
Harry Potter: Transcending Through Realities

Through unknown circumstances, MC is in the magical world of Harry Potter. Read on as he is pulled in two different direction, whether to try to return to his world, or indulge in deepest desire: to stay in the world of magic with potential for limitless growth, while he deals with the resident Dark Lord, and previously unknown threats. --------- This is a wish-fulfilment work, so if you don't like it, no problem, just don't complain. Explanation of Magic System will be included. MC will eventually become very strong, maybe not OP, with realistic growth rate. Slightly AU. Follows canon, but with twists and turns, here and there. Romance? Will try. Almost no swear words, not if I can help it. I don't use them in real life, and I am not about to use them here. Harem? While the idea is interesting to execute, I might not be able to bring it to life, so consider single pairing until further notice. Protagonist is Neutral to Light, but will take morally grey decision. MC is neither hero, nor anti-hero, something in-between.

Ojasveer · Livres et littérature
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9 Chs

Chapter 1- Pilot


That was the first thing I felt as I came back to consciousness. I couldn't even make sense of what had happened to give me such a splitting headache, which worried me. After some undetermined time when the headache receded to a more bearable level, I tried to remember what could be the reason for such a headache, because I certainly don't drink or anything. After laying for almost ten minutes (I think) in complete darkness, while waiting for headache to recede a bit more, several things jumped out to me.

First, I was not in my bed, it was more of a lumpy cot. And the room was definitely not mine. I tried to move around a bit, but the room was really small. Or is it a cell? Was I kidnapped? Second, I noted that I felt weak. Like really weak, and I couldn't really make sense how that could happen. I was always healthy, if not exactly muscular. Am I drugged? It definitely felt more and more like a kidnapping. But why would I be kidnapped? I don't have any enemies, or am a part of a gang. I was just a first-year college student who had just come to my family home for my winter break.

My brow furrowed as I tried to think of a scenario of how and why would I be kidnapped. What happened? Was my family safe? Though I had never been in this type of situation before (playing hero in head doesn't count), I felt relatively calm, like unnaturally so. There wasn't a trace of panic that I could detect in myself that should have been there. Why was it happening? I again thought that I was on drugs. I did feel anxious though.

 However, I noted that how I am feeling is not exactly how drugs exactly worked. Though I am not a biology student, I had taken major interest in biology in human anatomy, physiology, and psychology in my high school years, and I had studied the human anatomy quite deeply. Though my body felt weak and sluggish; which was expected of drugs, my mind is actually clear and calm, which shouldn't have been the case. Or was I given some kind of narcotics? But even narcotics shouldn't even work like that, I think? I have no idea what they felt like, I have never even seen drugs, let alone indulge in them. Or was it some other kind of chemical cocktail? I have no idea, I don't know about all the drugs in the world, after all. 

 As I laid there, getting more and more anxious about my situation, my headache had receded quite a bit, and was really much more manageable, so I tried to take stock my situation. In my cell, it was dark, and even felt a little dusty. I was lying on a really lumpy and uncomfortable cot, with a threadbare mattress.

As I touched a wall, I got a really big shock. My hand was small! Like it had shrunk down in size to the size of a child. I quickly sat up, ignoring the small kink in my back muscles, and touched the hand. Yes, it was definitely smaller. I quickly started to check my other body parts; my hands, feet, torso, and even my head. Even my face felt clear of all the pimples and acne, although a bit skinny and sunken. Yes, everything was smaller now. It was like I became a small child. Now, I was really freaking out, but I didn't make any sounds, and just took a few deep breaths for a few minutes. Even those felt really loud, but no one came. 

As I just sat there worrying about myself and my family, I noticed that I couldn't really see well. I thought it was because I had just woken, and blinked a few times, but there was no improvement in my eye sight. I was now getting more and more perplexed and even a bit panicked about what is happening now.

There were several scenarios going through my head about what happened, the most prominent of them being that I was having a really lucid dream. Kidnapping couldn't explain how I had become a child again, and a sickly one at that. I had been having some lucid dreams for the past few months, so I thought this must be lucid dream too. But the problem was it was too much realistic than what I am used to, and the feeling that I got was different. Normally, I felt like I was seeing the dream through a first-person view, but it was a bit hazy, and I had minimal control over my actions. But this was too different.


