe not OP, with realistic growth rate. Slightly AU. Follows canon, but with twists and turns, here and there. Romance? Will try. Almost no swear words, not if I can help it. I don't use them in real life, and I am not about to use them here. Harem? While the idea is interesting to execute, I might not be able to bring it to life, so consider single pairing until further notice. Protagonist is Neutral to Light, but will take morally grey decision. MC is neither hero, nor anti-hero, something in-between.

Ojasveer · Livres et littérature
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9 Chs

Chapter-3 - Working on Tentative plans



I came back from the lands of Morpheus as I felt someone shaking me gently and calling my name. I opened my eyes to see a house-elf? standing beside the bed. "Master Harry, its be time you be getting up." The creature said. "Ugh, yeah, alright I'm up." The house-elf nodded and popped out. I sat there for a few moments before everything from previous night came back to me. "I am Harry Potter" I said to myself. I slowly started to chuckle as I felt a smile on my face, before I erupted into full-flown laughter. I even danced a few steps around the room. I laughed for quite a while before I could control myself, but I still couldn't keep the smile of my face, but I didn't mind. It was literally a dream come true. 

In my previous life, I was born in a middle-class family. Until my teenage years, we were a well-to-do family. However, in my teenage years, we hit a financial set-back that affected us quite a lot. My father was the only earning member and his business wasn't faring well. Because of this, it fell upon me to uphold the future of the family. While in my pre-teen years, I was an outgoing child, later on, I became much quieter and more serious, I only concentrated on studies. This caused me have almost no friends as I became the very embodiment of the word 'nerd'.

While there was no bullying, I was still not actively included in the class groups. So, I became even more recluse, and just turned towards books and studies. It was during this time I came across Harry Potter books. They were my safe haven from the world outside, where I could just lose myself in the fantasy world, not care about the problems of my family. Another thing that made it hard for me to believe that I was now in a fantasy world was the fact that I didn't have a great luck. Many times, whenever I tried my hand in some endeavour or other, my luck never panned out. That's why I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to gain this opportunity. 

I did think about what were the circumstances that brought me here, but couldn't come up with anything. The last thing I remember was reading the last chapter of a fan-fic about a person who transmigrated into Marvel, during the WWII, in the same regiment as Steve Rogers, before he became the Super Soldier, late in the night, with my parents in the room across from me.

I thought about finding a way to go back to my reality, or is it the universe? While I didn't like to dismiss the issue, I really wanted to spend some time in this world, even if this turned out to be a dream, or something. I tried to justify the problem by thinking that I didn't have any knowledge about this. 'Maybe the Ancient One would know something about this.' I chuckled to myself. I just hoped that everyone was alright. 

I got out of bed and saw some clothes already put out for me, probably by Tinky. I took them and walked downstairs towards the bathroom. On my way I heard some muffled shouting and pounding on the Dursleys' bedroom door. 'Tinky must have put up a silencing charm. Bless her. I certainly didn't want to wake up to their voices this early in morning.'

An hour later, I came in the kitchen to the most delicious food I had ever smelled. Tinky has certainly outdone herself, I thought as I took a seat and poured myself a glass of orange juice. Midway through the meal, I called for Tinky. "What can Tinky be doing for Master Harry?" Tinky asked as she popped beside me. "Tinky, unlock their doors and let them come, but stop them on my signal. And oh, remain unseen by them, and make it so no one outside can see or hear what is going inside." Tinky nodded and snapped her fingers twice before disappearing from my view with a pop.

I had just taken another sip of juice, when I heard thudding of heavy footfalls of Vernon. A few moments later, the living room door crashed open as Vernon stood in the doorway towering with rage, a belt in his hand. He was breathing heavily, either from rage or from running the short distance from his bedroom, I didn't know. I guessed it was bit of both. Behind him, I could see Petunia. She was practically frothing at her mouth, but I could see she had strange gleam in her eye, hidden behind her rage. A moment later I realised it was fear. 'Good' I thought.

As I looked at back at Vernon, I thought 'If anything, his looks were under-exaggerated in the books.' His belly was really big and his night shirt just about seemed to be edge of bursting open and he had practically no neck as his fat from chin and neck flapped about. His small beady eyes along with large moustache really gave him a walrus like look. His face was really red, from exhaustion or rage, again I did not know, but it soon turned a shade of purple as he saw 'the Freak' having food on their table, where he wasn't allowed to eat. I could see his vein in his forehead was practically bursting.

"BOY! I know it was you who locked us in! Why are you eating at the table? I've had enough of your freakishness in my home; I am not going tolerate it anymore. After I'm done with you, you will never dare do something out of turn again, you freak!" Vernon thunderously raged.

He raised his belt, lumbering towards me as fast as his legs could carry his overweight body. Just as he reached halfway to the table, I snapped my fingers, and instantly Vernon was frozen by the still invisible Tinky and rose a few inches in the air. I just sat there and ate my food.