In a small, far corner of my brain, I had a fleeting thought that I had become transmigrated character like in those transmigration/self-insert fan-fictions that I loved to read. 'Yeah, right. Like that's going to happen. That happens in dreams and fantasies only.' I chuckled to myself, somewhat bitterly. I really loved those types of fan-fictions, especially Harry Potter, because I'm a very big Harry Potter fan. Like, really big fan. When I first read Harry Potter books, I became an instant fan.

But when I started to read fan-fictions, then I became almost a fanatic fan of Harry Potter. It wasn't because of writing style or character development, but because what those fictions represented. A completely fantastical world, with endless possibilities. You could do almost anything: time travel, instant teleportation, become an animal, even live forever (although I detest Horcruxes). You were only limited by your imagination. That's why I loved Harry Potter world (not just the books). And when I read those self-insert fan-fictions, it was i could come to truly experience that world, and to discover new possibilities, albeit as a third person, and only in my imagination.


As I came out of my day-dreaming (or was it night?), I started to look around to see if anything could explain my situation. I looked to my left and saw a blurry shape next to where my head was, which turned out to be a pair of circular glasses. I quickly put them in hopes that they would help me to see clearly. But I was disappointed, even with glasses, I couldn't see clearly, the left lens was cracked, and the bridge was just holding up using some adhesive tape. 'Just like Harry's glasses' I chuckled to myself internally.

I looked around and saw a light bulb on the ceiling with a string. 'How odd' I thought as I pulled on it. Light flooded the room and it took me a moment to adjust to light. I then took a look around. As I expected, my room is really small, with a slanting ceiling, and a shelf on the left wall. It held an odd ensemble of things. There were a few broken chess pieces, some plastic soldiers and a really short pencil. Above it, on the wall, was a childish drawing of a cake drawn six candles on it, and the name written on it: 'harry'. 

"Okay, this is weird, thi- wait a minute, my voice is changed; of course, it's changed, I am a child again, apparently. Oh man. Anyway, so, this is weird, too weird, this reminds me of Harry's cupboard under the stairs, everything is same as per the books' description." I mumbled to myself as I looked around again. "Yep, everything is just the same. Such a strange dream." I then took a look at myself and was again shocked and found out why I felt so weak. I was thin, like really thin, almost on the edge of malnourished.

I could actually see my bones in my forearms and my fingers were really frail-looking. I flipped the threadbare blanket that was on me, and saw that my legs were also the same, so thin that I could see the outlines of the bones. I lifted my t-shirt, which was very large for this body's size, and sure enough, even the ribs were visible, and there were even few bruises visible here and there on the torso. Now I was really confused, and even a bit scared.

"Okay, this is really weird now. Not only am I in child's body that is extremely malnourished, but everything is too similar to Harry Potter. The room, the shelf, the clothes almost five times my size, and this malnourished body. Is this really happening? No, there must be some other explanation." I started to get excited, but I calmed myself down.

I couldn't help but get a bit disappointed, because such a thing was impossible. But still, there was a part of me that was hopeful, that it was all real. This was actually the closest that I came to experience my desire. But still, I tried to suppress it, but failed to. Logically, I knew it was not possible, and hoping would only lead to disappointment. But still, the part of me that was the Harry Potter fan, couldn't help but get extremely excited. But still, I decided to indulge myself for one last time, try to see if this was really real or just an illusion or dream. 

I brought 'my' hand upwards towards 'my' forehead, to check for the legendary lightning bolt scar, while inwardly preparing myself for disappointment, when I touched something! I actually flinched when my hand froze as it came in contact with some kind of raised skin. Scar, came the word unbidden in my mind. As I gently traced the scar with my finger, my excitement couldn't help but grow. As I traced it a few more times, I became even more sure that it was the same legendary scar. Shit, It's there, it's real. I am in Harry Potter. Heck, I am Harry Potter! I couldn't believe myself. I am Harry freakin' Potter.

My dream had come true. I felt a grin cracking on my face and started chuckling slowly. I was about to explode into full blown laughter, when I abruptly stopped myself. Dursleys, came in my mind. I knew it was not the time to celebrate my dream coming true, if it really is. I was small and powerless right now, knew nothing about how magic felt and worked; though I had some theories on how worked, so I couldn't defend myself. I needed to get out of here, or get some support.

My mind immediately went back to the hundreds of fan-fictions I had read. There were many things available, but only one viable option came to me, that would allow me a good amount of freedom, because I won't be serving under anyone, especially the Dursleys'. They must be most despicable people I've ever known about.

Starving a child, especially their own nephew, forcing him to do chores an adult should do, Petunia is just full of hate and misery. There's no pity to be had for her. The same about Vernon. I don't know if he ever hit Harry, but seeing this body's condition and how Harry was depicted in the books: a boy that tried not to stand out, never put any effort in studying magic, it wouldn't be far from the mark. I am somewhat grateful that I haven't inherited Harry's memories. Now I can continue in this world as Harry without all the emotional baggage that he must have had while living with his relatives.


To implement my plan, I needed to get out of here. All the things that I read in the fan-fictions made me wary to try anything in this house. I have no idea what kind of person Dumbledore is, and whether there are any kind of wards over this property that would detect magic. I slid my feet off the bed and put on the sneakers that I had, which were completely worn off, only held together by some tapes. I turned off the light in the cupboard, and slowly pushed on the door on the right side. It seems today is really my lucky day, the door was actually open! Petunia must have forgotten to lock it. I quietly pushed it open and slid outside the cupboard. Thankfully, the hinges of the door were silent, or it would have been much harder. I closed the door and took a look around. I was standing in the hallway of the house. It felt like I was standing in the movie prop. It was exactly the same as was shown in the movies. The same wallpaper, with photos of the Dursley family all around.


It seemed it was late in the night, but there was some light coming from the lights outside. I tip-toed towards the living room and the kitchen connected to it. I needed to find the date and year right now, that would decide my future plans and preparations. I came in the living room, or is it a parlour? These British people have weird naming sense. As I took a look around, there is only one word that I could use to describe it: normal. Everything was so normal looking that it almost felt abnormally normal.

I didn't pay much attention to it, but looked around for a calendar to check the current year. It was in the kitchen that I found one. It seems that Petunia had a habit of crossing off the days gone by. Nevertheless, it made easier for me to determine the date. It turned out that today was actually Harry's birthday! Today was 31st July, 1988. So, I was eight years old again today, or rather Harry was. I just nodded to myself, and then made my way back to the hallway. I confirmed that Dursleys' were still sleeping, by their snoring. I made my way towards the door. Luckily, the door keys were right there, hanging by the door. I took the keys, opened the door quietly and slipped out of the house.

 As I walked away, I took a look back at the house. Sure enough, it was the same as was shown in the movies. Even the whole neighbourhood was the same. Everyone here seemed to be obsessed with normality. Honestly, normality is overrated. For my plan to work, I had to get as far away from here as possible. As far as I remembered, there was a park near Wisteria Street and Magnolia Crescent, where Dudley used to bully children. So, I took a right turn and started walking.

Though it was late at night, I still walked cautiously. However, new moon tonight made it quite easy, and the lights installed were easy to avoid. After walking for perhaps half an hour, I finally came across the alley-way that connected Wisteria Walk and Magnolia Crescent. I went through the alley and soon came upon the Magnolia Road, and I could see a park in the distance. I hurriedly walked towards it. It seemed the park was fairly new, the walkways were clean, the bushes clearly cut, and the slides had a faded but matte colour. I walked towards where a bunch of trees were and went inside. Soon, I came upon a small clearing inside. It was perfect for my purpose. It was faraway enough from the Dursley's house that it wouldn't set off any alert wards that might be on the house.

 As I stood there, I hoped that my plan would work, otherwise going forward would become very difficult. 


A.N.: Hey guys, like the story? Then give me some Power Stone. It will really motivate to write more chapters, and help the story to reach out to more people.

And tell me in comments and reviews how did you like it. Any praise and constructive criticism is appreciated. Have any ideas to incorporate in the story? Let me know.

Hey everyone, please give me some Power Stones.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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