After gawking at the scene in front of her for a few moments, my 'aunt' shrieked at me as she woke up from her shock, "Freak, release you're your uncle, or there will be no more food for you for a month!" She was inside the doorway now, and was holding a vase above her head, taken from a nearby table, as if preparing to throw it at me.

Rage was still the prominent emotion on her face, but I could now easily see the fear on her face. While inwardly smirking, I looked at with her cold, hard eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. She taken just two steps when I again snapped my fingers and she too froze. I just smirked at her panic in her eyes and continued eating my breakfast.

After another ten minutes, I was finished with the breakfast. As I stood up, all the dirty dishes seemingly started flying under their own power and started to get cleaned in the kitchen sink. I then walked up to them and stopped a few feet from them. Though their expressions were frozen, the fear and panic was easily visible was easily in their eyes. 

"Now that I have your attention, my 'lovely' relatives," I drawled in cold tone, "let me tell you a few things. Rules are going to change from now on. I have had enough of your despicable behaviour of always treating me worse than a slave; giving me endless task everyday with no food, you belittling me every day. I will call the shots now. I won't be doing any of the chores in the house, nor will I be bowing down to your supposed superiority. You will always do as I say, bring me all the things I need and want, whenever I say."

I took a deep breath, and continued, "I know that I am a wizard, and I know all about magical world. I would advise you to stay out of my way, or the consequences will be dire. Also, tell your son to stay away from me and refrain from trying to bully me," I put a smirk and said, "who knows, if he tried, something just might get broken." I am sure there is a sinister smile on my face, if the fear on their faces is anything to go by. 

I then went past them, and towards my renovated room on the second floor. When I was seated on the bed, and the door was closed, I called for Tinky. "Master Harry called for Tinky?" Tinky bowed as she popped in the room. "Yes Tinky. First of all, thanks for the excellent breakfast. It was delicious." Tinky got a huge smile on her face as tears started pooling in her eyes. "Master thanks Tinky? Tinky is so grateful to have such a great master as Master Harry sir."

I just smiled and awkwardly patted her head and said, "Now, now, Tinky. I told you, you are not just a servant, but part of my family. Family appreciates each other, now stop crying." She nodded happily and wiped her tears on her pillow case. I made a mental note to talk to the elves about their clothing later on. 

"Now Tinky, I have a task for you. I want you to go Gringotts and ask them about the services they offer, whether it is related to banking, or anything else. Also, if it is possible for you, go to other countries and ask their banks about the services they offer, whether they are a branch of Gringotts, or some other bank, doesn't matter. Also, bring their rules and regulation. And remember, do not tell which family you or master you belong to." I said to Tinky, who listened attentively.

Tinky had a conflicting emotion on her face before she hesitatingly said, "Master Harry, I can be going to Gringotts in Diagon Alley on my own, but I not be having enough magic to go to other banks on my own. I be need- needing more of Master's magic to go to other banks." Tinky was almost cowering in fear as she said the last part. I frowned and just shook my head at the abusive mentality of wizard kind toward house-elves.

I kindly asked, "Tinky, what would happen to me if I gave you magic? Will I permanently lose that much magic, or will it be generated on its own after some time?" I asked, curious about how it worked. If it took some part of my magic permanently, then it will be a problem in the future. "No Master, Master not be losing his magic permanently, it be coming back some time later. Master may be getting tired after giving some magic." Tinky said hurriedly.

I just sighed and smiled wryly. "No problem Tinky, you can take my magic, as much as you require. And remember, don't fear if you ever want anything, just ask me. I am not like the other wizards, always remember this." I smiled at her as I extended my hand forward. Tinky nodded with an affectionate look on her face and took my hand in hers.

As she took my magic, I sudden felt a wave of exhaustion wash over. I struggled to stay conscious while she took my magic. When she was done, I slumped back on bed, completely exhausted. Tinky seemed to be almost glowing with the amount of magic inside her as I took a look at her. Before she went away, I said to her, "Tinky, remember to not allow them to come in my room." I vaguely heard her saying something in acceptance, before I blacked out. My last thought before I fell unconscious was, 'That was a heck lot of magic'.



A.N.: Hey guys, like the story? Then give me some Power Stone. It will really motivate to write more chapters, and help the story to reach out to more people.

And tell me in comments and reviews how did you like it. Any praise and constructive criticism is appreciated. Have any ideas to incorporate in the story? Let me know.

AN 2: Hey everyone, thanks for the support. I still can't believe i've got over 5.6k views in less than a week. Anyway, I am now back at Hogwarts, oops sorry (actually, I really wrote Hogwarts😅), I meant college. So, I would be able to upload only 1-2 chapters a week, maybe 3 if I push it. But don't worry, I will try my best to keep stockpiling chapters, so you would always get regular updates. Thanks for the support, and please don't leave the story after reading this😁, just joking.

Not really, though. Please don't leave, this is my first work, and your support means a lot.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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